Portfolio Design Studio 4

Page 13

Portfolio of Studio 4

Vincent 1001953166
Of Content Project 1a - ART SPECTRUM Project 2a - CREATIVE PAVILION Project 2b - GRID BLOCK DIORAMA Project 3 - CREATIVE HUB Project 1b - SITE ANALYSIS

How Creative Hubs contribute to society

Creation of new value in goods, services & artistic practices

Thrives creative industries

Increase community engagement/ regenerating urban neighbourhoods

Lighthouses for invisible communities

Connect, collaborate & share with like minded people

Network What is a b? ce ion xpressionlearning
of eas for
Types of Spaces behind Concept within Creatve Hub Roles Hub managers/Producer/Curator Workers(Full Time/Part Time) Constant Collaborators(freelancers) Participants Community Coordinating with the artist, selecting venues,organising exhibitions Organizing meetings, coordinating tickets overseeing maintenance of the space Think about their own projects, schedule with the creative hub Target user of the creative hub, provide community service and financial support 1 2 3 4 Create an environment that does not focus on money but human resources and ideas Creative space provide tremendous life to the communities and the cities Rich space that allow for diverse programming from time to time Emphasis the value of being human rather than art itself A place, either physical/virtual which bring people together Providing space & support for networking, business development & community engagement within the creative, cultural & tech sectors Sense of place & belonging 0800 1000 1400 1700 2200 Weekly Meet ng P ace Ch d en art class master c ass for ad ts Daily ART STUDIO Art Gallery Monthly Pop Up Store Chi d en Book Fair Art st conference Jan Mar May July Sep Nov Transformable Space For creative activities that happen for a temporary period of time, be it fixed annual schedule or a one-time event Usually framed as festivals General Activities Space Flexible locations for holding repetitive events such as society meet ups, classroom and practice rooms Usually private spaces for community use Main Activities Space Permanent locations for holding daily activities such as workshops, studio and gallery Usually working spaces for in-house creative workers Studio Centre Cluster Online Platform What Creative Hubs do A workspace for creative workers to do their work Collaboration between one collective and the others Formalised creative education such as institution Collective that runs annual events such as festivals and conferences Using online platform such as Discord to host classes and tutorials DESIGNING THE BRIEF
Collection/Archive Venue/event space Music Craft Community Workshop Visual art Fi m Performing art 5 Variants Creative education Event organiser Creative activities in a hub

Bogor Creative Hub - Bogor, Indonesia

National Case Studies
Case Studies Cafe toilet Exhibtion Area Se v ces R pt Auditorium Discussion area Discussionarea Studio&Discussionarea toiletServices Services MultimediaroomExhibitionarea Lounge Privateroom toilet Receptionhall OfficeareaOutdoorExhibitionArea Courtyard Receptionhall rPrivate oom toilet Services Sevice Services Entrance Exh b t on Recept on Office Mult med a Lounge Toi et Services Private room Courtyard 28 3% 6 4% 11 6% 13 6% 4 4% 10 4% 8 7% 6% 10 6% Percentage of spaces Exh b t on Recept on Discussion Aud torium Cafe Toi et Services 15 2% 16 6% 40 1% 4 5% 13 9% 5 1% 4 6% Percentage of spaces Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 9% 2% 6% % 7% % 4% % 3% Program The Little Giraffe is a multifunction creative hub which consist library community art gallery artist studio, outdoor theatre and cafe An open space had divided the house into two main parts library area and dining area The main objective of this project is to encourage community involvement in the neighborhood, hence, besides having art gallery and studio for artists, the team had created a space that allow visitors to choose a relaxing way to enjoy a good book or conversation The outdoor and indoor spaces are also well connected and the spaces are transferable to different needs ArtGallery Library ADining ea AtistStudio Kitchen TOutdoor heatre Hall Activity Area Entrance Courtyard (Connectionforboth structure) Entrance Entrance Main Entrance
Program Waterfront Art Gallery is a exhibition center that consists of both outdoor and indoor exhibition area, multimedia room, lounge, offices and even private rooms for discussion Its grand and large reception hall give a welcoming experiences to the visitors leading them to the multimedia room and exhibition hall The design of office area that open to the private courtyard make the spaces become an inspiring spaces The different scales and replication of shapes of the spaces bring a dynamic and unique perception for the building Site Context & Circulation Bogor Creative Hub is a mixed-use community space located in a park that provide an open platform for collaboration classes performances exhibition and other activities The C-form of the building that facing the existing park connects all the open spaces in the building for open-air activities Each of the programs occupy different geometries under a single curvy roof and surrounded by open terrace that emphasize the space as a communal space Program Kilang Bateri is a mall set for the independent youth to kick start their enterpreneur dreams It is made into an overall event space that holds a total of 17 000 square ft which is able to fit around 1000 - 1500 people The venue was divided into three sections (event space, food and retail space and the youth sports space) Due to its market style layout, it is also suitable to be placed in Titiwangsa, Lakeside which is at our site Case Studies Architect: Lacime Architects Area: 1192 m2 Year: 2018 Waterfront Art Gallery - Nanchang, China Architect: Local Architecture Bureau Area: 1600 m2 Year: 2021 Architect: Akar Studio Area: 400 m2 Year: 2017 Little Giraffe Story House - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Architect: Johari Ropi Area: 1600 m2 Year: 2015 Kilang Bateri - Johor Bahru, Malaysia Nanchang, China Bogor, Indonesia FnBsector Sportsector Creativesector SurauReception Toilet Entrepreneursector Halls Halls Courtyard Office Entrance Entrance Entrance
Johor Bahru, Malaysia



