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Volume VI Issue 2

Fall 2010


The Eastern Ontario Model Forest proudly announces the launch of its new website at We hope you will explore and enjoy all of our new web features and of course our updated content!

Fall colours on the way... :+$7¶6 ,16,'( EOMF Launches New Website Message from Mark Hot Off the Press: µ&KRRVLQJ WKH 5LJKW 7UHH¶ UHSULQW Feature: Forest Fair of Eastern Ontario Program Update: Forest Certification Emerald Ash Borer Press Release & Fact Sheet Excerpts Project Spotlight: Wood Centre & Eco-­Industrial Park: ,QWURGXFLQJ ³(20) (-­1HZV´ Highlights: Recent Event & Meetings :KDW¶V &RPLQJ 8S"


2 2

3 4 5 6 6

:H¶YH LQFRUSRUDWHG PDQ\ OHDGLQJ-­edge programming tools to help us more effectively share news, information and knowledge with our partners and communities²and keep things current.

Enhancements include RSS Newsfeeds that enable users to subscribe to the Latest EOMF and Partner News, interactive and layered satellite maps, a blog for two way discussions, a nifty online document reader, a powerful and easy-­to-­use document search function that can even access select member databases, different types of online forms with secure payment options for event registration, member-­ ship renewal and donations, a versatile and searchable events calendar, a gorgeous photo gallery -­ and much more!

A special "Thank You" to the dynamic duo of Vince and Cindy Murphy, owners and operators of ProbaseWeb, a local Kempvtille firm, for going above and be-­ yond in helping us to implement our vision of an enhanced EOMF website!

EOMF also wishes to thank and acknowledge the Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation for supporting the development of this new website under the Eastern Ontario Development Program funded by the Government of Canada through FedDev Ontario.

If you'd like to provide us with feedback please do so by posting a comment on our new Blog ± found by clicking the News & Media button!

Happy browsing...

EOMF Brown Bag Lunch & Learn #2: ³7KH :KDW¶V :K\¶V RI 566 1HZVIHHGV 2XU 1HZ :HEVLWH´



The Eastern Ontario Model Forest invites our partners and members to join us for lunch on Thursday, September 16 for an informative session that will introduce you to our new website and some of its leading-­edge features ± such as RSS Newsfeeds! &RPH OHDUQ DOO DERXW WKH ¶ZKDW¶V DQG ZK\¶V¶ RI 566 Bring your lunch, sit back and relax as we take you on a tour... W.B. George Centre, Kemptville Campus , U of Guelph 12:15 -­ 1:00 pm, details on page 8

Message  From  Mark Â

Hot  off  the  Press  Choosing  the  Right  Tree  (Reprint) Â

General  Manager,  EOMF Â

Hello  everyone,  I  am  hoping  you  have  had  a  chance  to  enjoy  the  summer.  Fall  is  coming  and  I  suspect  we  will  be  missing  the  warm  weather  in  a  few  short  months  ¹  I  know  I  will.  Â

The  EOMF  recently  coordinated  a  reprint  of  this  popular  publication.   We  were  pleased  to  welcome  several  new  supporters   who  purchased  copies  this  time  around.   The  original  docu-­ ment  was  created  as  a  result  of  a  col-­ laboration  between  the  EOMF,  the  Ferguson  Forest  Centre  and  the  Forest  Gene  Conservation  Association.   All  together,  23  partners  have  participated  in  both  printings.   Thank  you  all  for  your  participation!  Â

Copies  can  be  obtained  from:  x Most  stewardship  councils   x Ferguson  Forest  Centre  x Forest  Gene  Conservation   Association  x Rideau  Valley  Conservation    Authority  x South  Nation  Conservation  x BoisĂŠs  Est  x Tree  Canada  x Trees  Ontario  2 Â

, ZDQW WR IRFXV WKLV *0ÂśV UHSRUW RQ one  of  our  projects  within  2010/11  work  plan.  As  most  of  you  know,  a  considerable  portion  of  our  funding  comes  from  Natural  Resource  Can-­ DGDÂśV )RUHVW &RPPXQLWLHV 3URJUDP their  generous  support  helps  us  deliver  the  kind  of  programming  that  vali-­ dates  our  presence  in  the  settled  land-­ scape.  Our  work  plan  is  developed  in  part  to  ensure  that  we  are  meeting  our  requirements  under  FCP,  but  also  to  blend  in  many  of  the  principles  and  practices  by  which  the  EOMF  has  built  its  reputation  on  for  the  past  18  years.  In  short,  we  work  to  ensure  that  we  balance  our  activities  across  a  vari-­ ety  of  areas  that  are  important  to  our  members,  our  partners,  and  our  fun-­ ders.  Â

