Magento OpenERP Bridge Installation on magento extract the file you received you will get two folder (one for magento and other for openerp ) Inside magento folder there is two module base_mod : this is main module , generally this module will contain two folder app and skin , simple copy all folder/file of this folder into main magento directory
Inventory : this is for inventory , simply copy all file and folder of this folder into main magento directory Bingo no need to do anything else , your module is installed and ready to use.
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Configuration at magento end :
Before starting sync procedure, you need to configure the module for configuration Step one : login to your magento backend . go to menu setting-‐>configuration Fill up your openerp host url /port/database/username /password into that
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Installation /Configuration at OpenERP end Inside openerp folder :
there is two module like magento simply copy the module on addon path and then update the module list by "setting->update module list" then go to “setting->Installed Modules” Search for keyword ‘magento’ (please don’t forget to remove “installed ” filter on search field ), you will see two modules on openerp with “install” button , Click on that and install it
Now you can see a new menu with name “Magento Bridge” , click there
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Next first step is to configure magneto connection: go to “magento Bridge->Configuration->magento connection ” Click on create
Base Url : Magneto url API UserName : Magento soap Api username API password : password of that user Active : enable/disable
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How to create Magento soap user Go to Magento admin , “System->Web service->Soap xml rpc user”
Similarly create role for that user with all privileged
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Now your opener and magento is ready for sync
Product synchronization : Simply go to magento admin backend . cateloge->manage product
You will see screen similar to this , click on top right button “Product synchronization ” and bingo go to the openerp you will see similar products on openerp
Same with Category synchronization & customer synchronization
Before doing order synchronization: we will strongly suggest you to do “payment method mapping ” and “tax mapping”
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Tax mapping : Go to ‘openerp mapping’->tax An screen similar to this , click on the button at top right named ‘Manual Tax mapping’
After clicking you will get following screen where you can choose one tax from magento and corresponding tax from openerp , this is useful when you already configured your all taxes in openerp and magento , you just want to link them
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Choose the right tax and click on map , so this is very much useful if your openerp already have all the taxes of magento , but if magento have any extra taxes which is still not on your openerp . you simply need to go to “sales->tax->manage tax rule “ and click on top right button “Sync taxes ”. it will create all the extra taxes of magento on openerp . it will not create already mapped taxes on openerp (mapped in previous steps)
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Mapping of payment method : Go to openerp mapping -> payment method , you will see screen similar to this
Click on top right button “manual payment mapping ”, you will see screen similar to this
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Select one payment method from openerp and one for magento , it will simply link your magento payment method with opener payment method This is very usefull and easy way to manage payment method , especially if you already configured your payment method correctly on openerp
Sync of real time sales order : This module provide real time sync of magento order from magento frontend , Any order ,raised by customer form frontend will be synched to openerp in real time , No need to do any manual operation Flow is like this : Magento front end offer -> openerp sales order (with all the information, customer name . billing address , shipping address , item details , taxes , discount , shipping method , payment method etc) Then any update on status (like shipping, invoicing , payment done) of order at opener end will be updated back to corresponding magento side and similar any changes on state of order at magento end will also be transferred to openerp end
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For synchronization of old sales order Simply go to “sales->order “ grid , select the order you want to sync and select action “sync to opnerp ” then click on “Submit”
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