Anza Events Calendar, A-2
Anza VFW Post 1873 and Auxiliary mid-month news, A-6
Aerial photos helping tax assessor find unpermitted structures
Sales tax included at news stand
Your Source For Reputable Local News
February 17 – 23, 2017
Volume 17, Issue 7
First Valentine’s Mud Fest gets down and dirty in Anza Valley
Elected Riverside County Tax Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Peter Aldana during a special appearance at the Feb. 8 Anza Municipal Advisory Council meeting said his office is in the process of compiling new aerial images of the Valley to determine how many new structures have been built to make updated tax assessments. see page A-3
Anza-Borrego Foundation celebrates 50 years
Ryan Welfle’s monster truck was a huge, muddy hit at Anza Mud Fest.
The Anza-Borrego Foundation will hold a celebration honoring 50 years of service to the Anza Borrego Desert State Park April 1.
After months of preparation and much anticipation, Feb. 11, dawned cold and misty, with a hint of rain. It was the perfect day
for the Anza Lions’ Valentine’s Day Mud Fest held at the gymkhana field in Anza. Contestants came from near and far to compete with their various machines for the title of Mud King and Queen, with trophies
Diane Seiker photo
and cash prizes being offered for the fastest times. Dirt bikes, SUVs, Jeeps, Razors, four-wheel drive (and not) pickup trucks, buggies and even a sand rail and a real monster truck had the crowds howling encouragement and advice
as they fought to race through the 120-foot mud-filled track. Muddy globs flew in every direction and the action was nonstop. The crowd favorites did not disappoint.
see MUD, page A-4
see page A-5
Free birthday lunch at the Community Hall Cafe Local
Anza VFW Post 1873 auction set Feb. 23 ANZA – The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1873 and Auxiliary in Anza announced their long time in the planning auction will be conducted Thursday, Feb. 23, beginning at 6 p.m. at Post headquarters.
see page A-5
A delicious free meal was served up by Chef Patchara “Patches” Chansricha Palmer at the Community Hall Café Feb. 7, in celebration of her birthday. Diane Seiker photos
Chef Patchara “Patches” Chansricha Palmer share’s a laugh during a birthday celebration in her honor at the Community Hall Café Feb. 7.
extraordinary way. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., a buffet line of delectable chicken stir-fried rice with vegetables, Chicken Chow Mein and a wonderful new item, “Chicken Laab”
Anza Valley Outlook
A very special lunch was served at Anza’s Community Café Tuesday, Feb. 7. Located in the Com-
munity Hall, the Cafe specializes in tasty, authentic Thai and Asian food, all created and cooked by Chef Patchara “Patches” Chansricha Palmer. Feb. 7 was her birthday, and she celebrated in an
(minced chicken, mint, green onions and spices, served over lettuce) was offered free of charge to Cafe patrons. Free bottled water
see BIRTHDAY, page A-3
‘I Love Anza Day’ highlights Valentine’s Day, offers up family fun Diane Seiker ANZAEDITOR@REEDERMEDIA.COM
The Anza Civic Improvement League (ACIL) organized the first ever “I Love Anza Day” Feb. 11, in the Little Red School House in Anza. Decorated beautifully with Valentine’s Day hearts, colorful stuffed animals, holiday-themed cookies and cupcakes and every possible craft item needed to create homemade Valentine’s cards, the event was a festive occasion. GeriLyn Blanton Mellin from Ballooner Nooner was in attendance making balloon animals and Disney characters for adults and children alike. Participants were able to use the supplied paper, stickers, glue, glitter, markers and more to craft their own unique Valentine’s cards. Special “I Love Anza” window decals were given out to new ACIL members. see LOVE, page A-7
Kennedy Miller adds items to her handmade card during “I Love Anza Day,” Feb. 11, held at the Little Red School House. Diane Seiker photos
Anza Valley Outlook • • February 17, 2017
A N Z A’ S U P C O M I N G E V E N T S If you have a community upcoming event email it to, put attention events in subject line. VFW Auction. Thursday, Feb. 23, beginning at 6 p.m. at Post headquarters. Post members are urged to bring a list of the items they will be auctioning. Those auctioning their items need to fill out an auction available at the post 59011 Bailey Road in Anza. For information about more upcoming events or membership at Anza Post 1873 call (951) 7634439 or see From the Heart Spring Rummage Sale. March 15,16,17, donations and volunteers welcome call President Christi James (951) 595-2400. Watch for more information. KOYT radio dinner-dance fundraiser. Saturday, March 25, Fun-filled Spring Fling benefit dinner and dance at the Anza Community Hall. 21 and over, includes dinner, live music, raffles, beer, wine and more for $15 donation per couple or for signing up for a KOYT Membership members will receive a $5 discount. Membership applications will be available at the Community Hall door the evening of the dance and dinner. Visit 963koyt. org for information. *To learn more about these clubs and organizations- see below. Regular Happenings Hamilton High School. Find out what is happening using Hamilton’s online calendar at events/calendar/. Let’s Eat at the VFW. Anza VFW’s weekly meals open to the public. Meals are served: Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., for $6.50 donation; Friday: 5-7 p.m. for $7.50 donation; Sunday: 8:30-10 a.m. for $6 donation. Thursday and Saturday’s food and activities vary, monthly meal schedule and happenings available at VFW Post is 1/4 mile west on Bailey Road off Terwilliger Road (951) 763-4439. VFW website Email vfw1873anzaca@gmail. Now accepting debit and credit cards. Hamilton Museum. Open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 39991 Contreras Road, Anza. Information, call (951) 763-1350 or visit www.hamiltonmuseum. org. Check out FB: HamiltonMuseum-and-Ranch-
Foundation. Public Library at Hamilton High School. Hours are Monday and Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Lunch: Monday - Friday during school is 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Located at 57430 Mitchell Road in Anza. Phone: (951) 763-1865, call to confirm hours. Health, exercise, resources, recovery meetings Ve t e r a n s ’ G a t h e r i n g Mondays. 9-11 a.m. next to Indian Health, 39100 Contreras Road. Anza, Suite D in Anza. Men and Women veterans come to share and help each other deal with the struggles brought about and during service to our Country. Call John Sheehan at (951) 9236153. Need an advocate to help with VA Benefits call Ronnie Imel (951) 659-9884. The Most Excellent Way. Christian center recovery program for all kinds of addiction. Program is court approved, child care provided. Transportation help available. Fridays 7-8:30 p.m. and Tuesdays 8-10 a.m. 58050 Hwy. 371 (Corner of 371 & Kirby) in Anza. AA Men’s Meeting. Meetings take place Thursdays at 7 p.m., 39551 Kirby Road Anza, south of Hwy. 371. ALANON. Tuesday evenings, 6:30 to 8 p.m. 56095 Pena Road in Anza at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. Information, call Carol at (951) 763-1022. Alcoholics Anonymous. Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. 56095 Pena Road in Anza at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. Information; call (951) 763-4226. AV Christian Men Service Club. Food distribution outreach, USDA inclusive, every third Wednesday of each month at the Anza Community Hall from 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers needed. Must be bilingual and able to add, spell and read. Carrying weight may be required. Volunteers receive first pick of food for their help. Contact Jeff Crawley at (951) 763-1257 for information. Fit after 50. Free Exercise Class takes place every Tuesday and Friday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Anza Community Hall. Chair aerobics help with coordination and balance and increase muscle tone. No jumping required, wear gym shoes and bring water. Leader Joe Volkman can be contacted at (951) 763-0827. Assistant is Reba Schulz at (951) 763-2254. Free Mobile Health Clinic.
