[DIAMOND Edition]
How To Make $8,750 Monthly Online Or More! Brought to you by
@Copy Right 2013
Disclaimer Please remember that each individual‟s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.
This digital guide will help you with your online business, but whether you succeed online or not totally depends on you.
Copyright Notice © This digital guide is for your personal use only. You can‟t edit, resell or share the guide with someone else.
@Copy Right 2013
Introduction This guide was created for the sole purpose to take beginners and intermediate internet marketers by the hand and show them how to make a considerable amount of income online‌ over $8750 monthly or more.
If you read it carefully and implement the methods correctly then you should be able to make money online without any problem whatsoever.
@Copy Right 2013
Part 1 - Preparation Affiliate Program There are plenty of affiliate programs to choose from. The problem is how to find a good one.
Lots of people including myself, promote clickbank products. Clickbank is good, I vouch for them, but there are affiliate programs out there that are better than clickbank mainly because they pay instantly. Iâ€&#x;m talking about products that use fast action profits. This is a program that product sellers use to sell their products & manage an affiliate program. The affiliate program is not your ordinary affiliate program. If you promote a clickbank product for example, you canâ€&#x;t get a higher commission rate than 75%.
With FAP you can get up to 100% commission rate. When promoting an FAP product you will be paid instantly By Bank Wire or Directly to your account linked with it!
If you promote a $25 product with 100% commission, you will earn $25 immediately when you generate a sale. Empower Network Product use FAP. First you have join into Empower Network and you will be an affiliate programmer. You can check it now here on Empower Network.
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TIP: To determine whether a product has a good conversion rate or not: 1) If you‟re using Empower Network, the rating of the product will be higher. The higher it is the better.
2) Go to the salespage yourself & make sure that it has a good design with no spelling mistakes & errors (like pictures that aren‟t showing up). 3) See if the salespage has eye-catching headlines, proof of income (if it‟s an internet marketing product), photos of the sellers & of the testimonials, signature/s, support link, a discount, & bullet points to show buyers the benefits. These things help to increase conversion rates.
4) Read the entire salespage to see if it makes any sense & if it sounds like a good reasonable offer.
Calculation This is important so read it carefully.
In marketing, you must always calculate things in a negative way, not in a positive way.
What do you mean & why? Let‟s say that you‟re going to promote a $25 product & you‟ll earn $25 per sale.
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A salespage that sells a $25 product could easily have 5%-10% conversion rate. But don‟t calculate how much you‟re going to make if the product converts 5%-10%. Calculate how much you‟re going to make if it converts less, like let‟s say… 3%. The reason behind this is simple. It‟s simply much better to expect a smaller amount of money & make it or more, than to expect a bigger amount of money & make less. So, onto the calculation… Let‟s say that you earn $25 from a product that converts at 3%. This means that you will make approximately $75 for every unique 100 visitors that you send. So to make over $8,750 monthly, you‟ll need to generate approximately 350 unique visitors daily and with the traffic techniques that you‟ll discover in this guide, sending 350 uniques daily to a product is relatively easy.
Remember that this will happen if things go really bad. You will probably make over $8,750 monthly with much less traffic! If you find a $25 product that has 10% conversion rate, you‟ll earn $2,500 just by sending 100 unique visitors daily. Anyway, no matter how it goes, you will earn money for sure if you read this guide carefully & concentrate on the tasks at hand.
@Copy Right 2013
Domain After you choose a product to promote you‟ll have to buy a domain. I recommend a .com domain. You can get one for about $9. If you can‟t afford that, then get a .info domain for $1 or so. I highly recommend a .com domain though… it looks much better than a .info domain.
Anyway, the domain name that you buy must be related to the niche of the affiliate program you‟re promoting. If you promote a product which is about “internet marketing”, then buy a domain name related to “internet marketing”.
You can buy a domain name from GoDaddy. They have a good reputation and their prices are good. You should be able to get a discount if you use this link:
After you buy it you must forward the domain to your affiliate link, which you can find in your affiliate account. If you don‟t know how to do this, just search for it in the help section of the website that you buy the domain from. It‟s pretty easy. Here‟s Godaddy‟s explanation:
@Copy Right 2013
Why Forward it Instead Of Creating My Own Website? Creating your own website and promoting affiliate products on it has its benefits but it also has its disadvantages.