Back  in  June,  the  EOMF  helped  facili-­ tate  a  discovery  session  on  forest  con-­ version  where  many  of  our  partners  came  together  to  talk  about   why  some  forests  within  our  region  were  being  converted  to  other  land  uses.  It  was  well  attended  and  we  talked  candidly  about  what  was  been  observed  on  the  landscape.  I  am  looking  forward  to  further  discussion  in  this  area.  Â

The  EOMF  in  partnership  with  OMNR,  and  especially  thanks  to  the  dedicated  effort  of  Erin  Neave,  is  working  to  develop  a  tool  to  help  mu-­ nicipalities  better  evaluate  possible  environmental  impacts  of  proposed  developments  in  significant  wood-­

lands.  While  I  am  betting  you  know  ZKDW D ÂľZRRGODQGÂś LV \RX PD\ QRW EH aware  that  all  municipalities  are  re-­ quired  to  evaluate  the  woodlands  within  their  jurisdiction  and  identify  WKRVH WKDW DUH ÂľPRUHÂś HFRORJLFDOO\ LP portant  according  to  a  suite  of  criteria  such  as  species  composition,  age,  his-­ tory  and  size.  Of  course,  one  could  argue  that  all  woodlands  are  important  but  truth  be  told,  what  is  significant  to  some  may  not  be  significant  to  others;Íž  for  proof  of  this,  take  a  look  at  the  press  headlines  and  sound  bites  asso-­ ciated  with  forests  that  have  been  cleared  for  development  of  agricul-­ ture.   Â

There  are  many  differing  opinions  out  there  and  we  need  to  be  respectful  of  them  all,  but  the  challenge  for  munici-­ palities  comes  when  deciding  how  to  objectively  determine  what  (if  any!)  impacts  a  development  plan  may  have  on  woodlands  that  have  been  deemed  significant.  It  is  a  difficult  task  for  some  municipalities  and  we  hope  that  this  tool  will  provide  a  consistent  and  easy  to  use  methodology  to  determine  potential  impacts  and  provide  recom-­ mendations  for  the  mitigation  on  the  significant  woodlands.  Â

This  is  just  one  project  from  our  2010/2011  work  plan.  For  more  infor-­ mation  on  this  project  and  others  please  go  to  our  new  (and  very  cool!)  website.  It  is  my  hope  to  better  pro-­ vide  you  with  information  on  what  we  do  and  how  we  do  it  through  this  site  and  our  forthcoming  E-­News.  Â


(613)  258-­8424 Â

Join us for the 13th Annual Forest Fair of Eastern Ontario!


Program  Update:   Forest  Certification  FSC  Logs  Dominate  the  2010  Log  &  Lumber  Auction   The  2010  Log  and  Lumber  Auction  set  for  Saturday  September  25th  at  the  Ferguson  Forest  Centre  in  Kemptville  will  have  something  new  to  buyers  this  year.   Forest  Stewardship  Council  certified  logs  will  be  available  for  SXUFKDVH DW WKLV \HDUÂśV DXFWLRQ Â

6FRWW 'DYLV (20)ÂśV )RUHVW &HUWLILFD WLRQ &RRUGLQDWRU QRWHV WKDW Âł RI the  90  or  so  logs  provided  this  year  will  originate  from  forests  that  are  a  SDUW RI WKH (20)ÂśV )RUHVW &HUWLILFD tion  Program.   What  this  means  is  that  the  logs  have  come  from  forests  that  have  been  managed  to  a  set  of  interna-­ tionally-­recognized  standards  that  respect  environmental,  social  and  eco-­ nomic  values  of  the  forest.   Buyers  can  be  assured  they  are  purchasing  UHVSRQVLEO\ PDQDJHG WLPEHU ´ Â

