Vine magazine May 2022

Page 16


New agreement for licensed varieties Significant changes to production fees for some licensed dried grape varieties came into effect from this year’s harvest.

Sunbeam foods and Australian

cost to the licenced propagator and a

Premium Dried Fruits.

Registered Grower Agreement signed,

The changes fall under a new five-year agreement for the licensed varieties of Sunglo, Black Gem and Bruce’s Sport FSAC. Dried Fruits Australia CEO Anne Mansell said the Unique Dried Grape Varieties Committee and DFA board had been working with CSIRO over the past year to negotiate a new agreement. For Sunglo and Black Gem, the annual production fee has changed from a $200 per hectare charge to a $20 per tonne charge, which brings it in line with other levy charges. The fee will

“The good news is that the production royalty will only be charged to growers


with these varieties for 10 years,

“DFA looks forward to working with

starting from when the variety comes

new and existing licensed growers,

into production at year three,”

propagators and receivers as well as

Anne said.

CSIRO in making these changes as

“For existing growers, this will be

seamless as possible.

managed with the information DFA

“We also encourage growers who

has on file via signed Registered

are replanting or putting in new

Grower Agreements, and licenced

plantings to seriously consider these

growers and receivers will be notified

commercialised varieties as they’ve

when the 10-year timeframe is

been developed to suit our regional

complete. It will also be a feature

growing conditions.”

of all new Registered Grower

Please contact the DFA office if you


have any questions. Fact sheets on

Propagation fees haven’t changed and

each of the licensed varieties are also

will remain at $1.30 per vine for all varieties.

be collected at the delivery point by

“For any new plantings, this fee will

the licensed receivers – processors

need to be paid as part of an overall


as has always been the case,” Anne

available from the office and DFA website.v

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