Generating traffic to your own blog or website can be easier since you can get traffic directly from search engines etc‌ but making money with it will be harder since a lot of visitors will visit your website, and leave it without clicking on your affiliate links.
In other words you will lose plenty of traffic. Whether you set up a website or drive traffic directly to your forwarded link is your call. But if you want to make money ASAP, then forwarding your affiliate link to the affiliate product is the way to go.
@Copy Right 2013
Part 2 – FREE Traffic Generation Forum Marketing Lots of people underestimate this technique. It‟s a pity because it‟s very simple, takes little time, and yes, it does get you traffic if you do it right.
Most forums allow signatures, and several of them allow you to place anchored links in it.
Like this:
So what you have to do here is very simple. Just search for forums in your niche, register, and set up your signature. You can find plenty of forums by searching on and on google, just type in “„your niche‟ forum”.
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Now for the tricky part, which is getting people to click on your url.
Posting On Other People’s Threads Search for threads that attract attention, and post in them. Normally threads that get lots of views are those that are controversial, those that reveal something, and those that create curiosity or fear.
Try to post immediately after you spot a good thread so that your post will be the first or the second to get more signature exposure.
Starting Your Own Threads Starting your own thread is always better than posting on other threads since viewers will see your signature first. Start good threads that attract people and youâ€&#x;ll get traffic no problem.
@Copy Right 2013
SUPER Article Marketing Several people barely get any traffic from article marketing. Why? Because they‟re doing it wrong. Several “internet marketers” teach it wrong, so I don‟t really blame beginners for doing it wrong. Your main focus in this type of marketing should be to get as much traffic as possible from each article that you write, because let‟s face it, writing articles is boring (for many), and it‟s much better to get 100s of uniques daily from just a few articles instead of many. Let‟s start with the process.
Start with EzineArticles… First you have create the article. Remember you don‟t have to create it yourself… you can hire someone to do it for you. I always submit my articles on first. I do this because EZA is very picky, and they won‟t accept the article if they see that it has already been submitted somewhere else. The article doesn‟t have to be long at all, a 300-400 word article will do just fine. Before you start writing it, you‟ll need to find a keyword related to your niche. So, head over to google‟s keyword tool and type in a „main keyword‟. Example: internet marketing.
@Copy Right 2013
Always make sure that you choose „exact match‟! The other ones won‟t display the correct number of searches that a keyword gets. Not even the exact match will give you the exact number, but it‟ll be pretty close. Search for a keyword that gets 300-1000 monthly searches.
If you get on the 1st place of google for a keyword that gets 500 searches monthly, then you‟ll get approximately 300 uniques monthly to your article. With a good click through rate (I‟ll show you how to get it soon enough), you will get about 150 uniques monthly to your affiliate link, and that will normally result in a couple of sales (depends on the product) So that‟s already a couple of sales every month from google alone!
Remember that you will probably get more traffic from EZA itself, and some other sources. I said 300-1000 because keywords that get more than 1000 searches monthly will usually be too difficult to dominate with an article on And besides, we will be getting traffic from other sources as well, so we don‟t need to focus all of our energy on EZA and SEO.
@Copy Right 2013
How to ensure Google domination… Choose the keyword first and type it on Google.
Take a look at the first 3 websites and check their Page rank from here: If their PR is 0 or 1, then go for it, because it‟ll be very easy to land your article on the top spot. If they have PR2-4, then you could still do it *. If they have a PR of 5 and above, then I say forget it. You can still get there but it‟s not worth it, because it‟ll take plenty of time. * Now if the top websites have PR2-4, you can still outrank them, but you‟re going to have to do a little more work.
Download the SEO Quake Add-on (FREE) for firefox. Firefox is an internet browser just like internet explorer but its better for Internet Marketers. Install the add-on, and type in your keyword again on google. Click on the website that‟s on the first place. Go to „tools‟, „SEOQuake‟, and click on page info. There you will see plenty of interesting stats… But what you really need to be looking at is the PR. Haven‟t we done that already? No… earlier on we checked the PR of the website, NOT the PR of the webpage that‟s sitting on the first place. In case you didn‟t know, google doesn‟t give a page rank to the website alone, it also gives PR to its inner pages (example: can have a different PR than If the PR of that webpage is 0-2, then go for it… even if the website has a PR of 2-4.You can still give it a try if the website has PR5, and the webpage has PR0. But you‟ll probably be much better off if you search for another keyword.
