2 minute read
The Spaniel Diaries: The continuing adventures of Billy
The Spaniel Diaries
Ho, ho, ho! Here we are in December already! The biggest thing I’m hoping for this year is for santa to collect that puppy and give it to someone else! He’s really annoying, trying to play all the time when I just want to wander around and sniff, and he’s teething so he’s not averse to trying to chomp on me, very annoying indeed. As usual that idiot Mav thrives on such juvenile attention, neither of them will be a gentleman like me.
I really can’t wait to see what chaos that puppy causes with the Christmas tree, that’ll teach mum a lesson and hopefully she’ll lock the little monster in the garden although I won’t get my hopes up about that!
One thing I love about this time of year is our yummy treats in the morning from the thing called an advent calendar, I make sure I’m first in line and give mum my best “Feed me” look! She does tell me off for trying to sit on the puppy, which is getting difficult now as he’s almost as big as me.
Mum is being careful with human treats like chocolate and mince pies to make sure us dogs can’t reach them as they will make us poorly, and things such as cooked bones are kept well away from us too, I don’t mind as we get our traditional steak, hmmm, I really must try to pinch the puppy’s one! I think mum is despairing about the amount of mud at the moment. As you can imagine, we spaniels love to get very dirty indeed running around the woods and fields. I did laugh when she made the puppy wear a fleece jacket as he’s so small he gets absolutely plastered in mud, especially if I jump on him too – his face said it all how unimpressed he was with the jacket! Now and again mum takes us to the beach “for a change,” she says, but I’m sure she does it to escape from the mud and give us a bit of a clean! She does keep a close eye out for palm oil being washed up though, the beach is wonderful in winter, often deserted and we have such
a lovely time!
So a new year is only days away, let’s hope it’s a better one and brings promise and hope and that you all can make some wonderful memories. Billy. Jeannette Douglas