Levy to protect dried grape industry Dried Fruits Australia continues to work with Plant Health Australia on several plant disease and pest threats which impact dried grapes, along with other horticultural industry sectors.
Australia’s dried grape industry, while
Additionally, because we are in an
estimated to be worth $40 million
inland temperate zone and an array
in farm gate value, is only a small
of horticultural produce is grown and
horticultural sector.
marketed from the region, there is
A pest or disease outbreak would have serious implications for
an increased risk of incursions from pests and diseases.
Australian dried grape production
For these reasons, the statutory levy
and every producer would be severely
of $1/tonne will be used specifically
for biosecurity purposes under the auspice of Plant Health Australia
DFA is immediately notified of any
Emergency pest responses involve
potential incursion as a signatory to
state and federal governments as well
the Emergency Plant Pest Response
as all the horticultural/agricultural
Deed (EPPRD).
industries that could be impacted by
To date, the levy has raised $11,000.
the pest or disease issue.
A protocol is in place with Plant
From the beginning of 2021, the new Dried Grape Biosecurity Levy of $1/
Costs involved in eradication are then
tonne came into effect.
shared between governments and
This statutory levy was voted on
industry bodies.
and is collected by the Federal Department of Agriculture.
Health Australia so that this funding can be used for expenditure incurred by the dried grape industry in relation to emergency plant pest response
by growers in 2019 and assists in
Unfortunately, the threat of
contributing to timely and effective
emergency pest and disease
responses in emergency plant pest
outbreaks grows exponentially
If there are any questions on the levy,
each year.
It can also be used for education and
This is evidenced by incursions at
training on biosecurity measures for
Australian ports and across growing
all involved in dried grape production.
please contact the DFA office on (03) 5023 5174. v Below: A late instar of a brown marmorated stick bug with characteristic white bands on the antennae, legs and the outer edge of the abdomen. Image courtesy