@Copy Right 2013
Remember that EZA has a PR of 6. That‟ll help you a lot in rankings. Now it‟s time for us to write the article. This part also plays a very important role in rankings…
When you write your article, make sure that you include the keyword in every place of the article (title, description, tags etc…) and make sure that the article has a good keyword density. You can check keyword density with software such as dupefree (there‟s a free version).
Keyword density calculates how many times you used your keyword throughout the article. And contrary to what many people think, keyword density is quite important. You have to list your keyword in your article to show Google that the article is related to that keyword.
A very important ranking tip… Not many people know this little trick. Ever see an article or a blog post that outranks another one, when this article has less PR, less backlinks, and less keyword density than the other? I bet you did see it… but you probably don‟t mind it since you don‟t understand it. You see… google revolves around relevancy. That‟s why they‟re so successful in the first place. They want to give their users the stuff that they want to find, the stuff that is the most relevant to their search phrases.
Lots of backlinks to an article shows Google that the article is probably good since it‟s being shared on several places.
A repeated keyword in the article (keyword density) will show Google that the article talks about that keyword, therefore, it‟ll be relevant to return that article in the search results for that keyword.
@Copy Right 2013
Keyword in the title, description, and other places, will show Google even more that the article is related to that keyword.
You probably already knew that stuff, but not a whole lot of people know this stuff that I‟m going to share right now… Google is not stupid, and they know that IMers can take advantage the system by adding backlinks, writing the article with good keyword density and stuff like that. And guess what? Google doesn‟t like that! They don‟t want to have their search results manipulated by IMers for their own financial gain. They want everything to look natural. Now how can they do that? How can they stop IMers from manipulating their search results? Well the truth is, they can‟t, and they know they can‟t. Any kind of system can be manipulated, because in the end, the human mind is superior. The only way for Google to stop people from manipulating its search results would be to hire people to check the system manually, and needless to say, that can‟t happen since the amount of keywords is infinite! So, to cut things short, they continued to work on the keyword „relevancy‟ system. And… they started putting more faith in content that also has keywords related to the keyword inside it. Don‟t understand? Let‟s say that you type in „make money online‟ in google‟s keyword tool to find a suitable keyword with little competition. You choose: „make money online selling‟ Now most people will start writing the article right now, and add that keyword in the article. But that keyword alone is not enough to give the article all the power needed to rank for that keyword. You can give it a lot more power by adding related keywords…
@Copy Right 2013
Related keywords to the keyword „make money online selling‟
Never mind the data for those related keyword. Just add some of them in the article along with the main keyword (in this case „make money online selling‟).
Google clearly did this to stop people from dominating their search results with articles with good keyword density after several people started abusing their system.
@Copy Right 2013
A naturally written article will usually have related keywords along with a particular keyword. But an article written by the average IMer will usually have good keyword density… and little to no related keywords at all. See what I mean? Make it look natural… just write a decent article, with decent keyword density, with some related keywords in it. Trust me when I say that you‟ll have a much better chance to dominate google if you follow these guidelines. I‟ve seen PR0 blogs that dominate google for a moderate-competition keyword with a PR0 Webpage! Yes… they manage to beat high PR1, PR2 and even PR3 blogs using these techniques!
@Copy Right 2013
Backlinking. My way. After the article goes live, it‟ll be wise for you to backlink the article, even if the article hits the first page after it goes live. You don‟t have to add a lot of backlinks though, since EZA is already a very powerful directory.
I recommend that you add at least 10 dofollow backlinks (PR1+, the higher the better). It shouldn‟t take you more than 30 minutes.
But, again, the webpage that you submit your article to has to be PR1+ not the website. You see… a lot of people think that social bookmarking is the most effective, when in fact, social bookmarking is barely effective.
I have to admit that I laugh when I see people asking for social bookmarking sites with high page rank so that they can get a High PR backlink… Just because you submit your site to a High PR website, that doesn‟t mean that you‟re going to get a high PR backlink.
