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Health - gardening tips for hay
Sneeze-free gardening for hay fever sufferers
Pruning or cutting the grass can be a nightmare for hay fever sufferers, making the garden a no-go zone! Follow these sneeze-free gardening and lifestyle tips and pollen won’t banish you from green spaces.
n Grass pollen is the biggest trigger for allergy sufferers, so it’s vital to mow the lawn regularly to prevent the grasses from flowering, which reduces pollen. Wear a mask while mowing. n Use a sprinkler before a gardening session to helps lay the pollen, as some plants stop shedding pollen in wet conditions.
n Aim to plant low allergy options such as lavender, iris, rose, and peony. If the flower is insect pollinated it should be fine, because the pollen tends to be heavy and falls to the ground. If the plant is wind pollinated the pollen is designed to stay in the air. n Limit your gardening to cool or cloudy days and venture out in the afternoon when the pollen count in the air is generally lower. n Jump in the shower immediately after gardening and wash your hair to remove trapped allergens. Change into fresh clothes afterwards. n Arm yourself for the season by eating lots of fruit and veggies which are immune boosting with vitamin C. n Reduce the dairy content of your diet, as these can really block up the mucous membranes in the nose. n Curb the caffeine and opt for anti-inflammatory green or white tea if your nasal passages are pouring. Caffeine triggers histamine release. n Spread a little barrier balm such as coconut oil around the edge of each nostril to trap or block pollen. Reapply each time you blow your nose. n Try a natural herbal helper such as Vogel Pollinosan, which works on all the symptoms of hay fever and allergic rhinitis. It doesn’t have the drowsy side effects associated with some hay fever medication. Available as a tablet, tincture, eye drop or nasal spray, it’s easy and safe to use.
For more information and helpful advice, call 01603 613228, go to shopnaturally.com or pop into the Natural Food Store, 4 Exchange Street, Norwich
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