 ³:LWK WKH WHFKQLFDO VXSSRUW RI WKH Eastern  Ontario  Model  Forest,  Murray  Brothers  Lumber  Company  now  man-­ ages  FSC  certified  properties  and  has  achieved  chain  of  custody  for  our  op-­ eration.   These  two  components  are  LPSRUWDQW LQ WRGD\ÂśV FRPSHWLWLYH LQ dustry.   As  a  result  of  our  participation  in  the  Forest  Certification  Program,  we  are  able  to  maintain  existing  cus-­ tomers  and  reach  markets  that  were  not  accessible  to  us  previously.   This  has  been  a  valuable  partnership  for  XV ´ Â


Terry  entered  his  forest  holdings  in  the  Certification  Program  in  March  of  2009.   Since  that  time  Terry  has  har-­ vested  and  sold  over  1  million  board  feet  of  FSC  certified  timber.     4 Â

 The  EOMF  is  pleased  to  announce  that  the  Board  of  Directors  has  ap-­ proved  a  motion  that  automatic  mem-­ bership  in  the  EOMF  be  extended  to  all  current  Eastern  Ontario  Certified  Forest  Owners  (EOCFO)  and  Stor-­ mont-­Dundas  &  Glengarry  Certified  Forest  Owners  (SD&G  CFO).     Â


All  membership  benefits  will  be  ex-­ tended  including  the  eligibility  to  sit  on  Committees  and  the  Board  as  well  as  vote  at  the  AGM.   For  a  summary  of  other  member  benefits  please  visit  our  new  website  at  and  click  the  Participate  >  Become  a  Member  button  for  details.   Â

7KLV \HDUÂśV /RJ DQG /XPEHU $XFWLRQ held  during  the  annual  Forest  Fair  of  Eastern  Ontario  (see  page  3),  will  pro-­ vide  buyers  with  a  wide  range  of  spe-­ cies  including   sugar  maple,  red  and  white  oak,  black  walnut,  cherry,  birch  and  basswood.   Â

Also,  each  group  has  a  web  page  on  the  new  website  that  they  can  modify  and  keep  current.   To  view,  please  visit  our  website  and  click  the  Forest  Certification  Program  button  on  the  home  page,  or  click  thru  Activities  >  Forest  Certification.   There  you  will  also  find  the  Certification  News  sec-­ tion.   Tune  in  here  for  all  the  latest² or  subscribe  to  this  RSS  newsfeed  and  get  updates  delivered  to  your  inbox!   Â





These  logs  will  be  provided  to  our  buyers  by  Terry  Murray  of  Murray  Brothers  Lumber  Company  located  near  Madawaska. Â

EOMF  Welcomes  EOCFO  &  SD&GCFO  as   Members! Â

For  more  information  on  the  Log  and  Lumber  Auction  contact  Scott  Davis.  Article  by  Scott  Davis.   For  more   information  on  the  Forest  Certification  Program,  please  contact  Scott  at   (613)  258-­8422  or Â

$OO QHZ DQG ÂľROGÂś PHPEHUV DOLNH DUH invited  to  attend  our  Brown  Bag  Lunch  &  Learn  session  entitled  The  :KDWÂśV DQG :K\ÂśV RI 566 2XU New  Website.   For  details  see  page  8  or  visit  the  home  page  of  our  new  site  at!    Welcome  Once  Again! Â

Emerald Ash Borer: Press Release & Fact Sheet Excerpts EAB Confirmed in the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville

Here is an excerpt of a press release issued on August 3rd by the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville (UCLG):

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed the presence of the emerald ash borer (EAB) in the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville. The insect was discovered near Mallorytown in late July.

As this insect can spread rapidly with the help of people, the public can help slow its progress by not transporting firewood or other infested ash materi-­ als. Regulatory controls may be put in place by the CFIA to help control its spread after the conclusion of the sur-­ veying season this fall.

The UCLG will be working with local government and the public to form a Task Force to respond to the EAB outbreak in a coordinated fashion.

Additional information about the EAB can be found at:

x x x x or phone CFIA @ 1-­866-­463-­6017 phone the UCLG EAB Hotline @ 1-­800-­770-­2170, ext. 2847 YLVLW 8&/* ³/LPHULFN )RUHVW´ # or phone Geoff McVey, Forest Manager @ 1-­800-­770-­2170, ext. 2847

stems of all species in a range of sizes. Over-­harvesting can severely degrade your woodlot. Thinning efforts should focus on the removal of poor quality stems of all species. However, the reten-­ tion of some poor quality trees is benefi-­ cial to wildlife.

