Vine magazine February 2022

Page 32


Fruit fly prevention N F F C TO C ON T I NU E I TS F I G H T AG A I N ST P EST

The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) has secured funding from Hort Innovation for phase 4 of the project that will strategically coordinate fruit fly management in Australia over the next five years (2021–26). Fruit fly is one of the biggest trade barriers for horticulture products and many species of fruit fly pose a threat to Australia's horticultural industries, both endemic and exotic. In 2016 the cost of fruit fly in Australia was estimated to be $300 million due to control measures and international

to fruit fly challenges that will lead

“Phase 4 will continue to build on a

trade restrictions.

to a cost-effective and sustainable

considerable body of work in recent

approach to managing fruit flies, and

years, which has increased national

exotic fruit fly risks, across Australia.

engagement and identified priorities

The project is a joint initiative between Plant Health Australia (PHA) and Hort

to strengthen the national fruit fly

Innovation, with co-investment from

“Horticulture’s contribution to

State governments and horticultural

Australia’s Ag2030 goal of $100 billion

industries. The Council will continue

in production by 2030 relies on pest

to work with growers and fruit fly

management systems to support

Major achievements of Phase 3

management community groups across

increased productivity, market access

(2018-2021) of the project include

all states and territories to control the

and diversification, and our reputation

the production and launch of the

pest on a national scale.

for high quality and sustainable

National Fruit Fly Strategy 2020-2025

produce,” said Dr Mila Bristow, National

and annual implementation plans,

Manager Performance and Innovation

and delivery of the 2021 National

at Plant Health Australia.

Fruit Fly Symposium which brought

As a strategic advisory body, the NFFC brings fruit fly-affected stakeholders and subject matter experts together to formulate strategies and

The new project will provide a national

recommendations to strengthen the

strategic direction to manage fruit

national fruit fly system.

fly in Australia, including managing

“There is real value in having industry and government stakeholders in one room to address fruit fly issues at a national level,” said Byron De Kock, Head of Research and Development at Hort Innovation said.

the risk of exotic species to support a robust national system for trade

system and Australia’s trade position,” said Stuart Burgess, NFFC Manager.

together fruit fly stakeholders across Australia. The key strength of the council during Phase 3 was in providing a neutral platform for stakeholders to collectively examine fruit fly issues.

and production. It will prioritise

Phase 4 is unique given horticultural

research and development activities

industries’ financial contribution,

to meet fruit fly management needs.

along with past funding partners (Hort

The project will also facilitate

Innovation and State governments). v

communication and cooperation

The NFFC consists of federal

between governments, industries,

Karin Steenkamp

and state governments, industry

researchers, and communities to

Plant Health Australia

representatives, and research funders

progress strategically important

who collectively consider solutions

national fruit fly issues.


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Articles inside

Technology All hands on tech

page 37

Profile Lachlan Mannes

page 38

Processing & marketing APDF

page 34

Biosecurity Pest profile: Bois noir

page 33

Biosecurity Continued prevention of fruit fly

page 32

Biosecurity iMapPESTS

pages 30-31

Projects Yielding success

page 29

News Jenny's decades of dedication

pages 24-25

News From the board

pages 22-23

Tribute Peter MacIntosh

page 28

News A problem shared

pages 26-27

News Forum to bring industry together

pages 20-21

Prune news Big changes paying off

pages 18-19

Dried grape news Adding up the tonnes

page 15

DFA chair, CEO & industry development updates

pages 10-11

News Limiting risk

pages 8-9

Cover story New plantings to boost industry

pages 4-6

Dried grape news Pruner prototype

page 14

ATGA CEO & industry development updates

pages 12-13

News Major change to workers pay

page 7

Table grape news Trading places

pages 16-17
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