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Memoriesof Frenze Thelveton

Localhistorian, Dennis Cross from Diss, shareswithushisfascinatingcollection of oldpostcards, focusing on adifferent village in everyissue.Thistime, we takea walk down memorylane in FrenzeandThelveton.


 The Staffordshire Yeomanry was stationed at Frenze duringWW1, wheretheytrainedbefore shippingoff to France.Heretheycanbeseeninearly 1914withtheirhorses,in apicturetaken by official warphotographer Ernest Abraham.

 Seen here in 1911, St Andrews Church, Frenze, is situatedinbeautifulsurroundingsandexcellent for brassrubbings.

TheNorfolkPostcardClub hasbeen disbanded, and a donationof£430 hasbeensenttoeachof four charities;East AnglianAirAmbulance, Big C, MarieCurieCare,andMarie CurieSupport.

 Early1rly1Early 1914 soldiersfrom914 soldiers fr914 – soldiers from theStheSthe Staffordshireta shiretaffordshir Yeomanry butchering meat forthe troopsin Frenze.  Thelveton School,a around 1927/28.D Dennis Cross went to school with many of thechildren of these pupils!

 Frenze Hall is situated opposite the church, andwas ownedatthe time of this1912postcard by farmer ArthurGaze. Thepopulation was49.

 TheEThe Elizabethanmansionlizabethan mansionlizabethan mansion ThelvetonHThelve nHThelveton Hall,in1914,all, in 1914,all in 1914 wasowned by SirEdwardMannBartJP.ManyAgatha ChristieTVprogrammeshave beenfilmed here.

Amomentintimen time

Ourpostcard expertDennisCross isunveilinghis fourthcalendar to raise moneyfor Norfolkcancercharity BigC. Thepopular calendars, which featurefascinatinghistoricalpostcards of localvillages,have raised£6,340 sofar forthe charity,andDennisis confidentthat thislatest one willbe justas well received.

“Thisis acalendarwithadifference,” he says.“It goesfrom January2023to January2024andfeatures fourpostcards perpage. We have sought outthemost unusualandinteresting onesfromDiss andsurroundingvillages,manyofwhich areuniqueandneverseenbefore.But some readerswill recognisethe scenes andplaces, andthat’s what makesthe calendarssopopular;peoplelove to see villages they know or grew upin captured in amomentintime. “Wehavefound awonderfulpostcard of alocal icecreamseller whohad abus convertedsohecould go around allthe villages sellingbothfishandchipsand icecream. No-one hasseenthispostcard before. Thereisanother of aporterat DissStation standingbetween twohorses. Ithink thecontrastbetween life back then,andnow, makesusall very nostalgicfor simplertimes.” The calendars cost £1 , y0, and you can b yuy themfromPhotoEliteorLeslie Ward Gifts,inDiss,ordirectfromDennis. Callafter7pmon 01379651897.

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