Excerpts from the EAB Fact Sheet for Woodlot Owners General Considerations: x There is no single answer to address the

threat of EAB. x EAB only attacks ash (genus Fraxinus).

x Planting ash trees is not recommended at

this time.

x Do not feel pressured to remove your ash

trees since you may not have emerald ash borer in your woodlot. If you suspect that EAB is in your woodlot, contact the Ca-­ nadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to confirm.

x Natural ash regeneration should be man-­

aged through the retention of the most vigorous ash stems. At the same time, encourage other tree species by providing room to grow and/or planting suitable tree species.

x There is no urgent need to cut healthy ash

trees in your woodlot since the emerald ash borer only damages the wood a few centimetres deep under the bark. Trees will retain their timber value for a period of time after initial attack by emerald ash borer (approx. 3 to5 years). x Ash trees grow on a wide variety of sites

and in association with many other tree species, each with unique management considerations. x If you are considering a harvest, it should

be done as part of a forest management plan and a silvicultural prescription that addresses the long-­term goals for your woodlot. A forest practitioner can help you make decisions that will affect the management of your woodlot. x Get to know your woodlot and look for

signs of decline. x A healthy and diverse forest is the best

defence against any pest. Management Guidelines for Woodlots near a Confirmed Infestation of EAB: x Total

removal of ash trees from your woodlot is not recommended.

x Encourage

diversity in your woodlot. Reducing the ash component in your woodlot and increasing the growth and regeneration of other tree species may reduce the risk of infestation by EAB.

x Regardless of the number of ash trees in

your woodlot, retain healthy, vigorous

x Consult

the CFIA before moving ash wood from the woodlot. Depending on the location of your woodlot, you may require CFIA authorization to move wood.

Additional Considerations if Your Woodlot Becomes Infested With EAB: x Get

confirmation and seek advice from CFIA before you act.

x 'RQ¶W

UXVK LQWR DFWLRQ 5HPHPEHU WKDW ash trees will retain their timber value for a period of time after initial attack by emerald ash borer (approx. 3 to 5 years).

x You may elect to let nature run its course

and allow the woodlot to evolve natu-­ rally.

x You may wish to salvage ash trees if your

woodlot becomes severely infested with EAB. Consider leaving ash that appear to be unaffected by EAB, since it is possible that some ash trees may have a natural resistance to the insect. To view or print a copy of this RFHN fact sheet for woodlot owners visit our website at: and click the RFHN button on the right.


Project  Spotlight:  Ontario  East  Wood  Centre  &  Eco-­Industrial  Park      The  Eastern  Ontario  Model  Forest,  with  the  Township  of  Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal,  continues  to  make  signifi-­ cant  progress  on  their  ambitious  joint  project:  the  Ontario  East  Wood  Centre  &  Eco-­Industrial  Park  (OEWC  &  EIP).  Â

dents  will  undertake  a  project  involv-­ ing  design  and  other  details  of  a  bio-­ refinery.  Dr.  Geoff  Whitfield,  former  Chief  Scientist  for  DuPont  (Canada),  is  a  special  advisor.  Support  from  the  Ottawa  Centre  for  Research  and  Inno-­ vation  also  continues.   Â


The  OEWC  &  EIP  is  envisioned  as  a  thriving  best  practices  centre  of  excel-­ lence  for  processing  wood  fibre  and  biomass  (including  agricultural  bio-­ mass)  that  brings  bio-­technology,  sci-­ ence  and  entrepreneurship  together  in  support  of  the  rural  economy  of  On-­ tario,  sustainable  forests  and  sustain-­ able  communities.    Â

The  Wood  Centre,  with  help  from  4XHHQÂśV 8QLYHUVLW\ )DFXOW\ RI /DZ consulting  service,  has  now  received  its  Canadian  letters  patent  and  is  offi-­ cially  incorporated.   Â

