Fallbrook Village News

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Yummy foods comfort seniors B-10

Earthquake risk in California C-4

FAA offers dreamscapes D-5

Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall

a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f

a nd

Pau m a


March 2, 2017

Organic citrus growers continue to battle ACP

D e L u z , R a i n b ow , C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,


Sales tax included at news stand

Volume 21, Issue 9

Students dig big at Los Jilgueros

Tom Ferrall Staff Writer

Local organic citrus growers gathered at the Pala Mesa Resort Feb. 22 to discuss their continuing battle with Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) and the efforts to prevent the disease Huanglongbing (HLB) from spreading to their groves. The psyllid feed on citrus leaves and stems and can infect the trees with a bacteria that causes HLB. “California has a bug that can transmit a bacteria that kill your trees, and there are limited ways in which we can deal with it at this time,” Enrico Ferro, a pest control advisor, told the audience while providing an update on the Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program. “What our goal is, is to keep the industry alive and to keep the industry thriving.” Florida, which had its commercial orange groves hit with ACP in 1998 and subsequently HLB in 2004, has been devastated by the disease, according to Ferro. “They’ve shown graphics of the infection moving through a grove in Florida and within a couple years it will spread throughout the entire grove,” said Ferro. “That bacteria will be spread and you’ll start to see the trees that had the infection earliest will start dying.” The tree is greatly weakened by the disease and production suffers. “The fruit is smaller, the taste becomes bitter and the really hard situation to deal with is it doesn’t take much for the fruit to drop off the tree,” said Ferro. “You can just go up and grab a branch and give it a little shake, and if the tree is infected with HLB, the fruit will just rain off.”

see CITRUS, page A-8


Village News

Announcements �������������������������A-3 Business ���������������������������������������B-7 Business Directory ���������������������B-3 Classifieds ������������������������������������B-5 Dining & Food ��������������������������� B-10 Education.......................................B-6 Entertainment ������������������������������D-4 Health & Fitness ��������������������������B-2 Home & Garden �������������������������C-2 Legals.............................................B-4 Obituaries �������������������������������������A-6 Opinion �����������������������������������������A-4 Real Estate �����������������������������������C-2 Sheriff’s Log ���������������������������������A-6 Sports.............................................D-1 Wine................................................D-6

Nancy Heins-Glaser photo Fallbrook Street School students take part in the big dig effort at Los Jilgueros Preserve, planting native plants on Jan. 31. Five local elementary schools participated in the Environmental Education Program of Save Our Forest this year. See story and more photos on page C-1.

Pickett named as Warriors’ new head football coach

Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent

The search for a new Fallbrook High School head football coach ended with the selection of Darius Pickett. “I’m excited for the opportunity, and I think I’m at a real good place,” said Pickett. “The community is one of the few communities that actually value and enjoy football and rally around the team, so it’s exciting for me.” Bob Burt coached the Fallbrook varsity squad in 2016. “It was a good experience for me with the players and the parents,” said Burt. “I think the kids who played for me had a good experience.” Burt told the team members that he was stepping down following the Dec. 11 team banquet. His departure allows Burt and his wife

Darius Pickett

Courtesy photo

the flexibility to move to Arizona. “We were close to moving about a year ago, and when the Fallbrook thing happened we stayed,” said Burt.

K y l e Wi l l i a m s h a d b e e n Fallbrook’s head coach from 2013 to 2015 but accepted the Westview High School head coach position in February 2016. Burt was hired in April 2016. “The players were phenomenal to deal with,” said Burt. “I couldn’t ask for a better group of young people and a better group of parents. Our kids never quit and played hard.” Burt’s wife works in the automotive finance industry. “I’ll probably coach somewhere else,” said Burt. Approximately 15 potential coaches applied with the Fallbrook Union High School District to replace Burt, and five of those were chosen for interviews. “We were happy with all five,” said Fallbrook High School athletic director Patrick Walker.

Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary presents inaugural Canine Mayor election FALLBROOK − Calling all canines! The Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary will host the inaugural Canine Mayor election fundraiser and would like to invite all residents of Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow and De Luz to nominate their fur baby. The “Caninedate” that receives the most votes will have the prestigious honor of becoming Fallbrook’s first canine mayor. The top five runners up will become Canine Council Members. The Canine Mayor will serve as goodwill ambassador to all the pets in the community and advocate on their behalf. The Canine Mayor will make appearances at community events as applicable. A Canine Council Member may be asked to fill in when the Canine Mayor is unavailable. The winner will receive: a prestigious one year term in office, an official mayor collar, a medal, a framed certificate, a gift basket from the Barkery Cafe, a gift certificate from Kahoots Fallbrook, participation in community events, and an assortment of other prizes. Nominations will be accepted starting March 1, and ending March 22. Each nomination is $25. The official campaign kick off rally, which is open to the public, will be held Saturday, April 15, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Fallbrook Village Square, located at the corner of Main and Alvarado. The winner will be announced at the inauguration festivities, also open to the public, on Saturday, May 13, at the Fallbrook Village Square from 10 a.m. to noon. Rules and entry forms can be picked up at the Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary, Paradise Pet Spa, Avocado

“They were highly qualified. The selling point for Pickett is he’s a teacher and my main goal is to get an on-campus football coach.” Pickett currently teaches math at Oceanside High School. “I’m hopeful that he will have the opportunity to teach here,” said Walker. Pickett had been an Oceanside High School assistant coach for 10 years before making his head coaching debut last year with Francis Parker. The Fallbrook opening enticed Pickett to leave Francis Parker, which is located in San Diego. “I wanted to be closer to home,” said Pickett, who resides in Oceanside with his wife, May. “It was kind of a rare opportunity. I know that Fallbrook has been

see COACH, page A-7

Supervisors support comprehensive renewable energy plan program Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent

Snickers is ready to promote the Fallbrook Animal

see CANINE, page A-2 Sanctuary’s inaugural Canine Mayor election fundraiser.

Courtesy photo

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors held a hearing on Phase I of the county’s comprehensive renewable energy plan February 15 and selected seven items for the Phase II implementation stage. A 4-0 Board of Supervisors vote with Ron Roberts in Washington, DC, approved a program to establish a sustainability task force within the county’s existing framework, track community solar and wind energyinitiatives within the county, and increase the county’s renewable energy generation and use along with transmission and storage. The program will also develop strategies to address barriers to the use of alternative fuels including electric vehicles, establish and promote mechanisms to finance consumer installation, develop and implement a renewable energy education and outreach strategy, and develop a strategy to support legislation favorable to the use of renewable energy in San Diego County. Although a motion to prepare a feasibility study for a Community Choice Aggregation program (a CCA program allows local governments to pool electricity customers to purchase power and allows the jurisdictions to administer energy programs on behalf of the residents and businesses) did not receive a second, a separate 4-0 vote

see ENERGY, page A-2



The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017


of economic, feasibility, and best management practices from page A-1 research and analysis. The plan summarized 17 best management directed county staff to return to practices. On Oct. 14 the county’s the supervisors in 12 months with a Planning Commission voted 4-0, report on the status of CCA studies with three members absent, to by other California counties and recommend 11 of those for further cities. consideration. “We’re already doing these items Eight of those had no cost to and they’re not going to cost any the county for studies, although more money,” said Supervisor Bill the supervisors rejected the Horn. recommendation for a new In April 2013, the Board regional energy network on the of Supervisors directed the grounds that the formula used by a county’s chief administrative regional government might result officer to develop options for a in decisions not favorable to the comprehensive renewable energy unincorporated communities. plan and to prepare a work plan The CCA feasibility study has including time and cost estimates. an estimated cost of $200,000, C o u n t y s t a ff p r o v i d e d a a feasibility study to identify work plan which was presented potential sites for future microgrids at a September 2013 Board of also has a $200,000 cost estimate, Supervisors meeting. The board’s and preparing renewable energy September 2013 action was to design and development guidelines appropriate $300,000 to fund Phase including Zoning Ordinance I of the work plan, to direct the regulations would include an director of the county’s Department Environmental Impact Report of Planning and Development which would result in an estimated Services (PDS) to form a renewable cost of $500,000 for the study. e n e rg y t e c h n i c a l a d v i s o r y “I support more renewable committee, and to direct PDS staff energy in our region. We’re a to prepare a pipelining provision perfect spot for this,” Horn said. to address existing applications “I think that the Planning for discretionary renewable energy Commission did a good job,” said projects. (The pipelining provision, Supervisor Dianne Jacob. “Our which was also approved Feb. 15, region continues to have some will allow existing projects to be of the highest energy costs of processed under the current rules anywhere in the state or the nation.” rather than the new standards.) “The best way to do this is to The approved work plan included make sure we have every last analyzing the county’s existing tool we can,” said Industrial renewable energy programs and Environmental Association chief efforts, working with private executive officer Jack Monger. “It’s sector stakeholders, conducting going to be up to us to get this the economic, feasibility, and best right.” management practices research, “The renewable energy plan and developing recommendations. provides a clear roadmap for a clean The plan does not mandate energy future,” said David Harris goals or objectives. The Phase of La Mesa. I plan included the results “We believe that a well-


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from page A-1

Animal Hospital, Avocado Animal Lodge, Fallbrook Animal Hospital, Bonsall Pet Hospital, and Rainbow Oaks Restaurant. The application can also be downloaded from FallbrookAnimalSanctuary.org. or FallbrookChamberOfCommerce. org. Mail completed entry forms along with a check for $25, (made payable to “Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary” and with “Canine Mayor” in the memo area on the check) to Canine Mayor Contest, 855 S. Main Ave, Ste. K #3429, Fallbrook CA, 92028. All proceeds will benefit the Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary. For all inquiries, contact Christine Shurow at (760) 586-7741, or at caninemayoroffallbrook@yahoo.com.

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developed emissions reduction strategy will deliver maximum benefits and minimize costs,” said Sempra Energy regional vice president of external relations Frank Urtasun. Urtasun also emphasized the need to use return on investment to prioritize strategies. “An ROI analysis would allow the county to identify the best management practices that would minimize costs including risks,” he said. “We felt very strongly that return on investment was something the county should use,” said Craig Benedetto of California Strategies, who was a member of the technical advisory committee which helped develop the plan. “The county does have limited resources.” Benedetto also noted that alternative vehicle power sources require the ability to travel throughout the county without running out of fuel. “You have to have fueling stations out there to be able to supply your constituents,” he said. Energy consultant Cesar Rios has worked with the county, although not on the renewable energy program. “The county’s benefited from direct access, and I don’t see why the county’s constituents can’t do the same,” he said. “In my view the CCA is still in its infancy,” said Supervisor Kristin Gaspar. “There are more lessons to be learned.” Gaspar noted that the county already obtains 40 percent of its energy from renewable sources. “I’d encourage us all to turn our attention to actual outcomes,” she said.

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March 2, 2017

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The Fallbrook Village News



ANNOUNCEMENTS Daughters of Norway to experience lefse making

Women’s Connection brunch to feature a writer, speaker and vocalist

FALLBROOK – The Fallbrook Women’s Connection will host their monthly brunch at the Grand Tradition Estate & Gardens on Friday, March 17 from 10 a.m. until noon. Fallbrook resident Renee Barnes, artist, storyteller, and author, will entertain guests by sharing her creative imagination through her beautiful artwork and children’s stories. Women’s ministry leader and guest speaker Cathy Baysinger will cook up a real-life story as she explains how she found, “The Missing Ingredient.” Special music will be provided

by Shannon Morell, a vocalist with the Christian group, Vision. She is a Navy veteran and military spouse who was nominated in February for “Military Spouse of the Year.” Pianist Jean Dixon will provide the background music. The cost per ticket is $22 which includes brunch prepared by The Grand Tradition, 220 Grand Tradition Way, located at the corner of South Mission and Grand Tradition Way near the Econo Lodge. Free childcare will be provided for younger children with reservations. To make a reservation, call Ginny at (760)

Renee Barnes

Courtesy photo

723-3633 or Sheila at (760) 7317025 or email Fallbrookwomen@ roadrunner.com. This event is sponsored by Stonecroft.

Fish Fry Fridays start March 3; dinner dance set for March 11

Courtesy photo Janna Armbruster demonstrates the use of a ricer in making lefse at a Daughters of Norway meeting in 2010. FALLBROOK – The Daughters of Norway Hulda Garborg Lodge #49 will learn the art of lefse making at their meeting on March 11. Lefse is a traditional soft Norwegian flatbread made with potatoes, flour, butter, and milk. It is cooked on a large, flat griddle. Janna Armbruster, president of the Grand Lodge and member of Hulda Garborg, will demonstrate how to prepare lefse using long wooden turning sticks and special rolling pins. Afterward, members will be able to try their hand at

cooking and tasting this delicious pastry with special toppings. The meeting starts at 10 a.m. with the cultural program at 11 a.m. All women of Scandinavian heritage are welcome to attend the Daughters of Norway meetings held the second Saturday of each month at the Fallbrook Woman’s Club, 238 W. Mission Road, Fallbrook. Following the cultural program is a potluck lunch at noon. For additional information, call (760) 468-7406 or email suncette@gmail.com.

Community Outreach to hold E-waste collection FALLBROOK – Community Outreach will hold an E-waste event in Fallbrook on Saturday and Sunday, March 11 and 12, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Albertsons on South Mission Road. Proceeds will help provide

Christmas food and clothes for atrisk and needy children. For more information, call Mona Davies at (951) 698-7650 or visit www. communityoutreachministry.org and click on “Coming Events.”

Village News deadline for all press releases, announcements, and let ters to the editor is Friday at noon for the following week’s paper. Obituaries are accepted until Monday, 4 p.m. for that week’s issue. Email them to editor@thevillagenews. com; call (760) 723-7319 with questions.

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FALLBROOK – The Knights of Columbus will hold their annual dinners this month, Fish Fry Fridays and an Irish themed dinner dance. The Fish Fry dinners begin Friday, March 3 and then happen every Friday through April 7. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Diners can get a plate of fried fish, cole slaw and fries for only $8; a salmon plate with veggies for only $9, and a shrimp plate or

fried fish-shrimp combo for only $10. The child’s plate of fried fish is still only $4. Coffee, tea or water plus ice cream are included with each meal. Wine, beer or other spirits are available for an extra charge. For more information, call St. Peter’s at (760) 689-6200. The event on March 11 includes an Irish Dance Troupe Show at 6 p.m. followed by a corned beef and cabbage dinner and a live dance band.

The dinner includes boiled potatoes and carrots followed by dessert and coffee. The dance floor will feature long time favorite Kevin Moyles and the Shamrockers. Proceeds go to supporting local charities and also St. Peter’s School. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. at St. Peter’s Hall, 450 S. Stage Coach Ln. For advanced tickets or reservations, call (760) 728-3229; tickets are $35. St. Peter’s Hall is at 450 S. Stage Coach Ln.

FRWF to hear report on Election Integrity Project FALLBROOK – Ruth Weiss will return on Friday, March 10 as the guest speaker for the Fallbrook Republican Women Federated to report on developments with the Election Integrity Project (EIP). Weiss found great meaning and a second “career” as a volunteer with EIP, which helps steward

and oversee the election process. She is the San Diego County Coordinator and statewide Director of Education and Training for EIP, and she works with other volunteers throughout California who believe that with active stewardship and citizen involvement in the electoral

process, we can once again have fair and honest elections in the State of California. The meeting will be held at the Pala Mesa Resort, 2001 Old Hwy 395, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The cost of brunch and program is $25. RSVP to FallbrookRWF@gmail. com. All are welcome to attend.

Fallbrook Woman’s Club to learn about the Foundation for Senior Care FALLBROOK – The Fallbrook Woman’s Club will hear Rachel Mason from the Foundation for Senior Care on Tuesday, March 14. She will discuss the services they provide at the foundation. This will be the “Honoring Our Own” meeting when Woman of the Year and Volunteer of the Year will be awarded. The winners of the Palomar District Festival of the Arts will also be announced. The









TIP is a non-profit volunteerbased program that provides support and assistance to those traumatically affected in emergency situations. Women in the Fallbrook area are welcome to come to the clubhouse, located at 238 W. Mission Road, on March 14, at 11 a.m. Wear green for St. Patrick’s Day! Contact Diane Jansen at (760) 723-3735 for further information.




March 3, 10, 17, 24, April 7 – 5:30 to 7 p.m. – Knights of Columbus will offer their Friday Fish Fry at St. Peter’s Hall with four choices: fried fish, cole slaw and fries for $8; salmon plate with veggies for $9, and shrimp plate or fried fish-shrimp combo for $10. Child’s plate of fried fish is $4. Coffee, tea or water plus ice cream are included. Wine, beer or other spirits cost extra. St. Peter’s is located at 450 S. Stage Coach Ln. For more info, call (760) 689-6200. March 4 – 10 a.m. to noon – A town hall meeting on the urgent issue of the proposed nuclear waste burial on the beach at San Onofre State Park will be held at Hilltop Center for Spiritual Living, 331 E. Elder St. The event is hosted by www.MusicForTheRevolution.org and will include advocates from Public Watchdogs. March 11 & 12 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Community Outreach will be holding an E-waste event at the Albertsons on South Mission Road. Proceeds will help provide Christmas food and clothes for atrisk and needy children. For more information, call Mona Davies at (951) 698-7650 or visit www. communityoutreachministry.org and click on Coming Events. March 11 –5:30 p.m. – St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus holds its 14th annual dinner dance featuring an Irish Dance Troupe Show at 6 p.m. followed by a corned beef and cabbage dinner and a live dance band, Kevin Moyles and the Shamrockers. For advanced tickets or reservation’s call (760) 728-3229; tickets are $35. St. Peter’s Hall is at 450 S. Stage Coach Ln. March 25 – 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Bark in the Park will be held at

1588 S. Mission Rd. # 200, Fallbrook, CA 92028

proposed slate of officers will be presented to the membership to be voted on in April. The Fallbrook Woman’s Club was a sea of red (and pink) to honor Valentine’s Day on Feb. 14. The members heard a presentation on the Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) given by Pam Hass, who has volunteered with the organization in North County since October 2012.

| (760) 723-7319

Live Oak Park. Registration begins 8:30, community walk at 9, contests, vendor booths and demonstrations until 1:30. For more info, go to www.liveoakdogpark.com. April 8 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – REINS will hold its second annual Spring Hop featuring an egg hunt and special guest, the Easter Bunny. Event includes games, music, food, bunny photo, bake sale, petting zoo, egg decorating, bounce house, Easter baskets and face painting. For cost and more info, see www. reinsprogram.org/events April 8 – 2 to 6 p.m. – Fallbrook Chorale will present a 30 minute program of cowboy music at their annual fundraiser, which will be held at The Lazy Creek Ranch in Fallbrook. More information will be coming. April 15 – 8 to 11 a.m. – The Fallbrook Community Center will hold its Pancake Breakfast and Spring Egg Hunt. The Fallbrook Firefighters Association will serve up breakfast at 8 a.m., $4 ages 0-11, $5 ages 12 and older. The egg hunting fun will begin at 10. The Bunny will be in attendance to meet children and pose for photos. Egg hunt is free, all ages welcome! For more information call (760) 728-1671. April 23 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Fallbrook Avocado Festival will offer all things avocado, vendors, produce, contests. For details, see www. fallbrookchamberofcommerce.org. April 29 – 6 p.m. – The Boys & Girls Clubs of North County’s dinner and auction, Black & White Ball, will be held at Pala Casino Resort and Spa, 11154 SR-76, Pala. Event includes delicious food, live entertainment, wine, dancing and


incredible auction items. For more info, see www.bgcnorthcounty.org. May 6 – noon to 4 p.m. – REINS and Foundation for Senior Care will hold a first ever joint event, Horses, Hats & Hope, A Kentucky Derby Party. The event will feature a jumbo screen live streaming Kentucky Derby coverage, southern fare buffet, mint juleps, bourbon bar, race day raffles and best hat & best dressed gent contest. For tickets or more info, visit www.reinsprogram. org/events. May 6 – 6:30 p.m. – The 2017 Fallbrook Community Read and Fundraiser will be held at Fallbrook Library, featuring author Ann Patchett and her latest book, “Commonwealth.” Reservations and tickets ($35) are available at www.fallbrooklibraryfriends.org or at the Bottom Shelf Bookstore, 124 S. Mission Rd., (760) 451-9606. For questions, email tmintun@ roadrunner.com or call (760) 7238475. Deadline for reservations is April 28. May 20 – 5:30 to 11 – Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1924 will hold “The Welcome Home Party You Never Got” for Vietnam veterans. Tickets will be free for each Vietnam veteran and one guest. All others $18. Event includes a cocktail reception, T-bone steak or chicken dinner, a guest speaker, presentation to each Vietnam veteran and live entertainment playing Vietnamera music. To donate or for more information, call (760) 728-8784. June 10 – 2 p.m. – Fallbrook Chorale will perform its Spring Concert of Broadway music at the Bob Burton Performing Arts Center in Fallbrook. More information will be coming.