Open every third Wednesday of the month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. No appointment is needed. Uninsured may only be in the RV in hall’s parking lot or inside the Anza Community Hall. Grief Share. Call (951) 7634226 to register. Meetings held Fridays at 1 p.m. at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 56095 Pena Road, Anza. Grief Share is designed to minister to people grieving the death of a loved one through videos and discussion. It is a place for hurting people to find healing and hope.
the fourth Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. Breakfasts rotate to different locations. Contact Jeff Crawley at (951) 763-1257 for information. Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Wednesday Bible Study. Wednesday Bible study takes place at 10 a.m. 56095 Pena Road in Anza. Call (951) 763-4226 for more information. VGC. Saturday Men’s Study. 7a.m. Breakfast is usually served. 43275 Chapman Road, in the Terwilliger area of Anza, (951) 763-4622.
Food ministries FUN Group weekly food ministry. 3 p.m. Thursdays only at Anza Community Hall. To order a paid box and help feed those who can’t afford to pay, drop off payment and cash donations by Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the ERA Office, Hwy. 371 in Anza. Pay inside or drop off during the day in the red box outside. Put your name and request on an envelope and payment inside when dropping off. About $100 worth of food in $30 boxes. Half boxes are available for $15. For every $30 box sold, six people can be fed. Food is delivered once a week to those who cannot find a ride. Information: Bill Donahue at (951) 288-0903, Robyn at ERA or call Donald Seddon at (760) 390-5537. FUN Group’s Free Community Dinner. Dinners are held at 1 p.m. on the last Sunday of the month at Anza Community Hall. All are welcome. Donations of time, money, etc., always welcome. FUN Group gathers supplies donated by individuals, local merchants, restaurants and churches to prepare the best quality and tastiest meal for all who attend. To donate or get involved; Donald Seddon at (760) 390-5537 or Terry Seddon at (760) 695-7452. Food for the Faithful. Food bank hands out food on the last Friday of month 8 a.m. until food is gone. Clothes closet open as well. Emergency food handed out as needed. Located at Sacred Heart Catholic church. FFF is a non-denomination nonprofit. All in need welcome call Esther Barragan at the church (951) 763-5636.
Clubs TOPS Meeting. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Support group meets weekly on Wednesdays. Weigh in at 8:30 a.m., meeting at 8:45 a.m. at Thompson Hall at the Anza Baptist Church, 39200 Rolling Hills Road in Anza. Questions call Lynn Johnson (951) 392-1389. High Country Boys and Girls Club. Second Monday of the month attend committee meetings at ERA Real Estate office in Anza. Info call Albert Rodriguez at (951) 492-1624 or Robyn Garrison at (805) 3120369. HCBGC Bingo fundraisers. Held on second and fourth Fridays at Anza Community Hall, 6:30-9:30 p.m. HCBGC host Free ATV Rider Course. By Coach2Ride. com. Class is free for riders 17 and younger. Well-paced handson training session. Local offroad regulations, places to ride and environmental concerns discussed. The State of California requires all ATV riders under 18 years of age be safety certified. Loaner ATV’s and apparel available for a small fee. Call to reserve (858) 382-1515. Anza Area’s VFW Post 1872. Capt. John Francis Drivick III also includes the Ladies’ and Men’s Auxiliaries. P.O. Box 390433, 59011 Bailey Road in Anza, (951)763-4439 http:// Request monthly newsletter and or weekly menu by email vfw1873anzaca@ 4-H Meetings. Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month (except February) 6:30 p.m. at Anza Community Hall. 4-H is for youth 5 to 19 years old offering a variety of projects. High Country 4-H is open to children living in the Anza, Aguanga and surrounding areas. Information; Allison Renck at (951) 663-5452. A n z a Va l l e y A r t i s t s Meetings. Meetings are third Saturday of each month. 1 p.m. Various locations. Share art and ideas, participate in shows. Guests speakers always needed! Contact Rosie Grindle president (951) 928-1248. Helpful art tips at AnzaValleyArtists/. Anza Quilter’s Club. Meets from 9:30 a.m. to noon the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 56095 Pena Road in Anza. Anza Valley Lions Club. Guest meetings with dinner are held on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings and events are posted on the Anza Lions Club website calendar at Meeting at Anza Valley VFW Post 1873, 59011 Bailey Road in Anza. Guests and potential members contact Mike Esposito (951)
Bible Studies Anza’s Mormon Church. Sunday Sacrament. 10 a.m.; S u n d a y S c h o o l , 11 a . m . ; Priesthood/Relief Society, noon; Wednesday Scouts, 6 p.m.; Youth Night 7 p.m. Information, call Ruiz (951) 445-7180 or Nathan (760) 399-0727. Wednesday Genealogy/Family History Class 5-8 p.m. open to the public. 39075 Contreras Road, Anza. Native Lighthouse Fellowship. Meets the first Saturday of the month 10 a.m. Breakfast served. All welcome to come fellowship together. Located at the ‘Tribal Hall’ below the Casino in Anza. Information, call Nella Heredia at (951) 763-0856. Living Hope Bible study. Tuesdays from 8-10 a.m., 58050 Hwy. 371 (corner of Kirby) Call Pastor Kevin (951) 763-1111 for questions. All welcome. Anza RV Club House. 7 p.m. Second Wednesday of the Month Pastor Kevin officiating. Located off Terwilliger Road. Monthly Christian Men’s Breakfast. Breakfast takes place
Interested in advertising? Call us today! 951-763-5510 ANZA VALLEY
760-9756. Boy Scouts Troop 319. Cubs meet at 6 p.m. every Tuesday and Boy Scouts at 7 p.m. every Wednesday at the Mormon church on Contreras Road South of Hwy. 371. Information, call Richard Hotchkiss (951) 5513154. Boys Scouts Troop 371. Boy Scouts meet at Lake Riverside. Call Ginny Kinser for details at (909) 702-7902. Civil Air Patrol. Squadron 59 is looking for new members of all ages. Information; Squadron Commander Major Dennis Sheehan from the Anza area at (951) 403-4940. To learn more and see the club’s meeting schedule visit www.squadron59. org. Fire Explorer Program. Meets at 6 p.m. every second, third and fourth Tuesday of the month. Located at Fire Station 29 on Hwy. 371 in Anza. Call (951) 763-5611 for information. Redshank Riders. Back country Horsemen meet at 7 p.m. at the Little Red School House in Anza, the second Thursday of each month. Visit or call Carol Schmuhl for membership info (951) 663-6763. Thimble Club. First Thurs each month at Valley Gospel Chapel 43275 Chapman