2019 Portfolio

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V i n c ent G re g ory D e s i g n

P o r t f o l i o


V i n c e n t G re g o r y v i n c e m i ke a n d g re g @ g m a i l .c o m



Education Miami Univers ity Bachelor’s of Art in Architecture



Experience Revit Te ch nician | 3 rd Story

2018 - 2019

As a technician, responsible for creating 3d models and construction documents using Revit. Participated in project management duties including construction observation, and the filing and tracking of ASI’s,RFI’s, and submittals. Worked closely with principal architect throughout employment. Revit Te ch nician | AAD: Fitch

2017 - 2018

Worked closely with Starbucks in compiling construction documents for ground up tenant improvement, and renovation projects. Utilizing tools such as Revit, Sketch Up and AutoCAD. Additional responsibilities included picking up redlines and producing full revit models. Inte rn sh ip| Toledo Des ign Center

Summer 2015

Aided in architectural conceptualization and visualization for Toledo Ohio’s urban communities. Ve nd ing Specialis t|M iam i Univers ity


Assisted in the distribution of vending products on Miami University campus, as well as maintaining stock. S tud e nt Ad vis ory Com m ittee Mem be r

2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 6

Peer elected position, charged with representing architecture students by communicating with faculty and staff. Alp ha Rh o Chi Fraternity (APX)


Sustainability Committee Chair Responsible for organizing events centered around increasing the fraternity's awareness of sustainable practices. Luxe mbourg Study Abroad

Fall 2014

Studied abroad in Luxembourg for four months. The location allowed for extensive travel to multiple countries while experiencing a variety of cultures as well as architectural styles.


Awards Re dh aw k E xc e l lence Sc h o l a rsh i p Awarded for displaying academic excellence during high school UR S Sc h o l a rship Award Awarded for demonstrating architectural excellence Eri c & E l i za bet h S t eva Sc h o l a rsh i p Awarded to students studying abroad whom exemplify academic excellence

My name is Vincent G r e g o r y, I a m o r i g i n a l l y from Detroit, Michigan, and I have relocated to Phoenix. I am a graduate f ro m M i a m i Un i ve rs i t y (O H) w i t h a B a c h e l o r ’s o f A r t s in Architecture. I studied architecture in school but I am equally interested in all aspects of the built world, including interior design, construction and planning. I know that spaces should be centered around the needs of people, and I admire environments that are born from iterative design processes. I believe that my education and previous work experiences will add a unique point of view to those processes.

C l i f t o n

L i b r a r y

C i n c i n n a t i ,

O h i o

Individual Sophomore Project

Clifton Library is public space deeply rooted in the Clifton community in Cincinnati, Oh. The building’s age and small size has begun to turn away younger patrons. In a community whose student population is constantly growing because of the nearby university, the library as it is will not be able to survive. The challenge was to create visual transparency between the library and the community, as well as celebrating the act of ascension within the space. Highlighted by the red stair.

AIA Ohio Charrette Competition Kent State University 4 Person Group Project

The AIA Ohio Schools of Architecture Competition Charrette 2014. The project consisted of designing a space for inter-institutional collaboration between the State’s schools of architecture, its professional design organizations, and the spaces they collectively influence. The site was near Kent State University’s campus, and we worked in a four person team. The design time limit was 48 hours.

Theoretical Crawfish N o n

S i t e

S p e c i f i c

Senior Study Piece

This was an independently driven study, looking at the structure, organization, and functions of a specific organism. In this case the Crawfish. Many specimen were dissected and analysed to gain a better understading of the organism as a whole. Through hand drawing, organic forms, and patterns were discovered. These patterns, then guided the design of a potentially habitable space. This project aided in the design process of the Urban Monastery.

Fabricat ion N o t

S i t e

S t u dy

S p e c i f i c

Senior Assignment

This was a fabrication study which was derived from the information uncovered during my study on crawfish. The goal was begin to define interior and exterior space through the use of a digitally fabricated facade. The design of the lattice structure was driven by the formal and functional qualities of the crawfish’s tail. I experimented with tools such as Autodesk’s 123D Make, Fusion 360, and a laser cutter.

U r b a n

M o n a s t e r y

St. Louis, Missouri In d e p endent Senior Project

The Urban Monastery is an independantly driven study on an unpopular archtype. This unique opportunity required a great amount of research into contemporary monastic architecture as well as the monastic lifestyle. Its form is derived from the relationship between the spirit, mind, and body. Which mirrors the ralationship between the program and the user. As the space is set aside for the edification of the user’s spirit, mind, and body.

