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Health - a beginners’ guide to homeopathy

A beginners’ guide to homeopathy

Everyone has heard of homeopathy – but how much do you really know about it and what it’s used for? Homeopathy is a holistic medicine which uses specially prepared, highly diluted substances (given mainly in tablet form) that trigger the body’s own healing mechanisms. A homeopath will prescribe treatment according to the patient’s specific set of symptoms, individually tailored to how they experience them, and taking into account their overall level of health. Homeopathy is based on the principle of ‘like treats like’ – which means a substance that can cause symptoms when taken in large doses can be used in small amounts to treat similar symptoms. For example, drinking too much coffee can cause sleeplessness and agitation so, according to this principle, when made into a homeopathic medicine it could be used to treat people suffering from sleeplessness and agitation. This concept is sometimes used in conventional medicine; the stimulant Ritalin is used to treat patients with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and small doses of allergens, such as pollen, are sometimes used to de-sensitise allergic patients. An important difference with homeopathy, however, is that the medicinal doses (known as remedies) are so small that toxic side-effects are completely avoided. Homeopathic principles date back to Hippocrates (460-377BC), but in its c current form homeopathy has been widely used w worldwide for more than 200 years. Britain’ ’ s Royal Family have enjoyed homeopathic care from the 1830s to the present day y. George VI was so impressed with its po ositive effects that he named his prize racehorse Hypericum after a popula ar homeopathic remedy for nerve injury. The Queen, who rarely y takes time off due to illness, is a a strong believer in homeopathy, as s was her mother before her. Tod day, Prince Charles is an outspoken supporter of homeopathy and natural medicine and our former Prime Minister, , Tony Blair, has gone on record to say that he used homeopathic remedies for his children. Homeopathy is very popular in Europe, and an integral part of every day healthcare. In France, 67% of medical practitioners believe that homeopathic medicines offer effective treatment. In England, 42% of physicians refer patients for homeopathic treatment, as do 45% of Dutch practitioners. Many major Hollywood stars use homeopathy to maintain their health and speed recovery. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Pamela Anderson, Tina Turner, Jane Fonda and Sir Paul McCartney to name just a few! Sports personalities like David Beckham, Martina Navratilova and Boris Becker have treated their injuries using homeopathy for a rapid recovery. When this system is chosen by professionals, it makes sense for everyone to use it – young and old alike! Sports injuries vary from minor sprains during a family game, to a major injury preventing professional sports people continuing their career. We can all use homeopathy to alleviate physical pain and injury, here’s how.


Bumps and bruises

Arnica – an excellent remedy for trauma, falls and bruising, and for both physical and emotional injury.

Cuts and lacerations

Calendula – to heal wounds quickly, reduce pain and prevent infection. Dilute in water, apply to a piece of gauze and used as a compress over an open injury.

Nerve damage

Hypericum – quickly relieves intense pain in areas rich in nerve endings. Remember this when you trap your fingers in a door! Hypericum can even be used where an amputee suffers from severe neuralgia.

Broken bones

Symphytum (comfrey) – used to ease pain and swelling if there has been a fracture, and to accelerate the healing process.

Strains and sprains

Rhus-Tox and Ruta – these have many uses, particularly where pain is felt on first movement, but improves after warming up or continued motion. Ruta is for deep pain from injury to the periosteum of the bone, for wrenched tendons or where muscles have become tight and stiff. Use for conditions like Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and repetitive strain injuries.


Belladonna – if the patient is hot to the touch with fiery cheeks. Extremities may be cold and pain will be a throbbing. Children respond very quickly to Belladonna if they have a fever or delirium. Can be used for sore throats, headaches, boils, mastitis, and sunstroke.


Chamomilla – for problems associated with teething, such as being tearful or moody. It can be given to a baby suffering with colic when stools have the appearance of chopped spinach or grass.

Fear and panic

Aconite – restores calm for those who are usually anxious, fretful, fearful and who suffer from panic attacks.

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