The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017



Village News A limited number of previous issues of the Village News (more than one month old) are available for $1.50 each, plus $1.00 postage and handling ($2.50 total cost). Call 760-723-7319 to order.

Rebuilding our transportation infrastructure

Village News is adjudicated Village News has been granted by the courts of San Diego County the right of adjudication, legal No. GIN013243. We can accept legal notices for publication.

Julie Reeder, Publisher/Editor Lisa Hasler, Accounting Lili Nava, Front Office EDITORIAL Lucette Moramarco, Assistant Editor Tom Ferrall, Staff Writer Andrea Verdin, Staff Writer Tim O’Leary, Staff Writer Shane Gibson, Staff Photojournalist Joe Naiman, Correspondent (Ind.) Christine Rinaldi, Photojournalist (Ind.) Ken Seals, Photojournalist (Ind.) Tom Pfingsten, Writer (Ind.)

Assemblymember Marie Waldron AD-75 (R)

ADVERTISING SALES Michele Howard Josephine MacKenzie Tim Deegan Anna Mullen Lauriana Brianna Tammy Birmingham Paul Bandong Shanda Wilson Atkins Cindy Davis DIGITAL SERVICES Lee Yates Tiffany Yang Andrew Reeder MULTIMEDIA J.P. Raineri PRODUCTION Karina Ramos Young, Art Director Forest Rhodes, Art Director Samantha Gorman, Graphic Artist Mylena Matheny, Graphic Artist Copyright Village News, 2016 A Village News Inc. publication Julie Reeder, President

The opinions expressed in Fallbrook/Bonsall Village News do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Fallbrook/Bonsall Village News staff. Advertising Policy: Acceptance of an advertisement by Village News does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of its sponsors or the products offered. We will not knowingly publish advertisements that are fraudulent, libelous, misleading, or contrary to the policies of Village News. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement we find unsuitable. Please direct all advertising inquiries and correspondence to the address below.

Last week I joined my Assembly Republican colleagues to introduce the Traffic Relief and Road Improvement Act (TRRIP). Unlike other proposals, our plan will restore and enhance California’s transportation infrastructure, without raising taxes! Since the 1970s our population has almost doubled, but our highway system has not kept pace. Californians pay the second highest gas prices and the highest gas taxes (including cap-andtrade) in the nation. While General Fund spending has increased by more than $36 billion over the past six years,

the increased expenditures have not gone toward highways, while existing transportation funding has often been diverted to other uses. Briefly, our plan generates $5.6 billion by dedicating all vehicle sales and insurance taxes to transportation projects, which are currently diverted to the General Fund. Another $2.2 billion will be generated by repaying funds raided from transportation during the recession. These funds will support repairs to local roads, capacity improvements and traffic relief, highway maintenance and public transit projects. TRRIP also removes regulatory red tape that slows street repairs, improves accountability by establishing a Transportation Inspector General, and provides audits of major projects to ensure our transportation dollars are being spent efficiently and appropriately. Providing reliable highways, streets and roads is one of the primary responsibilities of state government. Our economy and our way of life depend upon a transportation network designed for a growing population of almost 40 million people, not a woefully inadequate, crumbling system built for a population half its current size.

Help Us To Help Fallbrook

Virginia Colegrove

Vacationers can have home security checks done The Fallbrook Sheriff Senior Volunteer Patrol conducts free perimeter security checks of your residence when you are on vacation. This service is available for residences in Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow and DeLuz. We will check your home for a maximum of 90 days per request. We do not check homes that are

for sale, vacant, or homes under construction. Stop by the Sheriff Station, 380 E. Alvarado St. and pick up a form. We look forward to assisting you. Cindy Roark Assistant to Administration Senior Volunteer Patrol

Morro Hills alert So, be vigilant and report any thefts to the US Postal Service and the Sheriff’s Department. Keep the rural areas of Fallbrook safe. Marianne Doty

St. Vincent De Paul of Fallbrook will help those in need in the Fallbrook, Bonsall and Rainbow communities.

• Since our origination year, 2000, we have helped thousands of needy persons and families. • Major supporters of Fallbrook Food Pantry. • Soup kitchen serves 45 meals daily. • Major donations to REINS Therapeutic Horseman Program, Fallbrook Adult Day Care Center, Fallbrook Senior Center and more.

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Christ the King Lutheran ChurCh An LCMC congregation

If you would like to be a part of this worthwhile organization, please contact St. Vincent De Paul at 760-728-7012.

Traditional Sunday Morning Worship – 8:00 a.m. Contemporary Sunday Morning Worship – 10:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages – 9:30 a.m. “The Brook” Sunday Contemporary Worship – 6:00 p.m.

We accept donations at the Thrift Shop, located at 520 S. Main Ave., from 10am to 2pm Monday through Friday. Furniture pick-up is available. Please call 760-728-7012.

Editor’s Note: Opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of the Village News staff. We invite opinions on all sides of an issue. If you have an opinion, please send it as an email to editor@thevillagenews.com or fax us at (760) 723-9606. Maximum word count is 250. All letters must be submitted with the author’s name, address, and phone number; no anonymous letters accepted. Letters from individual members of publicly-elected boards, discussing board business, are not accepted. The Village News reserves the right to decline any letter without reason and edit letters and change headlines as necessary to fit the publication’s format. It is understood that letter writers assume sole responsibility for their submissions.

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streets, loud parties which create bad feelings with neighbors and any number of other problems, not to mention the potential liability and expense. Most of us have a no-subletting clause in our leases but, according to the Apartment Owners’ Association of So. Cal., we need to put in another clause that expressly mentions that listing with Airbnb, VRBO and other sites of that type is a breach of the Lease Agreement and cause for immediate eviction. I have spoken with Airbnb about this and their attitude is “too bad.” I hope this never happens to any of you, but it’s always best to be prepared.

We will help anyone regardless of race, religion, creed or nationality.

Fallbrook/Bonsall Village News Published weekly Periodical postage paid at

Tom Logue, Agent Insurance Lic. #: 0D39521 1672 S Mission Road Fallbrook, CA 92028 Bus: 760-451-3268

We are owners of a couple of properties that are long term rentals. Twice now, I have found my property on www.Airbnb. com listed by my tenant. Because of these listings we have suffered property damage, excessive wear and tear, and complaints from our neighbors as well as clogged sewers and drains. The only way to determine whether your house is on the website is to click on the area, give them fictitious dates of a stay and scroll through the pictures. There is no way to search for the name of the host or for the address of your property. It behooves you to check for your property because Airbnb is ruining residential communities. There are cars parked all over the

Residents of Morro Hills need to be on the alert. There are mailbox thieves in our area taking anything valuable plus stealing identities. They have been doing this for weeks now and it is ongoing.

Subscriptions: Fallbrook/Bonsall Village News weekly edition is published by Village News, Inc. The price is $45.95 per year. We only accept cash, checks, money orders, visa, or mastercard. Letters to the Editor: Please submit all correspondence to our corporate office by e-mail, villageeditor@reedermedia.com, or by fax, (760) 723-9606. All correspondence must be dated and signed and include the writer’s full address and phone number in order to be considered for publication. All letters are subject to editing to fit the the publication’s format. Word limit 250.

Warning about rentals used for Airbnb

Coming to Christ the King on Sunday, March 5th!

Children of the World International Choir


8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services

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Subscribe to the Village News! (760) 723-7319 the · village · beat

Don’t miss a beat on what is happening in Fallbrook, Bonsall, Pala, De Luz and Rainbow. Whether it is breaking news, local youth sports, or information on events and activities, you will find it quickly and easily at

thevillagenews.com Check it out. Often.

Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma



March 2, 2017

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The Fallbrook Village News



LOCAL Elders, Bettin Ona Promotion win awards FALLBROOK − Wayne and Carol Elder of Fallbrook are the owner of Bettin Ona Promotion, an 11-year-old AQHA gelding. Bettin Ona Promotion won several championship awards at the Southern California Professional Horsemen Association (SCPHA) Yearend Banquet held Feb. 12 in Escondido. Granddaughter Callie Elder, 8-years-old of Fallbrook, was Champion Lead Line; Wayne Elder was Champion Open Halter; and sister Christy Westerhold of Fallbrook was Champion Western Pleasure Adult Amateur, Western Country Pleasure Non-Pro 40+, and Western Country Pleasure Adult Amateur riding Bettin Ona Promotion. Cathy Hanson of Hanson Quarter Horses in Fallbrook is the trainer for the family.

TEMECULA – Temecula Valley Hospital invites the public to attend the latest workshop in its March Medical Gold Minds Community Education Program. “Heart Failure: What You Need to Know” will be presented by Lance Reinherz, MD, on Thursday,

have Grant Nebel, a writer for the film site “The Solute” introduce and moderate the discussion for the film. Nebel is one of the most astute writers integrating movies and social/political commentary. “Night Moves” will be shown on Sunday, March 5 at 3 p.m., Digiplex Theater, Oceanside, Mission at College. For further information, call (760) 500-1927.

March 9, 6 p.m., in the second floor Operations Center, 31700 Temecula Parkway, Temecula. Dr. Reinherz will discuss signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment as well as prevention. Light refreshments will be served.

Firefighters seek to ‘Fill the Boot for the Burn Institute’ March 9

Courtesy photo

FGMS to share Arizona treasures at two events

Mineral art by Zee Haag and more minerals are on display in Tucson.

SAN DIEGO – Firefighters from almost every fire department in San Diego County will take to the streets Thursday, March 9, for the Burn Institute’s 18th annual “Fill the Boot for the Burn Institute” Firefighter Boot Drive. Hopping aboard their engines, hundreds of firefighters hit the streets with their boots in hand at intersections around their local community to collect donations. In Fallbrook, firefighters will be soliciting donations at the intersection of South Mission Road and Ammunition Road from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Each year passing motorists help to fill those boots with their spare change and bills – ones, fives, twenties, and even $100 bills. No matter the economy or weather,

San Diegans have always given generously. What began almost two decades ago as a grassroots effort backed by the fire service, the Burn Institute’s countywide Boot Drive is now a hallmark fundraiser for the organization. The event raised more than $240,000 for Burn Institute programs and services in 2016. Proceeds benefit the Burn Institute’s fire and burn prevention programs and burn survivor support services such as Camp Beyond the Scars for burn-injured children. This unique camp program has provided a safe place for hundreds of young burn survivors to share their experiences in a supportive and nurturing camp environment.

Elizabeth Cheathem photo

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OCEANSIDE – “Night Moves” is the third in a series of films in the current season of the North County Film Club. The film stars Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning and Peter Sarsgaard, as three radical environmentalists who are planning a large scale act which will ultimately change them more than the world they planned to transform. The film club is honored to

Learn about heart failure

From left, Callie Elder, Christy Westerhold and Wayne Elder pose with their awards.

FALLBROOK – Fallbrook Gem and Mineral Society (FGMS) will host two events this month and the public is invited to participate. Thursday, March 9, is the regular monthly meeting at the FGMS building, 123 W. Alvarado Street, beginning at 7 p.m. The program will showcase the world renowned Tucson gem and mineral shows, held annually from the end of January to midFebruary. Started as a single show in 1955 by the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society, the event now encompasses 45 individual shows and draws over 4,000 vendors from around the world. The evening’s program will expose attendees to the diversity of the venues (from the Tucson Convention Center to tents in parking lots), amazing merchandise from around the world and an aura of excitement found at the Tucson shows. FGMS members recently returned from Tucson and will share their experiences and newly acquired Tucson treasures. A slide show of member photos from 2017 and past Tucson shows will be featured, including display cases entered by FGMS Museum curators at the main Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®. A recently aired PBS documentary, funded in part by the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society, showcasing the Tucson shows will open the program. Minerals will be available for sale at 20 percent discount, a raffle will be held and light refreshments will be served. On Saturday, March 18, FGMS will hold its annual “Rough N Cut” fundraising event at the FGMS building from 1 to 4 p.m. This is an exciting event of discovery for mineral collectors, lapidary enthusiasts and anyone who loves rocks. The format will be a combination of three silent auctions (1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 p.m.) and direct sales. Featured items will be fluorescent minerals from the Red Cloud Mine in Arizona, faceted gemstones, grab buckets of mixed mineral chunks, rough cabbing and faceting material, and unpolished geodes and slabs. The public is also invited to visit the FGMS Museum and Gift Shop prior to the event, opening at 11 a.m. For questions, call the FGMS office at (760) 728-1130. Plenty of free parking is available in the lot across from the building.

Film club to see ‘Night Moves’




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Courtesy photo A fluorescent mineral from the Red Cloud Mine, Ariz. seen under UV shortwave light will show fluorite (violet), willemite (cream/white) and opalite (aqua/green).

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The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

Questers tour Ramona museum

Courtesy photo Seated inside the replica of an 1800s one-room school are, from left, Sonia Higgins, Joan Nied, Carolyn Ganoe and Chapter President Elaine Davis.

FALLBROOK – The Questers Live Oak #1166 members recently visited the Guy B. Woodward Museum of Early Western Culture for the chapter’s annual tour. The museum, located on Main Street in Ramona, includes a fully furnished French Provincial Adobe, circa 1886. Several other period buildings and displays are also on exhibit. The Questers is an international organization that seeks to stimulate an appreciation of antiques and collectibles, and to encourage the preservation and restoration of antiquities and historical sites. California Questers’ chapters are located throughout the state. Refer to www.calquest.org for more information or, locally, call (760) 728-6010. The chapter meets on the first Wednesday of the month, and is dark in July.

Pet of the Week

FALLBROOK – Mr. Tipster is a cool, calm guy who earned his name from the white tips on his nose, paws and tail. He also has aqua marine eyes and white whiskers. To meet Mr. Tipster and his friends visit the Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary, 230 W. Aviation Rd. It’s open 1 to 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.


David Wallace Ransberger was born in Cleveland on October 6, 1931, at the age of 85. He passed away on February 14 surrounded by his wife and daughters. Arthur Paul McCracken, 92, passed away peacefully at home in Lake Forest on January 12. Paul was an engineer with the Pasadena Fire Department for 24 years. He lovingly served Jesus Christ in church ministries, by supporting charities, working for peace and justice, and helping others. He enjoyed traveling, reading and telling jokes, and was a gentle, caring man of honesty and integrity.

Courtesy photo

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February 15 800 block Iowa St. 3700 block Lake Shore Rd. (1) 3700 block Lake Shore Rd. (2) February 16 3900 block Lake Shore St. February 17 900 block Sunny Hill Ct. February 18 100 block S. Main Ave. February 19 1300 block Live Oak Park Rd. 1000 block S. Main Ave.

Found property Petty theft from vehicle Grand theft from vehicle Vehicle burglary Arrest: Felony, flash incarceration Arrest: Misdemeanor bench warrant

Child abuse incident Arrest: Use/under influence of controlled substance Northbound I-15 @ Mission Rd. Arrest: Misdemeanor bench warrant February 20 1100 block Belair Dr. Grand theft 1500 block Macadamia Dr. Death (Coroner’s case) February 21 1000 block E. Mission Rd. Arrest: Drunk in public 37800 block Shogo Mountain Grand theft Rd. 200 block E. View St. Lost article 900 block E. Mission Rd. Child abuse incident 200 block W. Clemmens Ln. Simple battery 900 block E. Mission Rd. Get credit/etc. other’s ID 1600 block S. Mission Rd. Arrest: Misdemeanor bench warrant February 22 200 block Almond St. 5150/Mental disorder February 23 700 block Alturas Ln. Arrest: Violate domestic relations court order 1400 block Lundy Way Possess controlled substance paraphernalia February 24 W. Aviation Rd. @ S. Mission Arrest: Drunk in public Rd. 1700 block Tecalote Dr. 5150/Mental disorder 4800 block Pala Rd. Commercial burglary 400 block N. Vine St. 5150/Mental disorder February 25 1000 block S. Mission Rd. Petty theft 1100 block Senwood Way Simple battery 400 block Elbrook Dr. Death (Coroner’s case) 4400 block S. Mission Rd. 5150/Mental disorder


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Paul was preceded in death by his first wife Catherine of 39 years, and is survived by his second wife Cay of 23 years; daughter and sonin-law Kathy and Jim Varnam of Bishop, Calif.; and many other family members and friends who will greatly miss him. A celebration of his life will be held March 11 at 11 a.m. at Fallbrook United Methodist Church, 1844 Winterhaven Rd., Fallbrook.


Mr. Tipster


David is survived by his wife of nearly 60 years Dotty; his three daughters, Patty Trapp, Rene Pasco and Kristy Berain (Art) and his five grandchildren, Ryan, Malinda, Anthony, Austin and Aaron. David proudly served his country for 23 years in the USMC. During his time in the military, he shot competitively on the USMC Rifle and Pistol team and discovered a passion for firearms. After retiring from the Marine Corps he opened Cal Custom Guns in Fallbrook in 1971 which he has owned and operated for 46 years. The family invites you to join them to celebrate his life. Services will be held at Miramar National Cemetery March 2 at 1 p.m.