Road, in the Terwilliger area of Anza. Lunch $5 at 11:30 a.m. followed by meeting. The Thimble Club is a local philanthropic women’s group started by local farmer’s and rancher’s wives more than 104 years ago. Join in the proud tradition of the Thimble Club. No sewing required. Information, Shaaron Chambers (619) 2061268. Once a month, on the last Friday Organizations From the Heart. Mission is to help the area’s neediest children and FTH Christian Women’s Ministries invites all women and men to join in this mission. Donate or help with the bi-yearly rummage sales to raise funds for the cause or to help with other events. Monthly Luncheon and special speaker meetings are held second Saturday of each month at noon, $5 charge for lunch at Shepard of the Valley Lutheran,56095 Pena Road in Anza. Information, call President Christi James (951) 595-2400. Anza Community Hall. General membership meetings are on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Members are like a shareholder; membership – $20 person, $35 business, both get one vote. Membership and Swapmeets are the main way the Hall pays the bills. No government funds are allocated. Voting members receive discounts off Hall rentals, Swapmeet booths and save on propane gas from Farrell Gas. Mail membership to: Anza Community Building, Inc. at P.O. Box 390091 Anza, CA 92539. Located at 56630 Highway 371 in Anza. Swap Meet at the Anza Community Hall. Each Saturday of the month, weather permitting, early morning to 1 p.m. Vendors wanted. For all Hall inquires, memberships, rental or swap meet call (951) 428-0901. AVMAC. Second Wednesday of each odd month at Anza Community Hall at 7 p.m. Group serves as local liaisons to the county from the community. Contact info (951) 805-6800. Minor Park and Little Red School House. Available to rent, cared for by the Anza Civic Improvement League no government allowed funds, membership pays the bills $10 a person, $18 family or $35 business membership. Visit Meetings. 5:30 p.m. last Thursday of each month. Hwy. 371 at Contreras Road in Anza. Info; President Bob Giffin at Overland Reality in Anza.
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Browse or call 951-763-0500 The campus is located at 36401 Tripp Flats Road in Anza Serving Anza, Aguanga, Garner Valley, Sage, and the surrounding communities
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February 17, 2017 • • Anza Valley Outlook
Anza Local
Aerial photos helping tax assessor find unpermitted structures
Peter Aldana, Riverside County Assessor, County Clerk-Recorder, explains the function of his office to those attending the Feb. 8 Anza Municipal Advisory Council meeting in the Community Hall. Tony Ault photo
Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM Elected Riverside County Tax Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Peter Aldana during a special appearance at the Feb. 8 Anza Municipal Advisory Council meeting said his office is in the process of compiling new aerial images of the Valley to determine how many new structures have been built to make updated tax assessments. Aldana said his office did a pilot program “chase detection” aerial
Chef Patchara “Patches” Chansricha Palmer cooks up a special meal that served at no charge to patrons at the Community Hall Café Feb. 7.
survey pilot program last year and found new structures that many not have been assessed. He said the data was put together with the structures found in the flyover. He said it showed “what we have before and what we have now,” being used to determine any new assessments. Greenhouses and the surrounding equipment as seen from the air, if it is determined they are not on the tax rolls or not permitted, the structure will be assessed at the current market value and a letter informing the
property owner of that assessment, explained Aldana. “We do not assess the crop,” he said, in reference to the marijuana grows in the area, “we only assess the structures.” He said his office is not code enforcement, although they have been invited to share information in their aerial imagery programs. “There is fine line between code enforcement and us,” he explained. “We are not going to pay code enforcement for aerial imagery.” He heard from several residents at the meeting that there are a large number of new greenhouse being constructed in the valley and should be looked at. He noted that several more aerial flyovers may be taking place soon. He was asked by a resident if the aerial photos could discern between a motor home and structure. He “yes” because the imagery is angled to make that determination. “After tonight we may be in touch with code enforcement,” he said at the meeting. He did say that the property tax assessment delinquencies in the county are now at a record low indicating the economy is on the upswing. He pointed out there are programs outlined in the assessors’ webpages that provide information on the latest tax assessment procedures and new rules that may benefit people moving from one county to another and are concerned about local taxes. Aldana used a power point to show what the duties and responsibilities are for his office as assessor-clerk-recorder. The office is clearly separated from Riverside County Code Enforcement and other agencies. He gave the following explanations of each of his offices’ mandates: Assessor – To locate, inventory and value all taxable and exempt secured and unsecured property to Riverside County in accordance with the applicable constitutional legislative and administrative provisions. County Clerk – To facilitate applicant and license for marriage and to perform marriage ceremonies, to file notary public oaths of office, fictitious business names
and other items as mandated by law or ordinance. Recorder – To record as mandated by law all recordable documents in connection with ownership and titling of properties and other negotiated items within the County of Riverside. To provide the recording, storage and certification of all documents of births, deaths and marriages occurring with the County of Riverside and other public records and to maintain in permanence all records pertaining to same. Records Management Program – To serve as the county’s records manager by providing excellent in-house, contracted and
2-year-old boy succumbs to injuries from accidental drowning
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A sign reading “Happy Birthday Patch” graced the counter at the Community Hall Café Feb. 7. Diane Seiker photos
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Barbara Keller and Chef Patchara “Patches” Chansricha Palmer prepare the menu at the Community Hall Café.
