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As humans become busier — loaded with daily responsibilities and constantly multitasking — we easily forget when and how to slow down. When the line between work and life is often blurred, it’s easy to lose sight of balance and just go through the motions.
However, to help find peace and balance in everyday life, many people are becoming interested in natural healing remedies such as meditation, journaling, yoga and crystals. These practices force us to reflect inward and strengthen our physical, mental and emotional bodies by freeing us from distraction. Humans are masters at distracting themselves, and it is this distraction that takes us away from prioritizing the essentials: discovering our truth. When we allow ourselves to experience such feelings without judgement, we get a little closer to understanding who we are at our core.
Spiritualism is whatever we make of it. We can do things like practice yoga, meditate or utilize crystals to get closer to our higher, divine being. This requires introspection — and looking inwards isn’t always fun, as you might not like what you find. The first step in producing any real change is to identify what feels wrong inside.
As many were taught through high school science courses, the first law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed — only transferred from one form to another. The total amount of energy in the universe has always been the same. Similarly, we are bodies of vibrating energy meant to live high-vibrational lives grounded in simplicity.
But what does this really mean? We are constantly bombarded with inspirational messages advising us to live in the moment. How can anyone be sure they’re living presently and to the fullest? This can sometimes feel like pressure, yet, it is our own minds creating this feeling. challenging to see things for how they are. Human beings love to create something out of nothing.
However, it is important to try accepting things for what they are, like in meditation, when you observe your thoughts without judgement.
It’s the inner workings of human minds that make living simply so complex and overwhelming.
All of this — yoga, meditation, crystals — are part of the journey to discovering the beautiful simplicity of existence.
There are a multitude of ways to raise your vibrational energy — practices you likely already do from time to time. It can be as simple digging your bare feet in the grass to absorb the earth’s energy, practicing gratitude and showing love towards others or simply eating whole foods like honey, berries and greens.
Deep breathing in yoga and meditation is what allows our mind to open and be energized. Controlling our breath is a practice we can take with us off the mat and out of meditation too. When stressors overwhelm and life becomes too much to bear, breathing centers us.
Take a step back from your busy life and take a moment to reconnect with yourself. Instead of “going through the motions,” act with purpose and intent to make this life a meaningful one.
Human beings are Masters of Distraction. It is this distraction that takes us away from fronting the essentials: from discovering our Truth.
Our inner turmoils can be a terrifying, savage labyrinth. Meister Eckhart, a German philosopher who studied the idea of Being, coined the word “istigkeit,” which translates to “it just is.” Despite Eckhart’s teachings, it is so exceedingly