A site like may have a PR of 8, but you will NOT get a PR8 backlink by bookmarking your site on dig. It‟s the website (front page) that has PR8 not the inner pages (example: your bookmarks). The inner pages will usually be PR0….
A very powerful backlink would be from a webpage that has high PR. And there‟s a very easy way to get these backlinks… blogs.
@Copy Right 2013
Type-in a moderately competitive keyword (in your niche) on google and search for blog posts that have at least PR1. The more the merrier.
Download the nodofollow add-on for firefox, and enable it. With this tool, no follow links will be marked with red, while dofollow links will be marked with light blue. Check out the comments and if they‟re dofollow, leave a comment with a backlink to the article (Not in the comment, in the website field). Oh, and make sure that your comment has some value so that the owner of the blog doesn‟t delete it.
Even if the article doesn’t dominate Google Don‟t worry too much about it, because I‟ll soon show you how to get more traffic from other sources.
@Copy Right 2013
Better click through rates It‟s pretty useless to get traffic to an article if you can‟t get a large amount of that traffic to your affiliate link. Therefore… high click through rate is very important It‟s very easy to get a high click through rate. All you have to do is hype it up a little… hype always works.
When I take a look at articles on EZA, I notice that most of them have bad text in their resource box. Sites like ezinearticles do not allow you to promote stuff in the article. They‟ll let you do that in the resource box.
Bad text in the resource box would be:
John doe is the CEO of if you want to find more help, you can go to that website for advice
Good text:
<your link> will teach you exactly how to make money online on autopilot! The second one will have a much better click through rate than the 1st one.
@Copy Right 2013
Now for the REAL Promotion ;) Submitting the article only to Ezinearticles is just plain stupid. Why limit yourself to EZA? The internet has no limitsâ&#x20AC;Ś There are 100s of 1000s of article directories and other places where you can submit your articles. Now Iâ&#x20AC;&#x;m not going to tell you to hunt for every place out there that allows you to submit your article. That would take a lot of time.
What I want you to do is submit the article where I tell you to, and do it like I do it, so that you can get as much traffic as possible from that article.
You can start by submitting your article to other directories:
If some of these directories do not accept your article, then all you have to do is re-write it a little and re-submit it.
Remember, more exposure = more traffic.
You should know that I do not really focus on article directories to make money from articles. I focus mostly on document directories.
@Copy Right 2013
Document directories are awesome!
And the best one IMO is
Now before you upload your article on a document site, you must tweak it a little to get a good click through rate.
These document directories allow you to place links anywhere you want in your text.
So, the obvious place to place your affiliate link would be at the top of the article.
Like this: Click here to find out the secrets to make money online! The article…
That way you should get a good click through rate. You can also place it at the bottom and throughout the article to increase your CTR even more. Here‟s how to upload an article on scribd: Click on upload, select your article and upload it on scribd. Then you‟ll get a window like this:
@Copy Right 2013
Now to get lots of traffic from scribd, make sure that you write a long and descriptive title and description. Choose the correct category, and add as many tags as you can. Better yet, open up Google‟s keyword tool again, and type in the keyword that you used for your article.
You will get plenty of related keywords, which you can add as tags. Scribd should be enough to get you a couple of sales every month from one article. But don‟t just stop with scribd, submit your newly created document to these places as well:
Slides Now it‟s time to submit your article to slide websites, starting with Slideshare‟s purpose is to allow people to share PowerPoint presentations. You could easily turn your article into a presentation file. Just open up PowerPoint and paste your article in it. Save it and upload it to slideshare.
Again, place your link at the top to ensure maximum exposure.
After you upload it on slideshare, upload it on the following sites as well:
@Copy Right 2013
RSS Feed traffic Grab your feeds from the directories that you submitted your articles to, and submit them to RSS feed directories. You can get the feed by clicking on an icon that looks like this:
Now the icon may be different on some websites, but the sign inside it will always be the same.