was also provided. Customer Marge Schultz went even further with the gastronomic celebration, providing a homebaked birthday cake, presented to Patches with the required “Happy Birthday” singing performed by all in attendance. Patches and her husband Jim Palmer are always thinking of new ways to benefit the community
in Hemet. Investigators are currently conducting a follow up investigation of the incident to rule out foul play or neglect. The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department would like to remind anyone with swimming pools to secure both interior and exterior access to these areas with fencing and door alarm systems. This should help to eliminate accidents from occurring around unsupervised swimming pools. Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to call Investigator Porrazzo at the Hemet Sheriff’s Station (951) 791-3425, Or Investigator Harvey at (951) 955-6136.
According to the Riverside Sheriff ’s department Jan. 31, deputies from the Hemet Sheriff’s Station responded to an address in the 25000 block of Belleview Street, Val Vista, for a medical aid call involving a 2-year-old boy, found floating in a back yard swimming pool. The child was immediately transported to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital by ambulance, where he remained on life support systems. On Feb. 12, the child succumbed to injuries sustained from the swimming pool incident. The boy has been identified as Zayden Wilson of Aguanga. The incident reportedly occurred while he was visiting his grandparents
Free Ice Cream every Day!
BIRTHDAY from page A-1
advisory records management services in a cost-effective manner. The Riverside-County Assessor, County Clerk and Recorder office is listed on their webpage at with its mission to fulfill the legally and locally mandated functions of the Assessor, County Clerk, Recorder and Records Management Program in an accurate, timely professional and courteous manner and to ensure high quality service. Aldana urged Anza Valley residents to contact his office if they have an questions on their assessments or other records information.
and this event was another creative way to show their appreciation for the support of the residents and visitors to Anza. Reception of the Chicken Laab was excellent and it will possibly be added to the menu in the future. The Community Cafe is open Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., yielding to Community Hall special events in the building. The Cafe can be contacted by calling (760) 809-9805.
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Anza Valley Outlook • • February 17, 2017
Anza Local MUD from page A-1 “We had a lot of interest for this event,” said Johanthan Schmidt, the organizing chairman of the Mud Fest. Besides action-packed mud racing, delicious barbecue tri-tip sandwiches were cooked up onsite by Danny Stone, while Lions volunteers and Jessica Bell with her 4H children whipped up hamburgers, hot dogs and nachos. The winners for time trials were Rodney Bourgeois in first place, Braden Firth in second and Fred Parle in third. Ryan Welfle was crowned Mud King and Heather Marie Wilson the Mud Queen. It was a festive day of friends, community and sociable competition. The huge John Deere tractor was supplied by Danny Stone, who salvaged mired machines from the muck. S&K Grading provided the water tender that created the mud. The Firth family, Roddy Bourgeois and many others helped to provide funds for the water. Nick Schmitz and Miles Hoops donated recovery expertise. Heritage Well Service donated use of the PA system and contributed toward the water purchase. Schmidt’s Ranch Services performed field prep and organization. Many volunteers, including Austin Ellington, Braden Firth and Squeak Smith, put in countless hours to ensure this event would be a success and if the smiles on the faces of those in attendance were any indication, their hard work paid off. “It was great to have this as something new, the Lions are working to have a lot of new events this year and we want to add more events and reach more people in the community, while sticking with the traditional affairs as well,” said Lions Club president Michelle “Mimi” Brown. “Every cent the Lions raise goes back to the community,” she said. “We donate to different organizations, families and more throughout the year. For 2016 we were able to give away $2,000 more than the prior year. For 2017 we want to give even more back.” Festivities like Mud Fest are an important way the Lions receive the funds to donate to local causes, Brown explained. “Thank you to everyone, I love this town! Everyone stepped up to make this happen,” she said. “We
A buggy makes a great run at Anza Mud Fest, Saturday, Feb. 11. Joanne Salazar photo
Anza Mud Fest Chairman Johnathan Schmidt shows his patriotic side during the national anthem. Joanne Salazar photo
This Jeep made a mad dash, all four tires slinging mud at Anza Mud Fest. Joanne Salazar photo
Danny Stone operated the recovery John Deere tractor which was used to pull vehicles off the track when they became bogged down in the mud. Diane Seiker photo
hope to make this an ongoing event. If we have the water donations coming in we can make this happen several times throughout the year. We have a lot planned for this year and have already started planning for Anza Days.” Those who are interested in joining the Anza Valley Lions Club or helping in any way, should call Brown at (760) 637-9173 for more information. “I’m sure we can find something that interests you,” she said. The Valentine’s Day Mud Fest interested many, and the next one will be an even bigger success.
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Anthony Firth on his dirt bike did not disappoint at Anza Mud Fest.
