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PORTFOLIO Work Collection of architecture and related projects from 2018-2022. ~Vinayak verma

“ It only takes a little thought to create marvelous designs. ” *Graphic is expressing an act of unfolding ideas. Vol. 01 | 2018-22

Hello, I am Vinayak verma, currenty pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Architecture from USAP. With a keen interest in philosophy and psychology, I delve into concept art and ideas that are beyond logic. Form, feel and vibe of a space are what excite me the most. I have also been making surreal digital art for the past 4 years now, a way to explore my thoughts and ideas, sharpening my skills all the while. Also working on my NFT collection as a side hustle. Blender is my go to software, all of the 3d visuals shown in this portfolio are made on blender.

Table of content

01 Bamboo lamp

02 Re-thinking Death

03 Quarantine Facility Design

04 Iceland Greenhouse Restraunt

05 Institute of Architecture

06 Rentable Students Housing

07 Dalal Tiles catalogue

08 Miscellaneous


Bamboo Lamp


Sustainable bamboo night lamp made out of raw bamboo. Fitted with small yellow light, to give a relaxed and cosy vibe to environment. Keeping the state of bedroom in mind, lamp is designed to provide a level of comfort to eyes as well as uplifting the energy of the room by its unique light patterns and shape.

PROCESS - Original thought was to cut a through and through slit in between a hollow piece of bamboo and then insert a small butterfly led light inside it. - Resulting light pattern was unknown initially. - To visualise the unknown light pattern, blender software was used to simulate the lamp model in realistic condition.

Simulation 1

After experimenting with sevral shapes and cutouts 2 shapes were selected. Prototypes had similar light patterns as observed in Blender.

Height : 270mm Simulation 2

Prototype 1

Yellow LED light 45° CUT







Cutting a hollow piece of bamboo of height 300mm. Bamboo is cut 50 to 60mm below the node. This will provide a support to the base and gives a closed interior.

Using table saw and file, bamboo is cut at 45° from the top along with the vertical slit of 10mm.

A hole is drilled through the inside of node and small led light is inserted with a standard wall plug coming out from bottom of bamboo.


Re-thinking Death

BRIEF Re-define death in your own language and explain it by designing any architectural space like library, pavilion, building, etc. In this project i chose to design a pavilion to express death as an architectural space.


CONCEPT Giving a circular form of pavilion to symbolize death as an inevitable end and unescapable reoccuring phase which everyone have to face.


-Giving a water body at center of pavilion where people can see themselves. Symbolizing the saying that before death we see our whole life flashing in front of your eyes. -A tree in center of pavilion to provde shade as well as giving a soothing vibe to environment. Symbolizing the saying that after every death their is a life is born. -Wooden louvers in spiral shape to guide the pedestrians in circular movement as well as providing shade for people to sit.

Ribs structure overlapping the pavilion structure.

Wooden louvers in spiral form to provide shade and guide circular pedestrian movement

Tree in center to give shade and provide an positive environment

Torus shaped structure with 2 opposite sides lifted upwards to create entry and exits for pavilion.


Quarantine Facility Design


* Graphic expressing a feeling of being isolated.*



A visionary concepts for an isolation ward in a quarantine facility, to help subdue the effects of the outbreak of COVID-19 on existing infrastructure. The lockdown issued by the government has resulted in migration and detention of people. Hence, we need facilities with individual isolation cells to monitor suspected victims who might have been exposed to the virus.

New Delhi, railway station’s parking area Most common mode of mass transportion is railways. In order to prevent virus from spreading , it need to controlled at the junctions itself.

Designing was done keeping in mind: - the sudden need of infrastructure during pandemic to cater large number of infected people at the junctions. - the modular aspect of individual resedential unit. - the future use of the facility after the pandemic is over.

Site selection + limitations

Modular resedential unit design

On site form development + future use

Modular Resedential Units

All dimensions are in mm

UNIT PLAN Dimensions Type 1 Type 2 (PDP) Length Breath Height

3.6M 3M 2.7M

4.7M 4.6M 2.7M


Working of a module

Each resedential unit has a modular design, which allowed easy and fast set-up as per the need. Made up of corugated aluminium sheets and cold steel sections allows fast onsite construction and easy transportation. Retractable roof is provided so that person can get adequate exposure to the environment. It is fitted with double layer of covering, one opaque and one transparent so that the person can maintain his/her privacy.

Corugated Aluminium sheets Light weight, durable and locally available for fast and easy construction.

