Volume  VII  Issue  2       Â
      Spring  2011
EOMF  is  Turning  20  Years  Old!  Musings  and  Messages  Well,  a  new  fiscal  year  is  upon  us  and  it  turns  out  to  be  quite  an  important  RQH 1RW RQO\ LV LW WLPH WR FHOHEUDWH WKH IDFW WKDW LW LV WKH (20)ÂśV th  year,  but  this  fiscal  is  the  last  year  of  what  at  we  hope  is  only  the  first  phase  of  the  Forest  Communities  Program  (FCP).    We  hope  to  get  confirmation  from  Natural  Resources  Canada  that  the  FCP  will  continue  into  a  second  phase  with  renewed  core  funding  for  ourselves  and  other  model  forests  within  the  Canadian  Model  Forest  Network   (CMFN).   Initially,  the  FCP  was  to  run  from  2007-Â2012.   Indicators  to  date  have  been  positive. Â
Welcome  Spring  !   :+$7Âś6 ,16,'(   EOMF  is  Turning  20!   Message  from  Mark   Hot  Off  the  Press:  ¾'HYHORSLQJ 6XVWDLQDEOH )RUHVWV DQG &RPPXQLWLHVÂś &0)1   AGM  Announcement   Program  Update:  Forest  Certification   Feature:  Forest  Conversion  Join  the  Conversation:   Blog   Check  Your  Inbox:  EOMF  E-ÂNews    Project  Update:  Ontario  East  Wood  Centre   RFHN  Update   Highlights:  Recent  Event  &  Meetings   CMFN  Update   :KDWÂśV &RPLQJ 8S" Â
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2YHU WKH ODVW IRXU \HDUV PDQ\ RI WKH (20)ÂśV DFWLYLWLHV KDYH EHHQ JHDUHG at  the  three  main  goals  of  our  five-Âyear  Strategic  Plan:    1)  working  with  industry,  First  Nations  groups,  and  others  to  advance  existing,  and  develop  new,  forest-Âbased  opportunities;Íž  2)  working  with  communities  to  test  new  ideas  that  help  us  adapt  to  a  landscape  and  a  forest  (and  rural)  sector  in  transition;Íž  and  finally;Íž   3)  developing  and  sharing  good  forest  management  knowledge  with  lo- cal,  national  and  international  forest-Âdependent  communities.    Â
Woven  through  the  many  projects  that  were  implemented  to  help  us  achieve  these  broad  FCP  goals  are  the  core  values  that  make  the  EOMF  unique  ¹  a  respect  for  all  viewpoints,  the  empowering  potential  of  partner- ship,  and  the  unfailing  belief  that  our  forests,  wetlands  and  natural  areas         (Continued   on  page  2  ) Â
Please  join  us  on   7+856'$< -81( IRU (20)ÂśV 19th  Annual  General  Meeting    and  experience  our  new  format!    Details  page  3! Â
Hot  off  the  Press  Developing  Sustainable  Forests  and  Communities Â
Message  From  Mark  General  Manager,  EOMF Â
(Continued  from  Front  Page)  can  provide  us  with  a  balance  of  so- cial,  environmental  and  economic  values  so  vital  to  a  healthy  and  happy  society.   For  the  rest  of  this  fiscal  year,  our  main  objective  is  to  work  towards  the  successful  completion  of  the  Strategic  Plan,  thereby  setting  the  best  possible  stage  for  program  renewal.  I  think  we  have  done  a  pretty  good  job  so  far,  especially  given  the  fact  that  right  in  the  middle  of  the  first  phase,  Canada  and  the  world  were  hit  by  a  very  sig- nificant  recession. Â
The  Canadian  Model  Forest  Network  (CMFN)  proudly  presents  a  new  pub- OLFDWLRQ HQWLWOHG Âł'HYHORSLQJ 6XVWDLQ DEOH )RUHVWV DQG &RPPXQLWLHV ´   This  colourful  32-Âpage  document  suc- cinctly  describes  our  forest  sector  cri- sis  as  well  as  how  the  CMFN  is  work- ing  to  assist  forest-Âbased  communities  and  enterprises  adapt  and  prosper  within  this  new  paradigm.   It  showcases  success  stories  under- taken  by  the  15  different  model  forests  that   are  members  of  the   CMFN.     The  EOMF  projects  featured  include  the  Ontario  East  Wood  Centre  and  our  work  in  facilitating  FSC  certification  for  the  Ottawa  Valley  Forest.   To  view  or  download  your  copy  visit  or  click  the  follo wing  link:  www.modelforest.net/publications  . Â
