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Poetry Corner - Maureen Marlow from Sheringham
Poetry Corner
Maureen Marlow, from Sheringham, finds writing cathartic and penned this lovely poem about the town she loves. She runs her own dog sitting business, loves to travel and is a wild swimmer.
It’s a Saturday Late morning The town is vibrant
It’s market day A steady stream of people Hands clutching shopping bags
The coast hopper Drops its cargo Visitors disembarking like cattle The masses have arrived
Birds twitter Seagulls drift The sun radiates
People sit on benches Amidst the small green patches Amongst the concrete
I stop and take a pew too Four solo bodies find respite On the bench in front One waits to meet another One sips coffee, coughs often whilst dragging on a fag One sits, briefly, then suddenly departs swiftly One yabbers on a mobile Canines in every direction Dogs on laps Hounds in prams And those with all four feet on the ground
Sitting here with Archie He selects who warrants a woof Whilst others are nonchalantly disregarded
Families with children, with dogs Friends coming together Couples and solos Wearing sunglasses, face masks, hats and scarves Amble at a leisurely pace
The post lady dashes here and there Pushing and pulling her cart Trying to dodge the slow moving traffic
Outside the bustling Gangway cafe Takeaway or dine in I follow the sound of jazz Amid the plentiful chatter, clinking crockery and laughing ladies Taking my leave A lady rebuffs her seat Bounds over and plants herself on mine Evidently my bench was the most desirable bench in the park
Are you a poet from Norfolk or Suffolk? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Email a selection of poems and a bit about you to editor@village-people.info for the chance to be featured in a future issue.