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Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

March 2, 2017

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One of the coaching candidates selected for an interview, Terron Sumpter, has agreed to be one

from page A-1

successful in the past. When I first moved here I remember them doing fairly well.” Pickett is originally from High Point, North Carolina, and was on his high school football team. “I played every position except linebacker and line,” said Pickett. High School sports for Pickett also included participation on his basketball and track and field teams. He was a defensive back when he played football for North Carolina Central University. Pickett moved to California in 2001 and initially taught and coached in Los Angeles. May Pickett, who currently teaches at Mary Fay Pendleton Elementary School, and Darius Pickett met when they were both teaching in Los Angeles. May Pickett graduated from Oceanside High School and after they married Darius Pickett moved to Oceanside. Darius Pickett was an assistant coach at Orange Glen High School for one year before joining John Carroll’s coaching staff at Oceanside High School. Carroll utilized Pickett as Oceanside’s linebackers coach for eight years before converting Pickett to the Pirates’ wide receivers coach for 2014. Carroll retired after the 2014 season, and Dave Rodriguez took over the Oceanside program. Pickett remained as Oceanside’s wide receivers coach for 2015 before taking the head coaching position at Francis Parker. During Pickett’s 10 seasons at Oceanside the Pirates won CIF San Diego Section championships in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2015 and had section runnerup status in 2011 and 2013. In 2007 and 2009, Oceanside participated in the state championship game between a Southern California team and a Northern California squad, and the Pirates won both of those state championship games. The Fallbrook position gives Pickett the opportunity to duplicate the on-field success Oceanside has had and Fallbrook once had. “I wanted to bring that mentality back,” he said. Oceanside also won the CIF San Diego Section championship in 2005 when Pickett was at Orange Glen. The Pirates won their first six games that year before an Avocado League game at Fallbrook ended as a 14-11 Warriors victory. The Warriors and Pirates last played each other in 2006 and the Pirates prevailed 49-0 in that Avocado League game in Oceanside. A lth ough P ickett w ill be teaching at Oceanside High School for the remainder of the spring 2017 semester, the Fallbrook Union High School District has cleared him to participate in sixth-period football. Spring practice will begin May 8. Pickett’s planned offensive formation will differ from the wing-T utilized when Fallbrook last defeated Oceanside. “We’re going to run spread offenses,” he said.


of Pickett’s assistant coaches. Sumpter ’s four sons played football for Fallbrook High

The Fallbrook Village News

School and three of them later played college football for Western New Mexico University.



Darius and May Pickett have a 13-year-old son and an 11-yearold son.

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Children of the World international Choir

The Christian music group, Children of the World International Choir, will be sharing their music ministry with CTK on Sunday, March 5th, at both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services.

The choir is composed of children from their Child Sponsorship Program and has included children from Nepal, Uganda, Honduras, Brazil, India, and the Philippines. Through the powerful mediums of song, dance, spoken word, and creative media, Children of the World presents the desperate reality of millions of children who cannot speak for themselves. Please join us – and invite family, friends and neighbors – for this powerful morning of worship! THE

the · village · beat

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In an unstable world filled with unanswered questions, pain and worry for the future, where can we turn?

For solutions to today’s problems and hope to face tomorrow, join us starting March 10 at 7:00 pm, in Fallbrook, for the Revelation of Love Seminar. Its free and answers to life’s questions come directly from the Bible.

Don’t miss a beat on what is happening in Fallbrook, Bonsall, Pala, De Luz and Rainbow. Whether it is breaking news, local youth sports, or information on events and activities, you will find it quickly and easily at

thevillagenews.com Check it out. Often.

The place is the Fallbrook Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1200 Old Highway 395. Look for the big clock tower alongside the I-15 freeway near the Mission Road.



1588 S. Mission Rd. # 200, Fallbrook, CA 92028

| (760) 723-7319





The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com


“The first meeting we had on ACP was in February 2014 as a result of the statewide find of the ACP in California and the HLB citrus greening disease in Los Angeles,” said Hart, who farms 30 acres in Fallbrook. “We had two meetings in 2015 and one in 2016. This is our fifth meeting.” The purpose of the meetings is to educate and update growers on the ACP situation so they be can

from page A-1

Ferro said Florida, by 2015, had lost “75 percent of what they produced in 1997-1998.” It is the fear of ACP and HLB that prompted Rich Hart, president of Rainbow Valley Orchards, to start organizing meetings for organic citrus growers. Fallbrookparadisepetspa.com


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be proactive instead of reactive, which was the case in Florida, according to Ferro. “It’s pretty amazing how much of a decline Florida has seen already,” said Ferro. “And Texas and Louisiana are also starting to have this problem as well. And in all those cases, there wasn’t enough being done before HLB spread throughout the area. And most of their response has been reactionary.” “Whether you’re looking at it from the biological control standpoint or the conventional standpoint, there are things being done prior to HLB getting here (in California’s commercial groves),” continued Ferro. Ferro said HLB has been found in 38 residential trees in

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Los Angeles. “HLB is only in a small part of Los Angeles right now,” said Ferro. “It has not spread out of that Los Angeles region for a reason. We have been very proactive in California. That cannot be stated enough – how important it is that we continue to be proactive if we want to keep HLB from spreading into our citrus groves.” Proactive measures include closely monitoring ACP populations in groves, using insecticide sprays at the optimal times, and releasing beneficial insects that eat the psyllid into groves. “The disease is controlled by preventing it from getting to your plant in the first place,” said Ferro. “There’s biological control that’s

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March 2, 2017

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The Angel Society of Fallbrook


The Angel Shop will be closed for renovation March 12-22, with a Grand Re-Opening to be held on Thursday, March 23. The Angel Shop is managed and staffed entirely by volunteers of the Angel Society of Fallbrook. All of our merchandise is donated to us by members of our community. Proceeds from our sales are then donated to local nonprofits.

The Angels are grateful for your support! The Angel Shop Hours: Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call 760-728-6513 or visit www.theangelsociety.org

doing a great job of suppressing populations, there’s insecticide treatments. If you reduce the population to a low level when the trees are flushing, you prevent a lot of eggs being laid and you prevent a lot of adult feeding on that flush.” Jim Davis, a pest control advisor with Entomology Services, Inc., explained that having flowering plants in your grove can help with the fight against ACP since those plants can attract insects like the hoverfly, brown lacewing, and cryptolaemus (the melee bug destroyer). “The plant species you have on your property are really important for supporting all these different types of predators that will move into your citrus grove and attack the Asian Citrus Psyllid,” said Davis. “There are a lot of choices in flowering plants. The idea is that we want to create a whole ecosystem of plants and animals that make the environment in your grove so rich with predators and parasites that you don’t even need to worry about the ACP. That’s the ideal thing.” Baiting to eliminate the troublesome Argentine ant was also strongly recommended at the meeting. “The Argentine ant is the most destructive ant for the control of the ACP because they’ll kill the good predators and kill other ants,” said Hart. Ferro mentioned a pair of a new organic products that are currently being tested for use against ACP. “Experimental products that have not been approved yet but have shown some promise are Surround WP (made from kaolin clay) and Envirepel (which contains garlic juice),” said Ferro. “Until something is approved we can’t say definitely that it works great, but it is good to know that there’s other products out there coming down the line to help us fight this insect.” Since there currently isn’t a cure for ACP nor a resistant tree, Ferro said the best growers can do is to try to keep the number of psyllid in their groves as low as possible. “Manage the population until we have a resistant tree, or something you can inject inside the tree – a systemic that would prevent the tree from dying or kill the bacteria in the tree,” said Ferro. “We don’t have any of that right now, so the only tool we have to prevent the HLB from getting to the trees and spreading throughout the trees is to reduce the population of psyllid, the vector, whether you do it biologically or chemically.” To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.

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March 2, 2017

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The Fallbrook Village News







The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

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Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall

a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f

March 2, 2017

D e L u z , R a i n b ow , C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,

a nd

Section B

Pau m a


Volume 21, Issue 9

Fallbrook Music Society presents ‘Flamenco Unveiled’

Dancer Gloria Lanuza performs one of her dances with a large white fan during the Fallbrook Music Society’s Classical Sundays series at Fallbrook Library. Pictured in the background are Beth Ross-Buckley and guitarist Fred Benedetti who are also part of the group Camarada, which performed in “Flamenco Unveiled” on Feb. 26.

Guitarist Fred Benedetti plays one of the many musical numbers. One of the compositions, “L’Aube Enchantee sur la Raga TODI”, was written by Ravi Shankar.

Christine Rinaldi photos

The performers of Camarada pause for a final bow, from left, Beth Ross-Buckley, flute; Zohreh Ghahremani, poetry; Gloria Lanuza, dancer and Fred Benedetti, guitar, at Fallbrook Library, in the community room.

Zohreh Ghahremani reads poetry that she has written during the Classical Sundays presentation Feb. 26 at Fallbrook Library. Ghahremani also read poems written by others.

Beth Ross-Buckley plays the flute during one of the many musical pieces performed as a part of “Flamenco Unveiled”.

From left, Beth Ross-Buckley and Zohreh Ghahremani visit with Oscar Naimi as he demonstrates the Persian ney, a handmade reed instrument that he made.



The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

HEALTH Level of dental anxiety remains steady for five decades Dr. Cooke calms patients’ fears with understanding FALLBROOK – A recent study, published by The Journal of the American Dental Association, revealed that on a nationwide basis no improvement has been made in the level of dental anxiety experienced by patients for almost five decades. While concerning on a national level, Fallbrook dentist Dr. Clayton Cooke has found the formula to reduce local patients’ fear and help them heal old memories. “In my experience, the common cause for anxiety is the fear of the unknown,” explained Dr. Cooke. “Fear affects individuals in different ways. Fear develops out of the lack of trust. Trust is usually earned and develops through exposure. Fear develops from bad dental experiences.” Dr. Cooke said when patients visit his office, he reviews their “fear factor” and listens to their previous experiences. “In most cases, the bad experience related to a bad professional relationship on the part of the dentist – a lack of understanding the patient’s psychological and physical needs and concerns,” said Dr. Cooke. “I like to listen to their stories, understand what happened, and share methods to overcome their fears.” A new, positive experience begins at Dr. Cooke’s office. “I want to exceed patients’

expectations and provide them with a great experience,” said D r. C o o k e . “ P a t i e n t s w i t h high anxieties are made more comfortable on their first visit. I can relate to their experience because I had the same thing happen earlier in my life. “We develop a plan so there is nothing to fear at my office,” Dr. Cooke continued. “Some patients require anti-anxiety medications which can help ease them through a transition to accomplish valuable health care treatments.” Sometimes the fear of seeing a dentist is simply that one hasn’t gotten regular care recently. “Patients shouldn’t be fearful or embarrassed,” said Dr. Cooke. “I understand how busy lives get and we are happy to help them.” Dr. Cooke is a big proponent of all patient treatments being “done right the first time.” “Compassionate care is the right way, and only way, to accomplish dental care,” said Dr. Cooke. “Getting it right the first time starts with the first appointment.” Dr. Cooke is known for his excellent, state-of-the-art technique, warm compassion, and feather-soft touch. To learn more about how Dr. Cooke helps patients who have anxiety, or to schedule an appointment, call (760) 728-5011, visit 425 E. Alvarado St. in Fallbrook, or access www.claytontcookedds.com.

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From left, Clayton T. Cooke, DDS and staff members Noreen Busby, RDA; Trish Villegas, RDA; Rhonda McGowan, RDH; and Diane Furtak, office manager.

Celebrate Red Cross Month by giving blood in March LOS ANGELES – During Red Cross Month in March, the American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to join in its lifesaving mission by giving blood. Since 1943, every US president has designated March as Red Cross Month to recognize how the Red Cross helps people across the country and around the world. Red Cross Month is a celebration of supporters, who are the face of the Red Cross in their communities and bring hope to people facing emergencies. Upcoming blood donation opportunities in San Diego County include two in Fallbrook – March 13 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at

Ivy/Oasis High School, 1056 Winterhaven Rd. and March 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Fallbrook Library, 124 S. Mission Rd. Blood donor Timothy Sheely knows the need firsthand. His wife required 12 units of blood during emergency surgery following the birth of their son. “If it had not been for blood donors, she might not have survived,” he said. “Thanks to generous blood donors, I still have a wife and my kids still have their mom. I can’t possibly thank those people in person, but I can give a little piece of me back with each donation for the greater good.”

José A. Álvarez County of San Diego Communications Office Five more people in the San Diego region died from complications from the flu, the County Health and Human Services Agency announced Feb. 24. A total of 49 local influenza deaths have been reported this season compared to 17 at this time last year. To date, the people who died ranged in age from 31 to 98

years old. All except three had underlying medical conditions. “Influenza continues to sicken people in San Diego County and unfortunately, in some cases, the disease can be deadly,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “People should continue to get vaccinated as the flu season can last through March and April.” For the week ending Feb. 18, the Health and Human Services Agency Influenza Watch report shows the following:

The American Counseling Association Special to the Village News Retirement is something most couples look forward to. It can mean more free time and the chance to do more things you’ve both been anticipating. But sometimes retirement can bring changes that add significant stress to a marriage. One reason is that many people fail to realize that retirement means more than simply not working. Retirement

usually brings major changes not just to the retiree, but to his or her spouse as well. One such change is the loss of identity that often comes with leaving a job. Upon retirement, you are suddenly no longer a “teacher,” or “department manager,” or whatever job description that you probably had for several years. Since our society tends to value work and job titles, when you’re no longer working it’s not uncommon to feel a sense of diminished selfworth because you are no longer


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• Emergency department visits for influenza-like illness: five percent of all visits (down from 6 percent the previous week) • Lab-confirmed influenza cases for the week: 418 (down from 594 the previous week) • Total influenza deaths to date: 49 (compared to 17 at this time last season) • Total lab-confirmed influenza cases to date: 3,786 (compared to 2,840 at this time last season)

Retirement can sometimes bring relationship issues


Turning 65?

The Red Cross depends on blood donor heroes across the nation to collect enough blood to meet the needs of patients at approximately 2,600 hospitals nationwide. Donors of all blood types, especially type O, are needed to help those who rely on blood products. Make an appointment to become a hero to patients in need by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor App at www.redcrossblood.org/bloodapp, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767).

Five more flu deaths reported in San Diego

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Medicare Questions?

Ken Seals photo

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“doing something of value.” The result can sometimes be serious depression, especially for someone who has been dedicated to a job and hasn’t developed many friends or interests outside the workplace. Such depression can bring health problems and certainly add stress to a marriage and possibly lead to meaningful relationship issues. Retirement financial stresses can also be a source of marital stress. For most people, retirement income seldom matches those old work paychecks, yet expenses of travel or medical issues might be significantly higher. Even the extra time together that retirement makes possible can be a source of stress. Someone newly retired may interrupt the established daily routine of his or her spouse, expecting to be the center of attention now that going to work is behind him or her. In some cases that extra time together may highlight marriage problems that were more easily ignored when work kept the couple separated for much of the day. Retirement doesn’t always bring stress and problems to a marriage. Most couples handle retirement and the changes it brings extremely well. But if there are warning signs that retirement is putting a strain on your relationship, seek help if the problems are serious. There are professional counselors who specialize in retirement and relationship issues. The ACA website at www.counseling.org can help you find a professional counselor through the “Find A Counselor” tab at the top. What they have to offer can help make possible a relationship in which the partners are not just retired, but also happy and satisfied. Send comments and questions to ACAcorner@counseling.org or visit the ACA website at www. counseling.org.

Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

March 2, 2017

www.VillageNews.com |

The Fallbrook Village News





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Open floor plan entering the Great room w/cozy fplc. Remodeled kitchen w/new applcs & separate dining area. Master suite w/remodeled bath. Granite counters in kitchen, baths & laundry! New Heater/A/C. Newer roof, carpet, dual pane windows, stucco, solar, water heater and paint. Detached ofc/game room. $498,747

To view call Ken Follis 760-803-6235

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Awesome Paloma Del Sol Home

Move in ready. Great family home features big family rm w/cozy fplc. Lg kitchen w/ granite counters, white applcs and lots of cabinets. Updated bathrooms, one bd & bath downstairs, nice size master. Lg covered patio, and planters. Storage in garage. $369,900

To view call Maricarmen Pulido 951-545-3898

Coming Soon – Bonsall

1.42 Acres of Pristine Land

2 New Properties custom home with barn and guest house, well, pool, arena, and pastures. Fully fenced and gated. 1.7M. 14.14 acres with well, 200x400 arena small guest house. Set-up for building large main residence. Fully fenced and gated. 1.7M. Call for details Pam Moss.

Elite Real Estate Brokers

To view call Pam Moss 714-296-9300

1.42 acres of pristine land on Olive Hill Road. Offered at $74,500.

To view call Roy Moosa 760-723-1181


Custom with Never-Ending Views

3BD, 3BA home with a 3 car garage will give you almost 3000 sf of generous space to entertain. Dual masters provide privacy & comfort needed. Granite counters and travertine floors, this house was built with utmost attention. Well kept landscape. $725,000-$815,000

Custom Equestrian Estate

4BD, 4BA, 3700 sf. Enjoy a beautiful sunset horseback ride on the river trail via private access right off your property. Custom one of a kind interior with quality detail thruout. Possible 1750 sf for addit’l living qtrs and 750 sf finished studio/ofc. $1,199,000

For directions and to view call Patrick Marelly 760-473-0000

To view call Chris Murphy 760-310-9292

Morro Hills Gated Estate Home

Feels like a private resort. Sits on 1 acre fully fenced and gated, paddle tennis court/sport court, salt water pool/spa, putting green, outdoor fireplace, gazebo and more. Horses welcome. Offered at $821,000

To view call CR Properties Real Estate Services 760-645-0792

New Listing! Enjoy the Good Life

5BD, 5BA in 3800+ sf of pure enjoyment. Formal living room, dining room and cook’s delight kitchen open to the breakfast area and family room. Patio, pool, PLUS OWNED SOLAR. A must see. $920,000


1588 S. Mission Rd. # 200, Fallbrook, CA 92028

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Sale Pending, Will Consider Back-Up Offer

3BR/2BA home on quiet lane w/ southerly views. Kitchen w/ center island & breakfast nook. Living room has vaulted ceiling, fplc, & sliding doors overlooking verdant back yard & covered patio. Master suite w/patio access, master BA has walk-in shower, soaking tub, & 2 walk-in closets. 2-car garage w/extra storage space. Beautiful yard & 2 covered patios.