Economic  well-Âbeing  is  closely  aligned  with  social  and  environmental  well-Âbeing.   Consequently,  forest  communities  need  healthy  and  produc- tive  forests  to  support  the  many  direct  and  indirect  jobs  that  allow  us  to  man- age  our  forests  sustainably  in  the  first  place.   In  turn,  our  forests  need  programs  like  the  FCP  because  health  and  productiv- ity  are  so  closely  linked  to  the  good  management  practices  fostered  through  a  strong  and  vibrant  forest  sector.  This  may  seem  like  a  bit  of  a  circular  argument  but  history  contin- ues  to  demonstrate  the  symbiotic  in- terdependency  of  healthy  forests  and  healthy  communities,  where,  if  one  goes  out  of  kilter,  the  other  follows  not  far  behind.  Â
Yes,  it  is  different  here  in  the  settled  landscape  where  forestry  is  not  the  only  game  in  town,  but  different  does  not  always  mean  easier.    Although  our  communities,  when  compared  to  the  one  or  two-Âindustry  towns  to  the  north,  may  have  other  economic  crutches  to  lean  on  when  times  get  hard²our  forests  are  more  productive  and  diverse  demanding  a  whole  different  approach  to  manage- ment  and  to  community  involvement,  especially  given  the  land  ownership  patterns.   In  this  region,  a  faltering  forest  sector  can  lead  to  a  return  to  unsustainable  forestry  practices  where  only  the  highest  value  products  are  harvested,  or  the  wrong  piece  of  wood  is  harvested  for  the  wrong  use.   Either  of  these  scenarios  can  lead  to  long-Âterm  productivity  problems  from  the  forest  when  times  get  better  and  stronger  markets  return.  Given  that  healthy  and  productive  forests  cannot  happen  without  healthy  and  produc- tive  forest-Âbased  communities,  our  priority  needs  to  be  focused  on  push- ing  for  tangible  and  realistic  forest  sector  opportunities.   We  will  continue  to  use  our  forests  for  RXU SXUSRVHV DQG ZHÂśOO DOVR FRQWLQXH to  seek  solutions  to  the  many  regional  challenges  created  by  external  forces  that  are  global  in  nature  but  influence  our  access  to,  and  opportunities  for,  a  vibrant  regional  forest  sector.  With  kind  regards...Mark Â
Notice of EOMF Annual General Meeting
Thursday, June 16, Old Town Hall, 14 Bridge Street Almonte, Ontario Agenda 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:45 11:45-12:45 12:45-1:30
Registration and coffee Traditional opening (Mohawk Council of Akwesasne) Introductory remarks (Jim McCready, EOMF President) Business meeting (Mark Richardson, EOMF General Manager) EOMF announcements Health Break Presentation: Historical Impacts of J.R. Booth & His Railroad (Dave Lemkay) Lunch & Awards Presentation (EOMF & OPFA) History of Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Use in Eastern Ontario (Speaker tba) Traditional closing
* For most current Agenda please visit: eomf.on.ca/agm periodically *
To Register: Online @
eomf.on.ca/agm or contact: Mary @ 613-258-8241 modelforest@eomf.on.ca
Old Town Hall 14 Bridge Street Almonte, Ontario
(includes lunch)
$15 - EOMF members $25 - non-members
Program  Update:   Forest  Certification  Â
