The Last Pearl

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“No,not everythi ng, ” sai d the chi l d’ s good angel . “One fai ry has not yet brought her gi ft;but she wi l ldo so some day,even i fyears shoul d el apse. The l ast pearli s yet wanti ng. ” “Her pearlmust not be wanti ng! W here i s she to be f ound?” sai d the guardi an spi ri t,“Tel lme,and I wi l lprocure the pearl . ” “Then I wi l ll ead you to her, ” repl i ed the good angel . “She has no abi di ng place – sometimes she rules in the Emperor’s palace,sometimes in the peasant’ s humbl e cot;she bri ngs her gi ft to al l ! Let us go for the pearl– theonl yonel acki ng ami dstal lthi sweal th. ” Then hand-i n-hand theyf l oated away to the spot where the fai ry was now l i ngeri ng.

“EmmaChoos i ng”De tai l

Waki ngb yMoonl i ght 12x9i n. Oi lonLi ne n

“W hi ther art thou l eadi ng me?” asked the guardi an spi ri t.“Here dwel l s no fai ry whose pearlcoul d be counted amongstthe bestgi fts ofl i fe. ” “Yes,she i s here i n thi s sacred hour, ” repl i ed the angel ,poi nti ng to a corner of the room. And there sat a strange woman,cl ad i nl ong garments. It was the fai ry,and hername was“Sorrow”. A hottearrol l ed down i nto herl ap,and formed i tsel fi nto a pearlgl owi ng wi th al lthe col ors of the rai nbow. The angelsei zed i t,and the pearlshone l i ke a star of seven-fol d radi ance.

The Pearlof Sorrow,the l ast,whi ch must not be wanti ng,hei ghtens the l uster and expl ai ns the meani ng of al lother pearl s. “Do you see the shi mmerofthe rai nbow – ofthe bow thatuni tesheaven and earth?” A bri dge has been bui l tbetween thi s worl d and the heaven beyond. Through the night we gaze upwards to the stars,l ooking for perfection. Then we gl ance at the Pearlof Sorrow,i n whi ch are conceal ed the wi ngs that shal lcarry us to eternalhappi ness.


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