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Are Tortoises Good Pets?


Are Tortoises Good Pets?


Step back into a 1970s garden and you might see an unfortunate tortoise tethered by a string. In the days when we didn’t understand these creatures, we thought it was OK to drill a hole through a thin portion of the shell and use this to thread a string. Hopefully we are now kind enough to know that being tethered represents a very poor living environment for any animal. Do tortoises make good pets? If you have a young child, it’s probably a ‘no’. They are not cuddly and can deliver a painful bite. But most importantly, it’s all about the care that an owner is prepared to offer and children will probably not be able to satisfy their needs. It’s not so much about what a tortoise can give to its owner, but what a caring tortoise-keeper can offer to this very special reptile. These prehistoric creatures have strong personalities and can be addictive, but their multiple needs include heat, light, dry housing and appropriate nutrition. They require space to roam and company at a ratio of one male to at least five females, otherwise injury from vicious biting will occur. They can’t fend for themselves in this country and will rely on you for all their needs. Most tortoises in the UK require certification, as many of the various species are now listed on CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Always check that you are buying from a reputable source. By Caroline Knight

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