New  Project  Funding  Boosts  FSC  Certification  Program   7KH (DVWHUQ 2QWDULR 0RGHO )RUHVWÂśV Forest  Certification  Program  just  wrapped  up  two  major  projects.   The  first  project  ran  from  August  2010  until  March  2011  and  was   entitled  ³$GYDQFLQJ )6& &HUWLILFDWLRQ LQ 5HQ IUHZ &RXQW\´ 7KLV SURMHFW ZDV LQ partnership  with  the  Community  Fu- tures  Development  Corporation  of  Renfrew  County.   The  goal  was  to  engage  private  forest  owners  and  work  with  them  to  achieve  FSC  certifica- tion,  and  also  to  work  with  forest-  based  businesses  to  get  chain  of  cus- tody  certification.      With  the  Ottawa  Valley  Forest  receiv- ing  their  FSC  Certificate  in  October  2010,  and  with  the  County  Forest  in  the  EOMF  Program,  Renfrew  County  now  has  the  highest  density  of  FSC-  certified  forests  on  private  land,  com- munity  forests,  and  Crown  land  in  Canada.!   This  achievement  should  increase  the  competitiveness  of  the  forest  sector  industries  by  providing  forest  product  producers  the  ability  to  market  and  sell  products  as  FSC  certified.   The  available  volumes  of  well-Âmanaged,  certified  wood  fibre  will  also  collec- tively  help  further  the  efforts  of  the  Renfrew  forest  sector  to  develop  new  markets  in  traditional  sawn  product  areas  as  well  as  in  emerging  areas  such  as  the  production  of  energy  from  wood  (bioenergy).    Â
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Hello  Forest  Certification   Workshop  Participant!  Â
The  second  project  that  the  EOMF  Forest  Certification  Program  com- pleted  was  in  partnership  with  the  Eastern  Ontario  Development  Pro- JUDP DQG ZDV HQWLWOHG Âł%XLOGLQJ 0DU ket  Access  Through  FSC  Forest  Certi- ILFDWLRQ´   Again  there  was  a  strong  focus  on  the  land  base  and  the  forest-Âbased  busi- nesses  in  the  eastern  Region.   The  EOMF  facilitated  training  workshop  on  FSC  certification  in  the  GLSL  For- est  Region,  worked  to  engage  commu- nity  forests  in  FSC  certification,  de- velop  resource  materials  for  those  seeking  a  better  understanding  of  FSC  certification  and  created  a  web  based  data  management  tool.     Another  ground  breaking  achievement  on  the  certification  front  is  the  Group  Chain  of  Custody  certificate  the  EOMF  has  applied  to  include  in  their  scope.   This  certificate  will  allow  smaller  family  focused  entities  to  mar- ket  and  sell  their  forest  products  as  FSC  certified  under  a  group  manage- ment  structure  ¹  making  FSC  certifi- cation  affordable  for  these  businesses.   This  project  was  completed  in  March  and  had  a  positive  impact  at  a  regional  level.  Article  by  Scott  Davis.   For  more   information  on  the  Forest  Certification  Program,  please  contact  Scott  at  (613)  258-Â8422  or  sdavis@eomf.on.ca. Â
 On  behalf  of  the  Eastern  Ontario  Model  Forest,  I  would  like  to  thank  you  for  attending  the  FSC  Forest  Cer- tification  in  the  GLSL  Forest  Region  Workshop,  and  helping  to  make  it  a  success.   We  hope  that  you  learned  valuable  information  and  found  it  beneficial  to  discuss  forest  certifica- tion  issues  effecting  the  GLSL  (Great  Lakes/St.  Lawrence)  region.   The  EOMF  is  fortunate  and  most  grateful  to  have  valuable  relationships  with  key  players  and  partners  in  the  industry,  and  welcomes  opportunities  such  as  this  one  that  bring  us  together  to  discuss  critical  issues  affecting  our  forest  sector,  and  search  for  solutions.   :HÂśG DOVR OLNH WR H[WHQG D WKDQN \RX to  all  of  our  speakers  who  each  gave  informative  and  engaging  presenta- tions.   We  appreciate  them  sharing  their  time  and  extensive  knowledge  and  insight  with  the  rest  of  the  group.     If  you  attended  this  seminar  but  were  not  able  to  sit  in  on  every  presentation,  or  if  you  missed  them  altogether,  please  make  sure  to  visit  our  website  http://seminars.eomf.on.ca/transcripts  and  use  the  following  log  in  to  view  all  the  presentations:   Username:   certsecure  Password:   getcertified   Thanks  again,   Scott  Davis Â
