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Pets / Vets
The Spaniel Diaries
o here we are in March, the days are finally Getting longer! Spring is most definitely in the air and mum is in such a better mood, although that wasn’t the case when I dug up her daffodils, oops! Couldn’t even blame it on Mav because I got caught red handed! We have been busy fixing the mess the big grass muncher has made of his field this winter, mum moans about the mess we make, but at least we don’t leave great big foot-shaped holes everywhere like that great galumph does. The grass muncher will be in a foul mood when he realises his munching area has got smaller – mum doesn’t want him getting sick with sore feet because he’s eaten too much, I feel sympathy for him there because mum has me on a permanent diet too… she should go on one herself! We went swimming too, this is the one thing that I absolutely beat Mav hands down at… I am a water baby, gliding gracefully through the water, Mav resembles a drowning antelope! He had to wear a float jacket and looked more like an idiot than ever, it was hilarious leaping in the pool and grabbing the dummy before he could get to it first, and what’s even funnier is that he
gave himself swimmer’s tail and couldn’t wag it for a week. Oh, how I laughed! He’s totally back to his normal annoying self now, even thinks he can steal my spot on the sofa, the cheeky mutt! Mum is back on with the training. Mav as usual is the goody two shoes and has been learning extra long fetches, mum doesn’t bother asking me these days as I either get halfway out and sit down, or if raining I simply leg it back to the car! She’s soon gonna get the message, although she’s been mentioning training holiday – I can’t seem to see what those two words are doing in the same sentence, but I’m not liking the sound of that. Mum’s planning something so I shall have to be on the ball! We have been having some fantastic walks recently with some simply beautiful sunrise and sunsets, the only problem with this is mum insisted on trying to keep taking my photo, I may be astonishingly handsome but I am also quite shy, Mav just sits there posing like an idiot so mum should just take pictures of him! Have a wonderful month and enjoy the spring. Until next time! Jeannette Douglas
Brrrrrrh! Roll on spring!
How to prevent a dental procedure! The best way to avoid a costly dental procedure is to brush your dog’s teeth daily! Choose a time when your dog is comfortable and relaxed, take it slowly a step at a time, keep the sessions short, and only move on to the next step when your dog is happy. Step 1. Stroke your dog’s cheek gently back and forth to get them used to your hand being by their mouth. Step 2. Introduce the dog toothpaste on a soft toothbrush allowing your dog to lick it off (avoid human toothpaste as it contains chemicals that are toxic to dogs). Step 3. Start by running the soft toothbrush along the inside of their mouth following the gumline. Step 4. Gently brushing their side front teeth. Step 5. Gently brush their back teeth. Step 6. Gently brush the teeth under their nose. If brushing their teeth is not possible, special dental chews and diets can certainly help. Should your dog’s teeth look like they have a large build-up of plaque and tartar do get in contact with your vet as they may need a dental procedure. Sophie Hall B.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S.