MOUs  are  in  place  with  La  CitĂŠ  collĂŠ-­ giale,  Algonquin,  Loyalist  and  St.  Lawrence  Colleges.  These  institutions  provide  education,  training,  applied  research  and  business  expertise  that  fit  well  with  the  Wood  Centre.   Â

This  past  spring,  two  members  of  the  Wood  Centre  Steering  Committee,  Mayor  Larry  Dishaw  and  Councillor  Hugh  Cameron  travelled  to  China  at  their  own  expense,  distributing  infor-­ mation  about  the  Wood  Centre  and  developing  new  relationships.  Return  visits  from  China  are  anticipated  this  fall.  Â

7KLV IDOO DW 4XHHQÂśV 8QLYHUVLW\ fourth-­year  chemical  engineering  stu-­ 6 Â

marketing  of  a  wide  array  of  inno-­ vative  value-­added  wood  and  bio-­ mass  products,  including  but  not  limited  to:  (i)  solid  wood  building  components,  (ii)  biochemicals  and  (iii)  bioenergy;Íž  Â

3.   assistance  to  the  forest  industry  in  creating  uses  for  underutilized,  lower  value  wood  in  eastern  On-­ tario  and  the  region;Íž  and    4.   participation  in  the  restructuring  of  the  forest  industry  of  the  Great  Lakes-­St.  Lawrence  forest  region  for  the  benefit  of  rural  communi-­ ties  and  in  partnership  with  a  vari-­ ety  of  organizations,  academic  institutions,  individuals  and  agen-­ cies  with  compatible  goals.  Â

In  this  aerial  photo,  courtesy  of  the  Township  of  Edwardsburgh/Cardinal,  the  geographic  advantage  of  the  site  is  clear  ¹  five  minutes  from  the  Seaway,  the  railway,  two  four-­lane  highways  and  a  bridge  to  the  U.S.  As  the  first  major  anchor  for  the  site,  GreenField  Ethanol  is  an  active  partner  at  the  lo-­ cal  level.   Effort  is  underway  to  de-­ velop  an  associated  demonstration  greenhouse  utilizing  the  waste  carbon  dioxide  and  heat  from  GreenField.   Â

The  corporate  objectives  of  the  Wood  Centre  are:  Â

1.  the  encouragement  of  a  forest  and  biomass  based  and  innovation-­ inspired  cluster  of  industrial,  busi-­ ness  and  demonstration  projects  in  an  ecologically  sound  environ-­ ment;Íž Â

Current  Steering  Committee  members  include:  Brian  Barkley  (RPF),  Tony  Bull,  Councillor  Hugh  Cameron,  Mayor  Larry  Dishaw,  Dr.  Peter  Hall,  Sandra  Lawn  (Project  Leader),  Coun-­ cillor  Lawrence  Levere,  Ian  Manson  (economist  at  Northern  Development  Mines  and  Forestry),  Councillor  Frank  Noccey,  Mark  Richardson  (GM  of  the  EOMF),  and  the  CAO  of  Edwards-­ burgh/Cardinal.   Joining  soon  is     Allison  Sprague,  P.Eng  with  his  many  years  of  experience  in  bio-­processing,  pilot  plants  and  more  at  CASCO.   Â

The  Steering  Committee  will  continue  to  direct  the  project  until  the  corporate  board  is  in  place.  The  full  board  of  directors  will  be  announced  early  this  fall.  Â


2.  facilitation  of  a  platform  for  scien-­ tific  collaboration,  business  devel-­ opment,  demonstration,  piloting,  commercialization,  exporting  and Â

For  more  information  on  the  Wood  Centre  project  contact  Sandra  Lawn,  Project  Leader  @  613-­925-­5568  or    visit:  Â