To view call Connie Freese 760-519-2302

Magnificent Home in Rolling Hills Estate

Views to die for, wonderful breezes all day long. Single level home with high ceilings, wood plantation shutters, beautiful hardwood floors, tile and carpet. Kit w/beautiful cabinets, granite, ss applcs. Wonderful pool w/covered patio & shades. Granny flat below. $1,299,000

To view call Donna Moore 760-807-5144




The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

LEGALS Fictitious Business Name

Fictitious Business Name

Fictitious Business Name

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002012 Name of Business CREATIVE LANDSCAPE PROS 1278 Old Stage Rd., Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: a. Angelina Tomas-Gonzalez, 1278 Old Stage Rd., Fallbrook CA 92028 b. Cipriano Gonzalez, 1278 Old Stage Rd., Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Married Couple THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/23/2017 LEGAL: 4365 PUBLISHED: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 2017

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-003588 Name of Business HANDYMAN OF NORTH COUNTY 2160 Puerto Del Mundo, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Faraz E. Jamshidi, 2160 Puerto Del Mundo, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Individual THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/7/2017 LEGAL: 4373 PUBLISHED: February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 2017

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-004592 Name of Business RARE LUXURY AUTO DETAIL 1148 South Main Avenue, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Maria Alexea Garcia, 923 Alturas Rd., #46, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Individual The first day of business was 11/5/16 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/16/2017 LEGAL: 4380 PUBLISHED: February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 2017

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002151 Name of Business TWO BECAME ONE PHOTOGRAPHY 31279 Old River Rd., Bonsall CA 92003 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Garrett Field, 31279 Old River Rd., Bonsall CA 92003 This business is conducted by Individual THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/24/2017 LEGAL: 4369 PUBLISHED: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002443 Name of Business PROFESSIONAL APPRAISAL SERVICES 679 Elm Tree Ln, San Marcos CA 92069 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: a. Gary D. Bougher, 679 Elm Tree Ln, San Marcos CA 92069 b. Margaret A. Bougher, 679 Elm Tree Ln, San Marcos CA 92069 This business is conducted by Married Couple The first day of business was 1/1/1992 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/26/2017 LEGAL: 4370 PUBLISHED: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002750 Name of Business a. UNIVERSITY NETGROUP INC. b. TATSUYA SUDA AND COMPANY 4122 Oak Island Lane, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego Mailing address: P.O. Box 1288, Fallbrook CA 92088 This business is registered by the following: University Netgroup Inc., 4122 Oak Island Lane, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Corporation This Corporation is located in the state of California The first day of business was 3/14/2012 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/30/2017 LEGAL: 4367 PUBLISHED: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002791 Name of Business a. RNMF, INC. b. RNMF c. RAY NEFF METAL FABRICATION 1311 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: RNMF, Inc., 1311 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 This business is conducted by Corporation This Corporation is located in the state of California The first day of business was 1/26/17 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/31/2017 LEGAL: 4371 PUBLISHED: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002903 Name of Business QUALITY CLUTCH & TRANSMISSION 1236 East Mission Road, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: a. Michael David Howard, 808 Mackey Lane, Fallbrook CA 92028 b. Elizabeth Diane Howard, 808 Mackey Lane, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Married Couple The first day of business was 11/1/99 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/31/2017 LEGAL: 4368 PUBLISHED: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002688 Name of Business FREE RANGE CHICKEN EGGS 1397 Willow Glen Rd., Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: a. Pietro Mungo, 1397 Willow Glen Rd., Fallbrook CA 92028 b. Caterina Mungo, 1397 Willow Glen Rd., Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Married Couple The first day of business was 1/1/2016 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/30/2017 LEGAL: 4366 PUBLISHED: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002782 Name of Business BONSALL WINDOW WASHING CO. 1174 Senwood Way, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego Mailing address: PO Box 185, Fallbrook CA 92088 This business is registered by the following: Eric Williams, 1174 Senwood Way, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Individual THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/31/2017 LEGAL: 4378 PUBLISHED: February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 2017

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002433 Name of Business a. SANDIA CREEK RANCH b. SANDIA CREEK RANCH PONY CLUB RIDING CENTER 40373 Sandia Creek Dr, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: a. Crystal A Wylie, 40373 Sandia Creek Dr, Fallbrook CA 92028 b. Ronald E Wylie, 40373 Sandia Creek Dr, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Married Couple The first day of business was 6/18/08 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/26/2017 LEGAL: 4374 PUBLISHED: February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-003511 Name of Business DECUIR EXCAVATION AND GRADING 1321 South Stagecoach Lane, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Connor Allen Decuir, 1321 South Stagecoach Lane, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Individual The first day of business was 2/7/2017 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/7/2017 LEGAL: 4375 PUBLISHED: February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-001882 Name of Business a. LIFTING ALL BARBELLS b. LIFTING ALL BARBELLS LAB 2771 Fieldbrook Way, Escondido CA 92027 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: a. Alejandro Bautista, 2771 Fieldbook Way, Escondido CA 92027 b. William Lopez, 623 Begonia St., Escondido CA 92027 c. Alejandro Arellano, 444 W. 15th Ave., Apt #5, Escondido CA 92025 This business is conducted by General Partnership The first day of business was 2/13/16 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/20/2017 LEGAL: 4376 PUBLISHED: February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002306 Name of Business S.A.N.D.S. – DBA CRAZYCAROLS SPICES 1423 Mountain Meadow Drive, Oceanside CA 92056 County: San Diego Mailing address: PO Box 5235, Oceanside CA 92052 This business is registered by the following: a. Carol J Calderwood, 1423 Mountain Meadow Drive, Oceanside CA 92056 b. Kelly C. Calderwood, 1423 Mountain Meadow Drive, Oceanside CA 92056 This business is conducted by Co-Partners THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/25/2017 LEGAL: 4377 PUBLISHED: February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 2017

Change of Name ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: 37-2017-00002198-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner: RITA ESMERALDA NARANJO filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: AMIR NARANJO BAKARI Proposed Name: AMIR ANASTASIO BAKARI NARANJO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: Mar 7, 2017 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 26 The address of the court is 325 South Melrose Dr, Vista CA 92081 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Village News Date: Jan 19, 2017 Signed: William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court. LEGAL: 4372 PUBLISHED: February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 2017

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-002867 Name of Business a. SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STONE b. SOUTHWEST BOULDER AND STONE c. SOUTHWEST BOULDER AND STONE d. SOUTHWEST BOULDER SUPPLY e. SOUTHWEST BOULDERS f. SOUTHWEST BOULDER STONE nd 5002 2 Street, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Southwest Boulder & Stone, 5002 2nd Street, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Corporation This Corporation is located in the state of California The first day of business was 6/29/1990 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 1/31/2017 LEGAL: 4381 PUBLISHED: February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-004618 Name of Business GAETA CONSTRUCTION 23612 Avenida Topanga, Mission Viejo CA 92691 County: Orange County This business is registered by the following: Armando Gaeta, 23612 Avenida Topanga, Mission Viejo CA 92691 This business is conducted by Individual The first day of business was 2/17/17 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/17/2017 LEGAL: 4382 PUBLISHED: February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-004644 Name of Business E. JACINTO GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 1029 Hillcrest Ln., Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Edvin Jacinto, 1029 Hillcrest Ln., Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Individual The first day of business was 1/1/2016 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/17/2017 LEGAL: 4383 PUBLISHED: February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-005000 Name of Business LUCKY ACE BARBER SHOP 300 N. Main St, Ste 25, Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Lucky Ace Barber Shop LLC, 300 N. Main St, Ste 25, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Limited Liability Company This LLC is located in the state of California THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/22/2017 LEGAL: 4384 PUBLISHED: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-004990 Name of Business RAINBOW FARM 2756 Chica Rd., Fallbrook CA 92028 Mailing address: 33228 Breighton Wood St., Menifee CA 92584 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Rainbow Farm Labow, Inc., 33228 Breighton Wood St., Menifee CA 92584 This business is conducted by Corporation This Corporation is located in the state of California The first day of business was 6/13/2014 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/22/2017 LEGAL: 4385 PUBLISHED: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-004666 Name of Business SNAPHAPPY 3909 Reche Rd #127, Fallbrook CA 92028 Mailing address: 211 E. Alvarado St., Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Shelby Houskeeper, 3909 Reche Rd #127, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Individual The first day of business was 2/17/17 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/17/2017 LEGAL: 4386 PUBLISHED: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-004774 Name of Business a. JJ’S MOBILE SCREEN REPAIR b. FALLBROOK SCREEN REPAIR 421 S. Stage Coach Ln., Fallbrook CA 92028 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Rick Birchall, 421 S. Stage Coach Lane, Fallbrook CA 92028 This business is conducted by Individual The first day of business was 2/21/17 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/21/2017 LEGAL: 4387 PUBLISHED: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2017 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2017-005033 Name of Business RT MAINTENANCE 2715 Lancha St., San Diego CA 92111 County: San Diego This business is registered by the following: Rick Tran, 2715 Lancha St., San Diego CA 92111 This business is conducted by Individual The first day of business was 2/23/17 THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THE RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 2/23/2017 LEGAL: 4388 PUBLISHED: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 2017

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE MATTERS OF Bonsall Unified School District’s Site Lease, Sublease, and Construction Services Agreement with Erickson-Hall Construction Co., for the construction of a New Bonsall High School on Gird Road and All Acts Relating to the Environmental Review and Approval of That Project; YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): CALIFORNIA TAXPAYERS ACTION NETWORK; a California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation; on behalf of taxpayers and the BONSALL UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond in writing by March 24, 2017. Read the information below. The plaintiff has filed a civil Complaint that you may be interested in. The Complaint seeks to invalidate acts taken by the Bonsall Unified School District. If you wish to defend or support this lawsuit, you must respond in writing to the Complaint no later than March 24, 2017. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde antes de 24 de marzo 2017, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a continu acion. Esta accion civil busca a invalidar accions hecho por el Bonsall Unified School District. Tiene hasta el 24 de marzo 2017 para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protege. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formular ios de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp/espanol/), en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por incumpli miento y la corte le podra quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame a un abogado inmediata mente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remision a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio web de California Legal Services, (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp/espanol/) o pon iendose en contacto con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier recuperacion de $10,000 o mas de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesion de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que corte pueda desechar el caso. CASE NUMBER: (Numero del Caso) 37-2017-00004580-CU-MC-NC The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccion de la corte es) San Diego County Superior Court - North County Division 325 S. Melrose Drive Vista, CA 92081 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es) Kevin R. Carlin Carlin Law Group, APC 4452 Park Blvd. #310 San Diego, CA 92116 Telephone: (619)615-5325 Date: (Fecha) FEBRUARY 6, 2017 Clerk (Actuario), by /s/ Deputy(V. Navarro) LEGAL #: 4379 PUBLISHED: February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 2017

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CLASSIFIEDS LOCAL Animals (Boarding Sitting)

Electrical Services

Employment Jobs


Real Estate

PET SITTING IN MY HOME Cage free, social environment, day care + long term. Large rooms for exercise and play. References. Call for details. 760-723-6675

MIKES ELECTRIC 24/7 Emergency calls welcome. If it’s electrical, I can do it. Lowest prices and quality work guaranteed. 951-973-9120.

J O B O P P O R T U N I T YHOUSECLEANING Family owned housecleaning business since 1985. Immediate Fallbrook opening. Top pay for the industry. Mileage, bonuses, and training. Need phone, car, references, basic English. Background check and drug screen. Apply in person. Call for address and directions. HomeLife ® Housekeeping:(760) 728-0906

HORSESHOES- cold/hot. All types of horses. Difficult or hard to manage horses. Low prices. Call Carlos 949842-5262.

BRUBAKER CULTON REAL ESTATE Just listed! This STUNNING Hacienda Style Ranch home offers 3 bed, 2.5 bath, with over 2600 square feet of living space, and an attached 3 car garage. The home sits on just under half an acre that includes an in ground pool! Some of the features include custom built ins, plantation shutters, wall to wall carpet, and comfortably sized bedrooms. The sun room has walls of windows that allow ample natural light to flow through the home and looks out into the backyard with traditional California foliage. $479,900. (951) 492-4756

Employment Jobs Asphalt Services S TA N L E Y A S P H A LT S E RV I C E Licensed and Insured. Crack filling, seal coating, patching, paving, commercial residential. 20 years experience. Free estimates. 760-715-4996

EXPERIENCED COOKS & SERVERS and Host/Hostess. 2 years minimum experience in family style restaurant. Apply in person. 739 E. Mission Rd. Se buscan cocineros con experiencia de 2 anos en restaurante de estilo familiar. Solicite en persona. 739 E. Mission Rd.

Car for Sale GOSCH HEMET Pre-Owned 2009 Ford Flex SE VIN: 2FMDK51C69BA12095 STOCK #: 815094 Engine: 3.5L V6 Duratec Engine. Trans: Automatic. Drivetrain: Front Wheel Drive. Exterior: Brillant Silver Metallic. Mileage: 156,847. HWY: 24 MPG | CITY: 17 MPG. $9,899. (855) 975-9543 GOSCH HEMET Pre-Owned 2013 Ford C-Max Energi SEL VIN: 1FADP5CU4DL525761 STOCK #: 815006O. Engine: 2.0L Atkinson PlugIn Hybrid I4 Engine. Trans: Automatic. Drivetrain: Front Wheel Drive. Exterior: Ingot Silver Metallic. Interior: Charcoal Black. Mileage: 109,402. $12,849. (855) 975-9543 GOSCH HEMET Pre-Owned 2011 Chevrolet Malibu LT w/1LT VIN: 1G1ZC5EU4BF148779 STOCK #: 714797X. Engine: Ecotec 2.4L VVT DOHC 4-Cyl SFI E85 Engine. Trans: Automatic. Drivetrain: Front Wheel Drive. Exterior: White Diamond Tricoat. Interior: Titanium. Mileage: 99,517. HWY: 33 MPG | CITY: 22 MPG. $9,999. (855) 975-9543.

Commercial/Industrial For Rent SHOP SPACE 800 sq. ft. to 1,800 sq. ft. in Fallbrook. 760-728-2807 or 760212-0584.

EXPERIENCED KITCHEN HELP Line Cook/Prep needed for fast paced Mexican restaurant in Fallbrook. Bilingual a plus. Call Jon 760-728-4556 SENIORS HELPING SENIORS Would you love to help someone else? Flexible hours. . .you set your schedule! Prior experience working with senior citizens helpful. We’re looking for loving, caring peoplSENIORS HELPING SENIORS Sun City: Seniors Helping Seniors is looking for a loving care giver to do light house cleaning and small meal preparation 4-5 days a week for 4 hours each day. Need to be trustworthy, have a caring heart and pass a background check. Please call 760.884.4111 SENIORS HELPING SENIORS Wildomar: Seniors Helping Seniors is looking for a loving care giver to provide assistance 3 days a week for 2 hours a day for a female in Wildomar. Duties require light meal preparation, minor mobility assistance. Care giver must have a caring heart and pass a background check. Experience with Parkinson’s a plus.Please call 760.884.4111. SENIORS HELPING SENIORS Fallbrook: Seniors Helping Seniors is looking for a part time caregiver for short weekend shifts and evening shifts for light meal preparation and minor house keeping. Candidate needs to have compassion to serve others and be willing to work flexible hours. Please call 760.884.4111.

For Rent BUSINESS/RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; FOR RENT Available; approximately 1500-1800 sq.ft. of Excellent frontage on high traffic volume corner in downtown Fallbrook. Located @ 404 E. Mission Rd. unit A, this highly visible corner is a great location for a variety of businesses or even a residence. Flexible lease terms from $1500 to $2000 per month w/ $3000 deposit. For more information, call Richard 760-586-4996.

Garage Sale/Moving Sale/ Estate Sale. GARAGE SALE Sat. 3/4/17 7:00am2:00pm. Cleaned house, general items for sale. Some camping items and some ocean fishing items. 1012 Carryll Park Ct. Fallbrook. MOVING/YARD SALE Saturday March 4th. 8am-2pm. Furniture, collectibles, household items, decorations, 3504 Lake Shore Ave.

Health Fitness WELLSPRING HERBS & VITAMINS offers a wide selection of herbs, vitamins, essential oils, homeopathics, teas, flower essences and other lotions and potions. Iridology and Live-Cell appointments are available. Come in for your FREE Bio-Scan! Bio-Scan will scan your body and tell you where your deficiencies are. We are located at 1223 S. Mission Rd. (Behind PizzaHut) 760-728-1244 www.nutrastar.net.

Land for Sale LAND FOR SALE More than 5 acres with picturesque view. Palomar observatory. Property located at Los Altos and Cedar Glen, Hemet. Asking $59,900 all offers considered. Call Phil 951-970-3114. Agent Century 21 Wright. LIC00934146

Miscellaneous Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED IN OCEANSIDE I buy old military uniforms, medals, knives, helmets, etc. Even stinky stuff you think is trash. Bob MilitaryPickers.com (760) 450-8498

Real Estate GORGEOUS VIEW LOT Want privacy, and a Tuscany view ? Your dream home, casita and sparkling pool can be built right here in Fallbrook tucked in off the street for solitude and privacy. 4 bedroom septic layout. Did we mention the view!?! $171,000. Rudy Sandy Gallegos. Remax United (760) 985-9600 BRUBAKER CULTON REAL ESTATE Seniors! This is the home for you! Are you ready to wake up to the view of a beautiful golf course? Have your morning cup of coffee overlooking the 9th fairway! Over 1500 sqft, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large laundry room, and an attached 2 car garage home on the golf course. Shutters throughout the home, upgraded carpet, upgraded linoleum, new roof, and so much more. Located in the highly desirable and gated community of Eastlake in Hemet. $189,000.

BRUBAKER CULTON REAL ESTATE Pride of ownership! This 3br, 2.5 bath home with a large yard is ready for your garden and fruit trees. This home features a huge family room with fireplace and wet bar adjacent to a large open kitchen. Garage and extra storage. Tile throughout downstairs. 3 Large bedrooms upstairs with mirrored closet doors. A massive sunbathing deck off of the master bedroom which overlooks the backyard. The master bathroom has been updated with beautiful tile countertops and shower. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, this one won’t last. $249,900. (951) 492-4756 BRUBAKER CULTON REAL ESTATE BRAND NEW 4 BEDROOM SPECIAL OFFER Special Discount on LOT #7! This 4 BR., 2.5 BA. home in a pristine GATED Community with park, sports courts, BBQ and picnic areas. This home perfect for active family, Seniors, or singles that don’t want yard work. This special includes quality washer / dryer, and Refrigerator PLUS $3,000 in Seller Paid Closing Costs!! Only $259,900!! Call Broker today and experience SAFE, EASY LIVING!

Rummage Sale HUGE RUMMAGE SALE- Fallbrook Woman’s Club, 238 W. Mission Road. Saturday, March 4th, 8:00am to 2:00pm. Housewares, clothing, linens, jewelry, shoes, purses, toys, plants, miscellaneous. RUMMAGE SALE Sat., March 4, 10 - 3, at Valley Fort Village, 3757 S. Mission Rd., Fallbrook. Free spots available, call Paula at 951-695-0045 for details.




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The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

EDUCATION How to pick an online teen driver education program SAN DIEGO – Many teens and parents may be looking now at driver education options, including online driver education, to prepare for summer when teens typically do much of their driving. But how do novice teen drivers and parents go about determining whether online driving education is appropriate? And how does one select an online driver education program? Much of the same research that goes into selecting traditional driver education with classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction can be applied to selecting a quality online driver education course, according to the Automobile Club of Southern California’s Driving School Manager Melissa Vega. Both types of driver education programs should have the same goal, Vega said: to prepare student drivers to understand the rules of the road and also to prepare them for behind-the-wheel instruction. “The reason why this is so critical is that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens age 16-19,” she said.

