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Fictional Letters to Mrs. Virginia Reed*
In the time between midnight and a new day, you might see Mrs. Virginia sitting on her park’s toy train, thinking about all the many years of happy children playing. She remembers her letters, and her Mothers’ Club friends. Each year she returns to read new letters and visit her park.
— May 1948
Dearest Virginia,
Just a note to thank you for all your hard work for our children. Even the mayor is impressed.
I’m looking forward to the playground’s Grand Opening. Kids are already there all the time. The slide and teeter totters are popular and my boys ask every day after school if they can go play. I can hardly get them to do their homework.
The children clearly love it. I can’t wait to see all of our club mothers at the park. I wish it’d be named after you. After all, you started everything. I’m sorry you won’t get to see the results of your labors. We all miss you; we were saddened by your passing. I wish you could see it.
Love, Priscilla
Mrs. Virginia looked around and smiled.
— July 1959
Dear Mrs. Reed and the Mothers Club:
I’m just a kid, eight years old. I want to tell you how much I love playing at your park. I do love it. When I’m grown up, I want to be a mother bringing all my children there to play.
My favorite is the elephant slide.
Love, Monica
— September 1978
Dear Mrs. Reed:
Congratulations! I was at the park today and the sign, Virginia Reed Park is lovely.
The leaves are blowing everywhere, making it more beautiful as children race to catch them.
I hope you can see it wherever you are.
Sincerely, Nancy White
Mrs. Virginia looked at the sign and it was beautiful. Fall was her favorite.
By Mary