Diane Seiker photo
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Rodney Bourgeois’s sand rail was completely covered with mud after his runs down the track at Anza Mud Fest. Diane Seiker photo
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Trophies and cash were awarded for the fastest times down the track at Anza Mud Fest Saturday, Feb. 11. Diane Seiker photo
Serving Anza, Aguanga, Garner Valley, Sage, and the surrounding communities
February 17, 2017 • • Anza Valley Outlook
Anza Local
KOYT 96.3 Anza radio dinner-dance fundraiser planned Tony Ault TAULT@REEDERMEDIA.COM
KOYT 96.3 Anza community radio will conduct a fun-filled Spring Fling benefit dinner and dance Saturday, March 25, at the Anza Community Hall, Highway 371 across from the Circle K in Anza. The age 21 and older event will include a dinner, live music, raffles, beer, wine and more for a $15 donation per couple or for
signing up for a KOYT Membership new members will receive a $5 discount. Membership applications will be available at the Community Hall door the evening of the dance and dinner. All proceeds for the dance will go directly to KOYT and will help with the costs of running the station. The radio station which will be celebrating its first anniversary going on the air at the event. The community radio reaches a 10mile radius from its transmitter
in Anza bringing music, local programming and news 24 hours a day. The radio station received its official Federal Communications Commission On-Air license Feb. 2, 2016, and has been broadcasting since, including live streaming on the internet. Programming on the station continues to expand with its membership growing. Currently the station is offering a number s of programs including a “A lunch hour of Classic Rock with Liese”
Anza-Borrego Foundation celebrates 50 years Kim Harris ANZAEDITOR@REEDERMEDIA.COM
The Anza-Borrego Foundation will hold a celebration honoring 50 years of service to the Anza Borrego Desert State Park April 1. Come to the Steele Burnand Anza Borrego Desert Research Center located at 401 Tilting T Drive in Borrego Springs to reminisce with ABF trustees and staff, volunteers, park staff and friends over the past 50 years of park sup-
port. The event runs from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Enjoy live music, food by Kesling’s Kitchen, a live auction and a silent auction with exclusive 50thanniversary items, and a special 50th Anniversary Brew by Nickel Beer Co. Registration includes choice of one exclusive tour, beginning on the morning of April 1 before the main event at 2 p.m. There will be tours available for all abilities including driving tours, hikes and
park department tours. Once registered, a tour registration invitation will be emailed to guests a few weeks before the event. The tours are optional and will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. Register early to get first pick of these special tour options. Tickets for the event are $55 per person and are available by visiting, For more information, contact Bri Fordem at bfordem@theabf. org or (760) 767-0446, ext. 1006.
on Wednesdays, The Love Hour on Friday night with a mix of music about love a Science Series, a Jazz Hour and an “Artisan Spotlight” featuring local artists. Flavia Krieg, from KOYT 96.3 said some new programming will soon be on the air that will include a “Radio Theater,” and news and events from the local schools. The donations and memberships to the nonprofit station help improve its programming and community reach.
Memberships begin as low as $19.63 for a one year individual membership to the Platinum membership for $299.63 that includes two personal “on-air” acknowledgements per day for a year or 20 percent discount for underwriting a program for the first year. Membership applications can be found on KOYT 96.3 webpage at or by leaving a message at (951) 763-KOYT (5698). A list of the local programming can be found on the website as well.
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Anza VFW Post 1873 auction set Feb. 23 ANZA – The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1873 and Auxiliary in Anza announced their long time in the planning auction will be conducted Thursday, Feb. 23, beginning at 6 p.m. at Post headquarters. Post members are urged to bring a list of the items they will be auctioning. Post Commander Robert Cobb in his February newsletter said post
members will have a maximum of 6 items per person to auction off. Those auctioning their items need to fill out an auction available at the post 59011 Bailey Road in Anza (off Terwilliger Road). Commander Cobb reported his home has been sold and the next in line as Post Commander is Sr. Vice Commander Henry Sokol. Lindarae Tyler will move up to the
Sr. Vice Commander slot and a new Jr. Vice Commander will have to be elected. Nominations for new officers will take place in March. The next District Meeting will take place Saturday, Feb. 25 at a location to be announced. For information about more upcoming events or membership at Anza Post 1873 call (951) 7634439 or see
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Supervisors approve Fire Station 26 expansion Joe Naiman JNAIMAN@REEDERMEDIA.COM
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved the expansion of Riverside County Fire Department Station 26. The 3-0 vote Jan. 31, with John Tavaglione absent and one vacancy on the board, authorized $1,110,760 of Development Impact Fee revenue for the expansion and found the project categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act review. Although the supervisors’ action did not authorize any specific design or construction contract,
the county’s Purchasing Department was authorized to execute consultant services agreements for up to $100,000. The addition of Riverside County Fire Department staff, including female firefighters, has created a need to expand the Hemet fire station. The work will expand the existing restroom, add a restroom, relocate the existing bunk rooms and upgrade the fire station to current Americans with Disabilities Act standards. The addition to the northeast portion of the existing building will increase the size of the fire station by 418 square feet. The budgeted $1,110,760 al-
lows $70,800 for architectural design, $600,000 for the construction contract, $207,455 for minor construction, $54,000 for project management, $67,745 for specialty consultants, $100,000 for contingency, and $10,760 for fixtures, furnishings and other equipment. Future board of supervisors hearings will consider the approval of an architectural and engineering services agreement, plans and specifications, the authorization to solicit bids, the approval of related agreements and the award of the construction contract.
Supervisors initiate General Plan Amendment proceedings for potential Rancho California strip mall Joe Naiman JNAIMAN@REEDERMEDIA.COM
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors directed county staff to initiate general plan amendment proceedings for a 6.1-acre Rancho California parcel. The supervisors voted 3-0, Jan. 31, with John Tavaglione absent and one vacant board seat, to approve the initiation of the general plan amendment for what potentially could become a strip mall. The proposed amendment would change the land’s general plan foundation component from Rural to Community Development and change the land use designation from Rural Mountainous to Commercial Retail. The county is currently reviewing applications for a specific plan, tentative parcel maps and an Environmental Impact Report. Those approvals will be considered by the board of supervisors after completion of the public review process and a county Planning Commission hearing. The land is owned by Beresford Properties, LLC and is east of Carancho Road, north of Calle Nuevo, west of El Chaval Place and south of Calle Capistrada. When
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the county’s General Plan Advisory Committee considered a recommendation Aug. 18, members noted the current lack of commercial services in the area and felt that a small commercial area would be appropriate to support future residential
development. The General Plan Advisory Committee recommendation for approval was followed by an Oct. 19, Planning Commission hearing which resulted in a positive Planning Commission recommendation.
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Anza Valley Outlook • • February 17, 2017
Opinion Editor’s Note: Opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Anza Valley Outlook staff. We invite opinions on all sides of an issue. If you have an opinion, please send it as an email to, or fax us at (760) 723-9606. Maximum word count 250. All letters must include the author’s name, address and phone number. The Valley News/Anza Valley Outlook reserves the right to edit letters as necessary to fit the publication’s format.