Teen Driver Risks The risks California teens face are real: In California, according to the Office for Traffic Safety, teen motor vehicle fatalities for teens (age 16-19) increased nearly two percent from 2013 to 2014. And teen driver fatalities age 16-19 increased 26.4 percent from 72 in 2013 to 91 in 2014. Males make up 76 percent of teen driver fatalities. “Quality instruction, including online instruction, is necessary for safe driving and learning good driving habits,” said Vega. “It could save a life. So it’s important for parents to be fully invested in their teen’s driving instruction, especially if it’s online education as well as in-car lessons and supervised practice.” Laying a good foundation of driver education and behind-

XiXinXing/Thinkstock photo the-wheel driving skills will help young drivers later on with resisting poor driver behavior like texting while driving, running red lights and speeding, which the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently found to be exhibited by millennial drivers (ages 19-24) – earning them the top spot for the worst behaved US drivers. T h e A u t o C l u b ’s Ve g a recommends researching and identifying the best online driver education program, and that parents and teens: Ask friends and family. Don’t just ask for the name of the online

education program, but why it was selected and what features it had for successful understanding of the “rules of the road.” Ensure quality online content. Make sure that the curriculum is state-approved and that there are structured lesson plans that the teen can move through at a steady pace. Quality programs incorporate interactive activities, videos and quizzes, according to Vega. Ensure that teens absorb online lessons gradually. Teens cannot incorporate all the online driver education components in one day

BUSD notes agreement stipulates elementary school on Meadowood site Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent

Some residents within the Bonsall Unified School District (BUSD) boundaries would like to see a 13-acre site near the future Palomar College campus in Fallbrook used for high school students who could take classes at the community college, but a non-voting item at the Feb. 9 BUSD board meeting noted the obligation to use the site for an elementary school. “There was some question on whether the 13 acres could go toward a high school site,” said BUSD superintendent Justin Cunningham. “We explained to them that the folks who put it into a plan had put it as an elementary school.” In January 2012, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved the 390-acre Meadowood development proposed by Pardee Homes. That map includes 397 single-family homes, 447 multifamily dwelling units, and 13

acres for an elementary school to be built by the Bonsall Unified School District. Meadowood is part of a master specific planning area which totals 1,178 acres and also includes the Campus Park, Campus Park West, and Horse Creek Ridge developments. The Board of Supervisors approved the 416-acre Campus Park project in May 2011 when Passerelle, LLC, owned all of that land. Passerelle subsequently sold the residential component to D.R. Horton, who will be building the Horse Creek Ridge development with 521 singlefamily dwelling units and 230 multi-family dwelling units. The Campus Park map also includes a community center, an 8.5-acre active sports park, and six neighborhood parks as well as commercial and office land. The supervisors’ June 2014 approval of Campus Park West created a map for the 116.5-acre Pappas Investments project which includes 283 multi-family units.

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The Palomar College campus comprises 70 acres of the area. The new elementary school is expected to serve students from the Meadowood, Horse Creek Ridge, and Campus Park West developments, and some students in the Pala Mesa area west of Interstate 15 may find the new elementary school to be more convenient than Bonsall Elementary School. The Bonsall district also operates Vivian Banks Charter School on the Pala Indian Reservation, although most of the Vivian Banks students are tribal members and the new development is not expected to increase enrollment at the charter school while the new elementary school is not expected to impact Vivian Banks enrollment. The map approved by the county merely designates 13 acres of the Meadowood property for an elementary school site but did not stipulate whether the land would be donated to the school district. Pardee and the school district will negotiate whether the elementary school site will be donated in lieu of developer fees or whether the school district would purchase that property and Pardee would pay developer fees. The school district and Pardee will also determine whether the developer will be responsible for building the school or whether impact fees would cover that cost. “That would be something we’d have to work out,” Cunningham said. The timing of the school construction will depend on the timing of the completion of the residences. “A lot of it will depend on how quickly they sell the homes,” Cunningham said. “They’re starting to move dirt. They’re starting to get some things going. What they’re going to be in there by next year I can’t tell you.” To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.

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or even one week, said Vega. Check the Dept. of Motor Vehicles website. Look under the Occupational Licensing area www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/ detail/portal/olinq2/welcome to confirm the school license, plus any administrative actions. It will also specifically state the school is licensed to provide online instruction and classes. Find a school that emphasizes learning. The goal should be to understand the rules of the road, and to be prepared for behindthe-wheel training and supervised practice, not just getting sufficient

information to pass the Dept. of Motor Vehicles exam to be issued a permit. Find an online driver education program that’s been around. Online driver education schools can come and go, but typically quality programs last longer. Check references and complaints. Check with the Better Business Bureau for any complaints against the school. Ask for references of previous students and parents that can be called about their experience with the online driver education program.

Kornelsen named to UA Little Rock’s chancellor’s list LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Fallbrook resident Caroline Kornelsen has been named to the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s fall 2016 chancellor’s list. UA Little Rock recognizes superior academic performance at the end of each semester in which certain qualifications have been met. To be named to the UA Little Rock chancellor’s list, a student must have completed at least nine

credit hours with a grade of A, B, C, or “credit”, and maintained at least a 3.9 grade point average. In addition, the student must not have received a grade of D, F, I, or “no credit”. With about 11,000 students and 100 programs, UA Little Rock offers learning, research, service, social and career opportunities that can only be found at a metropolitan university located in Arkansas’ capital city.

Padilla graduates from basic training SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS – U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Alyssa Padilla has graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills.

Airmen who complete basic training also earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Padilla is the daughter of Rosemary Fisher and sister of Jose Padilla of Fallbrook, Calif. She is a 2012 graduate of Fallbrook Union High School.

Allen, Brodak named to Dean’s List IRVING, Texas – Nearly 500 University of Dallas students were named to the fall 2016 Dean’s List for earning a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The group included Fallbrook residents Maximilian Allen and Teresa Brodak. The University of Dallas,

located in a metropolitan area of nearly seven million people, is a leading Catholic university that offers distinctive individual undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in the liberal arts, business and ministry.

Arias earns All-America East Academic Accolades BOSTON – Eighteen UC Davis field hockey student-athletes, including Fallbrook resident Tatiana Arias, earned All-America East Academic Honor Roll honors when the conference announced its

list of recipients on Feb. 23. To earn honor roll recognition, fall sport student-athletes needed to achieve a 3.0 grade point average or higher.

Don’t miss a beat on what is happening in Fallbrook, Bonsall, Pala, De Luz and Rainbow. Whether it is breaking news, local youth sports, or information on events and activities, you will find it quickly and easily at

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March 2, 2017

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BUSINESS New gun shop opens in Fallbrook

Beebe Family Arms & Munitions owner Matt Beebe and his son Jaxin, 2, greet guests attending the gun shop’s opening day, Feb. 25.

Beebe Family Arms & Munitions employee Jason Martin inspects a gun to make sure it is compliant with new California laws. Shane Gibson photos

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The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

It pays to drive an electric vehicle SAN DIEGO – Not only do electric vehicles (EVs) help to create cleaner air and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our community, now the region’s 23,000 EV drivers can enjoy a credit each year on their SDG&E bill. Those who drive an all-electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid EV can now enroll to receive a credit of at least $50 on their SDG&E residential bill. The Electric

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Vehicle Climate Credit is part of a statewide greenhouse gas reduction program administered by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). “We are excited to launch this annual program to help fight climate change and increase adoption of clean-fuel vehicles,” said Michael Schneider, SDG&E vice president of Operations Support and Chief Environmental Officer. “In San Diego, transportation

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produces more than half of all harmful air emissions. With more than 40 percent of SDG&E’s energy generated from renewable resources, each mile driven using electricity from the local power grid reduces the region’s carbon footprint.” EV drivers can sign up starting today at www.sdge.com/evcc. They will need their SDG&E account number and DMV registration card to sign up. A bill credit will be applied this summer. The amount of the credit will be based on the number of people who have applied. Program enrollments will be accepted annually February through May. Each year the Electric Vehicle Climate Credit will apply to current EV drivers. This means that if an EV changes ownership or leasing status, the new owner will be able sign up for the bill credit. This CARB program is funded through the sale of low carbon fuel credits and not through utility rates. It is available to EVs in SDG&E’s territory that are registered to residents, and not commercial fleets. “This program shows how tackling climate change can also help clean the air and give more consumers the chance to drive fast, quiet electric cars,” said Mary D. Nichols, chair of CARB. Looking for more ways to save? EV drivers can save money by charging their EV at home between midnight and 5 a.m. through the SDG&E time-of-use rate program. For more information on EV rates for one’s house, visit www.sdge. com/evrates. For people who live in an apartment or condo and need charging, SDG&E has a new EV charging station program just for them. Visit www.sdge. com/poweryourdrive for more information. SDG&E is an innovative San Diego-based energy company that provides safe, reliable, clean energy to better the lives of the people it serves in San Diego and southern Orange counties. More than 4,100 employees work to provide the cleanest and most reliable energy in the West. The company has been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for leadership in addressing climate change, was the first to meet California’s goal of delivering 33 percent of energy from renewable sources, has fueled the adoption of electric vehicles and energy efficiency through unique customer programs, and supports more than 600 non-profit partners.

the·village·beat Don’t miss a beat on what is happening in Fallbrook, Bonsall, Pala, De Luz and Rainbow. Whether it is breaking news, local youth sports, or information on events and activities, you will find it quickly and easily at

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Thank   

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you for supporting us by supporting our advertisers

March 2, 2017

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The Fallbrook Village News



Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce Supporting Business and Building a Better Community www.fallbrookchamberofcommerce.org

Be A Hometown Sponsor of The Largest Event in the Community April 23, 2017

Preparations are well underway for the 31st Annual Avocado Festival in downtown Fallbrook, and sponsors for this event are now being widely sought in Southern California. Sponsors are welcome at any level - including the Community Stage, Kid’s Carnival and Cazadores Main Stage/Tequila & Beer Garden area - in addi-

Art of the Avocado Competition Continues Entries are still being accepted in three categories: 2-Dimensional, 3-Dimensional and Photography in the adult and junior competitions. Judging will take place at a private reception at Brandon Gallery by a panel of judges selected from the community. Awards will be announced at that time, and presented at the Avocado Festival on April 23 at 4 pm. Call Anita Kimzey @ 760-731-0277 for more information.

Ribbon Cuttings

tion to the larger sponsors with booths. Each year, radio promotions, along with magazine and newspaper coverage, highlight our sponsors while helping reveal exciting new elements of the festival. Sponsor names and logos are featured prominently wherever appropriate. Event information, with sponsor names, is easily accessed on the Fallbrook chamber website, and posters are distributed throughout the community well

in advance. With the ease of using the Chamber website, and the variety of media types put into play, our sponsors receive ample exposure. In addition, each sponsor with a booth in the festival will receive their own Sponsor Banner to hang at their booth location. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity and contact us for information on how you can support the Avocado Festival.

New Members Please welcome these new businesses and individuals to our Chamber membership by introducing yourselves at one of our functions, or just drop by their business to say hello!

A.C.T. BUSINESS GROUP Blayne B. Chenoweth

304 E. Mission Rd., Suite D Fallbrook 92028

760.692.2699 Full service bookkeeping, payroll and tax service.


1175 Old Stage Road Fallbrook 92028


This Month’s

This Month’s

Facebook: AmericanLegionPost776Fallbrook Wartime veterans and military members dedicated to national security, compassionate care for veterans and community service.


SunUpper SunDowner

Matthew Beebe

1032 S. Main Avenue Fallbrook 92028


Thursday, March 9 8:00 - 9:00 am

Wednesday, March 15 5:30 - 7:00 pm

at the Foundation For Senior Care

at the Grand Tradition Estate & Gardens

320 W. Alvarado St.

220 Grand Tradition Way

(meet at “The Club”)

Co-Host: Rotary Club of Fallbrook

www.shobbfam.com Type 07 FFL holder, retailing and manufacturing ammo, gear, optics, shooting supplies and more.


325 N. Brandon Rd. Fallbrook 92028


Lunch Mob

Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting ~ Acorn Community Birth and Wellness Center


1672 S. Mission Road Fallbrook Friday, March 31 ~ high noon Reservations are required ~ Call to RSVP!

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting ~ Beebe Family Arms & Munitions

February SunDowner

Martin Quiroz and Allen Sargent of Fairway Independent Mortgage are your local Fallbrook loan officers who are ready to help with your refinance or purchase of a primary, vacation, or investment property. With the increase in values and low rates, homeowners are TAKING OUT CASH for home improvements, debt consolidations, savings, or investments including additional properties. For info, visit our office inside the Chamber building, call 760-877-8107, or visit: www.FriendlyVillageLender.com



www.ranchandestatehomes.com 30-year real estate professional in North San Diego County, specializing in investment, equestrian and estate properties.


3562 Canonita Drive Fallbrook 92028

858.699.5075 www.canonitaavocados.com Farm to table avocados.

E & M APOTHICAIRE Midori Ramsey

951.888.0365 www.emapothicaire.com Locally handcrafted products designed to promote healing and wellness through plantbased ingredients that are chemical-free.




Kathy Adams

2004 E. Vista Way Vista 92084



4233 Rancho Lane WINE DRosa WN Fallbrook New members gathered at the Fallbrook Historical Society

Committed to serving your health and fitness goals, and will help you accomplish your dream.

Wednesday Wednesday, March 29

www.prohibitionbrewingcompany.com Family-owned, family-friendly full service restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating. Serving a variety of on-site brewed beers.


4:30 - 7:30 pm


February SunUpper

Don Koran


1648 S. Mission Road Fallbrook 92028

RSVP REQUIRED ~ 760-728-5845



WINE DBusiness WN Seminar

Align Your Health With Your Business


Presented by Michelle Verdugo, Nutritionist, Coach ~ One Body Health & Wellness

FREE Seminar for all Chamber Members $10 for Non-Chamber Members

Monday, March 6 ~ 9:30 am Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce Office

Under new ownership, continuing to serve the community for another 35 years.


26043 Jefferson Ave., Suite D Murrieta 92562

951.698.0777 www.rightstoprestoration.com Specializing in water, fire, mold and emergency services to commercial buildings and residental homes.

Call to reserve your spot!


SunUpper Hosts Sandy & Todd Goodman ~ Laser Light Images

Tom Carson

1924 E. Mission Road Fallbrook 92028

Information on this page is provided by the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce.

Boutique vineyard estate offering premium estate-grown wine, a rustic venue for special events, and holiday wine tasting.

111 S. Main Avenue • Fallbrook, CA 92028 760.728.5845 paid advertisement


1588 S. Mission Rd. # 200, Fallbrook, CA 92028

| (760) 723-7319





The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

DINING Five yummy comfort foods that also boost seniors’ health known to enhance detoxification and is believed to reduce tissue inflammations that result from seniors’ weak immune system.

Augustine “Gus” Farias Special to the Village News

Comfort foods are heartwarming meals that everyone would want to eat occasionally. However, a misconception that they’re typically high in calories makes them unfit for seniors who rather require foods high in micronutrients. The truth is that there are many yummy, yet healthy comfort foods for seniors.

4. Chocolate Chip Cookies Seniors can enjoy an ounce (about 100 calories) of dark chocolate chip cookies a day. Dark chocolate is a strong antioxidant that helps lower blood pressure, enhances blood flow, and ultimately supports heart health. In addition, it’s beneficial for diabetics.

Five yummy comfort yet healthy foods for seniors As an introduction, seniors can swap the high-calorie comfort foods with healthy alternatives. Here are five delicious hearthealthy foods a home-health aide for seniors can provide:

juliedeshaies/Thinkstock photo

1. Baked Potato Seniors can transform this traditional comfort food into a healthy, filling, and hearty meal by substituting the white potato with sweet potato and topping it with Greek yogurt. Sweet potatoes are a good source of carbs, dietary fibers, beta-carotene (an active antioxidant), and vitamins A & C.

Adding quinoa can make these cookies more nutritious because it has a delightful nutty flavor, slightly crunchy, and contains a balanced set of amino acids that are needed for tissue growth and repair. Besides, it contains a significant amount of phosphorous and magnesium, which are necessary for energy metabolism. 5. Healthy Meatloaf To reduce the amount of calories, seniors should swap the

Merinka/Thinkstock photo

2. A Bowl of Oatmeal A ½-cup of oatmeal serves as an excellent breakfast. Oats are low in calories, rich in dietary fibers and proteins, and an excellent source of energy. They lower cholesterol, and blood sugar levels protect skin against irritation and reduce constipation.

BWFolsom/Thinkstock photo

To make it more nutritious and yummy, top it with ¼ cup of blueberries. Blueberries are known to protect the brain from oxidative stress and boost immunity. 3. Broccoli-Cheese Chowder Seniors can take a 1-cup serving of cooked potatoes, smooth sour cream, and a healthy broccoli. The meal is rich in vitamins A, B6, C, and K, folic acid, fat, and carbs. It’s an ideal source of energy, helps in muscle building and bone mass formation, and contains a significant amount of potassium, calcium, and sodium. Broccoli is

Esben_H/Thinkstock photo

Breakfast ~ Lunch ~ Dinner 7 Days a week • 7am-9pm


Dinner Specials 5pm to close

happy hour EvEryDay 3pM-6pM

PALA – Wine lovers are in for a special treat at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Mar ch 16, when Napa Valley ’s Girar d Winer y hosts a Dinner & Wine Tasting in the underground wine cave at Pala Casino Spa & Resort. Doors will open at 7 p.m. Tickets are available by calling (877) 946-7252 and asking to book the wine dinner. Guests will enjoy a fivecourse dinner with wine pairings fr om Girar d’s port folio of fine wines. Dining and tasting will start with Maine Peeky Toe Crab – Maine Lobster Louis with Spicy Papaya and Avocado Relish paired with Sauvignon Blanc, Sonoma County, 2015. The second course

Bottom Line A healthy and balanced diet is linked to a longer life. Senior healthy eaters are said to have a lower mortality rate compared to those who eat foods high in calories. Moreover, healthy eating can reduce risks of age-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and type 2 diabetes. Farias, co-founder of Sonoma Home Health, has over 20 years in the senior care industry from home health, assisted living and hospice care.

Patio Dining ~ Catering ~ Large Parties Welcome

Open 7 Days


760-728-8006 • 1075 S. Mission Rd., Ste. A, Fallbrook

M.A.D. Event

Music Art Dinner 

RiveR village CenteR 5256 S. MiSSion Rd, BonSall


Saturday, March 18th 5:30pm-8:30pm

• Street Tacos • Kahlua Pork Sliders • Chicken Strips & Fries • Nachos or Quesadilla w/chicken or beef

 San Diego’s Finest Craft Beers on Tap! 

served will be Dover Sole – Meuniere’ with Caramelized B a n a n a s a n d To a s t e d Macadamia Nuts and Chardonnay, Russian River Valley, 2014. The third course of fered will be Osso Buco of Lamb with Crisp Bacon and English Pea Risot to – Red Wine Reduction and Ar tistr y Bordeaux Blend, Napa Valley, 2013. The four th course will include Grilled Tenderloin of Beef – Seared Foie Gras with Grilled Tohoku Fuji Apples – Honey Peppercorn Sauce and Cabernet Sauvignon Rutherford, 2014. The dessert of fered will be Chef Albert Cruz’ Chocolate Impressions and Cabernet Franc, Napa Valley, 2014.


• Wine Specials • Beer – Small Plate Specials $5 –

A 4-ounce meatloaf serving has sufficient proteins, iron, phosphorous, and Vitamin B-12 for an older adult. The meal is essential for energy, formation of red blood cells, and healthy bones.

Girard Winery to host Dinner & Wine Tasting at Pala

One medium-sized sweet potato offers the senior sufficient energy essential for healthy eye and skin. Greek yogurt maximizes muscle development and has probiotic bacteria, which promotes digestive health.

the · village · beat

traditional mix of pork and beef with lean ground turkey. Use oatmeal instead of white bread to increase fiber and reduce the amount of fat in the dish.