Submit your feeds to
@Copy Right 2013
Answer Websites (yahoo answers) Perhaps you have already heard of yahoo answers. It‟s a website where people ask questions & answer other people‟s questions
Getting traffic from yahoo answers is incredibly simple. Just go to the site, create an account and search for questions in your niche. For example, if you‟re promoting a weight loss product, type in weight loss, fat loss, lose weight etc… As you can see here I found plenty of questions about losing weight from the term „lose weight‟. (That‟s just from 1 page).
@Copy Right 2013
Just click on them, read the question that the person is asking, provide a good & helpful answer along with your url. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x;s that simple.
Here are 2 other similar websites that you can use:
@Copy Right 2013
Social Networking Traffic You can get a lot of traffic from social networking sites. Let‟s start with:
Facebook Facebook is a traffic powerhouse. They get as much traffic as google does. Maybe a little less, but they still get a lot. Set up a simple profile with them. If you don‟t want to use your real name, use a pen name. Add your website in “your website” on your profile. You can also add it in your biography.
Then start adding friends, better yet, try to add friends that could be interested in the affiliate product you‟re promoting.
How to do this? Simple…
Go to facebook, type in your niche, example make money online, and click on groups:
@Copy Right 2013
As you can see there are plenty of groups with plenty of members. The members of those groups are all interested in making money online. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x;re promoting an internet marketing/make money online product then you should go to them and add the members as friends.
@Copy Right 2013
You can also use other related phrases to find more groups & people. In this case you can use “internet marketing” “affiliate marketing” etc…
Once you add a lot of friends (at least 1000), create your own group. The purpose of the group is to promote the affiliate product, but don‟t make it look obvious, otherwise people will NOT join. If you‟re promoting an internet marketing product, don‟t name the group internet marketing or making money online. Give it a cool name like, “I need more MONEY!”, “I Wish It Was EASY To Make Money”.
A lot of people will join a group like that. Add your url in the info section, links & on the wall.
Then all you have to do is invite your friends to join the group. Some will join, and their friends will see that they have joined your group, so some of them will join as well. So on and so forth. It‟s very easy to get members to a group. Some of them will click the url, and that‟s how you‟ll get traffic from this. You can easily get 5-50 clicks daily with a group of 10,000 members or more. Because remember, new people will keep finding & joining the group every day.
@Copy Right 2013
Twitter Twitter has grown dramatically in the last few years. It has an enormous user database and it gets millions of visitors daily. There‟s a big debate when it comes to twitter marketing. Some say it‟s very effective while others say the complete opposite.
The truth?
It is effective, but not as effective as some people say.
You see when twitter started growing, lots and lots of marketers started to use it for marketing purposes, and twitter became sort of like a marketing network.
Lots of people follow other ones to get more followers themselves not because their interested in you (since they‟re marketers too. There are loads of marketers on twitter).
BUT This doesn‟t mean that you should overlook twitter. You can still get good traffic from it to your website, and you can use it in other ways as well (we‟ll talk about that soon enough).
First thing you have to do is create a twitter account.
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Just enter the details:
And confirm your account. I recommend creating a username related to your niche.
@Copy Right 2013
Once you confirm it click on settings and go to profile:
And add the details.
I recommend adding a keyword in the name field instead of your name, this way your account will show up when people search for that keyword. Add your website in “web”, upload a picture to make the account look better, and write down a short “Bio”.
@Copy Right 2013
How To Get followers A twitter account is useless without followers.
The easiest way to get lots of followers is to follow people yourself. When you follow someone there‟s a good chance that the same person will follow you back. Also, people will see your account when they browse the followers of someone that you‟re following. So they may follow you as well. Don‟t just follow people randomly though. Follow the people that have the most followers in your niche.
You can do this simply by using twellow:
@Copy Right 2013
As you can see here, I typed in “weight loss”. Twellow will give you relevant users in descending form, sorted by followers. So if you‟re in the weight loss niche, just type in “weight loss” like I did & start following the user accounts that show up, starting from the ones with most followers. Follow lots of people but don‟t go overboard, otherwise you‟ll risk getting banned. Twitter has rules about following people so I recommend that you check them out before starting with this.
You will start to get followers soon after you start following people.
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Your followers will never stop growing, but the rate may slow down. So always make sure you follow a couple of people from time to time to get more followers.
