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Menifee’s Economic Development team receives two awards for innovative programming
MENIFEE – Menifee’s awardwinning Economic Development team continues to gain state and national recognition from industry leaders for their innovative programs that help spark business growth and prosperity in the community. At the recent California Association for Local Economic Development annual conference, the Economic Development Department received two Awards of Merit for the Menifee Workforce Development Center and the city’s Business Incentive Program. The Menifee Workforce Development Center, hosted in partnership with Riverside County Workforce Development, is available for free to qualifying residents and provides job candidates with several services including career coaching assistance, resume writing, job search assistance, skills development, specialized recruitment events and workshops.
The center also features a stateof-the-art computer lab staffed by Riverside County Workforce Development personnel.
“Prior to the Menifee Workforce Development Center, there was no local branch of its kind in all of southwest Riverside County and residents would have to travel to outside cities to receive these services,” Gina Gonzalez, director of Economic Development Department, said. “Thinking outside the box and partnering with the County’s Workforce Development Department and developing a pilot program, the city utilized Community Development Block Grant funds to open a pilot local workforce development center at the Senior Center and Menifee Library providing vital workforce services directly on both ends of the city.”
The city’s Business Incentive Program was also recognized by CALED for its success in helping to attract Savage Chef
Bar and Grill to Menifee. The Business Incentive Program was approved by the Menifee City Council in 2014 and is aimed at assisting in the acquisition of the most sought amenities, restaurants and entertainment requested by residents and visitors.
The Economic Development Department used this resource to develop a limited sales tax reimbursement agreement with Chef Dylan Soro, approved by the Menifee City Council, to bring a high-end, upscale restaurant to Menifee. Since opening in 2022, Savage Chef Bar and Grill continues to be a regional favorite and culinary success.
For more information about the City of Menifee Economic Development Department or to learn more about resources available to Menifee businesses, visit http://www.menifeebusiness. com or email econdev@ cityofmenifee.us
Submitted by the city of Menifee.
RCWD awards Carollo contract for rate and capacity fee study
Joe Naiman Writer
The Rancho California Water District board has commissioned Carollo Engineers Inc. to conduct updated cost of service studies which will be used for setting rates and capacity fees.
conducted in 2021 and updated the existing rate model, with minor adjustments, to reflect cost projections for the three-year study period. The most recent approval of a new water and wastewater capacity structure was in 2018; since then capacity fees have been annually updated based on the Construction Cost Index.
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A 5-0 vote Thursday, July 13, with William Plummer and Bill Wilson absent, approved a $216,269 contract with Carollo to conduct a comprehensive five-year water, recycled water and wastewater rate cost of service study and a water and wastewater capacity fees and zone of benefit study. Carollo, which is headquartered in Walnut Creek and has an office in Costa Mesa, is scheduled to complete the updated rate study in May 2024 and the capacity fee study in January 2025.
In November 1996, the state’s voters passed Proposition 218, which requires a public vote on benefit assessments but exempts water and sewer rate increases if a cost of service study shows a relationship between the rates and the agency’s cost to provide service. A rate setting policy can be in effect for up to five years and must include a rate design and public review.
Rancho Water’s most recent rates and charges study was
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RCWD staff issued a request for proposals to conduct the cost of service studies. The request for proposals was posted May 3, and submissions were due by June 2.
Three companies responded. An evaluation team reviewed each proposal, conducted interviews with each firm and contacted references which were included in each proposal. The three proposals were ranked. The California Government Code requires professional services agreements to be awarded based on demonstrated competence and the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required rather than on the lowest price, and although Carollo had the highest fee the company’s proposal had the highest ranking.
Cost accounted for 10% of the total ranking with firm qualifications and experience, proposed staffing and work plan methodology each being worth 30% of the total ranking.
The scope of work for the water, recycled water, and wastewater rate cost of service study includes preparing a five-year financial plan and rate program which evaluates and recommends changes to support ongoing maintenance and operating costs along with capital needs, maintains appropriate reserve balances, evaluates and affirms the appropriateness of existing water rates and tiers including a review of drought rates and indoor and outdoor water budgets, evaluates the current wastewater rate methodology and alternatives and develops rates which meet the district’s financial needs while recognizing local and state policy considerations. The water and wastewater capacity fees and zone of benefit study will review the existing water and wastewater capacity fees and zone of benefit fees, develop an appropriate approach and methodology to calculate fees, and develop a financial model and provide an administrative record which recovers the costs of infrastructure assets, provides equability recovery costs from new connections and complies with government codes and industry-standard practices.
Joe Naiman can be reached by email at jnaiman@reedermedia. com
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