Feature:   Forest  Conversion   -  Join  the  Conversation!  ((Mark  Richardson) Southern  Ontario  is  a  settled  land- scape,  consisting  mainly  of  privately- owned  forested,  farm  and  urban  land,  where,  for  the  most  part,  landowners  have  a  relatively  wide  latitude  of  op- tions  when  it  comes  to  making  deci- sions  about  what  happens  on  that  land.     This  is  the  way  it  should  be;Íž  landown- ers  making  decisions  about  what  they  want  to  do  with  their  land  ¹  farm  it,  cut  trees  on  it,  plant  trees  on  it,  live  on  it,  along  with  countless  other  possibili- ties  that  await  folks  working  toward  accomplishing  their  individual  prop- erty  objectives.    One  of  the  most  important  roles  that  the  EOMF  continues  to  play  is  to  help  landowners  make  informed  decisions  about  what  to  do  on  their  properties  and  how  to  do  it.    Our  influence  comes  through  partner- ships,  information  sharing,  and  pro- grams  in  which  participation  is  always  voluntary.  Governments,  on  the  other  hand,  have  a  different  role  to  play  and  manage  societal  values  by  influencing  property-Âlevel  decision  making  though  a  combination  of  regulation  and  pro- grams.   Our  land  base  has  the  capacity  to  sup- ply  us  with  so  many  different  values  that  it  should  not  be  surprising  that  some  of  them  appear  to  be  contradic- tory  but,  for  the  most  part,  we  are  able  to  function  with  a  system  that  encour- ages  a  mosaic  of  different  uses  across  the  landscape.    Agriculture  and  forestry  are  two  prime  examples  where  differing  land  use  practices  can  cohabitate  regionally  and  often  within  an  individual  property.   Although  land  ownership  provides  us Â
with  certain  land  use  freedoms,  as  much  as  it  does  with  certain  legal  re- sponsibilities,  we  vigorously  defend  our  ability  to  exercise  these  freedoms  within  the  limits  set  by  our  obligations  to  follow  the  federal,  provincial  and  municipal  statutes.  This  can  result  in  a  polarization  of  public  and  private  opinion  regarding  some  land  use  prac- tices. Â
Join  the  Conversation...Post  Your  Comments  on  Our  Blog!   I  would  like  to  take  a  few  minutes  to  introduce  you  to  our  online  Blog  that  we  hope  will  be  a  great  way  of  creat- ing  a  constructive  and  open  discussion  on  topics  of  interest  to  the  EOMF,  our  partners,  and  forest-Âdependent  com- munities.     To  add  your  voice  to  this  or  any  other  topic  that  appears  on  our  Blog,  please  simply  click  this  link  and  type  in  your  comments: Â
www.eomf.on.ca/blog   or,  click  the  link  to  our  Blog  on  the  home  page  of  our  website  or  go  to  News  >  Blog.      This  brings  us  to  the  topic  at  hand,  forest  conversion,  which  can  be  thought  of  as  the  replacement  of  a  forest  or  stand  of  trees  with  some  other  type  of  land  use.    In  the  settled  landscape,  the  removal  of  tree  cover  has  been  happening  at  varying  rates  since  the  time  of  Euro- pean  settlement.  In  addition,  forests  have  been  returning  to  some  open  areas  either  through  natural  succes- sion,  where  trees  are  allowed  to  slowly  re-Âcolonize  a  site,  or  through  direct  reforestation  and  afforestation  (tree  planting  to  speed  up  the  return  of  a  site  to  tree  cover).   For  more  information  on  this  topic  and  to  add  your  comments  to  the  permanent  record,  please  comment  on  our  Blog  by  visiting:  Â
 www.eomf.on.ca/blog   Â
Check  your  Inbox!  Â
,I \RXÂśUH RQ RXU HPDLO OLVW ZH KRSH \RXÂśYH YLHZHG DQG HQMR\HG WKH ILUVW issues  of  our  new  online  publication  called  EOMF  E-ÂNews.  This  flexible  and  cost-Âeffective  tool  enables  us  to  share  the  latest  information  on  a  more  timely  and  regular  basis.   For  each  issue  we  keep  you  current  by  selecting  the  most  current  articles  posted  to  the  various  RSS  newsfeeds  found  on  our  website  including:  General  &  Certifi- cation  News,  Events,  and  Publica- tions.  Each  issue  also  usually  includes  a  Feature  Project.    Â