EOMF  E-­News  Â

Highlights:  Recent  Events  &  Meetings Â

Do  we  have  your  email  address?   Since  our  spring  issue  of  Forestry   If  we  do,  please  check  your  inbox  to  Forum,  the  EOMF  has  participated  in  view  our  inaugural  issue  of  the               an  array  of  events  and  meetings      EOMF  E-­News!  focused  on  forest  and  forest-­ community  related  issues.   A  few  highlights  are  mentioned  here.   Ottawa  Cottage  Show  On  April  9-­11  EOMF  gratefully  ac-­ ,WœV EHHQ D EXV\ VXPPHU IRU (20) LQ cepted   an  invitation  from  the  Ministry  the  communications  department  as  we  of  Natural  Resources  (MNR)  to  share  embarked  on  our  new  website  devel-­ an  exhibit  space  at  the  ever-­popular  opment  as  well  as  the  design  and  im-­ Ottawa  Cottage  Show.   We  were  lo-­ plementation  of  this  efficient  new  tool.    cated  along  with  other  select  partners   LQ D FR]\ ¾ODQGVFDSHGœ VSDFH FDOOHG WKH 7KH ³(20) (-­1HZV´ LV LQWHQGHG WR Cottage  Wildlife  Centre,  where  chairs  enable  us  to  better  keep  our  members,  and  a  podium  were  set  up  so  visitors  partners  and  communities  current  on  could  listen  to  informative  talks.   all  the  latest  news  and  events.  Mark  Richardson  gave  a  slideshow  to   Capturing  all  the  headlines  from  our  audiences  on  how  to  spot  and  manage  various  RSS  newsfeeds,  the  E-­News  invasive  species  on  cottage  properties.   enables  us  to  share  information  on  a  Thanks  again  to  MNR  for  including  us  more  timely  and  regular  basis.   For  at  this  worthwhile  event.  each  issue  of  E-­News  we  select  the   latest  postings  from  most  of  our  RSS  Annual  General  Meeting  feeds  including  General  News,       On  May  15  we  held  our  AGM  at  Certification,   Events,  Press  Releases  'UXPPRQGœV 6XJDUEXVK ZKHUH ZH and  New  Publications²to  keep  you  were  treated  to  a  scrumptious  meal  of  posted!    pancakes,  sausages  and  FSC-­certified   syrup.   After  a  traditional  (and  mov-­ Our  intent  is  to  email  this  newsletter  ing)  welcome  by  Henry  Lickers  of  RQ D PRQWKO\ EDVLV DQG ZHœOO VHH LI ZH Akwesasne  we  settled  down  to  busi-­ can  make  that  happen.   Some  issues  ness.   Two  annual  awards  were  pre-­ will  be  long  and  some  short,  however,  sented:  the  prestigious  Ross  Silver-­ all  news  items  will  lead  with  a  brief  sides  Forestry  Award  was  accepted  by  V\QRSVLV DQG KDYH D ¾0RUHœ EXWWRQ LI Erin  Neave  on  behalf  of  her  much  \RXœG OLNH WR UHDG PRUH GHWDLO  missed  father  Dave  Neave.  The  Heart-­  wood  Award  was  presented  to  Achille  ,I ZH GRQœW KDYH \RXU HPDLO DGGUHVV Drouin  in  acknowledgement  of  the  DQG \RXœG OLNH WR NHHS EHWWHU LQIRUPHG FRXQWOHVV KRXUV DQG PLOHV KHœV GH with  our  E-­News  please  email:   voted  to  the  EOMF.   After  the  formal  DQG ZHœOO DGG meeting  was  concluded  we  headed  to  you  to  our  list.   Limerick  Forest  to  learn  about  and  Hope  you  enjoy  this  new  addition...  view  the  new  chalet  constructed  with  FSC-­certified  logs.   Thanks  again  to  *HRII 0F9H\ /LPHULFNœV )RUHVW

Manager,   for  coordinating  this  aspect,  and  for  the  great  chili  and  cookies  too!   EG&S  Focus  Group  #1  The  EOMF  is  exploring  ways  to  better  recognize  the  contributions  that  land-­ owners  make  in  providing  and  safe-­ guarding  ecological  goods  and  ser-­ vices.   We  have  initiated  a  series  of  focus  groups  with  landowners  on  this  topic,  the  first  of  which  was  held  on  June  30th  at  Union  Hall  in  Tatlock.   Over  the  course  of  the  next  twelve  months,  we  will  be  hosting  a  number  of  additional  focus  groups  across  the  EOMF,  with  the  aim  of  identifying  how  best  to  develop  a  workable,  com-­ munity-­supported  EG&S  program  framework  for  eastern  Ontario.   If  \RXÂśG OLNH WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ D IRFXV group  session,  please  contact  Eliza-­ beth  Holmes  at:  or  (613)  258-­8415.    Brown  Bag  Lunch  &  Learn  #1  ³)RUHVW &DUERQ &UHGLWV ´  The  EOMF  would  like  to  thank  every-­ one  that  joined  us  for  our  first  Brown  Bag  Lunch  &  Learn  session  entitled  ³)RUHVW &DUERQ 2IIVHWV ´ $ VSH cial  thank  you  once  again  to  our  fea-­ tured  speaker,  Tony  Rotherham,  for  giving  us  an  engaging  and  comprehen-­ sive  look  at  the  issues,  challenges  and  questions  around  carbon  offsets  -­  and  how  and  where  the  EOMF  may  find  a  role.  As  part  of  our  commitment  to  promoting  dialogue  with  our  partners  and  stakeholders,  we  will  be  hosting  this  new  Brown  Bag  Lunch  Series  throughout  the  year.   Forestry  and  stewardship  issues  and  related  topics  will  be  explored.   Please  see  page  8  for  details  on  Session  #2! Â

