series 0002 SS 2012
series 0002 SS 2012 items 0001. portemonnee bold S 0002. portemonnee bold M 0003. portemonnee bold L 0004. clutch 0005. circle bag 0006. keychain 0007. belt KURK 0008. belt PUF 0009. supershopper 0010. supershopper M 0011. shoulderbag short / long 0012. shoppingbag leather / puf 0013. square bag 0014. box bag
0001. portemonnee bold S Left and above, Suède Pink
0002. portemonnee bold M Left and above, Suède Dark Blue
0003. portemonnee bold L Left, Puf Grey Above, Puf Grey, Kurk
0004. clutch Left, Suède Grey Above, Puf Grey
0005. circle bag Left, Leather Red Above, Leather Red, Puf Grey
0006. keychain Left, Suède Blue Right, Kurk
0007. belt Kurk
0014. box bag Left, Leather Red (long strap) Above, Leather Blue (eyelets), Leather Red (long strap), Kurk (plain)
0013. square bag Left, Suède Grey Above, Suède Grey, Puf Green
0012. shoppingbag Puf Left and above, Puf Green / Pink
0011. Shoulderbag long / short Left, Leather Grey Above, Leather Blue, Leather Grey
0010. supershopper M Left, Leather Pink Above, Kurk, Leather Pink
0009. super shopper Left and above, Leather Red
0008. belt Puf Left, Belt Puf Green. Box bag (eyelets) Blue
series 0002 SS 2012 photography ~ Jan Bijl / model ~ Hanneke