Vine magazine August 2022

Page 32


Early action the key to a positive fruit fly season Implementing Queensland fruit fly control strategies early will give growers the best chance at managing the pest during what is expected to be another challenging season, according to Fruit Fly Murray Valley (FFMV).

sides of the river – were at their

“Growers in our region have been

highest for that time of year since the

facing this issue for a number of years

outbreak started in 2011.”

now, and they know what needs to

Bureau of Meteorology modelling

high populations in the Qfly spring

you need and begin monitoring early.

is currently predicting a 50 per cent

peak, which generally occurs in the

chance of La Niña forming later in

“Be sure to check your traps are within

region in August and September each

2022 – approximately double the

their use-by date – otherwise they will

year,” she said.

need recharging or replacing – and are

“Flies captured during the spring peak

deployed properly. Also make sure

are mostly those that emerged as

your baits and pesticides are within

adults in late autumn and survived

their use-by date and are approved to

winter in warm refuges.

be used.

“The spring peak is very important as

“There isn’t a one-size-fits-all

the region,” FFMV regional coordinator

it is the precursor to the rest of the

approach with Qfly control, so speak

Narelle Beattie said.


to an agronomist for specialist advice

“Weather conditions during an

Narelle said now was the time to focus

unusually prolonged autumn this

on area-wide management strategies

year favoured the expansion of Qfly

to hit fruit fly hard at the start of the

Information and resources to help

populations. Fruit fly numbers in our

season, reduce numbers and set the

growers control fruit fly is also

region – on the Victorian and NSW

region up for a positive year.

available at v

normal likelihood. “We have experienced back-to-back La Niña events in 2020-21 and 2021-22 and have seen the impact of the warm humid weather on the populations of Queensland fruit fly in


Narelle said conditions forecast for the next three months were conducive

be done to manage fruit fly on their properties,” she said.

to another bad fruit fly season unless

“Control strategies need to be applied

early control actions are taken.

early and continuously after fruit set,

“Strong fruit fly populations heading

so it’s important to be organised. Have

into the colder months can lead to

a plan in place, purchase any supplies

and help designing a unique control plan for your property.”

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