Call 760-728-3350 To Reserve 760-728-3350 ~ 103 S. Main Ave. Fallbrook ~ www.cafedesartistes.us

Buy 1 Lunch Get 1 FREE!*

945 S. Main Ave, Fallbrook (760) 728-0200 Don’t miss a beat on what is happening in Fallbrook, Bonsall, Pala, De Luz and Rainbow. Whether it is breaking news, local youth sports, or information on events and activities, you will find it quickly and easily at

thevillagenews.com Check it out. Often.



Faro Trupiano

Valid at Trupiano’s Italian Bistro • Plus tax & gratuity • Lunch specials excluded • Dine in only. One coupon per table. Must purchase two drinks. Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. Free lunch of equal or lesser value, maximum discount $10. Expires 3/31/17.


Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

Village News Fallbrook & Bonsall

a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f

D e L u z , R a i n b ow , C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,


March 2, 2017

a nd

Section C

Pau m a

Volume 21, Issue 9

A bigger dig helps keep Fallbrook rural and green FALLBROOK – From Jan. 31 to Feb. 17, fifth grade students from the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District planted 433 native plants in the Los Jilgueros Preserve. Save Our Forest (SOF), a committee of the Fallbrook Land Conservancy (FLC), has been juggling days to avoid the rain and yet plant during the cool months. Environmental Education leader Jean Dooley organized the project and led two full busloads of students from each of the five schools in Fallbrook to the north entrance of the preserve to enjoy a brief outing to get their natives planted. Potted in gallon pots when the students were fourth graders, the plants included black sage, white sage, monkey flower, yucca, yarrow, and buckwheat. The students saw the section planted by their peers last year that is ready to burst into bloom. Winter rains have really given them a boost as well as making the task more digger friendly for the planters this year. Major players in this venture are George and Brenda Garcia, owners of the Rib Shack, and The Firehouse Que and Brew. Through a generous donation from the Garcia Family, SOF is able to pay for the transportation costs to get the children to the preserve. Who benefits? Fallbrook residents who frequent the preserves now see the fruits of the Environmental Education (EE) program fulfilling the SOF commitment to keep Fallbrook rural and green.

The EE program, started by SOF in 2004, began with planting in the biological preserve adjacent to Live Oak Elementary. Since then, they have planted annually at either the Los Jilgueros, Dinwiddie, or Heller’s Bend preserves and the program has grown to include all five in-town schools. It takes a number of volunteers to help groups of four or five students learn how to dig using the shovel, how deep to plant, and how to seat the plant in the ground for survival. It has become a joint community effort with volunteers with the FLC Native Plant Restoration Team, the Fallbrook Garden Club and anyone else that Jean Dooley can round up to help. The Native Plant Team prepared the planting site near the lake at the north end of Los Jilgueros with a method called hugelkultur taught by Diane Kennedy. It involves creating a trench and building a hugelkultur mound that layers wood (untreated wood a must) and dirt to absorb and store moisture to begin biological activity. Anyone wanting to learn more about a method that will provide food and moisture to help plants survive drought conditions can look at www.vegetariat.com. SOF is also seeking more volunteers to support their other projects in Fallbrook. Join SOF maintenance teams by calling the FLC office at (760) 7280 8 8 9 , o r c h e c k o u t w w w. fallbrooklandconservancy.org and click on Save Our Forest to volunteer.

On a rainy day, Feb. 6, nothing can stop the leaders and students from Live Oak School in installing sustainable landscapes at Los Jilgueros.

Nancy Heins-Glaser photos Save Our Forest’s Jackie Heyneman, far left, and Native Plant Restoration Team member Gary Beeler, far right, are seen with Outdoor Environmental Classroom bus sponsors Brenda and George Garcia, Rib Shack / Firehouse Que & Brew owners, at Los Jilgueros Preserve.

Volunteer Jean Dooley shows Live Oak students how deep to plant yarrow and sage to repopulate local flora, from left, Natalie, Michelle, volunteer Paige, Dooley and Azure. The school had 100 students take part in the project.

SOF Ann Richter, left, with Live Oak School students Sam, Jacob, Graydon, Mariana and Lily show off the seedlings they potted last year and are about to plant now. Live Oak’s 86 students traveled to Los Jilgueros on Feb. 6.

Volunteer Abe Ramirez collects shovels while Frazier student Colin juggles leftover pots after the planting of native plants at Los Jilgueros Nature Preserve on Feb. 17. William Frazier Elementary sent 86 students to the big dig.

Overseeing the Environmental Education Program on Jan. 31 are, from left, Fallbrook Street School teacher Tiffany McMahon, SOF Chair Jackie Heyneman and SOF environmental leader Jean Dooley. Fallbrook Street School had 100 students participate in the program.

Volunteer Larry Muira, center, helps Live Oak students get their plants properly seated in the ground at Los Jilgueros.

Jackie Heyneman photo From front to back, Frazier students Alfonso and Isidro plant their seedlings with SOF volunteer Nanette Noonan watching them on Feb. 17.



The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017


Prepare for closing costs when buying a home Nathaniel Sillin

Special to The Village News Imagine the frustration that would follow if you spent hours planning and narrowing in on a dream home only to find out that you can’t afford it when push comes to shove. Starting with a price range can help you make the most of your search, but you’ll need to account for closing costs to create a realistic budget. A catch-all for the fees and services that result from the sale of a home, closing costs are generally about two to five percent of the home’s value when you’re making a purchase. In other words, you could pay about $4,000 to $10,000 on a $200,000 home. Closing costs and fees vary depending on where you’re buying, how much you put down, who helps you with the home-buying process, the type of home you’re buying, and the type of loan you’re taking out. You can estimate the closing costs of homes you’re interested in by using one of the many closing cost calculators online. Also, ask your real estate agent to help you estimate the closing costs of homes in different neighborhoods.

Thinkstock photo-Tomwang112

These are a few of the fees you could encounter when closing on a home. While costs can vary and state laws dictate differences in the closing process, here are a few typical services or fees: • Inspections. You likely want to hire an inspector to make sure the home doesn’t need any major repairs and there aren’t any woodeating pest (such as termite) infestations. Many lenders require you get these inspections, but even when they don’t it’s usually a good idea. • Attorney fees. You could have to pay attorneys to help prepare and review documents for the closing. • Survey. Some states require you to hire a surveyor to verify the size of the lot. • Homeowners insurance. You may need to pay several months’ worth of homeowners insurance premiums up front. • Origination fee. Mortgage lenders, banks or brokers often charge about 1 percent of your loan’s value. • Property taxes. Several months’

worth of property tax payments could be due at the closing. You might see advertisements for “no-closing-cost” mortgages. While these offers can be enticing, you’ll generally pay a higher interest rate on the loan or the closing costs will be wrapped into the mortgage. It might be a good option if you’re planning on moving within the next few years. Otherwise, you’ll likely wind up paying more in interest over the lifetime of the loan than you would have on the closing costs. Try to do your own calculations to determine if a no-cost closing makes sense based on your estimated closing costs, increase in monthly payments and how long you plan on staying in the home. Mortgage lenders have three business days from when you submit a loan application to give you a loan estimate. The standardized document shows your estimated interest rate, monthly payments, taxes, insurance and closing costs. The Consumer Financial

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Protection Bureau has an interactive example of a standard loan estimate form with explanations and definitions of terms. On the second page, there’ll be a list of closing costs, including a breakdown of which services you may be able to negotiate. You shop mortgage lenders, compare the loan estimate you receive and then continue the process with the lender that gives you the best estimated terms. Three business days before your

Joe Naiman

Village News Correspondent The successful bidder for a construction contract to repair and replace up to 40 culverts in unincorporated San Diego County will be replacing a culvert on McDonald Road and lining a culvert on Reche Road. The San Diego Board of Supervisors voted 4-0 Feb. 15 with Ron Roberts in Washington, DC, to authorize the advertisement for bid and subsequent award of a contract to replace and repair listed culverts. The contract is structured to include a base bid consisting of 31 locations and an additive alternative, or nine locations which can be added to the contract if funding permits. The McDonald Road and Reche Road culverts are both in the base bid. “The heavy rain we’ve been having creates water runoff that collects mud and debris and can damage culverts,” said Supervisor Bill Horn. “This $1.8 million project will repair culverts across the county with the majority of repairs being done in District 5.” The estimated $1.8 million cost includes contingencies. A balance in the county’s road fund will provide $1,690,500 of that amount while Highway User Tax Account

revenue derived from the sales tax on gasoline will be used for the other $109,500. Seventeen of the culverts in the base bid are in the Fifth Supervisorial District, including the culvert on McDonald Road approximately 560 feet south of Fallbrook Street and the culvert on Reche Road approximately 275 feet south of Shaffer Lane. Four of the nine culverts in the additive alternative are in the Fifth District. The county’s Department of Public Works maintains more than 18,000 drainage facilities, including more than 14,000 culverts. Stormwater crews inspect all county-maintained culverts on a cyclical basis and prioritize them for rehabilitation or replacement. Field engineering staff members inspect the culverts nearing the end of their service life to determine whether replacing the culverts or rehabilitating them with new lining would be the more preferable option. Lining a culvert involves the installation of an internal sleeve. Lining methods include cure-inplace pipe which utilizes resinimpregnated fabric inserted into the existing culvert, slip lining insertion of solid wall surface into the existing culvert, and insertion

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accordingly, can help ensure you’re looking for homes within your price range. That’s important because you want to be able to move quickly when you find a home you love. However, don’t move so fast that you miss out on savings opportunities. Shopping mortgage lenders and service providers could help you minimize your closing costs. Nathaniel Sillin directs Visa’s financial education programs..

County to replace McDonald Road culvert, line Reche Road culvert


1120 S. Main St., Fallbrook

scheduled closing, the lender you choose must give you a five-page closing disclosure form with the finalized terms. Carefully look over the closing disclosure and ask your real estate agent, loan officer or attorney questions. If you don’t agree with the new terms of the deal, it’s not too late to back out. If you’re happy with the terms and the closing goes smoothly you’ll be a homeowner soon. Bottom line: Estimating your closing costs, and budgeting

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of spiral-wound pipe which will expand and line the culvert. The internal sleeve restores the pipe’s structural integrity while reducing excavation and thus minimizing traffic impacts. Repair of holes and the restoration of capacity without replacing the culvert can also be accomplished by invert paving which consists of preparing the invert surface area, or the bottom of the culvert, to receive concrete, installing bar reinforcement and anchorage devices, and paving the inverted area with concrete on the bottom of the pipe to fill existing holes and restore it to a structurally-sound pipe floor. If the culvert is damaged beyond economical repair, a culvert replacement is more appropriate than rehabilitation and the existing culvert is removed with a new one being installed. The culvert repair and replacement on a countywide basis is scheduled to begin in summer 2017 and be complete by winter 2018. Traffic control measures will be implemented during the construction to limit impacts to community members and other travelers. To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.

Hand weavers to learn about Shibori VISTA – The Palomar Hand Weavers Guild will meet on March 13, from 9:30 a.m. to noon to learn about Shibori. The guest speaker will be Kathleen Waln, Shibori artist and weaver, who will discuss traditional and woven Shibori. The art of Shibori can be traced to ancient times and from around the world: South America, the Middle East, Africa, India, China, Malaysia, and Japan. It made its way to North America in the twentieth century, most notably as the colorful tie-dye t-shirts from the era of the Grateful Dead. Examples from Waln’s collection will include a traditional Shibori Japanese kimono and noren (a form of Japanese domestic textile), pieces from her fabric collection, and her own traditional Shibori silks. Free and open to all, the meeting is held at Weavers Barn, Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum, 2040 N Santa Fe Avenue, Vista.

Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

March 2, 2017

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The Fallbrook Village News



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The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

Earthquake risk is real in California Paul Bandong

Staff Writer

The CEO of the California Earthquake Authority (CEA), Glenn Pomeroy, visited the Southwest Riverside County Association of Realtors in Murrieta Feb. 7, sharing his company’s strategic plan to educate, mitigate and insure earthquake losses. CEA is the largest provider of earthquake insurance in the United States, and Pomeroy has been its CEO since 2008. “The risk is very real,” Pomeroy said. “California is home to twothirds of the nation’s earthquake risk. There is a 99.9 percent chance of a magnitude 6.7 or larger in the next 30 years and a 93 percent chance of a magnitude 7.0 or larger in that same time period.” A magnitude 7.0 quake would be three times stronger than the Northridge quake. “Most Californians live within 30 miles of an active fault,” Pomeroy said. “Ninety percent don’t have earthquake insurance. We need to do something about this.” The Northridge earthquake Jan. 17, 1994, was a magnitude 6.7 and was felt as far away as Las Vegas, Nev. The death toll was 57, with more than 8,700 injured. Property damage was up to $40 billion with $20 billion being residential damage. “If that same earthquake were to happen today,” Pomeroy said. “Residential damage would be $75 billion; only $7 billion would be insured, leaving $68 billion in uninsured damage. That would be a financial catastrophe.” Pomeroy went on to dispel some common myths. Many people believe the government will bail them out; assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency is limited and can be used

Earthquakes can destroy houses, making earthquake insurance an important addition to homeowners insurance. only for a specific purpose. The grants range from an average of $5,000 to $6,000 to a maximum of $32,000. Emergency government loans must be repaid. Typical homeowner’s policies specifically exclude earthquake coverage. In 1984, homeowners’ insurance providers were required by law to offer separate earthquake insurance policies. Since the devastating Northridge quake, many stopped writing homeowners’ earthquake insurance in California. The not-for-profit CEA was formed 20 years ago by the state legislature in the wake of the Northridge quake to meet the need. CEA is a publicly-managed but privately-financed entity specifically for residential earthquake insurance. CEA currently has 931,000 policy

holders. They have claim-paying capacity of $14 billion. To put that in perspective, that is enough to cover $8.2 billion in claims for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, $5 billion for the 1994 Northridge quake, and $900 million for the 1989 Loma Prieta quake. In the 20 years since 1996, inflation is up 51 percent. Housing reconstruction costs are up 168 percent. By contrast CEA has lowered its earthquake insurance rates by 55 percent. “People used to say ‘it costs too much, there’s too little coverage and the deductible is too high’,” Pomeroy said. “So we revamped the policy and the underlying value proposition.” Comparing the 1996 policy

Supervisors give support to updated fire codes Joe Naiman

Village News Correspondent Some of the revisions to the County Fire Code and county Consolidated Fire Code expected to be adopted at the March 22 San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting are clarifications or modifications which reflect new California Building Code or California Fire Code standards while others are substantive modifications for fire standards in unincorporated San Diego County. Contingent upon approval of the second reading and adoption of the updated fire codes March 22, the new codes would take effect April 21. The first reading and introduction was approved on a 4-0 vote Feb. 15 with Ron Roberts in Washington, DC. “Fire safety has always been a priority for me, so I appreciate that many of the new state requirements have already been adopted by the county,” said Supervisor Bill Horn. “I also like the efficiency of adopting our County Fire Code and Consolidated Fire Code with one action.” A county fire code can be more stringent than a state fire code if the Board of Supervisors makes findings that such additional standards are necessary due to local climate, geological, or topographic conditions, and a fire district can have more stringent standards than the county if such findings are made. Prior to 2001, each fire district developed its own fire regulations, and in 2001 the Board of Supervisors adopted the initial

Consolidated Fire Code in an effort to provide more consistent standards for homeowners and developers processing building permits. The California Building Standards Code and the California Fire Code are republished every three years, and the county utilizes that opportunity to modify the Consolidated Fire Code while incorporating state changes into the County Fire Code. County staff and representatives of all local fire districts work together to reduce the number of individual district code amendments which differ from the County Fire Code. “With every new rendition we get closer and closer to a true uniform code,” said North County Fire Protection District fire chief Steve Abbott. The changes to the 2017 county standards include an addition that signs identifying traffic access limitations shall be placed at the intersection preceding that limitation no more than 100 feet before that access restriction. The solar photovoltaic installation requirements in the previous version included that smoke ventilation options between array sections were a pathway at least eight feet wide, a pathway at least four feet wide and bordering roof skylights or smoke and heat vents, or a pathway at least four feet wide and bordering four-foot by eight-foot venting cutouts every 20 feet on alternating sides of the pathway. The new code requires that in the absence of a pathway at least eight feet wide the smoke ventilation

options shall be a pathway at least four feet wide and bordering roof skylights or gravity-operated dropout smoke and heat vents, a pathway at least four feet wide and bordering all sides of non-gravity operated dropout smoke and heat vents, or a pathway at least four feet wide and bordering four-foot by eight-foot venting cutouts every 20 feet on alternating sides of the pathway. The previous fire code required a hydrant or valve to be between 14 and 24 inches above grade, between four and 12 feet from the roadway, and eight feet away from combustible vegetation. The distances from the roadway and from combustible vegetation are unchanged, but the new code requires the hydrant or valve to be between 18 and 24 inches above grade. The distance between fire hydrants for single-family residences will be changed to 600 feet regardless of parcel size; the previous standard stipulated hydrants every 350 feet for parcels less than half an acre, every 500 feet for parcels between one-half and 2 1/2 acres, and every 1,000 feet for parcels at least 2 1/2 acres. “I think our county’s code has served as a model for the rest of the state,” said Abbott. “This fire code makes new construction as safe as it can be,” said Valley Center Fire Protection District fire marshal George Lucia. “It’s a risk reducer. It’s a safety factor. Any houses that are built today will withstand a wildfire.” To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.

with today’s offering, the personal property replacement was $5,000; it is now up to $200,000 with $1,500 for emergency repairs like ripping out wet carpet, with no deductible. The deductible used to be 15 percent paid by the homeowner; it is now a choice of 5 percent to 25 percent, and the homeowner is not required to pay to receive their claim payment. Loss-of-use was $1,500; it is now up to $100,000 with no deductible. There was zero mitigation discount; now there is up to a 20 percent reduction in premium. “One of the biggest differences is now the homeowner has a choice of coverage and deductibles to fit their needs and budget,” Pomeroy said. “And there are new discounts for retrofitting older homes. Californians are responding well to

David DeLossy/Thinkstock photo

these new affordable options. We added 52,000 new policy holders last year. Homeowners can use the simple calculator app (www. earthquakeauthority.com) to explore their different options.” However, CEA does not sell the insurance directly as a stand-alone product. “Over 75 percent of the homeowners insurance providers in the state have signed on with CEA to sell the earthquake insurance products,” Pomeroy said. “The risk of a catastrophic earthquake in California is very real,” Pomeroy said. “Homeowners need earthquake insurance. Contact your local homeowners’ insurance agent today.”

