Vine magazine May 2022

Page 18


APIA awarded funds for tech uptake The Australian prune

scanning technology and its suitability

fruit size will increase, but you run the

industry has been successful

in prune crops.

risk of having too few fruit and thus

with a grant application

“The problem is that the Australian

to promote adoption of

prune industry produces a large

technology and increase grower profitability via a new grant application to AgriFutures Australia. Early in 2021, AgriFutures Australia launched a pilot Producer Technology Uptake Program to support eligible producer groups to increase adoption of technology solutions on-farm.

amount of small fruit that doesn’t meet the premium price market channel,” Michael said. “In recent years we have seen the market move towards pitted products. Unfortunately, small fruit is not suitable for pitting and it is increasingly difficult to find a buyer for this fruit, so the prices are low and often not sustainable for growers.

decreasing overall yield. Conversely, if you leave too much fruit on the tree, each fruit receives a smaller share of the finite nutrient supply resulting in small fruit.” APIA was unsuccessful with its grant application to the 2021 AgriFutures Australia pilot program but succeeded with a revised application under round three of the Producer Technology Uptake Program. The revised project aims to help address the problem of crop load

The pilot was a success and the rural

“The solution is to balance crop load

and thinning by demonstrating fruit

research facilitator has recently

to boost both the number of fruit and

scanning technology as a means of

invited applications for round three of

the size of fruit harvested so a greater

accurately determining the crop load

the program.

proportion meets premium price

and mechanical thinning requirements.

Australian Prune Industry Association deputy chair Michael Zalunardo said

grades and maximum profitability is realised.

Michael said there were many reasons why growers had been slow to adopt

APIA had successfully applied for

"However, this can be tricky. If you thin

on-farm technology to address the

a round-three grant to look at fruit

too much fruit from trees, individual

fruit size problem.


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