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Foundation for Senior Care

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FORSenior Care


by Nathalie Taylor, with PattySargent,FFSCExecutive Director

The adage, “Find a need and fill it,” directly applies to the Foundation for Senior Care, a nonprofit organization in Fallbrook. The Foundation provides many valuable services; and is filling care gaps in the senior community.

The staff at the Foundation uncovered additional needs as the pandemic hit the Fallbrook area in 2020.

Patty Sargent, executive director of the Foundation for Senior Care, said, “The Foundation saw a need and we filled it.”

We Hire Great Caregivers

When COVID-19 first surfaced, and the governor gave a shelterin-place order, terrified seniors began calling the office. Many of them watched the news and saw that they were the most vulnerable age group. They were also terrified that they would run out of food, fearing a trip to the grocery store. Some callers cried with relief when they heard that the Foundation could help.

The Foundation advocates took many calls from frightened seniors. One particular senior said, “This is scarier than the time of World War II when we had to black out our windows. It is more frightening because it is an unseen enemy.”

During the shelter-in-place order, the need for a food delivery service suddenly became critical. The Foundation began taking food orders over the phone, then used their care vans for delivery. Many seniors cannot use computers and could not order online. Other seniors live in remote areas of De Luz or Rainbow and found that the stores would not deliver to them.

Darlene Weber, senior care advocate and Door-Through-Door coordinator for the Foundation for Senior Care, said, “We helped seniors with food and supplies so that so they could shelter in place and not put themselves at greater risk for contracting the virus.”

After people began benefiting from the delivery service, they called the Foundation office, happy to have enough food and needed supplies.

The attitudes changed. People were thankful, and many told the Foundation staff members: “If it wasn’t for you we would not have had food.”

The Foundation’s Senior Care Advocacy Program can help seniors with any area of concern they may have. Advocates identify needs and figure out how to meet those needs. The program provides referrals, resources, education, and advocacy for seniors and disabled adults in areas of health care, basic needs, social services, Veterans Affairs and other national entitlement benefits in order to allow individuals to live in their homes safely, and to age in place with dignity.

The Foundation’s Door-Through-Door program provides a patient’s transitional support between a hospital or skilled nursing facility and home. They ensure that the patient has the necessary support in place before they return home. A safe environment at

home is also a critical need. Another program, the Foundation’s Adult Day

The Foundation staff members began working Care, known as The Club, has been providing nonwith case managers while the patients are still in medical social day care in a secure location for many a care facility. At times, the foundation workers years. The program offers a caring environment for prevented patients from being discharged because it those declining cognitively or physically. It is an has been determined that the home environment is engaging environment for adults or seniors in need of not safe. If the Foundation were not involved, many socialization. It also furnishes a needed respite for the of these people would have been discharged to Patty Sargent. caregivers and family members of those who attend. unsafe environments. Some may not have had a ride Shane Gibson photos Since there is only one bus line that serves Fallbrook, home from the hospital. Others might have returned home without the Foundation’s Care Van program is a necessary service, providany support system in place and then be hospitalized once again. ing rides to local grocery stores, doctors, dentists – wherever people

“The Door-Through-Door program is intended to fill that gap need to go. Expanded Rides is a service provided by volunteers between discharge and home, and help to ensure that they are safe, who use their own cars to ferry people to out-of-town medical apso we can reduce the possibility of readmission to the hospital,” pointments. These ride services are donation-based. Sargent said. Many have benefited from the Foundation’s computer classes,

At times, those returning from the hospital were forced to wait which are taught by senior volunteers. Attendees are taught how to quite a while to get equipment that they needed. The Foundation operate electronic devices such as iPhones and iPads. File managefills that waiting gap with donated medical equipment, which is ment and spreadsheet design classes are also offered. given away free of charge. “It is an awesome opportunity to work with this organization and

“They would not get it otherwise,” Sargent said. “If they give it see the incredibly wonderful impact that they are making in the back when they are done with it, we provide it to the next person.” lives of the seniors that they help. It is just an awesome group. The

Foundation care advocates talk through various situations and passion and commitment that the team feels toward their work is figure out how to solve problems. In some cases, a person returning so tangible,” Sargent said. home may need more than one kind of medical equipment – a Find Foundation for Senior Care on the web at: www.foundationforseniorcare.org; or walker, shower chair or a bedside commode. call them at: 760-723-7570.

Senior Resources from A to Z

Adult CareVan Day Care Services Available MondayFriday, 9am-5pm.

We love working with those who are dealing with dementia or memory loss. We can even provide rides to and from our facility.

Senior Care Advocacy

We listen and offer solutions.

We meet privately with individual seniors or their family members to work through any issue you are facing.

Door-to-door transportation.

Rides for seniors to: Medical appointment, Grocery, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Hair Salons, Banks and More!

Computer Classes

For Seniors, by Seniors.

We off er computer and smartphone classes for ages 50+. Visit the website for a class schedule.

Grocery Delivery Partnering with Major Market.

Partnering to deliver groceries to seniors during COVID-19. Contact the Foundation for more information.

Call 760-723-7570

135 S. Mission Rd, Fallbrook FoundationForSeniorCare.org

Help support your community and these programs with your donations!

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