,I ZH GRQÂśW KDYH \RXU HPDLO DGGUHVV DQG \RXÂśG OLNH WR NHHS EHWWHU LQIRUPHG with  our  E-ÂNews  please  email:     mwilliams@eomf.on.ca  Â
Update: Ontario East Wood Centre
The Ontario East Wood Centre (OEWC) project has brought together governmental, business, academic and NGO collaborators who believe in sustainable forestry and sustainable rural communities. This project story involves complex innovation, science, and technology enabled by community capability, energy, and a strong sense of purpose. With 70 tree species in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest Region, the OEWC focuses on innovation and design in the use of solid wood. Recent successes include the comple- WLRQ RI WZR SRLJQDQW 4XHHQ¶V 8QLYHU sity, Department of Chemical Engi- neering TEAM (Technology, Engi- neering and Management) projects. During these course projects, final year students analyzed eco-industrial opportunities emanating from the bio- chemical and bioenergy potential of woody biomass. Aided by several people including their professors, Dr. David Mody and Dr. Geoff Whitfield (retired scientist from DuPont Can- ada), their results have been encourag- ing. As a result, we continue to press ahead on several biochemistry and bioenergy fronts. Another noteworthy event was the visit from Professor Antero Turkki, a well known Finnish architect with special expertise in wood technology, eco-design, wood building, and con- struction and planning. The day-long session began at the Port of Prescott and later moved to Hubbard & Com- pany in Spencerville. Participants included representatives from: the 6
OEWC Board of Directors;; Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal;; EOMF;; Chamber of Commerce;; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne;; agriculture sector;; heritage construction industry. Bringing the technical and socio- economic elements of this complex project together is a credit to the power of community capacity and lively and productive partnerships.
RFHN Update New Ministerial Order for Regulating the Emerald Ash Borer in Eastern Ontario Announced On March 25 the Canadian Food In- spection Agency announced a new Ministerial Order affecting more areas of eastern Ontario in order to regulate emerald ash borer movement. The new order replaces the existing Minis- terial Order for Ottawa and Gatineau.
The previous regulated area has been expanded to include the entire City of Ottawa and now also includes the U n i t e d C o u n t i e s o f L e e d s - Grenville. The regulated area in Gati- neau remains unchanged.
Ontario East Wood Centre Revamps Website!
The Ontario East Wood Centre rejuve- nated its website thanks to funding from one of its principle partners, the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal. Amongst updated content and some new functionality, we have also incor- porated a RSS newsfeed that will keep online subscribers in the loop on news as it happens.
Please visit www.woodcentre.ca to see our new website, subscribe to our RSS newsfeed, and get current on all the latest related to this innovative project! For more information on the Ontario East Wood Centre contact Sandra Lawn, Project Leader @ 613-925- 5568 or visit: www.woodcentre.ca
Click HERE to visit our website and YLHZ DVVRFLDWHG SGI¶V ZKLFK LQFOXGH the CFIA news release, and new regu- lated area maps for EAB, or, go to www.eomf.on.ca/rfhn for details.
EAB Week Activities Planned
Once again the Regional Forest Health Network (RFHN) helped coordinate a slate of activities to mark EAB Awareness Week in the region. This year it ran from May 16-23.
