8 minute read
21 Questions with Rizzie D’Alterio
Interviewed by Shannon Michael @oxilox
I’m gender non-binary. I’ve always felt like one of the guys. I’ve never been one to shy away from an opportunity. My charismatic nature has landed me many opportunities and I’ve met such great friends along the way. I’m easy going, exuberant, and love to make people laugh. I’m known as the body guard to my friends. Don’t fuck with my clique. hahaha. My life hasn’t been easy. I’ve been forged in fire, but I came out steel.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
I began tattooing at 18 years old. Due to my grades I was able to graduate high school early. This allowed me to go full time at the shop I was apprenticing at. I even worked on my Prom. I honestly preferred to be at the shop. I was ready to move on to the next chapter in my life.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
I have to say it’s pretty mixed. On one hand I think I’m lucky. Most everyone I’ve come across never discriminated against me. I think the worst I had to deal with was sexual harassment/ homophobia. The first shop I worked at was a nightmare. After I got out of that situation I found peace. I remember my friend Richie saying to me that he saw me as one of the guys. I just fit in. That always stuck with me. I just feel like tattoo artists are deviants of normal society. Whether they’re deep into the BTSM scene, poly, or non cisgender. I just always felt like I fit in.

Rizzie D'Alterio
100% yes. Tattooing really gave me the power to say,”fuck what people think I’m just going to be me.” I get dressed up everyday in suspenders, a bow tie, and nice boots. I present very masculine. I think there is a certain sex appeal to tattoo artists. When my clients first meet me I want them to get the impression I’m professional, and care about my appearance. Being gender non-binary I feel the most free to express myself in this industry. Other jobs I won’t be able to be as loud about it.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
I really appreciate Ellen Page. She’s been so inspiring and just a class act. I hope to one day be as confident and inspiring as her.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
I have so much respect for the older generation that paved the way. I started when I was 18, so I was no stranger to people using my age against me. I guess the cons would be constantly having to prove myself and push harder then the older guys. Another con would be getting made fun of for using newer technology/ techniques. Pros? Well for one my back’s longevity will hold out. I use both coils and rotary machines. I like the balance of the old and the new. I guess being young allows me to be able to choose. Plus it’s nice not having to make my own needles and inks. I’ve heard stories. That just sounds exhausting. I just feel like this industry is all about respect. As long as you respect the old guys you’ll be fine.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
Neo traditional, illustrative, watercolor. I like to tattoo cute or witchy things. I’ve always been a nerd, so anytime I can tattoo something nerdy my day is made.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
Georgia Grey, Nicholas Keiser, Hideo Kojima, Cristian Casas, Tite Kubo, Matt Curzon.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
Oh jeez, let me think. My first tattoo ever was a blue rose on this girl Randy. I did it with a 5rl, 14rs, and 8rs. It took so long to finish. I remember being so nervous for it.

When I’m not working I’m painting. Painting is my second passion. My medium of choice is watercolor. Painting on wood is the best. I also really enjoy long boarding, and hiking.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
My first tattoo convention was the 2013 Villain Arts Philadelphia convention. I was only a year into tattooing and definitely not prepared. I think I packed the whole shop with me lol. The best part was I got to booth right next to Carlos Rojas. It was really inspiring watching him work. I even had the opportunity to let him borrow my tattoo table.

Tattoo by Rizzie D'Alterio
I just hope it stays the cool kids club that it is. I fear the idea of tattoo schools. There’s a right of I passage in getting through an apprenticeship. I just feel like schools are going to create this massive influx of shops opening and That will make business a lot harder.

Realistically my IPad. It’s become my main device. I haven’t touched my laptop in years. I really rely on my PS4 for happiness as well. When I have a bad day I just get lost in a good game.
Yes. Arya is a Green Cheek Conure. She’s blue and green with a red and yellow belly. Her red markings make a heart on her chest. When she wants out of her cage she says, “come here.” Arya is the best. Super snuggly. She has fully grown flight feathers. It’s always a cool feeling when she flies to me. Sometimes she’ll take naps in my sweatshirt.

Southwest Blue Eternal. It reminds me of the Need for Speed games. That would be the color I’d paint my cars. I really like how it heals in the skin. That’s my go to color.

Iceland, for sure. I would want to be close to nature. OrAustralia. I’ve been on this huge hiking kick lately. I thinkduring quarantine I realized how far I’ve drifted from nature. I’ve been trying to make up for it ever since.

I would go to school to learn how to be a concept artist for video games. Hey, who knows, maybe I would’ve done film school. I love movies, I’ve always wanted to direct.

I’ve been noticing that there is more and more tattoo influence in film and tv. So many characters have tattoos even the actors themselves. For the most part when I go out people generally compliment my tattoos. I feel like tattoos have become very mainstream in a good way. I’m excited to see a president one day have a full sleeve or something along that nature.
I would really like to tattoo Eminem or Leigh Raven.

I had the pleasure of apprenticing Dusty. They’re now a full time artist. I’m very proud of the progress they’ve made. It’s nerve racking teaching someone. I never wanted to put someone through the ringer like my apprenticeship. There’s always that fear in the back of my head of failing someone. So I tried to instill all I know in them.

Rizzie D'Alterio
I have so many great memories with Villain Arts. I remember it was the Milwaukee show. The after party was at a karaoke bar. I got some confidence and sang Colt 45- Afro Man. The next day everyone I ran into kept telling me how I killed it. I couldn’t stop smiling all day. I also really like seeing Oxi-Lox. We always nerd out about Pokémon. Anytime I can talk about Pokémon I jump on the opportunity. The VA conventions is also where I met my best friend Madison Mclain. Her drive and work ethic is what pushes me today.
Rizzie D’Alterio
@rizzie_tat2 works at Alliance Tattoo @alliancetattoonj in Toms River NJ.
Shannon Michael is a Tattoo Artist at Aces High Tattoo in West Palm Beach and also tattoos at Villain Arts Tattoo Conventions.