6 minute read
What’s on in September
from Potton Sept 2022
by Villager Mag
Sunday Stroll 10.30am Forest Centre, Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine Free - donations welcome Gentle Sunday walk around the park lasting approximately two hours. No need to book. Tel: 01234 767037 Web: www.marstonvale.org
Sandy Astronomical Society 7pm Zoom general meeting followed by ‘Listening to Einstein’s Universe: the Exciting Dawn of GravitationalWave Astronomy’ by Prof Martin Hendry. Email: info@sandyastro.co.uk Web: sandyastro.co.uk
Roxton & District Local History Group 7.15pm for 7.30pm Roxton Village Hall Members free, visitors £4 Annual membership £20. Email: mariascreen1@gmail.com Web: roxtonhistory.org.uk
2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26 & 30 SEPTEMBER
Open Door 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Tea, coffee and chat. Mondays (not bank holidays) and Fridays. Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
Coffee Morning 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Coffee, tea, bacon butties, homemade cakes, cards, Bric-a-Brac, Books and jigsaws etc. Held on the first Saturday every month except January. Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
Craft & Food Fayre 10am-3pm Jordans Mill, Broom A fantastic range of stalls including sweet treats, hand-made items, locally made foods and more. In the front car park and throughout the grounds of Jordans Mill.
2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 SEPTEMBER
Sandy Ukulele Group 7-9pm Baptist Chapel Hall, Bedford Road, Sandy Meets every Friday. Please email for more information on joining. Visitors welcome. Email: sandyukulelegroup1@gmail. com Web: www.sandyukulelegroup.com
Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group 1pm Shuttleworth Guests £5. ‘The Duncan Sandys Myth’ by Greg Baughen. Meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Entry to Shuttleworth £19.50/£17.50 online in advance (valid for 30 days). Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk Email: 99aegr@gmail.com
Sandy Historical Research Group (SHRG) Exhibition 1-4pm Sandy Baptist Church Hall Tel: 01767 226392 Email: secretary@shrg.uktr
Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society 2pm Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade ‘Plants and Castles of Transylvania’ with Razvan Chisu, garden designer writer and editor known as the Transylvanian Gardener. Visitors welcome – small charge. Web: www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk
Red Kite Concerts 2022 5-6pm St. John’s Church, Cockayne Hatley Tickets £15, under 18s free The Flautadors Recorder Consort, performing on beautiful Renaissance instruments. Tickets available online or on the door. Web: www.redkiteconcerts.com
5, 12, 19 & 26 SEPTEMBER
Branch Out Social Club for Single People 8.30-10.30pm Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin Medium-sized social club for single people aged 40 upwards. Meets every Monday night. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk
Gamlingay & District Gardening Club 7.30pm Eco Hub, Stocks Lane, Gamlingay ‘Gardening for Butterflies’ by Dr Ian Bedford.
7, 14, 21 & 28 SEPTEMBER
Open Craft and Coffee 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
7, 14, 21 & 28 SEPTEMBER
Hinxworth Art Society 10am-12pm Hinxworth Village Hall Drawing, painting, coffee and chat. No need to book. Occasional oneday courses and demonstrations. Email: 99aegr@gmail.com
7, 14, 21 & 28 SEPTEMBER
Open Wednesday at the Walled Garden 10.30am-4pm Luton Hoo Estate, Luton Entry £7.50 including guided tour, school age children £1, under 5s and carers free. Last entry 2.30pm. No access from the hotel – please use LU1 4LF. Tel: 01582 721443 Web: www.lutonhooestate.co.uk Tickets: trybooking.co.uk/BMNU
Jersey Boys Tribute Night 7pm, show 8pm. Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine Tickets £15. The New West End Jerseys perform the incredible music of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Book online. Tel: 01234 767037 for more details Web: www.marstonvale.org
