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Critical Race Theory, Part 4 - What’s the big deal?

Nevertheless, people are divided and reduced to categories of “Blackness” and “Whiteness.” racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” They separated the eight-yearold children into oppressors and oppressed.

After being judged primarily by their skin color, there are positive traits connected to Blackness or people of color and negative traits attributed to Whiteness. Black people are associated with being oppressed and White people are oppressors.


Parents are fighting against it when they find that their children are learning these systematic racist ideologies in school.

In previous pieces in this series, as well as other editorials over the past year, we’ve learned that with Critical Race Theory race is primary, rather than individuality, even though some proponents believe race does not biologically exist (like gender). Race is just a social construct, but how we identify with race is what shapes our lives, and yet “Whiteness” equals “racist.”

The new form of racial segregation is often into “racial affinity groups” or “racial caucuses.” The assumption is that Whites must “do the work” to address their “internalized racial superiority” and racial minorities must be protected from invasive “Whiteness.”

Next comes intersectionality. If you don’t know what that is, it is easily found online.

An elementary school in Cupertino, California forced third-graders to deconstruct their

Concerning the California Reparations Task Force proposal

So, a San Francisco reparations panel pitches $5 million – each – to Black residents. This offer totally blows out the recent California Reparations Task Force proposal for reparations of $223,000 per recipient according to their recent report.

Adding insult to injury is the contradiction that California has always been a free state since statehood.

If such reparations are actually made, then send the bill to one major remaining guilty party responsible for slavery, Jim Crow discrimination and the KKK terrorism inflicted upon freed slaves and their descendants.

Of course it would be the Democratic Party, whose sordid history is consistently wrong on race.

This San Francisco panel must stipulate that all reparation funds will be collected from the bank accounts of the Democratic Party, all Democrat subsidiaries and all leadership and members. These monies could then be disbursed to eligible recipients.

Anything else would be a whitewash, and another exercise in Democrat gaslighting of Americans to forget the Democratic Party’s racist history.

Let the Democrats and their ilk be hoisted with their own petard.

Rick Reiss Temecula resident

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