PIA Vicente Hernández Carreón 705

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They say that the devil is in the details, so you may want to pay a little bit of attention that you usually do. Because in this, sometimes, incoherent transcript you could find the things that not ever yone notices but if they would they’d be amazed. So I invite you to dive in! This is a ver y personal way of showing my work as a graphic design student and for me is another excuse to play the artist, in the way that I can do my will and be free from the strings of limitations that come in the development of a project. Here lay the scratches in the wall of containment that surrounds the creative mind of a boy that tries to find his way out of a “squared” world in which the stablished rules must be followed all by the greater good of a majority. This is to show the adaptability necessar y for being able to be noticed as a designer in an industrial world. So let me take you in a cruise, to the verge of my mind, with a heart full of hope that you may get to know me a little better. I can’t promise you the greatest adventure; I just can assure you that there will be surprises.


BACKGROUND This is the part in which formalities begin, this is where I tell you who I’m and the places I’ve been. This is where you will discover that earth is a tiny place.

MISION Create the perfect environment in which the ideas can flow and became realities. A place where the visuals can be the design’s verses.

F O R M AT I O N Bachelor ’s Degree in Graphic Design Facultad de Artes Visuales UANL 2013-Present

VISION Expand my personal space to get involved in client’s ideas so they can live in the business of ever yday life, bringing welt to ever yone involved.


BEEN EXPERIENCE Junior Designer Diseño Imaginario May 2012 - June 2014 Antiguo camino San Agustín No. 994 Ex Hacienda San Agustín. San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León. T/ 01 (81) 8363 3609/9097 Intern Whirlpool Mexico March 2015-Present Av. Lázaro Cárdenas #301 Torre OKTO, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León

VA LU E S Respect: Give the right value to ever y single presented project and assuring its right development Honesty: Give the right solution seeking the wellbeing of ever y client. Commitment: Always tr y to give the space for ever y client to talk about the details about the project.


M A N I F E S TO Turn on the sensations hidden within the folds of the mind to bring a different graphic solution. Keep your eyes peeled!

COMPETENCES I am going to give an alternative solution to a given design project, always adapting to the requirements of ever y client. I will always give my greatest effort to ever y project.

AND S TA N D A R D S Translate ever y given project as an opportunity of improvement and the development of a new tendency.


STYLE I am formal yet fun to be around. You will find jokes in our meetings but with moderation. Ever ything in balance.


In case that you were wondering what the hell is going on with my logo... let me explain a little about it. My logo consists in two basic elements: ISOT YPE


The isotype is an abstract figure that represents the “V” from the word “Vincent”. Its purpose is to represent innovation and vanguard. It is intended to be used as an independent graphic element. WORDMARK


The wordmark/logotype is a typographic adaptation of the word “Vincent” (Latin for Vicente), with some minimal changes in its structure to assure it distinction.

The isotype represents the “V”.

The wordmark “Vincent” from the latin word, meaning conquer/overcome.

The graphic design profession is a really flexible one, so for my identity I don’t want to give many restrictions. For example, when it comes to colour, the logo can be applied in any colour necessar y even textures, just taking care of not compromising its legibility.


BRIEF LET ME TELL YOU A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT MY STRATEGY IS AND THE PLACES WE CAN GO TOGETHER. BACKDROP I’ve always been a curious boy, always anxious to know a little of ever ything. Since I was a child I liked to experiment and tr y new things to surprise people, it is a habit that has been with me until now and I’ve applied it to my work as a designer.

REACTION I hope to see how the interest in people awakes when they appreciate my work, even if it is by a few seconds, I’ll know that they have seen a new thing and something that has made them think beyond the surface.

Graphic Design is a vocational profession, meaning that you really need to enjoy it at its fullest in order to accomplish the best results and be happy with what you do. With this I haven’t had any problem. I do what I love.

PROPOSAL To be outstanding and direct, introspective and, in the end, real.

MY AIM In my career I want to transcend as a recognised Mexican designer and thus make the profession to be more valuated in my countr y market and that the people give it the same importance as any other career. I want to get involved in the music industr y in the art direction of rock bands, because in that way I’d be in the things that I love the most. THE PUBLIC My aim is to work with people that are willing to tr y things that seem to go against the flow and projects that may put the established to the test. If you are young in mind and kinda crazy as a person, we can make the world tremble.

TO N E I want my communication to be formal yet funny and for some may seem incoherent, but ever ything has a purpose. REQUISITES The main media for the work is planned to be digital, for social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Behance, due to the flexibility of the media and its potential viral impact. Of course the printed media is not discarded, but when used it will be intended with attractive and interactive supports.


NO WORDS In my design I will always tr y to say the most in the less. There’s no need of superfluous elements, just the design speaking by its own. We humans are visual creatures, we see, we like, we buy, so if a product is appealing and intriguing I’m sure it will sell itself. Visual communication transcends the words and enters the mind, that in the end it is a deeper connection. Comparing products is the way of showing what the best from one to another is. It is proven that you can say so much more with the fewer elements and be more effective for the speed in which you can understand, no distractions, just the main point. TURN IT OVER There’s always a way of showing the positive in the negative, there will always be a way of getting an advantage from disadvantage. You can play around and joke about the characteristics of a product and in that way the public will remember the product and buy it. They will get a much fulfilling experience and that’s the added value. OMISSION AND SUGGESTION In this point is presented the possibility of connecting even more with the public, by showing an interesting figure for the majority and taking it out of its normal zone and giving it a new direction, by making it funny or easy to remember. PA R A D O X E S A N D O P T I C A L I L L U S I O N S Among this document this principle comes to life, and so does in my design and creative process. I find paradoxes really fun to play with and the perfect couple is made with optical illusions. In that way you get the people involved by interesting them in thinking a little deeper.



C_ 818 685 8713 E_ vicentehc89suna@gmail.com W_ behance.net/vincentc



R E F L E C T I O N A N D S E L F - E VA L U AT I O N This subject, in general was so interesting, since I saw it on the study plan I just couldn’t make a complete idea of what it was going to be about. At first it was kind of confusing because the assignments were heavy lectures about philosophy and a lot to think about; personally I love philosophy but this was another level for my mind and when you are given a task, even if you love the subject you may find it hard to accomplish because of what it is in essence: a task, an “order ”. Despite all of that it was really great to discover what was behind all that heavy and deep theor y. What I found so funny was that I already had being studying some of the subjects from some time, but I couldn’t make the ends meet. What I think that may make the subject even better is that you can make it more immersive, so the students can participate more actively and so they can learn the info more easily. I think I did good in the subject so I consider a good grade because I enjoyed learning things that I love and that are really helpful to me.


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