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Yvonne Fleece: ‘Lockdown three

Lockdown three!

Once upon a time on a small farm near Billingshurst…


Disappointed at not to be able to go to the fencing wire was utilised to block them off, so the caravan for her’s and grandad’s weekend chickens had no access to the bins except for the breaks, Nanny faced grey cold days like 2018 one. everyone else. The other two lockdowns had been Now this compost bin had a problem. James and productive in terms of jobs done but with this one Co had put a lot of shrub and tree branches in it. she was facing “They need twigs and difficulties – she didn’t stuff,” James had told want to do anything at Nanny. But there all except stay inside, was too much twigs, stay warm and do branches and nothing. (almost) logs in it.

Funnily enough the Nevertheless, the chickens helped! chickens enjoyed

She had had to scratching through it. clear out the And then it dawned greenhouse for the on Nanny they were winter, so she did. actually helping Meanwhile Anne, who rather than hindering. was working from They scratched the home, let the twigs free and Nanny chickens out of the was then able to pen because their run easily separate the was so miserable with branches from the no grass and lots of dirt. The big bits she mud. So, while Nan Helping not hindering! New project– watch this space! put to the side and was down there she was able to excavate noticed what the chickens were up to – and the the middle fairly easily, shovel the mixture of lovely mess they were making. There were three large friable compost dirt and bits of twigs into the compost bins near the chicken house. They held wheelbarrow and put it into the tyres in the grass clippings from the last three years. And the park/orchard, some of which had fruit trees, but chickens had found them. others were waiting for trees to be planted.

Chickens scratch the ground with their sharp Later Nanny would replace the bigger bits of clawed feet to find worms and other insects. branches to the bottom of the 2018 bin and rename Unfortunately, the scratching flings the loose it 2021 bin and close it off from the chickens. But material in the air any which way. The loose the chickens would not be missing out. They had materials being compost, leaves or twigs, the limited access to the 2019 bin to keep turning it over chickens do not clean up after themselves but leave ready for digging up in 2022. them lying where they land. The whole area was So now, thanks to the chickens and the arrival of covered in loose dirt and old leaves. Nanny raked the materials, the project for Lockdown three can it up and put it back. The next day was just as bad begin. Despite what happens in the world, life so she cleaned up again. continues on that small farm near Billingshurst.

The third day she’d had enough, and some old Yvonne Fleece


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