Books of self-discovery By Kate Duggan The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy
These illustrations of conversations between a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse have been shared across the world. As the author says, the characters “are all different, like us, and each has their own weaknesses. I can see myself in all four of them, perhaps you can too.” Personally, I challenge anyone to read it and not feel at least a tiny bit lighter, more hopeful and more connected to those around us.
A Street Cat Named Bob By James Bowen
James had very little to give when he found an injured stray cat. A recovering drug-addict, James was living in sheltered accommodation and busking to earn enough money to eat. But it turned out that taking in the ginger cat, which he named Bob, would change James’ life. This true story is a few years old now, and you could just choose to watch the film adaptation. But if you want to curl up with a feel-good story full of hope, resilience and friendship, it won’t disappoint.
Staying Alive: real poems for unreal times by Neil Astley
The five hundred poems in this anthology cover a wide range of subjects, from depression and death to joy, personal quests and self-discoveries. As the synopsis says, these are poems that are “fired by belief in the human and the spiritual at a time when much in the world feels unreal, inhuman and hollow.” You’ll rediscover poems you’ve likely heard many times before, such as Robert Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’, and also have your eyes opened to a whole new legion of poets.
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