p r o y e c t o s
1.Giving Chances
2.Doctor Smile
3.Breaking Borders
¿ Wh at D o e s t h e T N F EE I n c l u d e ?
r o j e c t
# 1
Giving Chances _ D
• Welcome package • Welcome meal
e s c r i p t i o n
This project aims to support the process of language learning in children and youngsters. Focused on strengthening education with training in values, the project aims to jointly provide an experience that contributes to greater access and opportunities. Volunteers as a part of this project would be agents of change leading a positive impact on society.
| Cost Of Life
Vi ll avi c e n ci o|
TN FEE: $25 dollars Main meals Taxi Service Urban Bus Service
$ 2- $3 each $1.5 – $3 per trip $0.6 per trip
Distance and transportation cost from Bogota to Villavicencio: 90 kms / $ 7.5 dollars per trip
«Job 4» Deliver a weekly report that shows what main points and conclusion of the activities of the former week under the supervision of the assigned project manager.
«Job 1» Prepare sessions and workshops about cultural and language topics. Each day is a different workshop for the language and cultural lessons.
«Job 2» Prepare conversational spaces at least once each week of the project, putting into practice the knowledge that students have learned throughout each week.
«Job 3» Make a weekly planning of all the activities that will be taking place the following week, explained day by day under the supervision of the assigned project manager.
«Job 5» Attend the “Incoming Preparation Seminar” (IPS) on the date assigned by the Local Committee.
«Job 6» The work schedule can be in the morning or in the afternoon. You will be notified one week before the start of the project.
«Job 7» Fill in AIESEC Global Community Development Program Feedback - NPS survey.
ÂżW H AT P R O F I L E S D O W E L O O K F O R ?
Project Benefits
Responsible People: For us, your commitment and dedication to the project is the most important aspect for a perfect development. People with a good level of English: In our project, we work with several levels of teaching, but without doubt, it is important that you have an English level with which you can communicate and express yourself appropriately. People with great Enthusiasm and Energy: Enjoy participation, live and deliver moments full of joy that transmit good emotions. People who want to learn and generate a positive impact on others: You will be a role model for the group of children you will be leading, give your best to provide them with tools that contribute to their development. Be receptive and learn, children also have much to teach you.
2 daily meals
Accommodation with Global Family
EP Buddy
LEAD sessions
Cultural agenda, Dancing
Pick up at the Bus Terminal in Villavicencio
Certificate of Experience and Volunteering
English / Spanish or swimming lessons as decided by trainee.
Creative People: Provides constructive ideas that support the construction of efficient activities. People with knowledge in audiovisual media: Digital platforms, design, tourism, among others.
» S k i l l s Yo u c a n d e v e l o p a s TRAINEE « «Leadership skills» how to run teams of 10 to 15 people. «Skills to communicate and empower others» How to describe and lead a session that everyone wants to join. «Planning and control skills» How to plan activities based on the project objective and be sustainable in time, resources and results. «Teamwork skills» How to contribute and perform efficiently in a team.
O p p o r t u n i t i e s Yo u W i l l H a v e a s a TRAINEE • Live and enjoy a multicultural environment. • Living with different people and contexts that will contribute and enrich your life. • Discover the charm of Villavicencio and the Llanos Orientales and other paradisiacal places of Colombia.
Dat e s O f project cycles
January February
Cycle 1
March April
Cycle 2
May June
Cycle 3
July August
Cycle 4
September October
Cycle 5
November December
Cycle 6
Link de expa
Aplica AquĂ
Contacto daniela.castro@aiesec.net jefferson.cadena@aiesec.net
r o y e c t o
# 2
Doctor Smile _ D
in c l u y e e l
T N F EE ?
• Welcome package • Welcome meal
e s c r i p c i ó n
Este proyecto busca brindar espacios de recreación lúdico prácticos, en el cual los niños en estado de recuperación y enfermedad podrán escapar de su rutina para trabajar en el desarrollo de sus proyectos de vida y continuar y fortalecer su formación escolar interrumpida. Permitiéndoles un espacio donde puedan soñar y vivir su niñez lejos de la situación que enfrentan con miras a contribuir positivamente a su mejoramiento.
| Costo
de vida en
Vi ll avi c e n ci o|
TN FEE: $25 dólares Comidas principales $ 2- $3 dólares cada una Servicio de Taxi
$1.5 – $3 dólares por trayecto
Servicio de Bus Urbano
$0.6 dólares por trayecto
Distancia y costo de transporte desde Bogotá hasta Villavicencio: 90 kms / $7.5 dólares por trayecto
«Job 4» Entregar un reporte semanal JOB DESCRIPTION
en el que se presentan las principales conclusiones de las actividades realizadas, esto con el fin de tangibilizar el impacto.
«Job 5» Asistir y participar en el Seminario de Preparación Entrante (IPS) en la fecha asignada por el comité local.
«Job 1» Preparar sesiones y actividades culturales lúdicas, con el objetivo de ofrecer tiempo de recreación y enseñanza de valores.
«Job 6»
Los horarios de trabajo podrán
desarrollarse en la jornada de la mañana o tarde, dependiendo la disponibilidad de la fundación. El voluntario será
«Job 2» Planificar y desarrollar actividades diarias acorde a las temáticas del syllabus.
«Job 3» Crear o elegir un personaje con el que se identificará y se caracterizará durante el desarrollo del proyecto.
notificado una semana antes de iniciar el proyecto.