Dr. Taylor Scarr from OMNR was interviewed for a second time by Rita Celli and Ed Lawrence of Ontario Today, and updated a million plus &%& UDGLR OLVWHQHUV RQ ZKDW¶V XS ZLWK the emerald ash borer since last year at this time. The City of Ottawa and Ontario Parks featured a number of EAB-oriented activities to draw atten- tion to the pest and the all-important ³'RQ¶W 0RYH )LUHZRRG´ PHVVDJH LQ advance of the May long weekend. Ottawa City Council also declared it ³($% $ZDUHQHVV :HHN´
Highlights:  Recent  Events  &  Meetings  Since  our  winter  issue  of  Forestry   Forum,  the  EOMF  has  participated  in  an  array  of  events  and  meetings  fo- cused  on  forest  and  forest  community  related  issues.   A  few  highlights  are  mentioned  here.  Â
Wood  Innovations   Seminar  Series  Â
In  February  and  March,  rep re s e nt at i v e s  f r o m  EOMF  and  FPInnovations- Wood  Products  Division  hosted  a  new  technical  seminar  series  entitled  ³ W o o d   I n n o v a - tions:   Products,  Proc- esses  &  Possibilities ´   This  combina- WLRQ RI ÂłKRW WRSLF´ WHFKQLFDO VHPLQDUV and  information  sessions  were  de- signed  to  appeal  to  the  widest  possible  audience  and  catered  to  both  primary  and  secondary  wood  processing  facili- ties.   Three  topics  at  six  locations  in- cluded:  All  About  Bioenergy;Íž  Lean  Manufacturing;Íž  and,  Marketing  and  Sales  for  Wood  Products.   We  hope  to  continue  our  partnership  with  FPInno- vations  by  co-Âhosting  similar  sessions  again  next  year  to  audiences  within  eastern  Ontario.   Feedback  from  atten- dees  was  positive  and  the  consensus  was  that  information  provided  was  relevant,  practical  and  beneficial  to  local  businesses. Â
Kemptville Winter Woodlot Conference  February  23,  2011  marked   the  24th  annual  Kemptville  Winter  Woodlot  &RQIHUHQFH 7KLV \HDUÂśV WKHPH ZDV Âł<RXU 3URSHUW\ 3UREOHPV 3URJUDPV 3RVVLELOLWLHV ´ DQG IHDWXUHG VSHDNHUV and  exhibitors  who  addressed  com- mon  woodlot  issues  and  problems, Â
provided  information  on  helpful  pro- grams,  and  explored  possibilities  to  enhance  woodlot  management.     Hot  topics  included  six  panellists  that  provided  overviews  and  updates  on  special  programs  for  woodlot  owners  and  farmers²from  tax  incentives  to  tree  planting.   Dr.  Taylor  Scarr  pro- vided  a  primer  on  the  emerald  ash  borer  (EAB)  from  science  and  regula- tions  to  detection.   Martin  Streit  gave  an  informative  slideshow  on  how  best  to  manage  ash  stands  now  and  into  the  future  in  light  of  the  EAB  threat.   Other  topics  included:  species  at  risk  in  the  woodlot  including  updates  on  butternut  recovery;Íž  establishing  and  maintaining  sugar  maple  orchards;Íž  and  the  wildlife  feature  included  an  engag- ing  presentation  by  the  Wild  Bird  Care   Centre  in  Bells  Corners.  Â
FSC  Certification  Workshop  Â
On  March  30th  in  Bancroft  the  Eastern  Ontario  Model  Forest  -  in  partnership  with  FSC  Canada,  the  Ontario  Forestry  Association,  Ban- croft  Minden  SFL  and  SmartWood  -  offered  a  one  day  infor- mative  workshop  focused  on  FSC  certification  in  the  Great  Lakes-ÂSt.  Lawrence  (GLSL)  Forest  Region.     The  morning  session  focused  on  the  history  and  progress  of  FSC  certifica- tion  globally,  nationally  and  in  our  GLSL  Forest  Region  as  well  as  the  auditing  process  and  the  GLSL  stan- dards.   The  afternoon  portion  of  the  day  explored  chain  of  custody  certifi- cation  for  forest-Âbased  businesses,  and  took  a  closer  look  at  FSC  certificate  holders  through  local  case  studies.  Â
White  Pine  Management  Workshop   Brought  to  you  by  the  Regional  Forest  Health  Network  in  partnership  with  the  Eastern  Ontario  Model  Forest  and  the  Ontario  Ministry  of  Natural  Re- sources  (OMNR),  this  workshop  was  geared  towards  landowners  interested  in  learning  how  to  identify  and  reduce  the  impact  of  white  pine  blister  rust  and  other  pests  in  their  forests.  This  fungus  can  be  a  very  destructive  dis- ease  affecting  forest  productivity  and  complicating  the  way  we  manage  our  plantations  and  natural  stands.    Â
