Industry’s best fruit on show A high standard of fruit was submitted to this year’s Dried Fruit Quality Awards, during one of the most challenging seasons faced by the industry.
“2022 will go down as one of the hardest seasons, but due to growers changing to rain tolerant varieties – which now make up more than 50 per cent of dried grapes produced – the industry will come through,” Mark said. “Many growers are also following
The winners of Dried Fruits Australia’s
DFA’s updated best practice guides,
annual awards were announced at
which assist with decision making
Mildura Field Days on in May, with
throughout the key phases of dried
awards presented for the best
grape production.”
sultanas, raisins, currants, Sunmuscat and Sunglo, as well as an overall winner. Merbein growers Janice and Simon Chivers took home the top award for the season’s best dried grapes for their sultanas. Terry Hunyadi from Birdwoodton won best currants, Angie Panagiotaris from Mildura won best raisins, Sam Costantino from Mildura South won best Sunmuscat, and Stephen and Jinky Nicholls from Coomealla won best Sunglo. DFA chair Mark King said the winners all produced high quality fruit despite the difficulties faced by growers over the season.
Dried grape grower and DFA board member Stephen Bennett, who judged this year’s entries, said the newer sultana-type varieties Sunglo and Sunmuscat held up well this season, while Carina currants were also of a very high quality. “Overall, the standard of this year’s entries was excellent considering the adverse weather conditions the industry experienced this year,” Stephen said. “It demonstrates how far the industry has come in developing production systems that can turn out quality product even in difficult seasons.” v
2022 Dried Fruit Quality Awards winners Best dried grapes of the season, Best sultanas Janice and Simon Chivers, Merbein (Sunbeam Foods) Best currants Terry Hunyadi, Birdwoodton (Australian Premium Dried Fruits) Best raisins Angie Panagiotaris, Mildura (Sunbeam Foods) Best Sunmuscat Sam Costantino, Mildura South (Sunbeam Foods) Best Sunglo Stephen and Jinky Nicholls, Coomealla (Sunbeam Foods)