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Marketing Domestic campaign mid-season results
Domestic campaign
Interim results from Hort Innovation’s domestic table grape marketing campaign are in, with strong results on social media.
Burst 1 (November–January) and Burst 2 (January–March) activity of the Australian table grapes domestic marketing campaign are now complete, generating strong results so far.
In total so far the campaign has reached over 1.6 million people (reach is the total number of people who have seen the content) and has generated over six million impressions (an impression is the total number of time the content was displayed on a user’s screen). While in Western Australia, the bespoke campaign encouraging WA consumers to purchase more WA local grapes has generated over 1.2 million impressions. The top performing content both nationally and in WA has been the newly developed 6 second and 15 second videos, which showcase eating occasions and Australian grape recipes. So far the campaign has generated a strong engagement rate of 5.35%, compared to the industry average of 1% (an engagement rate measures the level of interaction [e.g. likes, comments, saves, shares of posts] that is generated by the content). There has been strong positive community sentiment in the form of engagement on social posts, with grape lovers commenting how much they enjoy grapes and the serving suggestions/recipes in the content. Burst 3 activity (amplifying content across social media) has been extended to support later season varieties and promote grapes until the end of the season. Activity will continue until May, after which final results and campaign evaluation will be shared with the industry. Despite strong results on social media, consumer insights from Hort Innovation’s Harvest to Home project reported table grape domestic sales up to 21 March 2021 were in decline (-8.3 per cent) by dollar value, but slightly on the rise by volume (+3.3 per cent). Average weight purchased by kilograms rose from 8.2kg to 8.5kg. v
Geoff Kew
Qualified for soil survey and land evaluation
- 30 years’ experience throughout Australia - Soil amelioration, crop suitability, rootzone depths - Readily available water (RAW) for irrigation
Contact: geoff@soilprofile.com.au | m 0409 690 46

Top: Target Western Australian marketing content on the Australian Grapes Facebook page. Below: A still image from a short reel-like video on Facebook, promoting the benefits of eating grapes.