Art installations

Program Guidelines & Circulation Water sport Outdoor learning Art programmes


Reception: 40 (4%) Office: 25 (2.5%) Meeting Room 10 (1%)

Kiosk: 70 (7%) Cafe/ Restaurant: 60 (6%)


oilet: 40 (4%) ervices: 30 (3%) ading Bay: 25 (2 5%) urau: 20 (2%)

Gallery Design Guildelines
Proposed Programs These are all the proposed programs that can be conducted in the site which is Titiwangsa, Lake Park, Kuala Lumpur 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fitness exercises Community events

In line with Universal Design and Accessibility in the Built Environment – Code of Practice (Second Revision), Jabatan Standard Malaysia, 2014 Disabled parking must be provided in a special compartment and distinguished from common squares by signs, symbols or colors It also should be provided near the door or entrance and out of the building Only right-angled layout types are allowed

should be provided on the left-right and front of the compartment for aisle

1 bus parking/250m² (optional) 250m ² 1 carpark/25m² 25m ² 25m ² 25m ² 25m ² 25m ² 25m ² 25m ² 25m ² 25m ² 25m ² 1830 (6) 450mm (1’5”) 2 mm(6’7”) 1000mm (3’3”) 12000mm(39’4”) 3000mm (9’10”) 4800mm(16’0”) 2400mm (8 0’’) Sub-base deforms causing subgrade to pump to surface Load Load Re iance upon grass cover for anchorage Safe loa No rel ance upon grass cover for structural ntegr ty 3 1/4 4 /2 7 6 Compact Standard Deluxe Truck block 6 4 7 10 1 83m Partially Concealed Grasscrete Concealed Grasscrete Stone Filled Grasscrete 0 7 m 0 4 5 m Bicycle parkings should be provided on flat or sloping ground and paved or cemented, roofed and boards provided a ‘BICYCLE ONLY’ sign in a conspicuous location It must be separated from the motor vehicle route to avoid danger to users and misuse of routes Lansdcape can be utilised to improve aesthetic and user comfort Shade trees serve as a buffer zone, lot divider, shade to pedestrians and cars, glare barriers and sound absorbers as well air pollution control Thus, green techniques aimed at absorbing water and heat as well as provide ventilation to the roots of the tree are encouraged Pre-cast system Types of grasscrete Grasscrete According to Guidelines For Car Parking and Internal Traffic Circulation 2014, the static requirements of parking for, Motorcycle : Bicycle : Car : Bus : arking Guidelines One-way Traffic Parking Parking Pavement 90° angled parking 90° angled parking 60° angled parking 60° angled parking 45° angled parking 45° angled parking 30° angled parking 30° angled parking Parallel parking Parallel parking 2 4 2 4m 24m 24m 24m 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 8m 4 8 4 8m 6 7 6 7 6 0 6 0m 6 0 60 60 45 45 30 4 2m 3 7 3 6 2 4m 1 2m 4 8m 4 8m 4 8 4 8 6 0 3 7 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4m 6 0m 7 3 Two-way Traffic Parking Disabled Parking Car Parking Speed breakers should be installed to
Bicycle Parking 1-25 x 26-50 x 1 x 2 x 1 Disabled Parking / 25 Carpark
chocks should be installed in each compartment to prevent the car from speeding forward/ backward
Fire Truck Parking Requirement Total site area : 5744 sqm Plinth (%): 43 14% PERIMETER PLANTING Space must be provided around the site for perimeter planting Minimum width of space To act as buffer zone for the perimeter plant ng shall be 2 meters Space for perimeter planting is not required in spaces of entry and exit Space for perimeter planting at the front boundary may be provided if the site has a front boundary of adequate width Planting SITE AREA OF PLINTH AREA ALLOWED UP TO 60% Area A / Area B x 100 = Plinth Area Percentage AREA A FRONT SETBACK S DE SETBACK REAR SETBACK SIDE SETBACK AREA B STREET PROPERTYLINE PROPERTYLINE Fire Truck Access Road Requirement Overhead Bridge Requirement Plinth (%): 40.44% Building Setback Bomba Requirements The Edge of Access Road POSSIBLE SPACE LAYOUT FOR EXHIBITION SPACES HEIGHT STANDARDS FOR ARTWORK The width of edge of the access way is depend on the building height and bomba ladder The edge must fix with bomba ladder in angle 60 to 80 degree, which is the safety angles and the building more height, the edge will be more large Allows visitors to get similar experiences and to let the curator/ exhibitor to apply their detailed approach to the visitors Visitors are open to choose varying paths of their choosing to view the exhibit Always display the artwork s center 57 inches/ 1450mm from the floor People shouldn t strain themselves to view the artwork By placing the center of the artwork at eye level, it ensures the art can be admired comfortably When hanging a collection of works of art, treat each piece as if it were a single piece The collection will appear more balanced if various works are centred around the 57-inch/ 1450mm focal point Multiple artworks should be spaced 3 to 6 inches or 80mm - 150mm apart Based on Manual Garis Panduan dan Piawaian Perancangan Negeri Selangor Used as an orientation device Visitors consu t the map in the center of the exhibit then follow the suggested path This layout can be used when certain pieces of artwork/items are hard to classify This layout can be used to highlight certain pieces of artwork that are specifical y dramatic while giving the viewer a sense of expectation Fire Truck Parking & Circulation Fire Hydrant Requirement Single Path Areas of Affinity "STAR" Exhibits Map Orientation Front setback : 20.1m Sides & back setback : 12 2m Multiple Paths Buildable area : 2478 sqm Total site area : 5725 sqm Buildable area : 2316 sqm Site A Site B Round- About The road requ rement for bomba is d fferent w th the car The road requ rement for car is minimum 4 5m and max mum 6m but for bomba is minimum 6m Car Access Road Requirement T-Turning Shunt Round- About Fire Truck Access Road Requirement (30 Tonnes & The Building Exceed 10M Height) Shunt T-Turning For the fire truck parking is more suggest place in front of the building because the fire truck parking should not exceed 18m to the access opening The radius of the shunt is 2X from the w dth The radius of Tturning s same w th the w dth The d ameter s 2X from the width


