Events are back In vineyards, boardrooms, fields and function spaces, Australia’s horticulture community is coming together again in 2022 to help shape and grow our industry. Face-to-face events are back on the agenda after almost two years of predominantly virtual workshops and meetings. And while digital platforms have allowed us to safely continue to learn and exchange ideas, they can’t replace the in-person experience. In Sunraysia this month, Mildura Field Days is going ahead at Mildura Racecourse. The event on 20 and 21 May will share the best of horticulture
Sunmuscat and Sunglo. This year, the
In July, the ATGA will host its tech
industry’s best producing dried grape
hub, which was originally scheduled
businesses will also be recognised
for 2021. The event will include
with the inaugural DFA Top Crop
presentations on traceability and
Awards. There will be an overall
feature the latest in agtech.
winner – the business that produced the highest value crop per hectare – as well as individual awards for all major varieties – Sunglo, Sunmuscat, currants, Selma Pete, Sugra 39 and sultanas.
Another two events that were initially planned for 2021 also recently went ahead in Mildura. DFA’s 2022 Grower Forum in April welcomed expert speakers to the region and explored topics including irrigation technology,
Next month, members from across the
the impact of chemical residues,
industry will converge in Brisbane for
South Africa’s dried grape industry,
Hort Connections 2022 – Australia’s
sustainable farming, water, and
largest horticulture conference and
local projects. Growers also had the
trade show. The event, on from 6 to 8
opportunity to get hands-on with the
June, will focus on how and where the
latest horticultural innovations at the
hort world can connect and grow the
Mallee Regional Innovation Centre’s
industry post pandemic.
Growing Smarter in the Mallee agtech summit from 5 to 6 May.
with the wider community. Dried
DFA and the Australian Table Grape
Fruits Australia will take to the
Association will continue to host field
The August 2022 Vine will bring you
main stage to announce the winners
days and workshops, offering growers
all the details and photos from many
of its annual Dried Fruit Quality
and other industry members a chance
Awards, presenting awards for the
to connect and get a first-hand look at
best sultanas, currants, raisins,
industry projects and innovations.
of these events. v