Cold Steel Sections Provide good strength to the base and easily available in the local market. No skilled labour required for construction.

Aluminium Alloy Frames Alloy frames provided strength to the retractable roof.

Polyurethane fabric Highly breathable and waterproof fabric with good durability.

Interaction between patients

Spaces created in between the units allows more interaction between people in quarantine. With appropriate sunlight and ventilation to every unit. Easy and fast buildable form which can be replicated on various sites with minimum changes.

Services Admin Resedential units Dining area


While waiting for train, people use railway platform as a sleeping place during night time. Quarantine facility can act as safe sleeping area, providing more privacy to people traveling via railways.

For Vendors

There is an existing fruit market in front of railway station. Quarantine facility can provide platform and equivalent space for vendors. This can generate a source of income for railways as well.


Iceland Greenhouse Restraunt

BRIEF The Iceland Greenhouse Restaurant competition is a greenhouse design that would also function as a dine-in restaurant. Offering the guests an immersive experience, as well as delicious, locally produced food.

Design requirements - Designs for the Greenhouse Restaurant would need to accommodate around 100 guests and include standard amenities, such as an appropriately-sized kitchen, storage facilities, and toilets. - An experience where customers could see how the food that they’ll be eating is grown, combined with a view of the milky blue mineral water of Mývatn Nature Baths on one side and Hverfjall volcano on the other. - Using nearby hotwater spring as source of energy to keep interior warm and maintain temperature for greenhouse.

Multipurpose hall

Market area for locally grown vegetables

Dining area



Hydrophonic plantation module

Providing Hydrophonic plantation at southern side to capture maximum sunlight as well as giving an immersive dining experience.

Multi-level dining area with bar, to enhance the interaction with environment inside greenhouse.

Providing a full view of Hverfjall volcano from dining area, through freshly growing vegetables. Combining the view of volcano with uplifting environment of greenhouse.


Institute of Architecture

BRIEF Brief was to design an architectural institute adjoining to already existing college block.





Initially form started revolving around trees and basic massing is done.

Bridge is introduces to connect two blocks.

Faces are cut in such a way that each facade is facing towards nearest tree. Hierarchy of open spaces are made and free flowing connectivity is established.

Preserving trees on site and building form around it.

A semi-open courtyard between two blocks with huge space frame.

Three big classrooms at each floor connected togethor to increase interation between junior nd senior. classrooms are seperated by 2 big atriums.

A huge niche entrance of institute opening up in the big courtyard.



Rentable Students Housing

BRIEF To design a rentable houing for students and working people. Housing should facilitate approx 2000 people.

Concept : - To maximize resident’s exposure towards green area by giving a zig-zag form. - Dividing major open spaces into 4 parts to give hierarchy of green spaces as well as to differentiate noisy and quieter area.

- Double heighted cantilevered library at the edge of every tower for students. - Providing 270° view of outside from library.

- Huge round arches on facade to give a comfortable aesthetic look to the building. - Also captures lot of sunlight in the core and lobby area. - Huge doule heighted lobby spaces at every floor to give a sense of freedom and openess. - Big arched indoor playing area after eery few floors.


Dalal Tiles Catalogue

Project was to visualize and design the catalogue for the wall tiles providede by Dalal Tiles. The application of their products in rea life were to be shown with realistic environment.



NFT project : WHO AM I? Thoughfully curated, 100% looped animations which are expressing the moments of self-awareness and contemplation. Provoking the question “ who am i ? “. Humans have the tendency to evolve, to continously change, to adapt, this collection is all about that, Detailed explanation is on

KATANA A Cinematic product animation of katana sword.


Symphony A visual demonstration of orchestra music interacting with fluid voronoi patterns. A representation of art and music in harmony.

Parametric Relic


Structure modeled on grasshopper and rendered in blender. Model is made in the process of learning grasshopper.

I tried modeling gas clouds called nebula in blender.


DEATH BED he is old, his eyes are closed, he is loosing the touch, we are loosing him, doors are closed, we are left behind, yelling, and he is FLYING.

Back to Universe

Can i play outside ?


Human body returning back to nature.

During COVID pandemic. We could not stand those four walls, Our Inner child became desperate to go out and play

A sum of changes in our environment in past few centuries.

Realization A thought provoking visual. Sometimes valuable things are hidden in plain sight, in details, we are just ignorant to them until they are lost.

Fallen Angel Sacrifices we do for the sake of our inner peace.

+91 8851666437 @vinayak._.verma

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