Initiatives set to drive brand awareness Promotion of Australia’s table grape industry has continued this season, with several initiatives aimed at elevating the awareness of Australian grapes.
“They hear about our export history,
closely with Hort Innovation, Austrade
varieties available for export, the
and the Victorian Government to
timing of their availability, and an
promote retail programs with various
overview of our exporters."
retail partners in each of those
On an international front, the
Jeff said it was vital to enhance key
relationships between exporters and
In May, the ATGA will participate in
importers, which had potentially been
a capability study with Austrade.
impacted over the past two years
Austrade selected table grapes for
Australian Table Grape Association
due to Covid.
this promotional content, determining
(ATGA) has presented at a number of
“The ATGA can support to help rebuild
virtual trade seminars in countries
the relationships and networking
such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines
between exporters and importers,”
and Indonesia.
Jeff said.
Trade seminars are an important part
“We’ll also be focusing on offering
of industry promotion to international
in-bound and out-bound trade
missions for the next harvest season,
“Major importers, retailers, distributors and media in each of
an offer that was well received by all countries.”
those countries received a brief
The ATGA also participated in several
overview of the Australian table grape
other promotional launches to China,
industry,” ATGA CEO Jeff Scott said.
Japan, Korea and Thailand, working
the industry would benefit from up-to-date messaging, imagery and branding. Collateral will include the development of digital and printready industry capability reports and posters which can be utilised by industry organisations, export companies, Austrade and other government stakeholders. v