«Job 7»
Participar del Global Village organi-
zado por el comité de AIESEC en Villavicencio.
«Job 8»
Llenar la encuesta o feedback del
programa de Voluntario Global – NPS.
Personas Responsables: Para nosotros, tu compromiso y dedicación con el proyecto es lo más importante para un perfecto desarrollo.
2 comidas diarias
del proyecto
EP Buddy
Personas con gran Entusiasmo y Energía: Disfruta la participación, vive y entrega momentos llenos de alegría que contagien de buenas emociones. Personas con ganas de aprender y generar un impacto positivo en los demás: Serás un modelo a seguir para el grupo de niños que estarás dirigiendo, da lo mejor de ti para brindarles herramientas que contribuyan a su desarrollo. Se receptivo y aprende, los niños también tienen mucho por enseñarte. Personas Creativas: Aporta ideas constructivas que apoyen el desarrollo de actividades eficientes.
Hospedaje con Familia Global
Sesiones de LEAD
Agenda Cultural, Clases de baile
Recogida en el Terminal de buses de Villavicencio
Certificado de Experiencia y Voluntariado
Inglés/ español o natación según lo decida el trainee.
» Habilidades
que podrás desarrollar c o m o Tr a i n e e «
«Habilidades de liderazgo» cómo dirigir equipos de entre 10 y 15 personas. «Habilidades para comunicar y empoderar a otros» Como describir y dirigir una sesión a la cual todos quieran unirse. «Habilidades en planeación y control» Como planear actividades partiendo del objetivo del proyecto y ser sostenibles en tiempo, recursos y resultados. «Habilidades de trabajo en equipo» Como aportar y desempeñarse eficientemente en un equipo
Oportunidades que t e n d r á s c o m o Tr a i n e e • Vivir y disfrutar un ambiente multicultural. • Convivir con personas y contextos diferentes que aportarán y enriquecerán tu vida. • Descubrir el encanto de Villavicencio y los Llanos Orientales y demás lugares paradisiacos de Colombia.
Link de expa
Aplica AquĂ
Contacto daniela.castro@aiesec.net jefferson.cadena@aiesec.net
¿ Wh at D o e s t h e T N F EE I n c l u d e ?
r o j e c t
# 3
Breaking Borders _ D
• Welcome package • Welcome meal
e s c r i p t i o n
Breaking Borders is a project that in addition to supporting startups focused on culture, tourism and local product management, seeks to encourage productive activities by teaching: Second language management, basic marketing, tourism, management of digital platforms among others.
| Cost Of Life
Vi ll avi c e n ci o|
TN FEE: $25 dollars Main meals Taxi Service Urban Bus Service
$ 2- $3 each $1.5 – $3 per trip $0.6 per trip
Distance and transportation cost from Bogota to Villavicencio: 90 kms / $ 7.5 dollars per trip
«Job 4» Submit a weekly report of the activities carried out to the Project manager, with conclusions on these.
«Job 5» Attend the “Incoming Prepara«Job 1» Prepare sessions and work-
tion Seminar” (IPS) on the date designated by the local committee.
shops based on the trainee's specialty focused on young workers (knowledge of English, marketing, tourism, digital media). Each session will be a different session.
«Job 6» Participate in activities desig-
«Job 2»
«Job 7»
Support the startup making use of trainee’s specific skills as a way to help the positioning and growth of the company (Knowledge of English, marketing, tourism, digital media).
«Job 3»
Conduct a weekly planning of the activities to be performed, explained day by day.
nated by the committee as a way to promote the culture of the city.
The work schedule can be in the morning or in the afternoon, notification of this will be done one week before starting the project.
«Job 8» Completing the AIESEC Global Community Development Program Feedback NPS Survey.
ÂżW H AT P R O F I L E S D O W E L O O K F O R ?
Project Benefits
Responsible People: For us, your commitment and dedication to the project is the most important aspect for a perfect development. People with great Enthusiasm and Energy: Enjoy participation, live and deliver moments full of joy that transmit good emotions.
2 daily meals
EP Buddy
Creative People: Provides constructive ideas that support the construction of efficient activities. People with knowledge in audiovisual media: Digital platforms, design, tourism, among others, knowledge of a second language
Accommodation with Global Family
LEAD sessions
Cultural agenda, Dancing
Pick up at the Bus Terminal in Villavicencio
Certificate of Experience and Volunteering
English / Spanish or swimming lessons as decided by trainee.
» S k i l l s Yo u c a n d e v e l o p a s TRAINEE «
O p p o r t u n i t i e s Yo u W i l l H a v e a s a TRAINEE
«How to manage groups and learn to speak in public.» «Skills to communicate and empower others» How to describe and lead a session that everyone wants to join. «Planning and control skills» How to plan activities based on the project objective and be sustainable in time, resources and results. «Teamwork skills» How to contribute and perform efficiently in a team.
• Live and enjoy a multicultural environment. • Living with different people and contexts that will contribute and enrich your life. • Discover the charm of Villavicencio and the Llanos Orientales and other paradisiacal places of Colombia.
Dat e s O f project cycles
January February
Cycle 1
March April
Cycle 2
May June
Cycle 3
July August
Cycle 4
September October
Cycle 5
November December
Cycle 6
Link de expa
Aplica AquĂ
Contacto daniela.castro@aiesec.net jefferson.cadena@aiesec.net