Vine magazine August 2022

Page 18


Prune promotions gear up Australian Prune Industry

the Good Food & Wine Shows (GFWS)

and that the exhibitors seemed to be

Association promotions

after a two-year absence,” he said.

having a good show”.

ramped up during the month

Cassandra Cadorin from Candid

More than 21,700 people attended

of June to focus on a range of

Marketing co-ordinated the

the Melbourne event over the three

promotion, which began with social

days, while in Sydney there were

activities, including the Good Food & Wine Shows (GFWS) in Melbourne and Sydney, The Cook Up with Adam Liaw on SBS Food, and continuing social media.

media invites to visit the Ausprunes stand at the GFWS in Melbourne and

almost 25,900 visitors.

Sydney, and a competition to win

The Ausprunes stand was located in a

free tickets to the event by tagging a

prime position, close to the entrance,

friend and registering.

which helped increase visibility and

This was a new initiative from APIA,

attract visitors.

which Cassandra said had more than

Growers Frank and Lucy DeRossi and

APIA promotional spokesperson

104 responses for the Melbourne

Peter Raccanello volunteered at the

Peter Raccanello said Covid-19

show and 325 for the Sydney show.

Melbourne show, while APIA chairman

lockdowns and dining restrictions

GFWS were cancelled at the last

Tony Toscan and granddaughter Laura

presented the ideal opportunity to experiment in the kitchen.

minute in 2021 due to Covid-19

were at the Sydney show with growers

restrictions, and the passionate

Jordan and Amanda Adams and

“The result has been a real thirst for

foodies returned in 2022.

Jordan’s parents, Robert and Michelle.

recipe ideas and new ingredients,

Organisers for the event reported

Tony said that it was a real benefit

particularly those that are Australian

that the Sydney show “felt organised

having growers at the event as visitors

grown, so it was great to get prunes

and busy, but not overcrowded in the

to the show loved to engage with

out in front of consumers again at

aisles like it could be sometimes,

those at the stand.


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