Making Money With Twitter Since thereâ&#x20AC;&#x;s your link in your profile you should make a sale from time to time since some followers will click on the link. Make sure that you also tweet your link from time to time to get traffic.
more followers = more money
@Copy Right 2013
You won‟t make a whole lot of money if you have a couple of 100 followers. You need 1000s, better yet, 10s of 1000s. IMP: Twitter is NOT ideal as a primary source of income. I‟ve never heard of anyone who makes a living from twitter. But there are plenty of people who make some good extra cash by using it.
Anyway, the best way to make money with twitter if you ask me is not to promote affiliate products, but to charge money for tweets. It‟s pretty easy to do this… all you have to do is create accounts with sponsoredtweets &
Sign up as a publisher & wait for offers.
The process here is simple. You receive advertising requests, you accept & tweet the website… then you get paid.
You could easily make some extra cash this way. If you have a considerable amount of followers then you might get 2 figures or even 3 figures per tweet!
@Copy Right 2013
Video Traffic I believe most people skip video marketing because of one problem, creating the video. Creating a promotional video is much easier than you think. You can easily create it yourself with windows movie maker, or camtasia. TIP: You can also hire someone to do it for you. It‟s much cheaper than you think. I‟ve seen plenty of people who charge $10-$27 for a professional promotional video. You can find video creators from here: Anyway, if you really are short on cash, and you don‟t want to spend any money on video creation, then you‟re best choice is to make the video yourself with the free program “windows movie maker”. It‟s pretty simple to create one, the only disadvantage is that the video will not look that professional, but don‟t worry because it‟s enough to get the job done Alright let‟s get started…
First go to and create an account.
Find a bunch of pictures related to your niche.
Open up windows movie maker and drag the pictures in it.
Then just drag them into the boxes like this:
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Keep on dragging more pictures and add some music to make the video more enjoyable.
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To add the music, just click on “show timeline” as shown in the screenshot above and bottom part will change to the one shown below. Just drag the audio file and drop it in the “audio/music” section to add the music.
Now click on the “Edit Movie” from the taskbar on the left and click on “Make titles or credits”
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Choose where you want to put your credits.
You must put text on every picture to keep the viewer interested so you must choose “on the selected clip”
Type in the text that you want to show.
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Keep adding pictures & text, and in the end, write down your url. The purpose of the video here should be to pre-sell the product you‟re promoting. If you‟re promoting an internet marketing product, you could start by asking the viewer if he would like to make money online. Then you would introduce a solution, and explain it. In the end you‟ll show your url. To save the video just go to “file” and select “save movie file”. Then just keep on clicking next until the video is created. DON‟T FORGET TO WATCH THE VIDEO YOURSELF BEFORE YOU UPLOAD IT ON YOUTUBE.
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Uploading the Video Click on upload and choose “Upload Video File”
Choose the movie that you wish to upload and click on upload video
Youtube will start to upload the video on its system In the meantime you can set up the title, description and tags. It‟s very important that you put up a good long title.
Bad Title: Make Money
Average Title: How to Make Money
Better Title: Discover How To Make Money Online With Ease. @Copy Right 2013
BEST TITLE: Make $3,495 monthly With ease by promoting products!
DESCRIPTION Put up a detailed description with all your keywords in it. Make sure that it‟s longer than the title.
TAGS Create as many tags as possible. Youtube has a limit for tags. Keep creating different tags that will bring in traffic until you reach the limit. If for example you‟re uploading an internet marketing video, then the ideal keywords would be: Internet marketing, make money online, affiliate marketing, marketing, work from home, work at home, make easy money online etc… etc…
VERY IMPORTANT: After the video is uploaded, make sure that you choose a good THUMBNAIL!
Remember, the first things that a user will see are the title & the thumbnail.
Anyway, a lot of people that watch the video will visit your link if you do everything correctly.
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NOTE: Youtube is definitely the best video sharing site but you can always use this technique with other video sites to get more traffic. You can join so that you can upload your videos on several video sharing sites ;)
Some other video sharing sites are:
@Copy Right 2013
Little-Known Traffic Technique #1 - Picture Watermarking One of the “little known” ways to generate is picture watermarking, and yes, this works for every niche.
The process is simple. You watermark pictures with your url, and share them. This technique is far more powerful than you think!
