Vine magazine August 2022

Page 22


Bright future ahead The dried grape industry has a bright future, according to retiring CEO Anne Mansell, who has reflected on her time in the position and shared her hopes for the future of the industry.

me, and worked on various friends’

Anne said DFA’s field officer Stuart

properties picking and doing racks,

Putland had the technical dried grape

driving tractors and the like.”

growing knowledge, which meant she

In looking back at her five-and-a-

could focus on being “strategic in

half years with DFA, Anne hoped her

where we wanted to take the industry”.

legacy would be her work fostering

“At the time I started in the role, it was

collaboration across the industry.

really about making sure we expanded

“I think the key for any industry to

the export market and getting the

Anne joined Dried Fruits Australia in

move ahead and move forward has

price parameters right,” she said.

February 2017, bringing with her a

always been to work together,” she

“It was about trying to get that price

wealth of experience in policy, politics


kicked up so growers would stay in

and regional development – as well

“Between us all here – our team here

the industry. To do that, the focus was

as an upbringing surrounded by fruit blocks.

at DFA – that’s what we’ve really tried

on increasing exports, because that’s

to foster by working with our growers

where the high price was at that point

“I was brought up next door to a dried

and our processors collaboratively to

in time.”

grape and citrus packing shed,” Anne

hopefully bring a more positive future to the industry.

Anne worked closely with processors

said. “My mum’s family and my dad’s

“It’s about lifting everyone so the

for Australian dried grapes. Germany

family had both been in dried grape

whole industry can be performing at

and Italy had been “classic markets”,

production, but my parents weren't.

a high level and therefore benefit the

but Anne was keen to see what

But I grew up – like everyone else

local economy, regional economy, and

opportunities existed for the industry

around here – with it surrounding

the greater Australian economy.”

in Asia.

and growers to find the best markets

"I think there's a strong positive future for our industry. We might be small, but at the end of the day we're kicking some great goals."

Thomas Cheung and Anne Mansell


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