Forum to bring industry together Dried Fruits Australia will bring growers, processors and industry stakeholders together at this year’s Grower Forum in Nichols Point. The DFA Annual Grower Forum was scheduled to be held last year, however Covid-19 restrictions meant it was not possible to host the event. DFA CEO Anne Mansell said the forum would be an opportunity for growers to connect at the end of harvest and hear the latest from experts both within and outside of the industry. “It’ll be a chance for growers and industry people to get together, winddown after another big year, while this year also hearing from a range of speakers,” she said.
Speakers will explore topics including chemical application, industry projects, markets, water, technology and sustainability, while representatives from the industry’s processors will take a look at the season, provide a market update and share news from the industry. The forum, this year sponsored by Hort Innovation, will be hosted at Willow & Ivie, Nichols Point, on 28 April. DFA will provide nibbles and drinks at the conclusion of the forum, where there will be a chance to talk with the guest speakers. v
DFA Annual Grower Forum guest speakers:
Kevin Bodnaruk Kevin Bodnaruk currently works in the area of pesticide regulation and risk assessment. He has more than 35 years’ experience in the areas of pesticide development, use and regulation, having worked in both government and private enterprise. Kevin currently works as a consultant providing technical and regulatory input/support to Australian agricultural industries, government agencies, research and development corporations, such as Hort Innovation and the Grains Research and Development Corporation, and internationally with the Food and Agriculture Organization. Kevin is an expert on maximum residue limits (MRLs), and will discuss the impacts for spray programs in markets, particularly Europe.