2 minute read
Societal Rhythm
from VIM FALL 2022 ISSUE
by VIM Magazine
For decades, musicians have had an immense impact on culture.
When we look up to someone as an individual, we have a tendency to follow them. Musicians who create the music we adore inspire us to follow the standards they set or their own expression of style. For our generation, musical artists play a key role in breaking patterns of exclusivity and gendered fashion.
American rapper and designer Tyler the Creator has not only maintained relevance through award-winning albums over the last decade, but also through eliminating gender stereotypes in the rap industry. Since the origination of hip hop, expectations have been set in place that define how a rapper should look or act publicly. Tyler the Creator defies the traditional mold with vulnerable, humorous and feminine aspects of his identity that he’s not shy to express in the public eye. Apart from music, Tyler is the founder of the successful brand, Golf Wang, and can be attributed for the rise in a variety of trends in street fashion. Many streetwear trends define this generation, almost all of which fall under unisex fashion, and were inspired by the Golf Wang brand. It would be hard to talk about the musical impact of artists without discussing Harry Styles. Over the last decade, Harry Styles has become known for his exploration of femininity through avant-garde fashion and advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights. In Vogue’s December 2020 cover, Styles became the first man featured solo, wearing a dress that defied gendered norms for fashion. His willingness to expand his wardrobe has inspired more men to branch out of the limits that fashion norms place upon them.
At only 20 years old, Billie Eilish has gained widespread admiration as one of the most successful musical artists of our generation. Her fashion, consisting of oversized statement jackets, pants, and streetwear, set her apart from the majority of past female artists. She has shared that she dressed that way to avoid sexualization from the public and has a history of not being shy when it comes to speaking on difficult conversations regarding the music industry. She has redefined the image society has painted for female artists and given inspiration for more artists to dress how they want, not how society expects them to.
Throughout history, musical artists have explored the fashion industry and set the trends. This concept has only seen expansion as a result of social media. Musicians inspire us, not just with their creativity and substance of character, but with their willingness to impenetrate spaces that they otherwise might be shunned from. Through their endorsement, trends that society might otherwise deem unacceptable can be normalized. In turn, more people are given a window into the fashion world– one that might not have opened otherwise.