Supervisors approve time extension for Catherine Road subdivision Joe Naiman

Village News Correspondent The San Diego County Board of Supervisors granted a time extension to complete infrastructure associated with a planned 13-home subdivision along Catherine Road in Morro Hills. The supervisors’ 4-0 vote February 15 with Ron Roberts in Washington, DC, extends the deadline for G-Three, LLC, to complete the infrastructure until Feb. 15, 2019. The agreements cover completion of the road, water, sewer, and other infrastructure improvements but do not require completion of the homes or other lot improvements themselves by the deadline. The supervisors’ action also approved a change in the holding company for the title. The 29.78-acre subdivision is located on Catherine Road about 950 feet east of Sleeping Indian Road and 1,300 feet south of Puerta De Lomas. The Board of Supervisors approved the final map for the project, along with an agreement to provide security for the infrastructure and for payment of labor and materials used to build that infrastructure, in September 1998. The security agreement utilized a lien contract which included transfer of the title to a holding company. If a property owner utilizes a lien contract instead of security bonds, the ownership cannot sell individual lots or obtain any permits to develop the subdivision until the lien contract is replaced by a bond, a cash deposit, or a letter of credit. The property is

Over 20 Years

transferred to a holding company until the Board of Supervisors approves the replacement of the lien contract with acceptable security. The estimated cost of the infrastructure improvements is currently $628,900. Improvements identified in a secured agreement are required to be completed within two years of the approval of the final map, although if circumstances prevent the improvements from being completed by the agreement’s expiration, additional time may be requested to complete the infrastructure. The county’s Department of Public Works reviews existing agreements and their bonding requirements to determine if time extensions are warranted. The first two-year time extension may be approved administratively, although subsequent time extensions require Board of Supervisors approval. If an application for a time extension is filed prior to its expiration, the owner is not in default if the extension is granted. Extensions for the completion of the Catherine Road development improvements were granted in September 2000, July 2002, February 2004, December 2006, October 2008, December 2010, and October 2012. The February 2004 time extension also included a substitution of parties. The most recent agreement replaces Bank of America with First American Trust as the holding company. To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.


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Transfer of Chandler Ranch emergency services scheduled for March 22 Joe Naiman

Village News Correspondent The transfer of fire and emergency medical services latent powers for Chandler Ranch is expected to be approved at the March 22 meeting of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting. The Feb. 15 Board of Supervisors meeting included a 4-0 vote, with Ron Roberts in Washington, DC, to set the hearing to divest Chandler Ranch fire and emergency medical services latent powers from County Service Area No. 135. “The reorganization will be the most effective provision of fire and emergency medical services for Chandler Ranch,” said Supervisor Bill Horn. Chandler Ranch is off of Conquistador Road in De Luz. In August 2013 a tentative map to create four residential parcels between 20.7 and 24.5 acres, along with a remainder parcel, was approved by the director of the county’s Department of Planning and Development Services and included the condition that the area not already part of the North County Fire Protection District (NCFPD) be annexed into the fire district. The entire Chandler Ranch property, including land previously within the fire district, totals 110.3 acres. The annexation included Conquistador Road, so the annexation area is listed as 77.58 acres when the road is included and 77.45 acres when only parcels are considered to be annexed. In 2008 the Board of Supervisors and San Diego County’s Local Agency Formation Commission created the San Diego County Regional Fire Authority (SDCRFA) which initially consisted of the territory served by a volunteer fire department but not within the boundaries of a public agency. The volunteer fire departments, including the De Luz Volunteer Fire Department which had served Chandler Ranch, retained their autonomy and now work together with the paid firefighters covering those areas. Instead of creating a separate district for the SDCRFA, which would have required a public vote, LAFCO authorized fire and emergency medical services latent powers within a zone of the county’s special district covering regional communications, which covers all of unincorporated San Diego County, and the addition of territory to the SDCRFA includes the addition of latent powers to those zones of CSA No. 135. In June 2016 the Board of Supervisors approved a property tax exchange resolution which transferred 7 percent of the 1 percent base property tax from the SDCRFA to the NCFPD. (The Fiscal Year 2014-15 property tax payment for the Chandler Ranch land was $5,453.29, so 7 percent of that would equate to $381.73. If the parcels are sold they would be reassessed based on the sale value, and the development of the parcels would add the value of the buildings to the assessed amount. The fire district expects total annual property tax revenue of approximately $3,000.) In August 2016 LAFCO approved the annexation of the 77 1/2 acres into the NCFPD while detaching that area from the SDCRFA, but that action included the requirement that the Board of Supervisors subsequently authorize the removal of CSA No. 135 latent powers for Chandler Ranch. In September 2016 the NCFPD board approved an annexation agreement, including a $77,450 annexation fee the district will receive immediately, and a fee of $500 per residential dwelling unit or $1,000 for a commercial or industrial structure when a building permit is issued. The annexation fee and base property tax revenue will not be sufficient for the fire district to serve the development, so the agreement requires the creation of a MelloRoos assessment district or similar funding source prior to the county’s approval of the final subdivision map. To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.

Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

March 2, 2017

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March 2, 2017

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Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

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a l s o se rv i n g t h e c o m m u n i t i e s o f

March 2, 2017

D e L u z , R a i n b ow , C a m p P e ndl e t o n , Pa l a ,


a nd

Section D

Pau m a

Volume 21, Issue 9

Tryouts held for Fallbrook High volleyball, gymnastics teams

Miles Dewhirst leaps to spike the ball while Fallbrook High boys volleyball coach Chip Patterson looks on during team tryouts, Feb. 21.

Tommy Pestolis demonstrates his ball setting ability during varsity boys volleyball team tryouts Feb. 21 at Fallbrook High.

Shane Gibson photos

Fallbrook High gymnastics team hopeful Taylor Kudenov rolls backwards on a training apparatus during tryouts, Feb. 21.

Giovanni Duenas keeps his eyes on the ball during tryouts for the Fallbrook High varsity boys volleyball team.

Olivia Engebretson, right, executes a jump during tryouts for the Fallbrook High gymnastics team.

Alex Paull gets ready to tumble across the mat during tryouts for the Fallbrook High gymnastics squad.

Justice Patterson digs the ball during tryouts for the Fallbrook High varsity boys volleyball team.

Mia Carrillo, left, and Kayla Rosales practice and execute jumps during Fallbrook High gymnastics team tryouts.



The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

SPORTS Fallbrook Girls Softball celebrates opening of 2017 season

Fallbrook Girls Softball teams gather on the field for opening day Shane Gibson photos festivities at Ingold Sports Park, Feb. 25.

Kyla Leon, who plays for the team “Speed Demons”, sings “The Star-Spangled Banner” during the opening ceremony for the 2017 girls softball season.

Fallbrook Girls Softball player Kyleigh Philo throws the ceremonial first pitch to catcher Hailey Cardinell during opening day festivities at Ingold Sports Park, Feb. 25.

[above]Fallbrook Girls Softball team “The Pirates” parade around the diamond at Ingold Sports Park during the 2017 season-opening ceremony, Feb. 25. [left]Special guest speaker Ryan Gambrell of the U.S. Adaptive Surf Team and Challenged Athletes Foundation addresses the crowd.

Fallbrook Girls Softball president Kirk Philo welcomes players and guests attending the opening ceremony for the 2017 season.

Warriors reach girls water polo quarterfinals Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent

Fallbrook squad a February 18 match against top-seeded Vista. The Panthers won that quarterfinal by an 11-4 margin. “I’m very proud and excited about what they accomplished throughout the season,” Fallbrook coach Sean Redmond said of his players. The playoff results finalized the Warriors’ season record at

Fallbrook High School’s girls water polo team reached the quarterfinals of the CIF Division I playoffs. The Warriors began the CIF tournament February 15 with a 9-6 victory over University City, which gave the eighth-seeded

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16-13. Fallbrook had a regularseason record of 15-12 including a 5-0 Valley League record which provided the Warriors with their third consecutive league championship. An eighthseeded team receives a first-round home game contingent upon a pool which meets CIF playoff standards. Fallbrook’s pool is not suitable for CIF post-season play, but University City plays its regular-season home matches at the University of California, San Diego’s Canyonview Pool and Redmond was supportive of the trip to UCSD. “UC was generous enough to host us there,” Redmond said. The Warriors had leads of 3-2 after one quarter and 4-3 at halftime. “We started pushing it up in the third period,” Redmond said. Fallbrook had an 8-5 lead entering the final quarter. “We pulled it out in the third period,” Redmond said. “The thing that helped us was our speed. We definitely swam better than they did.” Each team scored once in the fourth quarter, and by the middle

of that period Redmond was more focused on defense and clock control than on expanding the Warriors’ lead. The Centurions’ focus was on overcoming the three-goal deficit. “They were starting to get really aggressive on attacks, so we started spreading it out and controlling the ball,” Redmond said. Ella Hearn scored three goals for Fallbrook. Sarah Draves scored two goals and had four assists, including on all three of Hearn’s goals, and Draves also recorded six steals. Caitlyn Batty led the team with seven steals while also providing two goals and an assist. Amelia Thomas and Anna Draves each placed one shot into the net. Gabby Vazzana was Fallbrook’s goalkeeper for the entire game and made six saves while also obtaining two steals. The February 18 quarterfinals were played at La Jolla High School’s Coggan Pool. The game between Fallbrook and Vista began at 8:30 a.m. “First period really hurt us. They jumped out very quickly to a fournothing lead,” Redmond said. Each team scored three times in

the second quarter. The Warriors and Panthers had a goal apiece in the third period. “We stayed even with them,” Redmond said. Vista had all three goals in the final quarter. “We played much better against them than we did a couple of weeks ago,” Redmond said. A non-league game February 7 at The Wave in Vista ended with the Panthers on the preferred end of the 11-3 score. Redmond noted that Vista’s leading scorer in that game was held scoreless in the playoff quarterfinal. “The other girls on the team ended up stepping it up. That’s the sign of a good team,” Redmond said. Redmond noted that his own team had the similar ability to rely on other players if one teammate was shut down. “We didn’t have one really standout player,” he said. “They played very well as a team and worked together.” To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.

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Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

March 2, 2017

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The Fallbrook Village News



Del Norte edges Fallbrook 48-43 in CIF playoff game

Fallbrook High’s Janay Segura breaks away from Del Norte’s defense during the Lady Warriors’ first round CIF Division II playoff game against the Nighthawks Feb. 21. Del Norte prevailed 48-43 in the Feb. 21 contest at Fallbrook.

Lady Warriors Madison Williams, No. 4, and Cali Southwell battle for position inside the key against their Del Norte opponents.

Lady Warrior Antonia Rosario takes a shot during Fallbrook High’s first round CIF Division II playoff game against Del Norte.

Lady Warrior Sara Ahmadpour goes up for a layup against Del Norte.

Fallbrook High’s Molly Jones puts up a shot during the Lady Warriors’ playoff game against Del Norte.

Fallbrook High’s Jay Boston drives to the hoop against Del Norte during a first round CIF Division II playoff game Feb. 21.

Kimmell takes over Warriors’ boys lacrosse program Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent

Approximately 45 aspiring Fallbrook High School boys lacrosse players tried out for the varsity and junior varsity teams February 18, February 20, and February 21. New Fallbrook coach Brian Kimmell kept most of those players; the varsity roster will include nearly two dozen boys while between 16 and 18 players will begin the season on the junior varsity team. “We’ve got a deeper roster than we did last year,” Kimmell said. Although this is Kimmell’s first season as the high school coach, he was involved in the Fallbrook youth lacrosse program last year as the head coach for the fifth-grade and sixth-grade boys. “We’ve got a lot of great talented kids in the pipeline,” Kimmell said. Kimmell also has the historical knowledge of Mike Zinniger, who returns as the junior varsity head coach. The varsity assistant coaches will be Nick Vido and Elijah Zepeda. Tom Gillcrist will be the junior varsity assistant coach. “I’m really excited for the job,” Kimmell said of taking over as head coach. In addition to coaching the high

school varsity team, Kimmell will continue to coach youth clubs even though they play during the same season as the high school squads. Kimmell will be the head coach of the seventh-grade and eighth-grade boys and will also be the assistant coach for the boys in fifth and sixth grades. “I’m quite busy right now,” he said. “It’s kind of hectic, but I enjoy it.” In the absence of a game the youth practice from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., the junior varsity practice is from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and the varsity practice is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Kimmell noted that the practice schedule will allow some of the high school varsity players to provide instruction to the youth teams. Kimmell is originally from Indiana and attended Culver Military Academy as a sophomore. That was his first experience with lacrosse. “I really fell in love with it,” he said. As a senior Kimmell attended a public school in Fort Wayne which had a lacrosse club but not a formal interscholastic team. Kimmell then played club college lacrosse for North Central Michigan. At one time Kimmell expected

Shane Gibson photos

that his lacrosse career had ended after college. “I kind of got out of lacrosse for a little while,” he said. When Kimmell’s wife obtained a job in Seattle the couple moved and Kimmell began coaching youth lacrosse. A subsequent move to Minnesota included a youth instruction role with the National Lacrosse League’s Minnesota Swarm. His role with the indoor professional team included serving as the Native American lacrosse coordinator. Each US Lacrosse chapter has a diversity and inclusion representative whose objective is to bring players of all backgrounds to the game and to ensure that financial constraints aren’t an obstacle for players. When Kimmell returned to Michigan he became the state chapter’s diversity and inclusion representative, and he was also the president of a youth lacrosse league in Michigan. Two years ago Kimmell’s wife obtained a position with Kashi in Solana Beach and the couple moved to northern San Diego County. Kimmell is currently the diversity and inclusion representative for the San Diego region of US Lacrosse. To comment on this story online, visit www.thevillagenews.com.

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The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017


‘Freaky Friday’ plays out in musical Elizabeth YoungmanWestphal Special to The Village News

Time is running out to see “Freaky Friday,” the Broadway quality musical playing at the La Jolla Playhouse until March 19. It’s the ultimate theatrical experience. It is the story of an overworked single mother bumping heads with her underachieving teenage daughter. During the heat of an argument, mother and daughter magically swap bodies. And as in all good fairy tales, they only have 24 hours to fix it back. If they don’t, Katherine (Heidi Blickenstaff) will be forced to relive her teenage years while Ellie (Emma Hunton) will be responsible for running the family business and caring for her younger brother, Fletcher (Jake Heston Miller). The truth rings clearly when

Ellie tells her friends, “when they hear me talk, they think I’m talking back.” Or during biology class, Ellie (while switched with her mother) now sings if only my “grown up brain could control my teenage parts.” “Freaky Friday” is an adaptation of an award-winning children’s novel written by Mary Rodgers in 1972. She is the daughter of the esteemed composer Richard Rodgers. The story is about conflicts that often arise between mothers and daughters. In 1976, Rodgers wrote the screenplay for the first Disney movie starring Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris premiering the following year. The second “Freaky Friday” film came out in 2003 with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis. Now it is a musical. Disney contracted Bridget Carpenter (Friday Night Lights) to write the book along with Broadway

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Emma Hunton, left, and Heidi Blickenstaff play the mother-daughter duo in La Jolla Playhouse’s production of “Freaky Friday.”

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From left, Jeannette Bayardelle, Alet Taylor and Heidi Blickenstaff play out a scene in “Freaky Friday.” composer-lyricist team, Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey. This work is current, contemporary and comical. The story is brought to life by a remarkably talented cast of professionals – many of whom appeared in the premier production at the Tony Award winning Signature Theatre near Washington, D.C. and now in the West Coast premiere at the La Jolla Playhouse. They include Hunton (Ellie), Blickenstaff (Katherine), Heston Miller (Fletcher), Chris Ramirez (Adam) and Julian Ramos (Wells).

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The outstanding supporting cast features Alet Taylor (Torrey), Jason SweetTooth Williams (Pastor Bruno), Storm Lever (teen ensemble), Tony Neidenbach (teen ensemble), Eean Cochran (Parker), Jeannette Bayardelle (Ms. Meyers), David Jennings (Mike), Joseph Dellger (grandpa George), Mary Jo McConnell (grandma Helene), Sumi Yu (Hannah), Jessie Hooker (Savannah) and the two swings Katie Banville and Jermaine R. Rembert. Christopher Ashley, as artistic director for both the Signature and La Jolla productions, also worked with Mary Rodgers in 1972, when she was adapting her novel into a musical production for young audiences just after he graduated from Yale. The setting is outside Chicago – p r e s e n t d a y. A c c l a i m e d choreographer Sergio Trujillo created masterful use of the stage especially when Adam (Chris Ramirez) skirts across, around and through the set on a balancing scooter while singing and acting. It is amazing.

Other highlights included the musical arrangements by Carmel Dean and Tom Kitt set to life by musical director Andrew Graham and musical supervisor Bryan Perri. Clever set designs by Beowulf Boritt with creative lighting designs by Howell Binley transitioned flawlessly between scenes. Hair and makeup by Leah Loukas and contemporary costumes designed Emily Rebholz were spot on. And the sound designers Kai Harada and Brian Ronan are to be congratulated for balancing the sound to perfection. Every word was understood. “Freaky Friday” is a musical comedy in production until March 19 at the La Jolla Playhouse, 2910 La Jolla Village Drive on UCSD campus at the Revelle College entrance. Show times are Tuesday and Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.; Thursday and Friday, 8 p.m.; Saturday, 2 and 8 p.m., Sunday, 2 and 7 p.m. Tickets are available at www. lajollaplayhouse.org or the Box Office, (858) 550-1010.

Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

March 2, 2017

www.VillageNews.com |

FAA to learn about dreamscapes

“Rising Sea” by Elisabeth Sullivan

Courtesy photo

FALLBROOK – Elisabeth Sullivan will be the guest artist at the Fallbrook Art Association

monthly meeting on March 18 at the Fallbrook Woman’s Club, 238 W. Mission Rd. Sullivan’s imaginative, vibrantly colored, slightly surreal acrylic paintings can best be described as “dreamscapes”. She received a fine arts degree in design illustration from the University of Dayton (Ohio) in 1988. For 10 years she made a living with her wearable art before taking up acrylics. “I have always been inspired and fascinated by the incredible forces of nature and the magnificent creatures that inhabit this beautiful planet...I have always heard you should paint what you love, so that is exactly what I decided to do,” Sullivan said. Sullivan moved to the San Diego area in 2011 and is currently in galleries, art festivals and widely collected.

The meeting will start at 9:30 a.m. with a critique session, so come early to sign in and get a name tag. Each member can bring one work for the guest artist to critique. Following a short business meeting, Sullivan will do a demonstration in acrylics. After lunch, there will be a workshop. Those interested should contact Carol Reardon at (760) 731-6677. Workshops fill up quickly so be sure to get a check for the artist – $35 members, $45 non-members – to Reardon before the meeting to insure a spot in the workshop. As a reminder, be sure and drop by the Brandon Gallery, 105 N. Main Ave. and see the Fallbrook Art Association’s Open Judged Show “Dream a Little Dream”. The show runs through March 29.

those times – takes the audience on the journey of these strong, determined and brilliant women to become respected and treated as they, and all, ought to be. Several historical and memorable moments occur, as do simple “school girl” like one’s – evoking and mixing goosebumps with chills and, at times, wonderfully innocent laughter. The writer and director produce one special moment after another. While there were many pronounced examples of the unthinkable and prejudicial treatment of that time, what made this story so special was the subtle and understated manner in which the writer portrayed the discomfort and awkwardness from both sides – essentially, in

What Part of



The reading, in the library’s community room, is preceded by open mic for poetry and prose, and runs from 6 to 7:30 p.m. “The Vanquished,” Putnam’s fourth in the series, pits Bruno Johnson against the Sons of Satan motorcycle gang, as they vie for a stolen military drone armed with Hellfire missiles. Putnam’s 31 years in law enforcement lend a gritty reality to the thriller. The reading will be followed by a Q&A with the author, and “The Vanquished” will be available for sale and signing, along with the first three books in the Bruno Johnson series. Fallbrook library is located at 124 S. Mission Road. The April Writers Read – to be held Tuesday, April 11 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. – will feature an all open mic night in celebration of National Poetry Month. For more information, contact Kit-Bacon Gressitt at kbgressitt@gmail.com or (760) 522-1064.


that want to hear their Courtesy photo FALLBROOK – Writers Read at Fallbrook Library, a free monthly author series, will feature Temeculabased author David Putnam at the March 14 reading. The bestselling author will discuss the latest addition to his Bruno Johnson crime thriller series, “The Vanquished”.

several scenes (one very early on), reflecting confusion and more lack of understanding, than bigotry, though make no mistake the latter certainly transpired. While clearly establishing the terrible biases of the time period, “Hidden Figures” transcends that message, gracefully, and demonstratively at times, revealing the open minds that did exist then – while allowing, as well as demanding, the world to progress in its thinking. With superb and artful renditions by all the leading characters, and a skillful, all embracing delivery of this material, “Hidden Figures” certainly ranks among the finest of the year – providing a compelling story that should be seen by all.