Fargesiawasnamedafteratypeofbamboo.Fargesia wasinspiredbynature.Itisanopenpavilionlocated inTamanTitiwangsa.Itallowsthevisitorstoexplore and learn more about the characteristics of nature It is placed on top of a water feature and the structure itself is made of bamboo that ties back in the my concept which is nature. The plants hanging from the ceiling of the pavilion is for the visitors to learn about the different characteristics of nature Forexample,thetouchandsmellofacertainplant

ExplodedAxonometric Floorplan Roofplan FrontElevation RearElevation LeftElevation RightElevation


Natureporium is a creative hub that is designed to have a connection with nature It is a place where people enjoy and appreciate the companion of the nature. It has a workshop that teaches the visitors on some knowledges about the nature. It also has an exhibition hall that shows the different characteristics of the nature

Design Concept

"Nature" is the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.

Site Responses

Views Acoustics Vehicular
Sun Path Wind Path
& bicycles Accessibility
from the
of the
to the back The
out to allow maximum
flow The
to view and appreciate the
from the
pleasing compared to
A Car
access the
front side
site is considered acoustically
parks, Drop-off point, loading bay
located around the building
and bicycles can
building in
different entrances Site Plan Scale 1:500

Building Facade Case Study

Building Envelope

The Hans Christian Andersen Museum or H C Andersens Odense, is a set of museums/buildings dedicated to the famous author Hans Christian Andersen in Odense, Denmark, some of which, at various times in history, have functioned as the main Odense-based museum on the author

The project is to create a new building for the H C Andersen Museum, the garden and cultural center in the heart of the city where Andersen was born The site is located in between the residential area with small traditional wooden houses from the middle age and the newly developed urban area in Odense

In order to create its own identity, the facade of the proposed creative hub located in Titiwangsa will be like something from the sketches below Since, the concept is about nature, it will have some vertical wooden louvers to support the load of the building and to compliment the concept Then, some plants will be placed in between the louvers So that the visitors can appreciate the different looks, texture, smell and impacts of the plants

Moreover, a green roof and some planter boxes will be added on top of the building The purpose of having a green roof is for the visitors to enjoy some privacy time and to plant some plants in the planter box provided Railings will also be provided around the green roof top to provide safety requirements for the visitors on top

The stories to be told here are not only in written form, but it is to be experienced and sensed through physical spaces in the museum and in the garden There are profound messages in HC Andersen’s writing that reflect the author's life and his life journey Andersen's work projects the duality of the opposite that surrounds us; real and imaginary, nature and manmade, human, and animal, light and dark The opposite of the matters coexists, they are not in black and white Our architectural design is to reflect this essence of his work in architectural and landscape form

