6 minute read
Krieger & Stewart given RCWD well design contract
Joe Naiman
Krieger & Stewart Inc., will design two of Rancho California Water District’s Upper Valle de Los Caballos recharge and recovery facility wells.
The RCWD board approved the contract with Krieger & Stewart, which is headquartered in Riverside, on a 7-0 vote March 9. The contract will be for $838,400, and Krieger & Stewart will provide design, bid phase and construction support services for the drilling, equipping and construction of Well No. 174 and Well No. 175.
The Upper Valle de Los Caballos recharge and recovery facility is located in the 42100 block of Winchester Road. Four new production wells along with monitoring wells are planned as part of the district’s UVDC Optimization Program.
The four new wells are expected to increase recovery capacity at the UVDC by at least 5,000 acre-feet per year.
A 7-0 RCWD board vote Jan.
12 awarded Southwest Pump & Drilling a $1,361,399 construction contract to drill and construct Well No. 172 and Monitoring Well No.
512. Well No. 173 is in the design phase. On Nov. 8 RCWD staff issued a request for proposals for final design, bid phase and construction support services for Well No. 174 and Well No. 175. The deadline for the design proposals was Jan. 12, and two proposals were received. The California Government Code requires professional services agreements to be awarded based on demon-
‘Splash Into Spring’ event welcomes community for a day of family-oriented activities
LAKE ELSINORE – Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District’s annual open house event returns Saturday, March 25, from 9 a.m. to noon, at EVMWD headquarters, 31315 Chaney Street, in Lake Elsinore. “Splash Into Spring” is a free family event where attendees will learn about the process EVMWD uses to treat more than 5.5 million gallons of sewer water per day, the construction and maintenance of more than 700 miles of pipeline throughout the EVMWD service area and saving money and water with a more water efficient home and landscape.
Attendees will get a peek into the daily work at the district through a variety of demonstrations and interactive displays. Activities include fixing a leaky water main, performing a valve exercise, self-guided water-wise garden tours and more.
Visitors can also get a tour of EVMWD’s sewage treatment plant to see how wastewater becomes recycled water. Local landscape and irrigation experts as well as University of California Cooperative Extension Riverside County Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions about outdoor irrigation, California friendly plants, gardening and water-saving appliances and devices. strated competence and the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required rather than on the lowest price, but Krieger & Stewart had both the highest-ranked proposal and the lowest bid. Hazen & Sawyer, which is headquartered in New York but has a regional headquarters in Los Angeles and offices in Irvine and San Diego, submitted a bid of $913,934.
A special addition this year includes the Wyland Aquatic Lab on Wheels, which showcases water, watersheds and the impact of the most precious resource in people’s day-to-day lives.
Children can enjoy a fully immersed bubble experience and a child’s construction experience with children-sized backhoes and the chance to climb in big equipment.
For more information, visit http://www.evmwd.com/splash.
Submitted by Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District.
The scope of work includes preparation of contract documents including plans and specifications for all civil site work design for the graded well pads and access roads, preparation of contract documents for well drilling and all related hydrogeologic services, preparation of contract documents for well equipping (including pumping equipment, mechanical, conveyance piping, and electrical, instrumentation and controls), hydrogeologic field inspection and construction support services during the drilling of both wells, and full engineering support services during the bidding and construction phases. The decision of the staff review panel to recommend Krieger & Stewart was based on the identification of specific project challenges and discussion of how they will be addressed, projectspecific items to be incorporated in the special provisions such as environmental mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements, a nd the company’s successful completion of previous similar RCWD projects. The Krieger & Stewart proposal also included a project schedule. Well No. 175 will be designed first
Loving your pets
Dr. Dawn Love, Veterinarian Special
to Valley News
Loving the pets you bring into your household may start with something other than puppy love. It may start with something more critical: finances.
Many would-be pet owners neglect to consider the true costs of pet ownership. Pet ownership comes with responsibility. Make plans to include your pet in your budget. The first expense is nutrition. Good pet food is not cheap. Next are vaccinations and protections your pet(s) need.
There also are preventive veterinary services that may be suggested for certain breeds. For example, you may want to be sure an American Kennel Club certified Doberman is screened for certain cancers the breed is known to have. Labradors are known to have hip problems. An AKC breeder can document that the parents of the pup you are considering has been screened for this malady.
Essential preventative services in our area include protection from flea infestation and heartworm. While the warmer months produce more fleas, anytime the temperature reaches 50 degrees fleas can hatch. We have seen that. The products from a veterinarian which require a prescription have produced significantly better results than over-the-counter items. It is much better to prevent fleas than to try to get rid of them.
To gather reliable information to help make decisions prior to bringing a pet into your home, there are two websites to look at: AKC. com and the American Veterinary Medicine Association’s website. For general questions you may call the office,760-728-2244, and our staff will do their best to help you.
A decision that will surface in the first several months is whether to neuter or spay. This is especially true for cat owners as cats are almost always fertile and can become pregnant when they are 65 days old.
Two unaltered female and male cats can produce or be responsible for 250,000 animals in a seven-year period.
Purchasing your pet(s) from an AKC breeder or SPCA shelter is possibly your best decision. You might also ask a veterinarian. What you want is a breeder who is doing their with final design for the graded pad and access anticipated to be complete by April, final design for the well drilling expected by July, and final design for well equipping planned for July 2024. Construction for the graded pad and access is expected to occur between August and October, the well drilling construction schedule is from November to May 2024, and the well equipping construction has a timeline of October 2024 to May 2025. Well drilling design for Well No. 174 will take place from March 2024 to June 2024 with construction planned between November 2024 and May 2025. The design for the equipping of Well No. 174 has a timeline of June 2025 and July 2025 with construction expected from October 2025 to May 2026. job with love and professionalism. Others are known as “puppy mills’” or “backyard breeders.” Beware and proceed with caution when breeders will not meet with you on-site and do not belong to professional associations. Also, proceed with caution with pets being sold on Craig’s List or any online-only pet sales group.
Shelters can be a great place to find a pet that benefits the owner and pet alike. Shelter workers are committed to the pet’s welfare and a “forever home” so they can tell you about the pet’s disposition, likes, etc. They also have veterinarians who have done basic blood workups and vaccinations that are needed by the age and breed of the animal. If you fall in love with a shelter animal, the staff can alert you to any ongoing care such as antibiotics or other medical care to keep the pet in optimal health. SPCA has a good website with excellent information.
Dr. Dawn Love is a doctor of veterinary medicine and proprietor of North Orange Veterinary Clinic in Fallbrook. For more information or to book an appointment, call 760728-2244 or visit northorangevet. com
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