1 minute read
Jesus said, “Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me,” in Matthew 10:38.
Jesus leaves no room for excuses, procrastination or replacement leadership. It simply comes down to this question: Are you following you or are you following Jesus?
Jesus doesn’t share leadership with anyone. He didn’t die on the cross and rise from the dead so that we could have followers. He did it so that we could follow him.
It’s time to start truly following the leader.
Zachary Elliott is the lead pastor of Fusion Christian Church in Temecula. For more information, visit http://www. fusionchristianchurch.com, http:// www.encouragementtoday.tv or find them on Instagram.
lifting of pandemic restrictions.
The convention was open to the public and no collection was taken. For more information on the program or to find other convention locations and dates, please go to jw.org and navigate to the “About Us” tab.
Valley News/Courtesy photo meetings and their public ministry during 2022, the summer of 2023 marks the first time they will gather at much larger regional events around the world since the