Pictures get shared & viewed much more than videos or documents do. And they can easily go viral.
If you upload your watermarked picture to the right places, you will get viewers for sure. And some of those viewers will check out your url. I‟m going to lay out a simple process for you to follow. If you do this correctly, you should see a good traffic increase.
NOTE: You can get a lot of traffic easily with this method. But you should know that the traffic you get from them will not be as targeted as the traffic you get from article marketing, or PPC. Anyway, it‟s still good, and considering that the amount of work required for this is really slim, it would be a shame to skip it.
@Copy Right 2013
Pictures #1 – Finding Them The first part of the process involves finding pictures in your niche. If your niche is “make money online/internet” for example, then most pictures with money and/or computers should do well.
TIP: This traffic tactic will work even better if some of the pictures that you choose are funny in some way, and the reason behind this is simple. Funny pictures will get much more viewers than ordinary pictures. Now a lot of pictures are copyrighted, and although it‟s not likely… you could get into legal trouble if you watermark copyrighted pictures with your own url.
Therefore, using public domain pictures is highly recommended!
You can find plenty of free pictures here:
Find 25, and download them on your computer.
You can also buy them. There are plenty of websites who sell pictures for cheap.
@Copy Right 2013
#2 Watermarking Watermarking the pictures with your url is very easy. You can do it with “paint”.
Just open up the pictures with paint, create textboxes and write the url in them. It‟s that simple… Here‟s an example:
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#3 Getting Traffic From Them Now getting traffic from pictures is easy. As I said earlier, they get shared much more than videos, articles & documents. There‟s a good chance that they will get picked up by bloggers too.
Naturally everyone will experience different results with this. Some will get boatloads of traffic while some others will not, but if you follow the process that I‟m going to show you, then your pictures should get plenty of exposure. First thing you have to do is change the name of your pictures. Don‟t give them a number as a name, give them a keyword, like “internet marketing”, “making money” etc… etc..
When you submit pictures somewhere they will get indexed by google, and they will show up on google images. If you have a picture named “making money”, then that picture will show up when someone types in “making money” in google image search.
First thing you have to do is upload your pictures on:
After you do that, bookmark all of your pictures with these normal social bookmarking websites:
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IMP: 1) As always, the most important thing here is to set up an eye catching title. Set it right, and you‟ll get plenty of viewers. 2) Lots of people think that social bookmarking is pretty much useless. I don‟t agree, especially when it comes to bookmarking pictures. On these types of websites, specifically digg & reddit, people view & download lots & lots of pictures daily! So by now you‟ve uploaded 25 pictures on & bookmarked them all. That‟s good & I‟m sure that you‟ll get some good exposure already just by doing this.
The next step is to bookmark them with picture bookmarking websites, like:
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Post your pictures in any website that accepts them. If you have accounts with social networking websites such as, then you should upload the pictures on them too.
The more exposure they get the better.
NOTE: In time the traffic will grow. You may not get a lot of traffic with this method at first. But in time, itâ&#x20AC;&#x;ll always increase.
@Copy Right 2013
Little-Known Traffic Technique #2 - Viral Reports This is another “little known” traffic tactic that you can use to get lots & lots of traffic. I like to call it “viral reports”. Now some people know this and use this traffic tactic, but NOT a whole lot of them use it properly.
Report The first step here is to get a short report in your niche, related to the product you‟re promoting. You can create it yourself, or hire someone to do it for you from elance or the warriorforum. If you‟re going to promote a product that teaches people how to make $10,000 monthly with affiliate marketing, then make the report all about making money with affiliate marketing. It doesn‟t have to be long at all, in fact, a short report of 5-10 pages should do just fine. When the report is created, write down the link in the footer, and in the conclusion. This way, over 50% of the people who read the report will visit your link. Actually almost everyone visits the link because they‟ll get a little curious.
So if 100 people in a day read this little report of yours, you should get 50+ uniques to your link.
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TIP: Make sure that you give your report a very eye-catching title (This is very important). A name like “make money with affiliate\ marketing” won‟t do. Something like “Little Known SECRETS to affiliate marketing success” or something like that will do much better. Of course the content must be related to the title otherwise people will get angry.