Re c re at iona l Sport s Cent er Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg Individual Junior Project

Recreation Center located on a brown field in Esch Sur Alzette in Luxembourg. The project consisted of an urban redesign of a closed steel mill. The steel industry was a staple in the development of Luxembourg’s economy. As times change, steel factories are not a prevalent as they once were. On the site of a once thriving factory, a recreation center creates community, where there was none.







Property Management

Aliquam risus leo, tristique a dolor quis, eďŹƒcitur iaculis libero. Nunc sollicitudin elementum ornare. Donec sollicitudin, nisl eu porttitor placerat, magna leo porttitor erat, non venenatis urna est in tellus. Proin facilisis nec diam non auctor. Mauris venenatis nisi vitae fermentum pharetra. Sed vitae diam nibh. Nunc ut magna sed turpis tincidunt varius. Ut in facilisis odio, sed faucibus metus. Nam ipsum enim, ultricies ut fermentum a, commodo quis tortor.




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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Property Management Aliquam risus,

Leo, tristique a dolor quis, eďŹƒcitur iaculis libero. Nunc sollicitudin elementum ornare. Donec sollicitudin, nisl eu porttitor placerat, magna leo porttitor erat, non venenatis urna est in tellus. Proin facilisis nec diam non auctor. Mauris venenatis nisi vitae fermentum pharetra. Sed vitae diam nibh. Nunc ut magna sed turpis tincidunt varius.



Property Management

Julia Marie | Property Manager | jmpm@jmpm.net | (xxx) xxx-xxxx

sed eleifend, arcu tempus quis.









Property Management

Property Management

Property Management

Re Julia c reMarie at iona Property l Sport Management s Ce T int n ye rH o m e D e v e l o p m e n t Esch-Sur-Alzette, B r a n d i n g LuxemP r o j e c t







Property Management

Aliquam risus leo, tristique a dolor quis, eďŹƒcitur iaculis libero. Nunc sollicitudin elementum ornare. Donec sollicitudin, nisl eu porttitor placerat, magna leo porttitor erat, non venenatis urna est in tellus. Proin facilisis nec diam non auctor. Mauris venenatis nisi vitae fermentum pharetra. Sed vitae diam nibh. Nunc ut magna sed turpis tincidunt varius. Ut in facilisis odio, sed faucibus metus. Nam ipsum enim, ultricies ut fermentum a, commodo quis tortor.




ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ulia


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Property Management Aliquam risus,

Leo, tristique a dolor quis, eďŹƒcitur iaculis libero. Nunc sollicitudin elementum ornare. Donec sollicitudin, nisl eu porttitor placerat, magna leo porttitor erat, non venenatis urna est in tellus. Proin facilisis nec diam non auctor. Mauris venenatis nisi vitae fermentum pharetra. Sed vitae diam nibh. Nunc ut magna sed turpis tincidunt varius.



Property Management

Julia Marie | Property Manager | jmpm@jmpm.net | (xxx) xxx-xxxx

sed eleifend, arcu tempus quis.









Property Management

Property Management

Property Management

J u l i a M a r i e P ro p e r t y M a n a g e m e nt i s a m a n a g e m e nt f i r m t h a t specializes in tiny h o u s e d e v e l o p m e nt s . A s a n o rg i n i z a t i o n , t h ey t r y t o m a t c h t h e senseabilities of their c l i e nt e l e . W i t h e l e g a nt natural scenes as seen in their web mockup a n d s w a n i m a g e r y, and a desaturated color pallate, JMPM o ffe r s a u n i q u e l i v i n g a t m o s p h e re t o a g ro w i n g a n d i n n o v a t i v e m a r ke t .

Sample Photography P h o e n i x ,

A r i z o n a

P h oto graphy i s a ma jo r aspect of my p ers o na l desi gn pro ces s . It is n ot o n ly an avenue of do cu menti n g exis ting spaces, bu t al s o a medi u m wi th whic h we are able to c apture th e su rreal i n o ur own reali ty. Th es e pi eces are exa mp les of my desi re to mas k scale, f u n cti o n a nd o ri entati o n i n a n effo rt to envi s io n n ew envi ro n ments fo r peo ple to i n h a b it.

V i n c e n t

G r e g o r y

D e s i g n P o r t f o l i o vincemikeandgreg@gmail.com

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