The  day  consisted  of  both  an  informa- tive  in-Âclass  session  and  a  site  visit  led  by  Dr.  Richard  Wilson,  Forest  Pro- gram  Pathologist  for  OMNR,  and  Dr.  Michael  Irvine,  Vegetation  Manage- ment  Specialist  for  OMNR.  Thank  you  both!  Â
Landowner  Seminar  Series  #1:    Geology,  Mineral  Exploration,    Development  and  Extraction        and  Your  Woodlot  The  Eastern  Ontario  Certified  Forest  Owners  (EOCFO)  in  partnership  with  the  EOMF  co-Âhosted  the  first  in  a  new  Landowner  Seminar  Series.   The  ob- jective  of  this  series  is  to  help  clarify  whether  and  how  private  woodlot  holdings  are  impacted,  restricted,  pro- tected,  or  can  take  advantage  of  vari- ous  land  and  water  resource  initia- tives.    This  first  seminar  was  held  on  May  12  in  Almonte,  and  featured  informed  speakers  who  explored  and  described  eastern  Ontario  geology,  Mining  Act  modernization,  the  Ontario  Aggregate  Resources  Act,  land  patents,  and  more.   7 Â
CMFN Update Welcome Back Brian Barkley! The Canadian Model Forest Network (CMFN) is pleased to welcome Brian Barkley back into our model forest family! Brian has assumed the role of President of the CMFN and will be working alongside Leanne Elliott in her expanded role as National Coordi- nator. Brian is a registered profes- sional forester, and best known in model forest circles as the influential founding General Manager of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) - which he helped to estab- lish in 1992 and then led until 2009 ZKHQ KH µUHWLUHG ¶ Although he has also made significant and countless contributions to the evo- lution of the CMFN and IMFN in the past, we are most grateful to have him focus his knowledge, experience, skill and business acumen on our current challenges and opportunities!
EOCFO and LOVC Spring Woodlot Tour Location: 936 Concession 8A Lanark Highlands Township Saturday, 28 May 2011 10:00 - 2:00 Visit: EOMF website > Events > May 28 - or click link above to register EOMF Annual General Meeting Location: Old Town Hall, Almonte Thursday, 16 June 2011 9:00 - 2:00 Visit: Events/AGM for details and to register Glengarry Wood Fair and Auction Location: Glengarry Thursday, August 11 Visit: www.woodfair.ca To get more detailed info on Events please click on the titles, or visit our website at: www.eomf.on.ca and click the Events button.
Miniatures allow Aleta Karstad to record the places and progress of the `30 Years Later Expedition`. By purchasing her work and subscribing to her daily painting blog (www.karstaddailypaintings.blogspot.com), you are supporting the work of biodiversity research across Canada.
To Spain and Back Again! Every three years the International Model Forest Network (IMFN) Secre- tariat brings together members of Model Forests (and their respective regional secretariats) from around the world in one location. This Global Forum is primarily a business meeting in which Model Forests share knowl- edge, review their accomplishments, problem solve and create strategic plans for the years ahead. Scott Davis from the EOMF joined Leanne Elliott and Brian Barkley from the CMFN as well as a contingent of other Canadian UHSUHVHQWDWLYH DW WKLV \HDU¶V JDWKHULQJ in Burgos, Spain in March. Visit: www.cmfn-rcfm.ca for more...
Forestry Forum is a publication of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, a proud member of the Canadian Model Forest Network.
ISSN 1201-3978
The Eastern Ontario Model Forest gratefully acknowledges the support of Natural Resources Canada through the &DQDGLDQ )RUHVW 6HUYLFH¶V Forest Communities Program.
Please send comments and articles to: Melanie Williams, Editor Forestry Forum c/o Eastern Ontario Model Forest 10 Campus Drive, P.O. Bag 2111 Kemptville, Ontario, K0G 1J0 Phone: (613) 258-8365 E-mail: mwilliams@eomf.on.ca Web site: www.eomf.on.ca