Fallbrook Art Association

Don’t You 42 30 GRANDPARENTS “Dream Want to a Little Dream”

2017 Spring Open Judged Theme Art Show

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED AN that want to hear their grandchildren.

Lozzi to recite poetry at fundraiser FALLBROOK – Fallbrook resident Craig Lozzi will recite some of his own poetry during The Planet Love Fest on Saturday, March 11from 5 to 10 p.m. at the Seaside Center in Encinitas. “I am truly honored to be among some amazing artists – G r a m m y Aw a r d w i n n i n g


Writers Read features bestselling author David Putnam

I Love You

Set in the racially heated 1950’s and 1960’s, as well as the Cold War period, “Hidden Figures” lays out – accurately, forcefully and deftly – the true tale of three exceptionally intelligent African American female mathematicians, working in the predominantly white male neighborhood of NASA, and the “race to space.” The three leading ladies – Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monai and Taraji P. Henson – as well as Kevin Costner, generate deeply genuine performances, filled with heart, fear, shame and pride. The beautifully handled film – filled with all the prejudices and injustices that one associates with



‘Hidden Figures’: Uncovers a gem

Ian Murdock Special to the Village News

The Fallbrook Village News

musicians, dancers, an amazing painter creating a work on stage, and much more,” said Lozzi. His poetry, billed as “The Rumi Experience”, will create a thread of connection between the various performers and the principles the event is grounded in: love, beauty and gratitude.


Don’t miss I Love You or any other HEALTH NOT sweet sounds this BRANDON February… AreFallbrook You Hard GALLERY 105 N. Main Ave, How well will you hear your loved one during a Valentine’s results w A major name brand hearing 2 - 29, 2017 dinner date? Will you be able to hear DorothyMarch tellaid Jerry with our provider wishes to field test a

“You Had Me at Hello” during movie night withTuesday-Saturday your girlfriends? remarkable new digital hearing Open 10am-4pm instrument in the area. This offer is free The event will benefit San Free Admission Appreciated of charge and you areDonations under no obligation. These D i e g o ’s e n v i r o n m e n t b y revolutionary 100% digital instruments use the Reception Saturday, March 4th, 5-7pmlatest providing funding for planting technology to comfortably and almost invisibly help of coral beds, cleaning the ocean Public Welcome Every day we see people leaning forward, heads cocked and you hear more clearly. This technology solves the and starting local community - Find entry at sensation geven a r d e ncupping s . Ti c k etheir t s a nears—struggling d more to hear. Artists Asears”, hearing care “stopped up andshow “head in ainfo barrel” information can be found at professionals with over 65 years of experience, we help people www.fallbrookartassn.org some people experience. planetlovefest.com. find solutions for better hearing so people, liketo you can hear you will be required to If you wish participate, I Love You this Valentine’s Day or any day of the year. The in best have your hearing tested our office FREE OF way to reassure yourself that you are not missing sweet sounds CHARGE to determine candidacy and review your this February is to get a comprehensive hearing exam and consultation at Miracle-Ear.

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HEALTH NOTIFICATION results with the hearing instruments

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that want to hear their grandchildren.


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D-6 C-4


Valley News • www.myvalleynews.com March • March2, 3, 2017 2017

Wine CountryTemecula

The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

We’re all ‘mad’ here, Fazeli Cellars to throw a Mad Hatter Tea Party March 11


Champagne Greet, Follow us Down the Rabbit Hole for a Tray Passed Tasting Experience. (5) Canapes paired with (5) Wines. Fun and Unique Food Stations for Dinner. Save room for our Famous Dessert Table. Contest with Prizes, Music, DJ - All Included in Ticket Price.

Bella Vista Winery

Party goers at Fazeli Cellar’s Mad Hatter Party last year enjoyed lively conversation and entertainment, along with award winning wines. Partygoers at this year’s event, scheduled for March 11, can expect more of the same.

Our First Priority is the Quality of Our Wine Select From White Wine, Red Wine, or Champagne

BLOW OUT SPECIALS!! CASE SPECIALS – (No additional discounts apply)

2004 Cab Sauvignon $90.00 (Reg. price $478.87) 2005 Late Harvest Petite Sirah $135.00 (Reg. price $245.59)

BOTTLE SPECIALS – (No additional discounts apply)

2004 Cabernet Sauvignon $17.95 / bottle 41220 Calle Contento, Temecula, CA 92592 951-676-5250 | Please visit us at www.bellavistawinery.com

falkner winery & Pinnacle restaurant

Panoramic Views ~ Wedding Packages ~ Outstanding Mediterranean Food

The Fazeli family before the 2016 Mad Hatter Party. BJ and Wendy Fazeli are pictured in front surrounded by their family. Fazeli Cellars will bring back the party this year March 11. Justin Hulse photos Andrea Verdin AESTRADA@REEDERMEDIA.COM

– March Events –

March 18

Wine Appreciation Class For All Levels of Wine Knowledge 10am-12:30pm Reservations Required

March 30

Sip N Paint Class

$35pp, includes all materials 6-8pm Reservations Required

40620 CALLE CONTENTO, TEMECULA (off Rancho California Road)

www.falknerwinery.com 951-676-8231 ext. 3 oPen Daily | wine tasting 10am - 5pm | Dining 11:30am - 3:30pm

Fazeli Cellars & Winery has made a date that you definitely don’t want to be late for; March 11, the winery will throw a Mad Hatter Tea Party for its members and guests alike. This event has been requested and brought back by popular demand. The normally beautiful winery will be transformed into the zany world of Alice in Wonderland for the special occasion. Guests must run as fast as they can to make sure they get to the important date. As guests enter the winery, they will be greeted with Champagne. As they fall deeper into the rabbit hole, guests can enjoy the five canapes and five wines paired alongside them. Dinner will continue with fun and unique food displayed on various food stations. There is sure to be something for everyone’s palate. And of course, it’s important to save room for decadent sweets from

the dessert table. As part of the fun, guests are asked to truly immerse themselves in the revelry by dressing up in their best Wonderland garb. For those who embrace the chaos and transform themselves into the curiouser and curiouser versions of themselves, there is the opportunity to win several prizes. Fazeli Cellars will give prizes for the Best Wonderland Character, Best Hat, Best Couple, Best Embrace the Chaos Costume, and Best Have You Gone Completely Mad Costume. Prizes include wine and more. However, the most coveted prize is a one year membership to the winery’s new Embrace the Chaos wine club, valued at over $1,000. The meal will not be the final fun to be had; dancing and laughter are always a part of the parties thrown at Fazeli Cellars. This is not a party for spoilsports; this event will be one of the silliest tea party’s guests could partake in. There may be a chance to play flamingo croquet, or better yet,

an opportunity to paint some of the Queen’s roses red while grinning away like the Cheshire cat. Half the fun is dressing up with family and friends. If one truly is uninspired, they can always find a wacky hat to throw on top of their attire. Embracing the Chaos is simply a state of mind, and it’s truly embraced at this wild party. Though guest and the folks at Fazeli Cellars and Winery might seem completely bonkers, as Lewis Carroll put it aptly, “The best people are.” The Mad Hatter Tea Party will be held Saturday, March 11. Doors to the Tea Party will open at 6:30 p.m. The cost for members is $69.95, and the cost for non-members is $79.95. Fazeli Cellars is located at 37320 De Portola Road in Temecula. For more information or to purchase tickets for the Mad Hatter Tea Party at Fazeli Cellars, call (951) 303-3366, or visit www.fazelicellars.com.

Wine Country map courtesy of Temecula Valley Winegrowers Award-winning, Wine Enthusiast Rated Estate Wines | Daily Wine Tours Legacy Wine Clubs | Farm-to-table Restaurant | Picture Perfect Weddings Corporate Events | Live Music Weekends| Breathtaking Sunsets Overnight Accommodations

Winery open daily 10:30am - 6:00pm Meritage at Callaway open Monday to Thursday 11am - 4pm, Friday to Sunday 11am - 8pm Hours subject to change.

32720 Rancho California Road, Temecula, CA., 92591 | 951.676.4001 | callawaywinery.com

Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz,Hemet, Rainbow, Pala, and Pauma Serving Temecula, Murrieta, Lake Elsinore, Menifee, Wildomar, San Camp JacintoPendleton, and the surrounding communities

March • www.myvalleynews.com • Valley News March3,2,2017 2017

www.VillageNews.com |

The Fallbrook Village News VILLAGE NEWS


C-5 D-7

MARCH 2, 2017

Celebrate the arrival of spring with Maurice Car’rie concerts

“big truth” SoCal’s Premier Top 40 Rockin’ Dance Band Let’s dance

Saturday March 11th 6-9pm Free cOncert School of Rock students Nick Kempf and Logan Sawhill-Delmar shred some tasty licks during Maurice Car’rie Vineyard & Winery’s Let’s Dance event held Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016. The students have been invited to perform again during a concert March 11. Natasha Lafoy/School of Rock photos

Dance on the patio under the lights.

Come join the fun, great music, great wines and a good time for all! With Special Appearances By SCHOOL OF ROCK!!!

34225 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 951.676.1711 ~ www.MauriceCarrieWinery.com

Maurice Car’rie will hold a cover-free concert March 11 featuring Big Truth and School of Rock. The popular Temecula music school packed the dance floor at Maurice Car’rie Vineyards & Winery 30th anniversary Let’s Dance event Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016.


The first day of spring is quickly approaching, and the Temecula Valley wineries are finding ways to celebrate it. Maurice Car’rie Winery is doing it in the best way it knows how: with a concert. On March 11, only nine days before the beginning of spring, Maurice Car’rie will hold a coverfree concert featuring Big Truth and the Temecula School of Rock. The concert will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. on the lawn in front of its winery. Guests can arrive early to stake out a spot to lay out blankets, but they should be prepared to spend most their time on the dance floor and under the lights. For those unfamiliar with Big Truth, the band has been a Temecula Valley favorite that has firmly established itself with a wide variety of genres, such as 80s, classic rock, country, dance, disco and modern hits. There is certain to be at least one song for everyone to dance to with the assortment of music to listen to. As an added layer of excitement, the Temecula School of Rock students will perform together on the Maurice Car’rie stage. The music school’s performance program puts its students on a real stage for performance as part of its curriculum and this concert is the students’ opportunity to show parents and friends what they have been working hard on during their lesson time. This is not a simple performance of one or two easily played songs; the performances of School of Rock students include songs from Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Frank Zappa, Queen and more. For School of Rock students, real performances breed real skill, and real fun. Of course, what sets the concert apart at the Maurice Car’rie Winery is its location, in addition to the fact that guests can enjoy the award-winning wines available by the glass or by the bottle to enjoy. Guests can bring their favorite dinner to enjoy on picnic tables or on blankets as they wait for the music to start, or can purchase from the food trucks that arrive for the performance. If guests truly want to indulge in the experience, it’s best to order Maurice Car’rie’s famous sourdough bread filled with brie for their party to share. This is not a bread for one; bring four or five friends to enjoy this

indulgent snack. Maurice Car’rie’s winning combination of great food, amazing wine and superb music is surely the best way to bring in the spring season. Another concert with Keston Barker and Friends is set March 25, so be sure to catch that

performance as well. Maurice Car’rie Winery is located at 34225 Rancho California Road in Temecula Valley Wine Country. For information about the winery, call (951) 676-1711 or go to www.mauricecarriewinery.com.

Wine Country Events Calendar FRIDAY, MARCH 3 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Craft Faire, Maurice Car’rie Winery

2-4 p.m.

Gourmet Cheese Artisanal Tour & Wine Tasting, Avensole Winery

5-8 p.m.

Live Music, Astra Kelly, Avensole Winery Restaurant

5:30 - 9 p.m.

Live Music, Michael LeClerc, Legacy at Fazeli

6-10 p.m.

Live Music, Endeavor, Bel Vino Winery

5-7 p.m.

Live Music, Sebastian Sidi Meritage at Callaway Winery

5-8 p.m.

Live Music, Lindsey Carrier, Cougar Vineyard and Winery

5-8 p.m.

Live Music, Pete Olson, Leoness Cellars

5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Live Music, Ponte Winery Restaurant

6-9 p.m.

Shakespeare in the Vines, Carol’s Restaurant at Baily Winery

6-9 p.m.

Live Music, Old School, Lorimar Winery

7-9 p.m.

Live Music, Temecula Road, Vitagliano Vineyards & Winery

7-10 p.m.

Live Music,Big Truth, Miramonte Winery

11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Craft Faire, Maurice Car’rie Winery

12-4 p.m.

Live Music,The Counterfeits, Bel Vino Winery

1-4 p.m.

Live Music, Izon Eden, Tasting Room, Avensole Winery

1-5 p.m.

Live Music, Harmony Road, Fazeli Cellars

5-8 p.m.

Live Music, Dayton Boarders, Avensole Winery Restaurant

12-4 p.m.

Live Music, Tony Suraci, Masia de La Vinya

12-4 p.m.

Live Music, JD Priest, Wilson Creek Winery

1-4 p.m.

Live Music, shayli Coppock, Robert Renzoni Vineyards

1-5 p.m.

Live Music, Tralian Rox, Danza del Sol Winery

1-5 p.m.

Tequila Tastings, Annata Bistro, Palomar Mountain Winery (thru Feb)

5-8 p.m.

Live Music, Desert Rose, Restaurant at Leoness


5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Live Music, Ponte Winery Restaurant

6-9 p.m.

Shakespeare in the Vines, Carol’s Restaurant at Baily Winery

6-9 p.m.

Live Music, Bodie, Lorimar Winery

6-10 p.m.

Winemaker’s Dinner & Library Pairing, Doffo Winery

7-10 p.m.

Live Music, JD Priest, Miramonte Winery

7-11 p.m.

Live Music, The Cellar Lounge at Ponte Vineyard Inn

11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Craft Faire, Maurice Car’rie Winery

12-4 p.m.

Live Music, Laramie Band, Bel Vino Winery

1-4 p.m.

Live Music, Tim Cash, Tasting Room, Avensole Winery

1-5 p.m.

Live Music, Astra Kelly, Fazeli’s Cellars Winery Tasting Room

2-4 p.m.

Gourmet Cheese Artisanal Tour & Wine Tasting, Avensole Winery

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Wine, Dine & Painting, Jill Roberts, South Coast Winery Resort & Spa

11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Pet Fair, Oak Mountain Winery


11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Dog Day Sundays, Carol’s Restaurant at Baily’s Winery

12-4 p.m.

Live Music, Billy Watson, Wilson Creek Winery

1-3 p.m.

Paint Nite, “Green with Envy,” Barrel Room Mount Palomar Winery

1-4 p.m.

Live Music, Javid & Naoko, Europa Village

1-4 p.m.

Live Music, Inbar Horowitz, Leoness Cellars

1-4 p.m.

Live Music, Faye & The Fella, Lorimar Winery

1-4 p.m.

Live Music, Michael LeClerc, Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery

1-5 p.m.

Tequila Tastings, Annata Bistro, Palomar Mountain Winery (thru Feb)

2-5 p.m.

Live Music, Razzvio, Cougar Vineyard & Winery

2-5 p.m.

Live Music, American Made Band, Oak Mountain Winery

6-9 p.m.

Shakespeare in the Vines, Carol’s Restaurant at Baily Winery UPCOMING:

March 8, Wiens Wines & Words, Wiens Family Cellars March 12, Bridal Show, Callaway Winery March 18, Wine, Dine & Painting, Jill Roberts, Carter Estate Winery & Resort March 26, Epicurean Lunch, Monte De Oro Winery March 30, The Phantom of the Opera Masquerade Winemaker’s Dinner, Leoness Cellars Apr 27, Rancho Damacitas’ “Intimate Evening in the Vines,” Ponte Winery, Peltzer Winery May 12, Wild Child/Journey’s Tribute Concert, Monte De Oro Winery ADVERTISE YOUR EVENTS WITH THE VALLEY NEWS and get exposure to over 140,000 readers! (only $25 per event, calendar items due Friday noon of the week prior to print)

1588 S.Your Mission # 200, Fallbrook, 92028 || (951) (760)763-5510 723-7319| valleyeditor@reedermedia.com | villageeditor@reedermedia.com Best Rd. Source for Local News &CA Advertising



The Fallbrook Village News | www.VillageNews.com

March 2, 2017

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CalBRE #01987490



Newer Single Story Custom With Detached Guest House on 6.97 usable view acres. Total appx. 4310 Sq Ft. Main house 3310 sq ft 4 Bd, 4.5 Ba plus 993 Sq Ft guest house 1 Bd,1.5 Ba w/attached 2 car garage. Recent complete renovation. Open flowing floor plan, Large gourmet kitchen and great room. Fantastic views and 50’ vanishing edge swimming pool with spa/ slide raised 8’ above the water line creating beautiful water fall and swim up bar. entertainers backyard with Palapa and outdoor kitchen. $969,000

Call Tom Van Wie 760.703.6400

Tri-Level Private Home



Southwestern Style single story custom on 11.7 acres with amazing panoramic view (Ocean view on a clear day). Massive kitchen/great rm area for entertaining or family gatherings. Kit has granite countertops incl the 9’ island w/ food prep sink, Wolf 5 burner stove. Double door entry w/ tile floor inlay includes French doors to the outdoor pergola. Solar sys is paid for. Oversized 2 car garage (32x27). plus det. workshop.$890,000

What does HOME mean to you? Shelter, escape from the world? Is it a place of laughter, food, entertainment, family, friends? Whatever it means to you, that perfect HOME is waiting for you. Let’s get to work and find Your HOME and let LIFE HAPPEN.


Contact me for All Your Real Estate Needs.



CalBRE# 00612840

Contact me for your Real Estate Needs! Bret Hasvold Your Concern is my Priority Realtor

Looking to Buy or Sell a Home? Searching for that perfect parcel to Build your Home?




Bring the family to this TriLevel 4 BD home. Family room w/wet bar. Wood floor leads to kitchen and a wonderful deck. Located on a private street near schools, bank and shopping. Very private backyard. Many ceiling fans.


tvw@sbcglobal.net CalBRE #01412145




Offered at $459,000 2015 Outstanding Performance Recipient

Call Today 760.207.8497



760-728-8000 • www.CBVillageProperties.com VILLAGE PROPERTIES BRE #01934791

River Village: 5256 So. Mission Road, Suite 310, Bonsall Fallbrook: 1615 So. Mission Road, Suite C

An Equal Opportunity Company

Serving the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala, and Pauma

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