Letter to Trump: how to cut the federal bureaucracy Harold Pease, Ph. D. SPECIAL TO ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK
Dear President Donald Trump, The bureaucracy is out of control, enlarging itself at every turn. Every political science Intro to Government text has a chapter addressing this problem convincingly showing why the government is unable to stop or even significantly slow this expansion, and Ronald Reagan was the only president before you that even tried. The 50s movie “The Blob” starring Steve McQueen comes to mind; an enemy absorbing and devouring people, with an ever-enlarging appetite as it did. The Constitution designates Congress as the only federal rulemaking branch of government. “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives,” Article I, Section 1 said. The choice of the word “all,” was deliberate. There exists
ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK Serving Anza, Aguanga, Garner Valley, Sage, and surrounding Southwest Riverside County communities.
no constitutional authority for Congress to delegate this responsibility to any other body. Citizens should be secure in the knowledge that they have three elected officials, their House and Senate members that have fully read and understand every law or rule placed over them. The Founders made no distinction between laws or rules, as each is a prohibition of some activity. But decades ago Congress got lazy and started creating organizations to administer and create the details of a law, thus thousands of “little laws” or “regs,” short for regulations emerged and often gave the law a twist never intended by the original bill. The Founding Fathers were aware of this practice and listed it in the Declaration of Independence as one of the reasons supporting the revolution from Great Britain, “He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance.” Congress has allowed these “multitudes of new offices,” to essentially decide what the law means. These creations benefit Congress in two ways. Bureaucracies do most of the work, making “little laws,” and also conveniently leaves Congress with an enemy of their own making to combat. Members love, and get elected by, “bu-
reaucracy bashing.” An example is the 2,700-page National Healthcare bill that created 159 separate organizations to manage; each organization is capable of enacting hundreds of additional rules and regulations. An older example is the Environmental Protection Agency. A prominent housing contractor once told me that one-third of the cost of a new home went to fulfill regulation requirements. “It did not lift a shovel of dirt or pound a single nail,” he said, but it did “harass our people.” Seemingly, there is no way to stop bureaucratic growth, but the growth, like cancer, must be fed by taxes, which “eat out their substance.” What is obvious to everyone else is seldom so to the enlarging bureaucracy whose new employees become ever more vocal, with a vested interest in its defense, sustainment and enlargement. Obviously any plan to succeed must have bureaucratic support. “Goliath” must agree to undertake one serious diet, or it will never happen. Some 35 years ago, such a diet came across my desk written by F. F. McClatchie. My students since have been asked to become the bureaucracy to determine if the plan would work. At least 90 percent chose to be laid off. It seems so easy. It has five steps.
One, freeze immediately all federal hiring of new employees. There will be resistance but not enough to stop this step because “their” job is secure. Mr. President, you are to be commended for having implemented this step, please consider the next four. Two, lay off 10 percent of all existing employees each year, selecting those to be laid off by lottery. This lottery ensures that the layoffs will be “fair,” that is, the bureaucrats can’t play with the deck. That way, those who are part of the fat are not in charge of cutting the fat. This step will meet serious resistance so it must be accompanied by step three simultaneously. Three, continue to pay the laidoff bureaucrats their wages as of the layoff date. This decision would insure their full cooperation. In fact, their full-time vacations would no doubt thrill them. It would save billions of dollars even since they would no longer occupy office space or waste paper, to say nothing of working mischief. They could no longer interfere with business, saving countless billions for productive uses. Few people will reject this offer, but it can’t go on forever, as it is immoral to pay someone for doing nothing. Four, reduce each laid-off employee’s paycheck by 10 percent per year. This decrease would en-
sure that sooner or later they would seek productive employment. They may choose to bank the new salary or vacation for a year or two, before returning to full employment in the private sector. In the meantime, they will spend the money on hobbies, travel, etc., and keep the economy roaring along with no additional tax burden. Fifth, continue this process until the government is operating efficiently at approximately 1/10 the current payroll or less. Those opting not to be laid off could be part of the new system. At $20 trillion in debt, this nation is close to bankruptcy. We desperately need a solution that works before we bankrupt. President Trump, together with your reduction of bureaucratic regulation by 70 percent, this plan has the highest probability of any solution suggested of saving us from the bureaucracy blob. Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He has taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
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KIM HARRIS, Valley News Managing Editor J.P. RAINERI, Sports Editor SHANE GIBSON, Staff Photographer TIM O’LEARY, Staff Writer PAUL BANDONG, Staff Writer TONY AULT, Staff Writer JOE NAIMAN, Writer TARYN MURPHY, Intern JACOB PREAL, Weekend News Desk Editor
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ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 391353, Anza, CA 92539 PHONE: (760) 723-7319 PHONE: (951) 763-5510 FAX: (760) 723-9606 ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK (ISSN 08836124) is a legally adjudicated paper, AKA AMERICAN OUTLOOK, is published weekly by the The Village News, Inc., 1588 S. Mission Rd. #200, Fallbrook, CA 92028. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Anza Valley Outlook, P.O. Box 391353, Anza, CA 92539. ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF OPINIONS OR INFORMATION OR ERRORS PRINTED IN THIS PAPER, OR FOR ANY JOB, SERVICE OR SALES ITEM. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK OUT ALL ADS. Anza Valley Outlook is a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anza, County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, March 14, 1986; Case Number 176045.
Cleaning house and other duties Mallard Fudd SPECIAL TO ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK
One of the hardest things I have had to learn was house cleaning. It took me years to understand that there are simple rules that if you are able to remember them are quite useful in this time-honored art. First, keeping carpets clean. If your friends enter the door, take one look inside and immediately start wiping their feet even though you don’t have a door mat, it’s probably time to do the dreaded vacuuming. If while cooking your meal you smell something burning but it’s not your food, it is probably time to clean the stove top. Knowing when to dust was always tricky for me until I discover how to gauge it. If you finally find
a key that you’ve been looking for that has kind of been in plain sight but you couldn’t see until you accidently moved some of the dust on your dresser, well it’s time to do that irritating chore. In the case of the refrigerator, it usually starts emitting a strange odor or liquid of some type that will start dripping out of the door. In this event, invite a friend over, I recommend a female friend being usually safe, and have them inspect and discard. If friends are not available to help, it is usually best to throw everything away and start over. Not doing so can land you in the hospital; take it from me. Bathrooms are easy, something usually stops working, usually the drains, which floods the bathroom, and of course you have to mop the floor anyway. It’s pretty straight
forward. I try really hard to keep houseplants going. They will wilt when they run out of water, but they usually don’t make it in my home. Curtains should be washed when there is no longer a glare on the TV while watching it during the day. Ceiling fans should be cleaned according to what room they are in. Clean above the dinner table when you notice extra pepper on your food and in the bedroom when you think you may have bed bugs. The garage? Well as long as you can open the door and nothing spills out, you’re good. Garbage is emptied when it spills on the floor too much and you can’t close the trash door if you have one, or when it begins attracting unwanted critters of various sizes. To check the kitchen floor, re-
Anza VFW Post 1873 and Auxiliary mid-month news Tonie Ford SPECIAL TO ANZA VALLEY OUTLOOK
We certainly have had our share of rain these past two months, as well as some fair-weather days. I was asked if it was OK to start planting. Only if you’re planting a cold weather seed. We could still
have snow. I was here years ago when it snowed for Easter. Mother Nature loves to trip us up. Heads up! We’ll be holding our first auction of the year Feb. 23 at 6 p.m. Have your items to the Post by 5 p.m. Dinners are served from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Our Wednesday potlucks
continue to be very successful. If you would like to bring something to share, have it there by 5 p.m. We’ve had some great donation menus. Thanks to all those who participate. We sure could use new cooks and helpers. If you’re interested, please give our kitchen manager, Debbi, a
Copyright Valley News, 2017 A Village News Inc. publication Julie Reeder, President The opinions expressed in Valley News do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Valley News staff.
