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Loxwood Village Fête: Post-lockdown fête raised a record £7000

Loxwood Village Fête & Fun Dog Show raises £7000

“What an amazing day out for the family and how nice it was to get the whole village together for a fun day to meet old friends and make new acquaintances.”


This was one of the comments made by a visitor to the Loxwood Village Fête and Dog Show that was held on Saturday 21st August at North Hall, Loxwood.

Unfortunately due to COVID, we had to cancel the 2020 Fête and to postpone this year’s to August rather than the normal June date. However, this did not stop local people turning out in force to support their village despite the inclement weather.

The support for the whole show was immense, people supported the stalls, the café and bar and all the sideshows. The Dog Show was a tremendous success with a record number of entries.

The overall takings for the show were the best ever at just over £7,000. Once our expenses have been calculated we think we will be donating around £5,000 to local good causes who have applied for funds. The Fête Committee would like to thank our helpers, sponsors, advertisers, people who donated prizes for the Tombola and the Grand Draw and the team who help set up and dismantle the show. We are still desperately looking for a couple of people who would like to become involved with the Committee to help organise future shows. If you would like to join in, please contact Graham Moore on (01403) 751722 or e-mail ginamoore@ btopenworld.com. A date for your diary: 4th June 2022 will be next year’s Loxwood Village Fête and Fun Dog Show.

Graham Moore

The Renegades ran an archery activity at the fête which proved hugely popular with parents and children alike

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