The Atkins Diet - Losing Weight with Atkins

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The Atkins Diet Losing Weight with Atkins

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The Atkins diet hit the diet scene in 1972 when Dr. Atkins published his book, "Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution". And the Atkins diet was really revolutionary. Most diets of the day focused on counting calories and maintaining a low fat diet. Calories were felt to be the enemy and the fewer you ate, the better off you were. Dr. Atkins paid less attention to calories in his diet and more to reducing the number of carbohydrates in the diet. To followers of his diet, the carbohydrates were the problem. The diet promoted the use of lots of protein and a moderate amount of fat with the idea that your metabolism will cause you to lose weight on this diet.

The Atkins diet was not taken very well by many nutritionists who were promoting diets low in fat and protein. This was about the time that the four food groups turned into the

food pyramid. Fruits, vegetables and grains were near the bottom and should be consumed the most. Unfortunately for the Atkins diet, these were things that were to be avoided on the diet. Near the top of the food pyramid are fats and meat proteins. We weren't supposed to eat many of these types of foods on a healthy diet and yet they were prominent in the Atkins diet. The Atkins diet included menu plans high in bacon, fried meat and even fried pork rinds. While there were some salad greens on the diet plan, you were allowed to add fatty dressing to the diet plan. The Atkins diet plan really promoted eggs, cheese, meats at every meal and, in some cases, protein bars or protein drinks. This was a time when cholesterol and triglycerides were being better understood and their role in heart disease was made clearer. Experts felt that the Atkins diet plan was too high in cholesterol and other fats, making one's risk for heart disease greater. Dr. Atkins continued to promote his diet plan, amid a great deal of controversy. The Atkins diet also included some Atkins products, like Atkins hot cereal, Atkins protein shakes and Atkins protein bars. Instead of having regular hot cereal, you would choose the Atkins variety of hot cereal. The company made money off of these specialized products and still does, but to a lesser degree. As long as carbohydrates were counted and Atkins products used, the diet was expected to help you lose weight. Losing weight with Atkins is easy but how does it work? Well, when you eat food your body digests and utilizes the nutrients, fats, protein and so on. Your body's primary source

of energy for everyday tasks is glucose (sugar). Sugars are hidden in food as carbohydrates and when eaten sugar is absorbed into your bloodstream. When this happens the pancreas secretes insulin. It is insulin that regulates blood sugar levels so they are not too high or low. If your body doesn't use up all the carbohydrates it takes in, any excess can be stored as fat for the future.

What the Atkins Diet does is to use a process called ketosis. This is what happens when your body begins to burn fat. As fat cells are burnt ketones are released. Ketones can be detected in urine and urine testing stick can be used to ensure ketosis occurring. By reducing your daily carbohydrate intake your body will quickly use up what few energy stores it has then look for an alternative source of energy - stored body fat.

The Four Phases Of Atkins Phase 1 - Induction The induction phase lasts for two weeks. During this two week period you limit your daily carbohydrate intake to just 20g. This kick starts ketosis and starts the switch to fat burning. Each phase has a specific food list of recommended foods, of which induction is the strictest.

Phase 2 - Ongoing Weight Loss After the first two weeks you continue to lose weight and will remain in ketosis. You now increase your daily carb intake by 5g each week. The aim of ongoing weight loss (OWL) is

to get closer to your target weight. OWL can last as long as it takes and until you are happy with where you are weightwise. The food list expands and you have more options. Phase 3 - Pre-Maintenance

Pre-Maintenance is the phase you progress to when you are about 10 pounds short of your goal. Up until now your daily carb intake has been gradually increased and eventually you will get to know how many carbs you can have daily before you start putting on weight again. Phase 4 - Maintenance

You have reached your goal, you know your carb limit for weight loss and gain. You can now carry on with life enjoying the great foods available and continue losing weight with Atkins Is it bad for you?

The Atkins Diet has suffered a lot of bad press in the past, mainly claiming that Atkins is bad for you. There are many myths to dispel. To be honest, whilst it is a fairly drastic change in diet which changes your metabolism, it isn't actually that bad. Many people who criticize the diet don't really understand how it works.

'You can only eat meat and cheese and that you eat fryups all the time.'' OK, you can have a fried breakfast every day if you want to and you can eat meat and cheese as much as you like. However, many of the foods that are acceptable whilst losing weight with Atkins are healthy. For example, chicken salad with avocado, tuna fish, omelette, strawberries, raspberries, nuts. They are all foods that healthy diets include so how come they are suddenly bad for you? 'Eating a lot of fatty food is bad for you.' Ordinarily it can be but the Atkins Diet uses fat differently. It helps you burn more of it, remember? So the increased fat intake actually helps the diet work. 'When you start eating normal carbohydrates again, the weight will return.' Correct but the Atkins Diet teaches you to recognize good and bad carbs. It teaches you how to reduce your carb intake in order to lose weight. It is a lifetime plan so of course, if you want to start eating cake again every day or bread and potatoes to excess that's up to you but your weight will creep up again. The idea of

Atkins is that it is a low-carb diet that doesn't include normal carbohydrate intake. There are many success stories out there and many people who have lost weight using This Diet and they have kept it off for years. I am currently on the Atkins Diet and find it successful, even though I don't follow it all the time. I usually turn to Atkins when the weight has crept back on under my radar and I suddenly feel the need to lose a few pounds.☻

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