7 Â

Brown Bag Lunch & Learn #2 7KH ³:KDW¶V DQG :K\¶V RI 566 2XU 1HZ :HEVLWH´ The EOMF invites you to join us for lunch on Thursday, September 16 for an informative session that will intro-­ duce you to our new website and some of its leading-­edge features ± such as RSS Newsfeeds! Bring your lunch, sit back and relax as we take you on a tour! Our web developers will also be there to answer questions.

/HDUQ DERXW WKH ZKDW¶V DQG ZK\¶V RI this powerful tool that has become the global standard used by organizations to upload and distribute news onto websites and directly to subscribers. This is the international RSS feed logo:

Learn how easy it can be to subscribe to a feed, what that means and why you might want to! Also find out what it takes to implement an RSS newsfeed on your own website to keep visitors current on your latest news. Improve two-­way communication flows efficiently with partner organi-­ zations by simply amalgamating each others feeds²a cost-­effective way to reach a much broader audience.

:KDW¶V &RPLQJ 8S" Ontario East Municipal Conference Wed & Thu Sep 15 & 16th 2010 -­ 8:30 am²6:00 pm Location: Kingston Ontario

Free Fomes Root Rot Workshop for Forestry Professionals -­ Workshop #1 Tue Sep 21st 2010 -­ 9:00am start Location: Larose Forestry Office

Forest Fair and Log & Lumber Auction of Eastern Ontario Sat Sep 25th 2010 -­ 10:00²3:00 pm Location: Ferguson Forest Centre

Free Fomes Root Rot Workshop for Forestry Professionals -­ Workshop #2 Tue Sep 28th 2010 -­ 9:00am start Location: Larose Forestry Office

Limerick Forest Celebrates 70 years Sun Oct 3rd 2010 -­ 11:00am Location: Limerick Forest Interpretive Centre

Short Rotation Woody Crops -­ Operations Working Group Conference Sun Oct 17th 2010 Location: Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel and Conference Center

Christmas Forest Seminar Wed Dec 15th 2010 Location: Purvis Hall, Kemptville Campus, University of Guelph

To get more detailed info on these events please click on the titles, or visit our new website at: and click the Events button.

:H KRSH \RX¶OO MRLQ XV DQG H[SORUH our new layout, features and, of course, our updated content! Other leading-­HGJH WRROV ZH¶YH DGGHG LQ clude interactive and layered satellite maps, a blog for two way discussions, a nifty online document reader, an easy-­to-­use search function that can access partner databases, different types of online forms with secure pay-­ ment options, a gorgeous photo gal-­ lery -­ and much more... W.B. George Centre, Kemptville Campus Thursday, September 16: 12:15-­1:00 pm Registration with Mary is requested @ 613-­258-­8241 or .


Forestry Forum is a publication of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, a proud member of the Canadian Model Forest Network.

ISSN 1201-­3978

The Eastern Ontario Model Forest gratefully acknowledges the support of Natural Resources Canada through the &DQDGLDQ )RUHVW 6HUYLFH¶V Forest Communities Program.

Please send comments and articles to: Melanie Williams, Editor Forestry Forum c/o Eastern Ontario Model Forest 10 Campus Drive, P.O. Bag 2111 Kemptville, Ontario, K0G 1J0 Phone: (613) 258-­8365 E-­mail: Web site:

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