Advertising Policy: Acceptance of an advertisement by Valley News does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of its sponsors or the products off ered. We will not knowingly publish advertisements that are fraudulent, libelous, misleading or contrary to the policies of Valley News. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement we fi nd unsuitable. Please direct all advertising inquiries and correspondence to the address below. Letters to the Editor: Please submit all correspondence to our corporate offi ce by e-mail to or by fax to (760) 723-9606. All correspondence must be dated, signed and include the writer’s full address and phone number in order to be considered for publication. All letters are submitted to editing to fi t the the publication’s format. Back Issues Available: A limited number of previous issues of Valley News and Anza Valley Outlook (prior to current week) are available for $1.50 each, plus $1.00 postage and handling ($2.50 total cost). Call (760) 723-7319 to order.
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move your boots and socks if you wear them and put both feet on the floor. If it is hard, I hope not impossible, to unstick your feet, it is time to wash the floor. I tried using the floor cleaners that polish the floor at the same time, but even these cleaners are defeated after a while. If you have a dog and feed it in the kitchen, a light coat of gravy on the floor works in a pinch. Lastly, if you are watching television and something buzzes in your ears and you feel an itching in your eyes, it is probably time to throw out the fruit that you bought just because you went on a health kick. Over the years I have painstakingly gathered this invaluable information, which I now give to you at absolutely no charge.
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call at 763-1291. Activities for the last half of February (which is Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month) are: Feb. 17 – Debbi’s Chicken Cacciatore, Penne Pasta, salad/ soup bar, sautéed Brussel sprouts, brownies Feb. 18 – Ron’s burgers noon – $5:99/ Karaoke 3-7 p.m. Feb. 19 – Comrade’s Eggs to Order, sausage or bacon, toast, hash browns, O.J. Feb. 22 – Canteen Snacks & hors devours potluck Feb. 23 – AUCTION (6 p.m. – Sold Out) Feb. 24 – Debbi’s Honey baked ham, ranch style beans, homemade mad & cheese, salad bar, pie Feb. 26 – Tonie’s French toast or pancakes, eggs to order, ham or sausage, fruit, coffeecake, O.J. Feb. 28 – National Tooth Fairy Day (No putting your dentures under the pillow! It doesn’t count!) Wednesday Canteen Snacks & hors devours potluck 5-7 p.m. Thursday $1 dogs – 4-7 p.m. Friday Dinners – 4:30-6:30 p.m. Sunday Breakfast – 8:30-10 a.m. Meals are open to all and include coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Saturday: Canteen Snacks available 3 p.m. If you were born in February, your birthstone is the Amethyst and your flower is the Violet. If a necklace chain is knotted, put a drop or two of salad oil on a piece of waxed paper, lay the knot in the oil and undo it by using 2 straight pins. It should unknot easily.
February 17, 2017 • • Anza Valley Outlook
Anza Local ABANDONMENT BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File Number: R-201603227 Filed Riverside County Clerk’s Office Peter Aldana The following fictitious business name(s) has been abandoned by the following person(s): FANS PLUS BLINDS INC. 78450 Hwy 111 Ste 1, La Quinta CA 92234 County: Riverside Fans Plus Blinds Inc., 78450 Hwy 111 Ste 1, La Quinta CA 92253 This business is conducted by a Corporation This Corporation is located in the state of California The fictitious business name referred to above was filed in Riverside County on 3/14/2016 Signed by: Carol Sue Osborn THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY ON 1/20/2017 LEGAL: 2598 PUBLISHED: February 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017
Paul and Rika Anctil enjoy making Valentines at the first ever “I Love Anza Day,” Feb. 11. The event was sponsored by the Anza Civic Improvement League.
LOVE from page A-1 ACIL members Patricia Whittle, ACIL secretary pro tem and Debbie Vesey, ACIL vice president, oversaw the festivities. “The board is very appreciative
Crafts for the children were just one of the fun things to do at “I Love Anza Day,” Saturday, Diane Seiker photos Feb. 11.
GeriLyn Blanton Mellin from Ballooner Nooner made balloon Disney characters for the children attending I Love Anza Day,” Saturday.
