Vine magazine May 2022

Page 37


All hands on tech I N N OVATI O N I N AG R I C U LTU R E

Whether you subscribe to the latest podcasts, invest in all the gadgets available, or follow precision farming tech trends, or you like to keep things simple, chances are anything that helps reduce the pressure on growers to have a hand on every vine is welcome. This edition, we feature a podcast, website and app that look at some of the ways technology is advancing agriculture and solving challenges facing the sector.


Capture ideas when inspiration strikes. Bring your notes, to-dos, and schedule together to tame life’s distractions and accomplish more – at work, at home, and everywhere in between. Tell me more Write, collect, and capture ideas as searchable notes, notebooks, and to-do lists. Clip interesting articles and web pages to read or use later, add different types of content to your notes, including text, docs, PDFs, sketches, photos, audio, web clipping and more. Use your camera to scan and organise paper documents, business cards, whiteboards and handwritten notes! Get organised by setting due dates and reminders, bring your schedule and notes together, see your most relevant information instantly on the Home dashboard. How does it benefit growers? Turn chaos into calm. Keep yourself and your team up to date by capturing meeting notes and sharing notebooks. Bring people, projects, and ideas together with shared spaces. Cost and availability Free or paid versions available on Apple and Android devices.


It’s certainly true that none of us are perfect. Hosted by The Resilience Project founder Hugh van Cuylenburg, his brother Josh and Australian comedian Ryan Shelton, The Imperfects looks to illuminate the struggles and imperfections we all share to not bury our battles but feel open with them. Tell me more Constantly comparing ourselves to others can not only be exhausting, but extremely harmful. However, when we share our struggles, we start to realise that everyone, no matter how successful, has something they are battling with. How does it benefit growers? If you’re looking for a mental health podcast with genuine depth, as well as comradery and lots of laughs – this is the one for you. Cost and availability Free & available where you get your podcasts.


The Drought Resilience SelfAssessment Tool (DR.SAT) is a free tool that enables farmers to assess their resilience against climate change, including drought and other climate risks. Tell me more Resilience assessments include financial, personal and social, and environmental indicators. Based on farmers’ individual assessments, the tool provides tailored options and resources to support farmers to build resilience. How does it benefit growers? DR.SAT helps growers proactively build capacity to withstand environmental, financial, social and personal challenges and sets them on a path to thrive. The assessment is based on farmer-supplied information. Farmers have complete control over their information to maintain their privacy. The tool also contains: regularly updated satellite imagery, remote-sensed data, climate projections that inform resilience assessments and supports decision making on physical climate change risks. Cost & availability DR.SAT is a free website.


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