Also, write down that the report has Free Giveaway Rights, which means that people can share it with each other as long as they do NOT edit it. When you‟re done convert your report to a .pdf file. You can easily do this for free from here:
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Sharing #1 Now to get traffic from the report you need to share it. First thing that you should do is go to document websites like the ones I showed you earlier and upload it on them. I‟m talking about these sites: After you upload the report on them you‟ll get instant exposure and some people will even download the report. That‟s always good because who knows, they might share it with other people, or other people in their family may see it. A lot of stuff could happen, that‟s why you need to get as much people to download it as possible.
#2 The second thing that you have to do is share it on forums. Now this will depend on the niche. If you‟re working in the IM niche then it‟s easy. Post it on the Freebie Section of digital point. It‟s in the Buy, Sell or Trade section.
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Then here: If you‟re not working in the IM niche then you could search for big\ forums in your niche from Check out the forums you find and see if you‟re allowed to post your report somewhere.
NOTE: Always make some posts before posting the report on any forum.
#3 The next step is to upload it on file hosting websites & torrent websites. Again, this technique is highly underestimated. These types of websites are not just for videos, mp3s and stuff like that, they‟re for everything, and yes, people will download your ebook from these websites.
First thing you have to do is upload it on
After you upload it, copy the download link, and go to
Create an account, go to groups, and click on e-books…
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You will find yourself here:
Now all you have to do is find good groups related to your e-book, and post your rapidshare link in it.
You could also create a group yourself.
Next thing you have to do is make it a torrent. There are plenty of guides on how to do this so I won‟t go through it. Jus type “how to create a torrent” on google and you‟ll find plenty of helpful stuff.
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Once it‟s ready, go ahead and upload it on as many torrent websites as you can.
Some big torrent websites:
Just make sure you upload it in the correct category, and give it a good title.
#4 This is not free, and although it‟s optional, it‟s highly recommended. There‟s this website that requires you to pay a fee to get your e-book listed with them.
Why would you do that?
Because they have a huge database of readers.
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Your e-book will get viewed and downloaded a lot, if it‟s good. The website that I‟m talking about is none other than this one:
The fee is really cheap, so even if something goes wrong & only a little fraction of their user database read your e-book, you will probably still get your money back from affiliate sales.
Simple Calculation 1000 people download the report. (pretty easy if you do it right) From that you‟ll make a couple of sales.
Then people will share it. You‟re e-book will keep getting shared by readers & downloaded from the places you uploaded it by new people forever. It has a viral effect, that‟s why it‟s so powerful. Don‟t forget we‟re talking only about 1 ebook here. Imagine if you repeat this process with 5-10 other e-books. Just imagine the power of that.
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Part 3 - Why They Fail & Why You Won’t! There are lots of reasons why people fail. Here‟s one of the biggest reasons:
Giving up too soon You can make money today, or you can make money a week from now.
It depends on a lot of things, but what matters mostly is you.
Do you really want to make good money online? You do, otherwise you wouldn‟t have bought this e-book. My recommendation to you is this…
Relax, and take your mind off things. Set a plan, and keep following it until you succeed. If you really want to succeed, then one way or another, you will. In my eyes the internet is a goldmine that gives you the opportunity to start your own successful business. Everyone can do it, and you don‟t need a whole lot of money to start, that‟s why it‟s a diamond edition. If you know anything about “brick and mortar” business then you know that you have little to no chance at all to establish a solid profitable business without investing considerable amounts of money. Not to mention all the hassle that it brings.
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It‟s much better to make money from the comfort of your home don‟t you think? If you‟re new to this, then read this guide again so that you‟ll have a better understanding of how affiliate marketing works. Then all you have to do is go for it! If you‟re dedicated enough then you can make money even today. Some of the traffic methods revealed, such as the video marketing technique can bring traffic very quickly. Truth is… everyone can be successful online, and there‟s really nothing to stop you from reaching your goals.
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Conclusion I really hope that you put this information to good use. Know that you wonâ&#x20AC;&#x;t get anywhere unless you do something. The most important thing in affiliate marketing is traffic generation, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x;s why I emphasized mostly on it.
Study the traffic techniques that I shared with you, implement them correctly, and you should get plenty of traffic and make plenty of cash.
@Copy Right 2013