of the people who shared this special day with us,” Whittle said. ACIL is planning more activities such as this in the near future. “Thank you all for this event. We had fun making cards,” said Elaine Miller. “And the balloon lady is the
best!” Minor Park and Little Red School House is available to rent and cared for by the Anza Civic Improvement League. No government funds are used. Volunteers and memberships, which cost $10 a person, $18 family
or $35 for a business membership, keeps the Little Red School House up and running. For more information, visit Minor Park and the Little Red School House are located at Hwy. 371 at Contreras Road in Anza.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: HEC 1700126 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner: RODNEY LEE (EATON) Filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: RODNEY LEE EATON Proposed Name: RODNEY LEE BLANDA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 3/23/17 Time: 1:30 pm Dept: H1 The address of the court is 880 N. State St. Hemet CA 92543 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Anza Valley Outlook Date: 1/19/17 Signed: Kathleen Jacobs, Judge of the Superior Court LEGAL: 2597 PUBLISHED: January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201702082 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ACCENTS 45000 Indian Wells Ln, Indian Wells, CA 92210 Mailing address: c/o Licensing Department, 3536 Harding Avenue, Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96816 County: Riverside Food Pantry, Ltd, Which will do business in California as Lamonts, Accents, Coco Cove and Surf City Trading Co. By Lamonts, 3536 Harding Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96816 This business is conducted by Corporation This Corporation is located in the state of HI/CA Foreign Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Andrew T. Kawano Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 2/10/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2606 PUBLISHED: February 17, 24, March 3, 10, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201700557 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: KARMING PLUMBING 45656 Caminito Olite, Temecula CA 92592 County: Riverside Alan Yukling Tom, 22498 McCormick Court, Wildomar CA 92595 This business is conducted by Individual Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 12/20/2016 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Alan Yukling Tom Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 1/12/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2594 PUBLISHED: January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201701608 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MADAM PALOOZA LLC 29980 Technology Drive, Suite 4, Murrieta CA 92563 Mailing address: 23726 Pepperleaf St., Murrieta CA 92562 County: Riverside Madam Palooza LLC., 29980 Technology Drive, Suite 4, Murrieta CA 92563 This business is conducted by Limited Liability Company This LLC is located in the state of California Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on August 2013 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Sylvia Araujo Asmussen Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 2/1/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2601 PUBLISHED: February 10, 17, 24, March 3, 2017
TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No.: 2016-01099 Loan No.: TEAEVER LLC/ GREGG NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ATTACHED YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 5/7/2014. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale reasonably estimated to be set forth below, The amount may he greater on the day of sale. Trustor: TEAEVER, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Duly Appointed Trustee: Foreclosure Specialists, Inc,. A California Corporation Recorded 12/3/2014 as Instrument No. 2014-0461495 in book , page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Riverside County, California, Date of Sale: 3/3/2017 at 3:00 PM Place of Sale: In front of the building near the flagpoles Northeast corner of West Sixth Street & South Buena Vista Avenue, Corona, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $230,889.18 Street Address or other common designation of real property’. 61110 COYOTE CANYON ANZA, CA 92539 A.P.N.: 577-230-004-0 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed. and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 760-758-7622 or visit this Internet Web site WWW.ZENITHTRUSTEE.COM, using the file number assigned to this case 201601099. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Date: l/30/2017 Foreclosure Specialists, Inc,. A California Corporation 217 Civic Center Drive # 2 Vista, California 92084 760-758-7622 Dana A. Fazio, Trustee Officer Tac# 7879 Pub: 02/10/17, 02/17/17, 02/24/17
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201700165 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MK COLLECTIBLES 40065 Buckwood Way, Murrieta CA 92562 County: Riverside Hossein -- Negahban Karjan, 40065 Buckwood Way, Murrieta CA 92562 This business is conducted by Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Hossein-- Negahban Karjan Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 1/5/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2595 PUBLISHED: January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201700688 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ETCHPRESS YOURSELF 714 7th St., Norco CA 92860 County: Riverside Nicole Ashley Owens-McGrew, 714 7th St., Norco CA 92860 This business is conducted by Individual Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on June 4, 2016 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Nicole Ashley Owens-McGrew Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 1/17/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2602 PUBLISHED: February 10, 17, 24, March 3, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201700275 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: NATIONAL MARKETING CONSULTANTS 387 Magnolia Ave #103-328, Corona CA 92879 County: Riverside Lorie & Associates LLC, 387 Magnolia Ave #103328, Corona CA 92879 This business is conducted by Limited Liability Company This LLC is located in the state of California Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Lorie Yvette Anderson Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 1/9/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2596 PUBLISHED: January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201700945 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: RED WING STORES 40573 Margarita Rd, Suite C, Temecula CA 92591 County: Riverside Everyday Heroes, 40573 Margarita Rd, Suite C, Temecula CA 92591 This business is conducted by Corporation This Corporation is located in the state of California Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 8/10/2016 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: William Peter Sweasy Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 1/20/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2600 PUBLISHED: February 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201701120 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Q TECH AIR&WATER SERVICES 2799 Jester Ave, Thermal CA 92274 County: Riverside Miguel Angel Quirino, 2799 Jester Ave, Thermal CA 92274 This business is conducted by Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Miguel Angel Quirino Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 1/25/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2599 PUBLISHED: February 3, 10, 17, 24, 2017
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: RIC 1702037 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner: EMILY SALINDO Filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: EMILY SALINDO Proposed Name: EMILY SALINDO DEGUZMAN THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 3/13/17 Time: 8:30 am Dept: 12 The address of the court is 4050 Main St., Riverside CA 92501 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Anza Valley Outlook Date: 2/3/17 Signed: John W. Vineyard, Judge of the Superior Court LEGAL: 2604 PUBLISHED: February 10, 17, 24, March 3, 2017
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201701532 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PARADIGM STUDIES 42210 Roanoake Street, Temecula CA 92591 County: Riverside Andrew Peter Larson, 42210 Roanoake Street, Temecula CA 92591 This business is conducted by Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious name listed above. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Andrew Peter Larson Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 1/31/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2603 PUBLISHED: February 10, 17, 24, March 3, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: R-201700477 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SUNDANCE PAINTING COMPANY 4906 Steve Ave., Jurupa Valley CA 92509 County: Riverside Joseph Theodore Huber, 4906 Steve Ave., Jurupa Valley CA 92509 This business is conducted by Individual Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 1/1/2017 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Registrant: Joseph Theodore Huber Statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 1/11/2017 NOTICE—IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION (a) OF SECTION 17920, A FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT GENERALLY EXPIRES AT THE END OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, EXCEPT, AS PROVIDED IN SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 17920, WHERE IT EXPIRES 40 DAYS AFTER ANY CHANGE IN THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OTHER THAN A CHANGE IN THE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT OF ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE, OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411 ET SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. PETER ALDANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK. LEGAL: 2593 PUBLISHED: January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 2017
CASE #: INP 1600810 1. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of DENNIS S. SCHAFER and/or DENNIS SCHAFER. 2. A Petition for Probate has been filed by Christopher J. Schafer in the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside. 3. The Petition for Probate requests that Christopher J. Schafer be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. 4. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. 5. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. 6. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 3/28/17 Time: 8:45 A.M. Dept. 1A Address of court: 46-200 Oasis St., Indio, CA 92201 7. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. 8. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. 9. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (Form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. 10. Attorney for Petitioner: Samantha N. Winter, c/o SACKS TIERNEY P.A., 4250 N. Drinkwater Blvd., Fourth Floor, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 PUBLISHED: February 17, 24, March 3, 2017
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