Bedfordshire Family History Society 7pm and 7.30pm on Zoom Drama Theatre, Mark Rutherford School, Bedford ‘RAF Henlow’ by Ted Martin. Web: www.bfhs.org.uk Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts
Bedford Art Society 7.15pm for 7.30pm Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford Members free, visitors £5 ‘Flowers in watercolour’ with Nicky Hunter, an artist specialising in watercolour, working and teaching from her studio at Westbury Arts Centre in Milton Keynes. Tel: Jean Paterson 01234 307210 Web: www.bedsartsociety.co.uk
Craft Fair 10am-3pm Biggleswade Social Club Free entry. Support local small businesses. Email: thestitchincraftcabin@outlook.com Web: facebook.com/ crafteventsatbiggs
Open Day and Wine Sale 11am-4pm Warden Abbey Vineyard, near Old Warden Adults £4 in advance online, £5 on day, children under 16 free, tours £5. Wine tasting, local food and other stalls, Petting farm, BBQ and refreshments. Web: www.wardenvineyard.org.uk

Guided Town Walk 2.30pm Meet at the Church Rooms, Sandy £3 per person. Led by Barry Groom. In aid of The Leprosy Mission. Refreshments available at the end. Please contact Colin to book. Tel: Colin Osborne 01767 682032 Email: colin.osborne@codo.co.uk
(Not Strictly) Jazz 5-7pm Tickets £20, 10-18 years £10 Fairfield House, Fairfield Road, Biggleswade Featuring a quartet of professional musicians who will perform jazz classics. Refreshments included. Contact Sarah for tickets. Tel: 01767 312176 Email: sarahwiggs@hotmail.co.uk
Sandy Flower Club 7.30pm The Conservative Bowls Club Pavilion (rear of the Conservative Club, Bedford Road) Visitors £5 The Flower Club meets second Monday in the month (excluding January, August and December). New members always welcome. Tel: Sue Alexander 01767 699729 or follow us on Facebook
Bedford Local Group of The Wildlife Trust 7.15pm for 7.30pm Priory Methodist Church Hall, Newnam Avenue, Bedford Illustrated talk ‘An Introduction to Bedfordshire’s Geology‘ by Bev Fowlston. Ample parking. All welcome. No charge but voluntary contributions appreciated. Tel: 01234 266057 Web: wildlifebcn.org
Sandy Astronomical Society 7.30pm Zoom talk by Dr Jane Clark on ‘Mapping the solar system from your back yard’. Email: info@sandyastro.co.uk Web: sandyastro.co.uk
Bedford RSPB Local Group 7.30pm ARA Club, Manton Lane Bedford MK41 7PF Group members £1, Guest £2, annual group membership £5, under 18s free. Jo Thomas presents ‘Wildlife of Panama - from the Canal to the Sky’. Suitable for experts and novices. RSPB membership not essential. Facilities and refreshments at ground level. Secure parking. Tel: 07905 199769 Web: www.rspb.org.uk/groups/ bedford
15, 22 & 29 SEPTEMBER
Biggleswade & District Camera Club. 8-10pm Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade Non-members £3 See website for full programme. Web: https:// biggleswadecameraclub.co.uk
Coffee Extra 10.00 am to 11.30 am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Coffee/Tea/Toasted Tea Cakes etc. Weekly “Open Door” (Tea/Coffee/ Chat) on Mondays & Fridays 10-11.30 a.m.(not Bank Holidays). Weekly “Open Craft & Coffee” on Wednesdays 10-11.30 a.m. Everyone Welcome.
Sandy Women’s Institute 10am-12pm Sandy Conservative Club, Bedford Road, Sandy Visitors £4. Meets third Tuesday of every month, except August. Visitors very welcome. Tel: 01767 680644 Email: sandywibeds@gmail.com
Bedford National Trust Association 2.15-3.15pm Addison Centre, Kempston BNTA members £3, NT members £3.50, visitors £4. ‘Sulgrave Manor and the Washington Family’ by Martin Sirot-Smith (in costume). Non-members welcome. Tel: Garry Telling 01480 819625 Email: garry.geoff.telling@gmail.com
Body & Soul Exhibition The Higgins, Bedford Free entry. Body & Soul is a new exhibition exploring how women have been represented in art over the past two centuries. Web: www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk

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