Going green S U STA I N AB I L I TY I N AC TI O N
Sustainability has become a key focus of the fresh produce supply chain. Consumers want it, and the planet demands it.
eco-friendly and sustainable
Recently innovation has taken table
of Australians have become more
completely remove plastic.
grape supply chain partners to great
mindful of their environmental impact
places in the quest for sustainable
Many table grape producers are
since the start of Covid-19, and 44
leading the charge, including Costa
and eco-friendly practices, due to
per cent of consumers consider a
mounting pressure on fresh produce
brand’s green efforts to be “very” or
suppliers to take up the fight against
“extremely” important when making a
plastic pollution and reduce their
purchasing decision.
carbon footprint.
Sustainable packaging
The pursuit of going green might
practices, but overall are environmentally and socially
“According to research the consumer will always choose board over plastic,” Michael said. “We are now seeing a
move towards board-based trays
According to the New Daily, a recent
with plastic flow wrap, the next step
Finder report showed more than half
is using linerless label technology to
Costa entered the sustainable packaging space for grapes last season, with the launch of its 100 per cent recyclable punnet.
The 2025 National Packaging
“The base is cardboard, the lid is PET,
Targets apply to all packaging that
that has been made from 100 per cent
is made, used and sold in Australia.
recycled materials,” said Campbell
Industry targets requiring attention
Banfield, Costa’s divisional manager,
include the increase in the amount of
grape marketing.
Here, we explore some of the current
recycled plastic used, and an increase
and future initiatives and trends in
in the amount of plastic recycled.
“As there is no label (glue), the whole
These targets, combined with
The rise of the conscious consumer
shifting consumer sentiments, mean
not be a simple process, however, as preserving the environment, along with grape quality and production practices, is a delicate balance.
Consumers have generated a movement in consciousness, particularly over the past few years. Research shows Australian consumers are increasingly using their collective
businesses must demonstrate change. Michael Dossor is the group general manager of Result Group, which
punnet is 100 per cent kerbside recyclable. All components of the punnet are also produced in Australia.” Campbell said the concept for their sustainable packaging had been in the pipeline for “well over a year, from
specialises in streamlining packaging,
initial conception to production and
product identification and distribution
“As the packaging is entirely bespoke,
power to hold businesses to account
Michael echoed the sentiments from a
all elements had to be created from
to ensure they’re not only using
packaging perspective.
scratch,” he said. “Additionally, as