The sweet and the sour 2021/ 22 M ATU R I TY I N S I G H TS
Season delays due to weather events, low Brix levels and slower colouring presented challenges in consumer acceptance of domestic table grapes this season.
year the low levels of sunlight due
Project leader Tristan Kitchener, of
to overcast weather dramatically
Kitchener Partners, said consumer
stalled the increase in Brix across all
acceptability had taken a hit so far
varieties” Andreas said.
this season, with results showing a
As the table grape maturity project
Andreas said it was important for
decline in repeat purchase.
growers to be proactive, and continue
“Most telling, regarding the impact
testing just prior to harvest to ensure
on consumers, was that in 2020/21,
they weren’t harvesting fruit which
eighty-five per cent of consumers
continues, we take a look at some pre-
hadn’t met the Brix requirements –
repurchased grapes if they had a
season and interim insights.
even if the minimum average Brix may
poor experience in December, but in
Continued testing important
have already been met.
2021/22, only 50 per cent did,” Tristan
“While the minimum average Brix
may be reached by a certain date,
“This would have a significant
achieving 80 per cent grapes above
compounding negative impact on
the minimum Brix means waiting
sales, and likely encourage consumers
It’s no secret that growers must remain adaptive and responsive to hurdles in their way, and meeting maturity standards is no exception, according to maturity project technical lead Dr Andreas Klieber, of Quality Associates. In the lead-up to picking in Emerald, Queensland, Brix levels were increasing steadily before weather events “virtually stopped further
beyond reaching the minimum average Brix,” Andreas said.
to switch their fruit purchase to competitor products such as berries,
Testing in the Mildura region in
mangoes and stone fruit.”
early January showed the variation
This season has been characterised
in readiness for harvest not just between varieties, but also between areas in the same region.
by low Brix levels, with only 68 per cent of white grapes, and 77 per cent of both red and black grapes meeting
How did the results stack up?
consumer expectations in 2021/22.
“When monitoring Brix increases
Interim performance results from the
Andreas said that comparative
close to harvest, allowances need
table grape maturity project provided
analysis of retailer testing in mid- and
to be made for weather events. This
some interesting consumer insights.
late March showed varying results.