Hence, the framework of the overall building is timber to compliment the surrounding The construction material are chosen carefully to ensure the respect of the environment The construction method are simple, no covering methods are needed To show the texture and colours of the raw materials Wooden structure frames are installed first, then the glass panels Finishing with the wooden frames finishes

H C Andersens Odense Exterior
Growing Substance Filt Sh t Dra nage Layer Protection Mat Root Ba e Waterproo ng Layer Roof Deck Vegetat on Green roof detail
H C Andersens Odense Exterior
hub facade ideation Ideation sketches Blowout detail 1 Blowout detail 2 Blowout detail 3
Building Construction Design Studio 4 Creative
C Andersens Odense Interior








Daytime Market


them We
This workshop
through the basics of growing indoor plants Learn about what plants to grow, where to place them and how to
will also touch on plant propagation Participants will pot up their own indoor plant to take home
to carefully arrange
Create a whole
world -
a glass jar! In this workshop participants will
all the layers in your terrarium, which plants to
how to position them, and most importantly, how to make it thrive Terrariums can be themed with figurines
twist on indoor
on how to make and care for their
Japan this ancient art
moss and twine transforming
You ll also learn how to creatively display them
workshop will guide participants
own Kokedama Originating from
involves binding a plant in
plants into mini works of art
greenery to the office and your work desk with indoor plants Participants will learn how to choose the right plant for various locations (office or home), how to care for it and troubleshoot issues
will repot an indoor
into a self-watering
pot to keep on
are great plants for beginner gardeners – they’re easy to care for and there are so many interesting forms textures and colours to choose from Kids will love them too
will plant up a small terracotta planter and learn how to care for their new plants
Get a little creative with planting with a succulent wreath Participants will make up a wreath with a mix of colourful and interesting succulents They will also learn about propagating (how to create more little succers from the ones they have!) and how to care for
Design Development
This program will be held in the middle of the building where the visitors will be gathering every morning It is a daytime market that sells vegetables, fruits, and others The visitors can also sell some of the vegetables that they've learned to grow in the workshop classes provided in the building Building programs study LEAF AN IMPRESSION, SYDNEY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Starting with a circular base form (Community Gathering System) As I want the visitors to gather around the middle of the building. Splitted into few blocks for different programs (Lobby, Cafe, Workshop, Exhibition Hall, Shop, etc ) Merged together for better circulation for the visitors Elongated the blocks to allow more programs ( Lounge, Office, Exhibition hall, etc ) Plugged-in pathways to allow accesses for visitors Plugged-in shading device for the convenience and comfort of the visitors ll be held in the middle of the the visitors will be gathering pm when the daytime market is selling plants, mini tree pots, ers
Lounge Mini Market Kiosk Store Cafe Workshop Classroom A place where the visitors get to buy and sell some fruits and vegetables that they had learned to grow from the workshop in the creative hub A place where the visitors get to buy and sell some flowers and plants that they had learned to grow from the workshop in the creative hub A place where the visitors get to rest and hangout while enjoying a cup of coffee A place where the visitors get to learn about the practical things about the flowers and plants A place where the visitors get to learn some of the theories about nature A quiet place where the visitors get to relax and have conversations in
Office Meeting Room Retail Shop A place where the visitors get to enjoy and appreciate the different characteristics of nature A place where the visitors get to enjoy and appreciate the different characteristics of nature A place where the visitors get to enjoy and appreciate the different characteristics of nature A place where the visitors get to have consultations with the staffs A place where the staffs get to have meetings A place where the visitors get to buy some tools Such as flower pots, gardening tools, etc x Y x Y First Floor Plan Section 1:250 Ground Floor Plan Section 1:250 Sectional Detail Programs 200mm thick planting soil & lining 35mm thick marine plywood planter box 50mm thick WBP plywood cavity closer 50mm thick IPE wood cladding 175mm x 70mm treated wood framing 40mm diameter drain holes every 12 inches 980mm Un-vegetated barrier 135mm thick Bauder extensive substrate 70mm DSE40 drainage layer 200mm Bauder waterproofing layer 60mm thick chevron upstand 650mm thick concrete roof deck 300mm thick timber column struct 15mm thick "T" metal bracket 230mm x 300mm wooden ground beam 7mm thick metal screw 300mm thick column as foundation 50mm thick sand base 200mm thick crusher run 50mm thick damp proof membrane 150mm thick concrete flooring
Exhibition Hall
Section 1:200 Section 1:200 Front Elevation Section 1:200 Left Elevation Section 1:200 Back Elevation Section 1:200 Right Elevation Section 1:200 Section Y-Y Section X-X Sectional Perspective GA Drawings

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