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Localhistorian,Dennis Crossfrom Diss,shareswithushisfascinating collection of oldpostcards, focusing on adifferentvillageineveryissue. Thistime, we takeawalk down memorylaneinOccold.


 Occold SmockMillin1911. Themillerwas CharlesMills.In1923-24 thesails were removed forsafetyreasons,andthe mill waspowered by a dieselengine,operatinguntil theend of WW2. Thisview ofOccold in1910 showscottages that were homes formanyofthe families whoworkedinthe area.

TheC Church h of f St Mich hael l,sh hownh herei in1 1905,i is central to Occold andwas originallya Normanbuilding. Therector at this timewas theReverend Herbert Marshall. Thetower wasbuiltin1426andhousedfive bells.In1854, thechurch wasrepairedandreroofed.

Oc ccold Store,i in 1910,w was run by Herbert Last.T The shop was adraperand also soldchina,boots, glass, paintandmedicines. Herbert wasalsoa localfarmer.

Mill Road,seenherein1920, gotits name from theOccold windmill, which hasbeeninthe villagesince the1830s. Manynew houseshave sincebeenbuilt on this road. TheBaptistChapel,seenher in the 1920s, wasbuiltin1832andcould seat 300people.The population at this time was460.

Thispostcard waspostedatOccold Post Officein 1921 to aMiss BHawes,inSouthwold. Thepostmaster wasJohnEdgar. Theviewshows cottages near the church,featuring thatched,tileand slateroofsand clay lump bricks.

TheNorfolk PostcardClub

meets regularly in Trowsein Norwich andnew members arevery welcome. Meetingshavecurrently beensuspended.Dennisis alsothe author of severallocalhistory books that canbepurchasedby contactinghimdirect.

If readershave anylocal postcardsofDissorthe surroundingvillages,please getin touchwithDennis after7pmon 01379651897

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